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Dragon Ball Z
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Club Regal,




The Tenkaichi Budoukai is a martial arts tournament. The strongest fighters (not always) enter and battle it out to find the strongestest and most skilled warrior. The winner is proclaimed the champion of the universe and wins prize money. The Tenkaichi Budoukai (TB) is held every 3 years in May.

THE RESULTS The 21nd Tenkaichi Budoukai: Champion: Jackie Chun (Master Roshi) Runner-up: Goku

The 22nd Tenkaichi Budoukai: Champion: Tien Runner-up: Goku

The 23rd Tenkaichi Budoukai: Champion: Goku Runner-up: Piccolo

The Cell Game:(not really a TB, but I’m putting it here anyway) Champion: Gohan

The 24th Tenkaichi Budoukai: Champion: Mr. Satan

The 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai: Adult Division Champion: Mr. Satan Adult Division Runner-up: Android 18 Children Division Champion: Trunks (Chibi) Children Division Runner-up: Goten

The 26th Tenkaichi Budoukai: Champion: Mr. Satan Runner-up: Mr. Buu (Fat Buu)

The 27th Tenkaichi Budoukai: Champion: Mr. Satan Runner-up: Mr. Buu (Fat Buu)

The 28th Tenkaichi Budoukai: Champion: Mr. Satan Runner-up: Mr. Buu (Fat Buu) (Pan enters, but doesn't make it)





































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