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Here is the frieza biography!


The Mind of a Killer

Ah, yes. The evil and vile Freeza. My most favorite of all villians, counting Dragon Ball, and Dragon Ball GT as well. What's the first thing that struck you when you first saw him? Was it his odd appearance? Perhaps, that he was so tiny? Or maybe because he looked SO COOL!? Well, you can pick anything you like, but for me, the deciding characteristic that made this villian my favorite, is something that could only be given to him by the magic of television. His voice. I don't know if you've had the pleasure of hearing this scumbag's Japanese voice, but if you haven't, make it a point that you do sometime soon! His voice is completely opposite of his twisted mind. When you first hear his voice, the first thing that pops into your head is, "There's no way this guy could be evil!". In fact, if a regular man had a voice like his, he'd probablly be called a pansy. But that's just part of why I love Freeza so much. He has this girlish and haughty voice, and his body language and mannerisms are that of an 18th century English man, but on the inside he's a twisted pshyco. When he blew up Planet Vegita, he was laughing hysterically at the death and destruction below him on the doomed planet. He even beckoned Zarbon and Dodoria. "Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! Zarbon! Dodoria! Ha Ha Ha! Look at the pretty fireworks!" He loves to see make people die, scream and feel pain. Why? Because he can. The whole reason Freeza does what he does, is because he believes that he's the strongest creature in the entire Universe, (except for his father and brother of course.). He's a spoiled brat. That's all there is to it. He thought he could kill anyone, take anything, or even destroy a planet, and no one would dare try to stop him. He was wrong. There were two men that did. Son Gokou and Trunks. Freeza nearly died at Gokou's hands on Nameck, (he would have if Gokou wasn't forgiving), and Trunks, well, heh heh, I suppose most of you know how he sliced, diced and deep fried him on Earth.

Freeza suffered perhaps the most terrible defeat of any villian in all of Dragon Ball. Put quite simply, he died while he was afraid of defeat. You see, Freeza almost couldn't bear his loss to Gokou. When he arrived on Earth with his father, he actually became dillusional and began to see Gokou on top of the mountains around his landing spot. And when Trunks arrived and turned Super Saiya-jin, he almost completely lost it. " HAIR!!!! TH..THOSE EYES!!!!!." Freeza couldn't stand even the thought of defeat. When he fought Gokou, that's all that kept him going. His face would tremble with fear, but then he'd think of his demise at the hands of, "A monkey", and continue to fight. Even when half of his body remained somehow intact in outer space, he still didn't want to admit that Gokou beat him. However, he was just to about to finally fess-up to himself, when his father saved him, and that changed everything. He went back to his old thoughts. But as I said before, he suffered the worst death of all. When Trunks sliced him down the middle, Freeza's face wasn't filled with any pain at all. Even as his body fell 2 seperate ways, he was still alive, his expression on his face could have turned to pain, but it didn't. It stayed frozen in terror and surprise. To the very second Trunks delivered his killing blast, Freeza's mind was blown to bits. A monkey had really beaten him, and without even trying. The Saiya-jin was better than him, there was no denying it. He knew it, and he was scared. In those few seconds he hung in mid-air, he suffered a much worse death than Cell, or Buu or even Piccolo Daimaou. Not just his life, but everything he ever believed about himself and his power was totally destroyed. And what a perfect fate for such a sick and twisted villian.

The Life of Freeza

Well, just about everyone who knows about Dragon Ball Z, must know who Freeza is. Unless of course, you've been living under a rock. But I'm sure that not all of you know about his past and future, since the American series hardly gives any info on him, and you don't all have access to subbed episodes. I'll explain all about his past and his future so you can truly enjoy the evilness of this villian!

Freeza is a short little lizard-like creature. The name of his race is never given, (not to my knowledge), and he may not even have a race since the only three of his kind we ever see are his father, King Cold, his brother, Koola, and of course himself. He and his brother can change forms by powering up, each form being stronger than the previous one. HOWEVER, THEY ARE NOT CHANGLINGS! Their changes in appearance are a result of the power inside of their bodies. Freeza explains that his normal body can't handle the power inside of him, so he must phsically change his shape in order to use his power. His brother has a total of 5 forms and 4 transformations. Freeza has 4 forms, (with the ability to upgrade his 4th form to 100% Power which is REALLY strong.), and 3 transformations. It is not specified whether or not the first form we see Koola in is his first, second or third form, all we know is that he can go beyond his brother.

