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-Sailor Moon
-Sailor Mars
-Sailor Venus
-Sailor Jupiter
-Sailor Mercury
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            Song Lyrics
- Opening
-Shes Got the power
-I Wanna be a Star
-Only a memory away
-Oh Starry night
-Rainy Day













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Sailor Moon Humor

Collected this Jokes online from other sites, with aproval of original owner!

  • you know you're obsessed with Sailormoon when-

  • you glue tennis bals to your head cuz u can't figure out how to tie odangoes.

  • you shave a crescent moon on your cats forehead and start dragging it around everywhere w/ u and talking to it, insisting that Fluffy is now your gaurdian Luna.

  • you run around in a short skirt tossing a frisbee at people screaming "Moon Tiara Action!"

  • you try to disguise urself using ur own Disguise pen and sneaking into a bar.

  • you start calling your boyfriend/crush Mamo-chan

  • cut out a pair of cardboard wings and try to fly. (OUCH!)

  • tell neone that pisses u off that u wil punish them in the name of the moon.

  • you know you're obsessed with Sailor Mercury when-

  • you try to dye your hair blue

  • insist you're a straight A student and frequently argue w/ ur teacher when u don't get one.

  • you carry around a compact and tell everyone it's ur minicomputer.

  • run around in a short skirt spraying people w/ a squirt gun and screaming "Shabon Spray!"

  • Sailor Mars when-

  • you try to become a shinto priestess, but give up b/c you can't find a shrine in your town.

  • R constantly fighting w/ ur best friend for no reason

  • Run around in a short skirt w/ a lighter shouting "Fire Soul" at the top of your lungs.

  • Keep making predictions for the future and going into trances.

  • U sit in front of the fire place and yell at neone that bothers u, telling them ur doing a fire reading.

    Sailor Jupiter-

  • U try to beat up the strongest bully in school (ooo.. painful)

  • Start wearing platform shoes to make urself look taller.

  • U start cooking everyone u know tons of food (which they politely accept, then throw out)

  • Run around in a short skirt holding a lightning rod and shouting "Sparkling Wide Pressure!"

  • Sailor Venus-

  • U shave a crescent moon on ur cat's forehead and start talking to him, saying his name is Artemis.

  • U start arguing w/ ur friends that u really r an idol named Sailor V

  • Run around in a short skirt throwing a chain at people and shouting "Love-me Chain!"

  • You know you're obsessed with Sailor Moon when:

  • You drag some kid home and say to your mom, "Meet my future daughter!"

  • You dye your calico cat black and paint a gold moon on its forehead

  • You custom-make your lockets, because the ones in the store are so plain

  • You single-handedly try to purge Tokyo (Or wherever you live) of all crime and wrongdoings in a costume you got online

  • You don't believe that Serena whines too much

  • You glue yellow tennis balls to your head, even though you have brown hair

  • You tell everyone you meet that they'd better be nice to you, because you're going to be Queen of the Earth someday

  • You round up four of your friends and claim they are your planetary bodyguards

  • You know you're obsessed with Sailor Mercury when:

  • You cut your hair short and dye it blue

  • You try to make a harp out of water

  • You spend all your free time trying to design and build a mini-computer

  • Your teacher gives you an F on a test and you threaten to freeze her with Aqua Illusion if she doesn't change it

  • You speak with a slight British accent for the first 2 series, then change it at the beginning of the S Series

  • You never, ever lose your temper

  • You never chase guys

  • You know you're obsessed with Sailor Mars when:

  • You try to light fire with the tips of your fingers

  • You sit on your feet in front of a lit fireplace for hours, just staring at the fire, trying to go into a trance, but you just end up falling asleep

  • You know you're obsessed with Sailor Jupiter when:

  • Your main goal in life is to grow six inches taller

  • You spend long periods of time baking stuff for your friends and actually believe you had fun doing so afterwards

  • You spend long periods of time carving leaves out of wood and painting them green. You then run around, throwing them at people you hate, yelling "Jupiter Oak Evolution!"

  • You know you're obsessed with Sailor Venus when:

  • You insist the planet Venus can support life

  • You buy a white cat, name it Artemis, then try to teach it (unsuccessfully) how to talk

  • You know you're an American Venus worshipper when your main goal in life is to find out were Mina lived before she came to Japan(I live in America. For all you American Venus worshippers, I think it's England. Not positive, though!)

