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Crazy Taxi

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  1. Expert mode- Go to the character select screen and press and hold L + R + Start. You should see the phrase EXPERT in the lower left corner if done correctly. During play no arrow or stop markings will appear.
  2. Get push bike- If you finish all 16 Crazy Box levels you will unlock the Push Bike which can be used on the arcade, original or crazy box modes. To use it pick a character on the character select screen and Hold L + R and press Up or Down.
  3. Easie Taxi bike (arcade mode only)- Go to character select screen. Highlight the person you want to use. Press L+R,L+R,L+R, and hold L+R while pressing up.
  4. Another day- When chosing your character hold R and press A. You will see that the words another day will appear at the bottom of the screen. This will give you a different level where the people are in tottaly different places.
  5. Turn off arrows- Hold Start + R before the character select screen appears. You will see the phrase
  6. Turn off Destination Indicator- Hold Start + Lbefore the character select screen appears. You will see the phrase
  7. Extra boost and accelaration- When you first pick up a customer shift into reverse and then press b and gas @ the same time and you will get an extra boost! (note: this is NOT a code but i think it would really help someone out; i know it helps me)
  8. Huge fair- Play a 10 minuite game on arcade mode. Go all the way to the parking garage. You will see a little ramp that goes to the second floor of the garage. Go foward, and hug the left wall until you get close to the edge and stop. VERY SLOWLY go over the side of building. STILL GOING SLOWLY, go on the yellow roof and stop. You will see a girl with a green dollar sign above her head. Pick her up. You will notice her fare starts at $975.00. She will have to go to the police station, meaning you have to travel the long freeway. You have 95 seconds to do it, and you should arrive just before the time runs out. If you do some crazy moves you can increase your fare up to $1200.00!
  9. Speedomiter & Change view- Plug a controller in port 3. Start a Arcade or Original game and Press Start button on port three controller, Press B to toggle view and Press A to change back. You can get an alternate view when Y button is pressed.
  10. Unlock crazy bowling- Go to CRAZY BOX. first you gotta beat CRAZY JUMP.Then, you gotta beat crazy flag.finally, you gotta beat CRAZY BALOONS. When you go back to CRAZY BOX there will be CRAZY BOWLING available to play.
  11. Limit cut- This is basically a better version of the Crazy Dash. To do this properly you will first have to be a master at the Crazy Dash and Crazy Drift. Do a Crazy Dash and then straight afterwards perform a Crazy Drift (But without turning!). This will not seem like it makes much difference but when playing the final Crazy Box, S-S, you will only be able to complete it using the Limit Cut.
  12. Extra boost- When u have just picked up a customer and they get in make sure your at a complete stop and when u want to go just press GO and
  13. Crazy drift special- When getting near a destination of a passenger exucute a crazy drift and while doing this press the brake and slam your taxi into a wall hopefully your taxi will tip over and the computer will count you being tipped over as a crazy drift and you will get loads! of dogh.
  14. Unlock crazy parking- Go to CRAZY BOX and beat Crazy Flag,Crazy Turn and Crazy Jam.You then get Crazy Parking.
  15. Get crazy attack- Beat all 15 challenges on crazy box and crazy attack will appear
  16. Secret people- When you go to the seaside market go into the sea and you will find about 5 people underwater who want a lift!!!(They have air masks on) Its party time!!