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Here is part of the diablo fanfic!


Baal: Lord of Destruction

This is a type of fanfic written about the Diablo story. It is suppose to take place after the Diablo 2 game.


“Aaaaaaarrrgh!” “The fiery roar of Diablo echoed through the empty walls of his palace. The warrior had finally defeated the evil creature. The warrior then took Diablo’s and Mephisto’s soulstones to the hell forge. He then proceeded to destroy them with the horodric mallus. When he returned to his home village, there was a great celebration that lasted many days and nights.” The person telling the story was a man named Marius. He was explaining it to who he though was the archangel Tyreal. “They had destroyed all the soulstones. All but one. I’m sorry Tyreal. I couldn’t bring myself to cross the gate into hell. I couldn’t destroy Baal’s soulstone.” Marius cried out to the mysterious figure hidden behind a cloak. “Give me the stone, Marius, and all is forgiven.” Marius pulled the stone off of his necklace and fiddled with it for a moment. “Here, take it, take it! Look what this stone has done to me!” The man took the stone quickly. “You haven’t failed old man. But I am not the archangel Tyreal.” He put the glowing stone by his face, revealing his true identity. “Oh no! Baal! What have I done? No! no, no, no!” Baal got up and walked out of the room. And as he did, the room erupted into flames. As he walked down the halls of the building, it erupted slowly into flames behind him. Baal now had all he needed to do what his brothers failed to do. And that was to bring hell upon Earth!


Enzo awoke with a shout. He was sweating cold sweats. He had the dream again. Almost every night since he trained to become a powerful warrior with skills of a sorcerer he had nightmares. Nightmares of an unbarible evil. He had figured this demon is just a nightmare from the many stories of great evils. If he only knew.


“Enzo! Enzo, are you ok?” My dad came running into the room. He, along with the rest of this village, thought that training in two classes of adventurer was silly, immorale, and down right stupid.“Yeah dad, I’m alright. Just go back to your bed.” I told him reasurringly.