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Club Regal,


Ken Ichijouji

Ken.jpg (6318 bytes) Ken is the first the evil digidestined. He is the bad guy at the beginning of 02. He plans to take control of the real world by taking control of the digiworld. In the real world he is the genius and heart-throb Ken Ichijouji, but in the digiworld he is the evil Digimon Emperor. Once he searches his heart, his true self is revealed. With Wormmon at his side, Ken tries to help out whenever he can. Since the Digidestined destroyed his base, Ken has changed emotions and tried thinking on the positive side instead of the evil. All this happened after ken found out that the digital world was real, and that the digimon were alive, he fell in self pity, then became a good guy as part of the digidestined team.

































































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