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Davis Motomiya

Davis.jpg (12174 bytes) This is Davis, the New leader of the new Digidestined. And the goggles that he's wearing are Tai's old goggles that he gave him because during his first trip to the Digital World he tripped and broke his goggles.  And Tai said "A leader needs to look cool with goggles." Davis has a huge crash on Kari, Tai's little sister, but Kari actually likes T.K.

Davis's Digimon:

Stage Name Attacks
In-training DemiVeemon Bubble Blow
Rookie Veemon Vee Headbutt
Champion ExVeemon X-Laser
DigiEgg of Courage Flamedramon Fire Rocket
DigiEgg of Friendship Raidramon Blue Thunder
DigiEgg of Miracles Magnamon Magna Explosion




























































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