  • You make a chain of little orange hearts in shop class. You then chase your shop teacher around, whipping him with it, and screaming "Venus Love Chain Encircle!" when he gives you an F on the project

  • You know you're obsessed with Sailor Mini-moon when:

  • You try to travel through time by holding up the key to your diary, yelling "Crystal Key, take me home to the future!", and then jumping off a dock

  • You dye your hair pink and get red contacts

  • You claim to have the Golden Mirror

  • You know you're obsessed with Sailor Uranus when:

  • You have dedicated your life to trying to find the shoes that Sailor Uranus wears

  • You don't go to a public school, but you wear an imitation of the Mugan school boys uniform to your school every day

  • You've been mistaken for a boy several times

  • You get SO p.o.'ed when people make "Ur-anus" jokes

  • You asked your cousin to dye her hair green(Uranus and Neptune are cousins in America)

  • You know you're obsessed with Sailor Neptune when:

  • You dye your hair green, just because your cousin asked you to

  • Every time the tide goes out, you say, "The sea is senses trouble..."

  • You know you're obsessed with Sailor Pluto when:

  • You isolate yourself from the world because you have to guard the Gates of Time

  • You dye your hair green-black

  • The key to your room is bigger than you

  • You claim to be the lost child of Cronos, Greek god of Time

  • You know you're obsessed with Sailor Saturn when:

  • You feel cheated that she only appeared for over a minute in one episode(I'll admit to this one!)

  • You cried hysterically when it looked like she was going to die

  • You danced when Sailor Moon brought her back as a baby

  • You made a Silence Scythe in shop class then got sent for counseling

  • You know you're obsessed with Sailor Moon in general when:

  • You claim to be Sailor Sun, the lost Senshi of Light

  • You have designed a Senshi for every constellation you could think of, then made up a story using them(I admit to this too!)

  • You compos long, elaborate e-mails like this one to send to the GREATEST ANIME SITE EVER (, then hope that the owner won't think you overdid it, because you love Sailor Moon soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!

submitted by: Star Angel.

  • You know when you have watched to much Sailor Moon when....(for girls)

  • You start thinking that there's evil everywhere and you are ready to stryke at any moment

  • You listen to all the Sailor Moon MIDIs you can possibly find

  • You have thousands of Sailor Moon pictures on your hardrive and it's driving your parents nuts

  • You think you see Serena and Dairen everywhere you go

  • You start searching for a Sailor Scout Halloween costume on Easter

  • You insist on going to all the Fan Fiction sites you can find

  • You are constantly thinking about sueing the Creator of Sailor Moon because you want to be a Sailor Scout

  • You are in sending almost 100 hate emails a day to toonami because they don't have Sailor Stars yet

  • You don't buy CDs like a regular girl because you want either to buy Sailor Moon merchandise or think it's a plot of the Negaverse

  • You dump your boyfriend because you thought he was Tuxedo Mask and he isn't

  • You've watched every Sailor Moon Movie there is and even though you don't have a clue to what the Japanese are saying you still buy the movies in Japanese

  • Your in love with Dairen(in my opinion that's scary)

  • You know when you've watched to much Sailor Moon when....(for boys)

  • Ok face it, you actually watch Sailor Moon

  • You go on a date with a girl and make an entrance on top of a light pole in a tux and start saying one of Tuxedo Mask's intro speeches.

  • You think that your best friend is Melvin

  • Your not sure but you think one of your classmates is Amara

  • You stop playing Basketball and go Motorcross

  • You buy a Sailor Moon shirt and wear it to school (Extremely Scary in my opinion)

  • You hate all your friends because they don't like Sailor Moon

  • You fall in love with Michelle and Rei

  • You dump your girlfriend because you thought she was Sailor Mini Moon

  • You know when you have watched to much Sailor Moon for the Ocupints

  • You know when you have watched to much Sailor Moon when...(for geeks)

  • You make 10 or more Sailor Moon Websites

  • You don't watch the eposides cause you've much rather be on the Internet

  • You know when you have watched to much Sailor Moon when...(for the DBZ fan)

  • You start actually thinking about Sailor Moon

  • You actually watch 1 eposide

  • Your a girl and don't want to be a Super Sajian but want you own broche to transform

  • You want to have a cat(think why that's weird ~ ^)

  • You actually ask about Sailor Moon to a Sailor Moon expert over lunch



Legal Statement: The Anime Legacy is not in any way associated with Toei Animations LTD, all DBZ Items, software, videos, etc Are Trademarks of Toei animations. The Anime legacy is only a Fan site, Dedicated to The Wonder known as Dragon Ball.

The Animeclub2k1, the Anime legacy, are all my property, no stolen links or files.


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