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Club Regal,

Yolei Inoue

Yolei.jpg (11434 bytes) This is Yolei and her family owns a convenience store.  She brings food for the Digidestined to travel in the Digital World.  Usually before they live the real world, the In-training Digimon eat it before.  She the computer whiz of the group.  She wants to be just like Mimi.  The episode when she meet Mimi, Yolei noticed that they have many things in common. 

Yolei's Digimon:

Stage Name Attacks
In-training Poromon Bubble Blow
Rookie Hawkmon Feather Slash
Champion Aquillamon Glide Horn
DigiEgg of Love  Halsemon Mach Impulse
DigiEgg of Sincerity Shurimon Double Star




























































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