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Java Games

Club Regal,




May 19:

Few changes, and a few new games added.

May 14:

New Games have been Put up! Enjoy all the new games :)

Check out all the new 3D Games, Below 3D Games Index.

May 6:
After finishing off the big updates on the Main Page (DBZ) i will work on this page, and add new games :)
May 4th:
Please Support This site by clicking on the Above Sponsor :)
New Games are being added today. Stay tune.
Here You'll fine Java games i have found while searching the internet. You'll noticed that for a new Java games page, there is a huge wide variety of games to pick from :)

The Games Found below with info and pics, Are Only the Nets Top Best Ranked Java Games!

Game Info.                                                                                              Picture

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Bomberman:                                                      bombman.gif (3607 bytes)  

Based on the nintendo game Bomberman. Play against another player and blow up the walls with bombs. But make sure you don't blow yourself up.

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Burning Metal 3D:                                                                  burnmt3d.gif (2054 bytes)

A fast pace 3d racing game. Take this challenge on the road in full screen with this awesome Java game.


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Dragon Court:                                                                          dragoncourt.gif (3218 bytes)

You can get into fights, buy/sell equipment, save your character, and chat with people at the tavern. This game reminds be of a old D&D RPG game. You'll need a fast computer and a lot of time to play this game

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Runescape:                                                          runescape.gif (3343 bytes)

Runescape is a massive multiplayer roleplaying adventure, with monsters to kill, quests to complete, and treasure to win. You control your own charactor who will improve and become more powerful the more you play

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Bottema Pacman:                                                  pacman.gif (1284 bytes)

Eat up all the balls before the ghosts gets you in the classic game of Pacman. This is one of the first Pacman applets to be made well

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Javanoid:                                                               javanoid.gif (1740 bytes)

Another arkanoid type of game with cool graphics and special effects such as pills, bullets and multi-ball mode.





Games Info


New Games

- Narmir
Domain of the Dead
- RollerBoy
- Icebox
- Rouge Warrior
- 3D Battle Cruisers
- Carpet Gulf 3D
- Tail gunner
- Rouge Warrior
- Dejavu
- Amnesia
- 3D Darts
- Scared
- Battle Tank
- Race 3D
- Net Tank 3D
- snapple Speedway
- Blastian
- 3D Jasteroids
- Flight Simulator
- 3D Tennis
- Silent Frontier
- Space Masters
- Speed Trial
- Debris
- Death Match
- Droide
- Deep Sea Rescue
- Gulpy
-Apocalypse Outpost