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Sailor Venus

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Princess Minako of Venus, Cheif Inner Guardian and Protector of Princess Serenity of the Silver Millinium, Mina Aino , Minako-chan, Sailor V, Sailor Venus, V-babe, Super Sailor Venus, Eternal Sailor Venus, Queen Minako of the planet Venus, Chief Guardian and Protector of Neo Queen Serenity of the Crystal Millinium

Princess Minako of Venus, Cheif Inner Guardian and Protector of Princess Serenity of the Silver Millinium


Princess Minako is the crown Princess of the planet Venus. Venus is a planet taking part in the Silver Millinium Alliance. As the Princess of Venus, one of Minako's duties is to be the Cheif Guardian of Princess Serenity, the Princess of the Moon, wholm reigns over the Silver Millinium. As the Cheif Guardian, this puts Sailor Venus, or Princess Minako, in first command of the Sailor Scouts. Each planet gives it's powers to the royal blood of it's planet, therefore, Minako has the senshi power of the planet Venus, and she uses these powers to protect Serenity.

In the Silver Millinium, Minako lives on the Moon, with Princess Serenity, and the other inner Guardians of the Princess. Minako falls in love with one of Prince Endymion's Guards, General Kunzite. Unfortunatly for Minako, General Kunzite, along with Endymion's other Guards, was turned to the NegaVerse by Queen Beryl. Thus, making Minako and Kunzite enimies. Princess Minako died in the final battle of the Silver Millinium protecting Princess Serenity.

Sailor V

Sailor V is the origional senshi. Sailor V was around a long time before Sailor Venus was. She was a scout in England, when Mina was living there, before she moved to Tokyo. Sailor V didn't fight the NegaVerse, just criminals. There is a whole other anime made by Naoko about Sailor V. If you like Sailor Venus, then you definatly want to get into finding the old stuff on Sailor V.


Mina Aino is modern day Princess Minako. She also goes by Minako-chan or Aino Minako (jap). Mina goes to school in Tokyo, Japan, and ends up going to Crossroads with the rest of the scouts with the exception of Raye who goes to a private school in Juuban. Mina is a lot like Bunny in that she is sometimes silly, likes to have fun, slacks off on resposibilies and is very much boy crazy. Mina and Bunny get along really well with each other since they are so much alike.

Mina used to live in England and is the origional Sailor Scout, formally know as SailorV. Due to her scout duties, and being the only scout, Mina at times felt very lonley, as to somepoint like an outcast. But when Bunny and the rest of the scouts came along, Mina had 4 of the best friends anyone could ever ask for, and a new meaning for her scout duties.

Mina is the only scout other than Bunny who has a guardian cat, Artimus. Artimus serves Mina, a lot like how Luna takes care of Bunny. This is probably because Mina is the Chief Protector of Bunny, and with the exeption of Bunny First in Command of the Sailor Scouts.

Sailor Venus

Sailor Venus is the First in Command of the Sailor Scouts, with the exeption of Sailor Moon. Sailor Venus is the guardian of LOVE. Sailor Venus is one of the more powerful inner scouts, thus being the leader. Sailor Venus possesses the Wink Chain Sword, which is a very powerful sword, that will poisen and kill anyone and will never break. Sailor Venus, is given the power of the planet of Venus, as the Senshi of Venus, she controls the planet of love and beauty. Being the Senshi of love matches Mina's personality in that she has special abilites to knowing and recognizing love, when people love each other, usually Venus will know a long time before anyone else.

Super Sailor Venus

Super Sailor Venus is a more powerful form of Sailor Venus. She gets new attacks, which are more powerful. Sailor Venus becomes Super Sailor Venus in the SuperS season. Her fuku doesn't change that much, except that her sleeves turn into see-through fabric, the bow in her back gets longer, her necklace gets a star on it, and her broach turns from a circle to a heart.

Eternal Sailor Venus

Eternal Sailor Venus is the final form of Sailor Venus. Her fuku changes in that she gets a layer of white under the orange. Her orange ankle shoes change to white boots, and her heart broach as Super Sailor Venus turns into a star. In the cartoons, you never see any of the Eternal forms of the senshi. In the manga we only see a few images drawn by Naoko.

Queen Minako of Venus, and Guardian of Neo Queen Serenity


Queen Minako of Venus, is the future Mina. She rules from Crystal Tokyo, in the 30th century. Queen Minako is also a guardian and best friend of Neo Queen Serenity, ruler of the Crystal Millinium. We don't know much about Queen Minako since we only see glimses of her when the scouts go into the future due to Rini, but she maintains her role as the Cheif Guardian of Serenity, a very powerful scout, and one Serenity's best friends



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