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Super 17
King Kold
Super Vegeta




This RPG is Copyrighted © 2000-2001. All Rights Reserved.

U p d a t e s

Super Vegeta

Well folks Episode 3 of the Saga is UP! so go check it out here. This one is kindda soft and melow.. BUT is the begining of a GREAT plot and story.. so go read it and post ur thoughts on the board..

Super Vegeta logs out....

Super Vegeta

Finally the hour has come...
Well as i told everyone before (via e-mail & on the board) today im erasing everyone how did not reply to me saying that they wanted to stay on the rpg... SO.. the lucky survivors are:
- Goku
- Super 17
- King Kold
- Krillin
- Goten
- Raditzz
- Turles
- Gohan
- Goku Jr.
- Piccolo
- Friza
- Super Vegeta
if you where cut out im sorry... but I gave everyone a two weeks chance to respond to my email. If you wish to return you can do it.. BUT you will start from 0 just like any new member. With that aside lets go to some other notes... as you may have already notice there's a *new* banner on the top of the page and the name of the RPG is S.V.K not TGS...(is not hard to figure out) thats part of the many new changes that are coming.. theres also a new layout on its way but is still not finnish... (i wanted to put the banner for the hell of it ^_^). And last but not least i have signed the RPG on so that means that you can now go and vote for us there and do us and YOU a favour... Well i guess thats it for now...

Super Vegeta logs out....

Super Vegeta

Hello my dear fighters... i just wanted to announce that from here on im gonna be part of the staff of this RPG... but im only gonna be doing "technical" stuff. I wont be doing updates (expect for maybe update the saga and i have some new trainings in mind) so that means that you DO NOT ask me for anything..thats Kolds and S.17's job, if you do ill just ignore you. Well as i said i have some new ideas in mind that i will put to work soon along side Kold and S.17, well I just putted up the *NEWEST* chapter of the saga, so go check it out on the Battle Section. Well thats it for now...

Your Prince signs off...

Super 17

Hi guys! Updates are done and you are all asking... who is the Dark Master? Well, the Dark Master is a new villan who thinks he can over take us, but we will never allow it!!! if you want to know more, don't miss the new episode of the new saga here on TGS!!!

That's all for now, seeya later!!!!!