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Here is part one of my fanfic!


Pure Evil Returns

Written by: Chris Christman

Authors note: This is the first fanfic I have written. I do not expect any good responses. I like to write and this looks fun. So enjoy(or don’t).


The sound of fighting is heard far off. Goku and Vegeta are once again sparring. Soon they both stop for a much needed rest. “Sorry Vegeta, I gotta go. Talk to you later.” Goku explains. “Hmph!” Vegeta grumbles. Goku has to hurry home. He just realized he promised he would take Chi-Chi out to dinner. They were leaving the kids with Bulma. As Goku arrived at the house, he could feel something was wrong. He walked inside and couldn’t find anyone home. He searched the entire house. There wasn’t anyone home, not even Chi-Chi. He called Bulma, Master Roshi, Krillin, everyone he knew, but none of them had seen Chi-Chi, Gohan, or Goten. Then he saw a note sitting on the table. When he read it, he almost exploded with anger.


The note read: Kakarot, if you want to see your miserable family ever again, come to the planet Kenjin and face me like a man. Come alone, or they die. I would hurry if I was you.


Your “friend,”




Goku was furious. “This is all my fault. If I hadn’t been out sparring all day I might have been here when he came.” Goku thought aloud. “But I can’t change the past. I’ll have to ask Bulma for a space pod.”


Goku arrived at Capsule Corp. He knocked on the door, where he was greeted by Bulma. “What’s wrong, Goku?” Bulma asked, looking at the mixed sad, furious look on his face. Goku handed the note to Bulma. After reading it, Bulma almost fainted. “You’re not actually going? And if you do, how do you plan on taking Brolly out alone?” Bulma exclaimed. “I have to. There is no other choice. I came here for a space pod to get to the planet.” Goku says. “Alright, come on in.”


As soon as Goku entered the door, Vegeta sensed his ki. He was curious as to why Goku was in his home, although he didn’t bother to find out. Goku soon was greeted by Mr. Briefs, who was overjoyed to see Goku. “How are you Goku? Haven’t seen you around.” Mr. Briefs asked, cheerfully. Normally Goku would have been happy to reply, but he was too upset to answer. “Well, what’s the matter, boy? Is something bothering you?” he asked. “He isn’t feeling good, father.” Bulma explained the situation about Brolly kidnapping Goku’s family. “Oh my, this is a sticky situation indeed! But, and no offense to you Goku, how do you plan on defeating Brolly alone? He is stronger than you.” Mr. Briefs exclaimed. “I’m still not sure, but I have no choice. I have to go.” Goku stated sadly. “Well, I guess I’ll set you up with a space pod with a gravity chamber. It will be a while before you get there so you might as well train.” Mr. Briefs said. “Thank you very much.” Goku replied sadly.

The next day, Goku was saying his goodbyes to all the Z fighters. “But Goku, you can’t go alone, Brolly will kill you!” Krillin said as Goku prepared to leave. “Yeah, remember last time we all fought him? We barely won, and that was all of our energy combined!” Piccolo said convincingly, but to no prevail. “I’m sorry everyone, but I must face this challenge alone. I am asking all of you, do not follow me. If you do, my family may be killed. I don’t plan on coming back, but please, take care of my family when they get back.” Goku’s statement shocked and surprised everyone. No one had ever seen Goku act so seriously before. He always had a childish attitude and a happy-go-lucky smile. But as the ship launched, everyone wondered how Goku and his family would end up.



Well everyone, there ya go. That’s part one of a ? part story. Stay tuned for the next part.

Click for part 2!