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Here is part of part 2!



Pure Evil Returns

Part II By Chris Christman



          As the ship hurtles through space, Goku is about to start his intense training. He powers up first to super saiyan 1, then super saiyan 2, then 3, and finally reaches 4. He begins training at 10,000 times Earth’s gravity. After a while the machine turns up to 11,000, then 12,000, and finally 13,000. He continues on training, thinking only of his family and Brolly.


Meanwhile, on Kenjin…


          “Let us go, you monster!” The sound of a child’s voice echoes through the cold, dark, hollow canyons on Kenjin. It was the sound of Goten. “Shut up you insignificant, stupid little child!” Echoed the hollow, deep voice of Brolly. “My husband will be here, and he will kill you for taking us!” Chi-Chi yelled through her energy cage. Brolly had the three prisoners in separate energy cages so they couldn’t try to power up together and break out. “Shut up you idiot woman! I don’t know how Kakarot puts up with you!” Brolly shouted, trying to get them to be quiet. Gohan was still trying to bust open the energy cage with Kamehameha’s. “You might as well give it up, Gohan. There’s no way to break them open.” Brolly said.


          Back on Earth, the Z fighters were training almost as hard as Goku was. “If Goku is too stubborn to admit he needs help, we’ll go on our own.” Piccolo stated as he, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, future Trunks, chibi trunks, and Vegeta were training.