To win an award look under its picture at whats needed. Then fill out the form at the bottem and I will tell E-mail you back within 4 days telling you if you won or not! Good Luck!
Nice Try Award=
1. Sign my guestbook (Dont put something like "You told me to sign this")
2. A DBZ or DBGT or DBAF Page
3. Have award link to my site
4. Put my banner on your sites MAIN page (picture at the bottem)
Good Vs. Evil Award=
1. Sign my Guestbook (Dont put something like "Im signing the cuz you told me to")
2. A DBZ or DBZGT or DBAF Site
3. 275+ hits on counter
4. 3+ Information Sections
5. 8+ Pictures
6. Have award link to my site
7. Put my banner on your sites MAIN PAGE (picture at the bottem of this page)
Kick Azz Award=
1. Sign my Guestbook (Dont just put "Im doing this cuz you told me to")
2. A DBZ or DBGT or DBAF Site
3. 500+ Hits on Hit counter
4. 5+ Information Sections
5. 15+ Pictures
6. Have award link to my site
7. Put my banner on your sites MAIN PAGE ( picture at bottem of page)
Bronze Award=
1. Sign my guestbook(Don't just put im doin this for award)
2. A DBZ or DBGT or DBAF Site
3. 750+ on hit counter
4. 20+ Pictures
5. 10+ sections
6. Have Award link to my site
7. Put my banner on yo sites main page(Banner below)