Since most of you know what Freeza's first form looks like, I'll describe his others. His second form looks almost excatly like his first, except he's MUCH taller, (almost looks like his dad), his horns curve up, and he's much more buff. His 3rd form looks like the alien from the movie by the same name, and is perhaps a play on it. He's much shorter, and it looks like his head is in his stomach. His head is very long and covered with a few horns, and so is his back. He's much stronger than Vegita and Piccolo at this point and beats the crap out of the latter of the two by shooting incredibly fast energy blasts at him from his finger-tips. His 4th and final form form is actually pretty strange when you compare it to the first 3. It was thought that he'd be a huge monster, but he turned out to be a thin white figure with a shiny purple head. He also has several purple muscles around his arms, legs, and stomach. He can bring this form to Full Power which almost could be counted as another form, since it's soooooo much stronger than his regular 4th form. While at Full Power he looks the same except he appears like he's consumed several bottles of steroids.

In early Dragon Ball Z it was revealed that the Saiya-jin were planet pirates, and that they were their own bosses. Well, they were to a certain extent. The Saiya-jin went around and "prepared" planets for sale, then sold them to the highest bidder. But occasionally they would be called upon by a force much greater than their even greatest soldier. That force was, Emperor Freeza. Freeza employed the Saiya-jin as he saw fit. If he didn't want his men getting their boots dirty on a job, he'd hire a group of Saiya-jin to do the job. But he did not control them. He just worked with them, like a head-hunter. He would recieve the money from the sale of the planet and give some of it to the Saiya-jin for their efforts. He made it seem as though they worked together. But that wasn't true. He just used them almost as cats play with mice. He could conquer any planet with a fraction of the energy the Saiya-jin put into it, but for an unknown reason, he kept the Saiya-jin as his workers. But all of that changed. Eventually, the ruler of the Saiya-jin, King Vegita, was bore a son. The boy looked bore a striking resemblance to his father, but even more important, his power surpassed his father's, and his father was the strongest of the Saiya-jin. Little Vegita had the greatest power of all living Saiya-jin, all before he was even a teenager. Of course his power meant nothing to Freeza, but Freeza began to think about the situation. If Vegita grew up, and had a son even more powerful than himself, and so on, then eventually, there would be a Saiya-jin stronger than Freeza. He also believed that while one Saiya-jin was nothing, if they banded together, they might be a force to reckon with. And although he never admitted it, he also feared an ancient myth of the Legendary Super Saiya-jin, a being with the kind of power that could destroy galaxies in a second. Freeza didn't like any of those possibilities at all, so he figured he'd take care of the problem in a simple manner. To destroy planet Vegita, and kill all the Saiya-jin neccesary so they would eventually become extinct. He killed all of the Saiya-jin on the planet at the time which was all but 4. As you know, they were Raditz, Nappa, Vegita, and a little baby Saiya-jin on his way to Earth. Now what was his name again.....?^_^ So with his task accomplished, Freeza laid back and relaxed for the next couple of years. He didn't have anything to worry about, and he had the strongest of the Saiya-jin under his control. Although not completely. (It's revealed in a flash-back that Vegita knew Freeza destroyed planet Vegita, and that it wasn't an asteroid. In fact the whole reason he was working for Freeza was to fight stronger enemies, and one day become as strong as Freeza, but that's another story.). So Freeza went along his merry way and killed thousands of people, end of story. Not quite. Several years later, he overheard Vegita speaking to his comrade Nappa about a set of magical spheres called the Dragon Balls, over their Scouters. Vegita told Nappa that the Dragon Balls were on the planet Nameck, and they could grant any wish. This, of course, was Vegita and Nappa's discussion on Earth, when Vegita finally realized they didn't need the Earth's Dragon Balls. Well, after Freeza heard that, he was practically in his spaceship by the time Vegita ended his sentence. Freeza's wish was to be immortal. I'm not quite sure why though. He already thought that he had the ultimate power, so why would he be afraid of getting killed? My best guess is he wanted to enjoy his luxurious life, and killing people, forever. Either that or he didn't have as much trust in his power as it would appear he did. When he arrives on Nameck he goes through the whole, "Gotta find that Dragon Ball", stage and eventually gets them all. The only problem is, he can't make a wish because he doesn't know how. Thoroughly pissed-off at this turn of events, Freeza flies off towards the Ultimate Elder, aka Saichorou, and Guru in America. When he finally reaches Saichorou's hut, he's greeted by Nail. Freeza demands that Nail tell him the secret to the Dragon Balls, and Nail says that the Dragon Balls will only last as long as his master lives. Freeza happily blows out the roof of the hut to see this master. He's unimpressed. Saichorou telepthically asks Nail to go fight Freeza so that the humans can get some time to summon Porunga. Nail agrees, but he knows that he has just been given an order to die. Saichorou apologizes to him, but he says it's for the best. So the two go off and pick a nice place to fight. And then they go at it. This entire fight will be written about in my Nail Biography, (whenever that gets up), but I don't want to put it in here, since Nail really only has one fight, and I want to put some good stuff in his Bio. And now to continue. After their fight, Nail lies half-dead on the ground, (did I really even need to tell you Freeza beats him?), but he's happy. He knows that he didn't die in vain. Freeza's befuddled at first, but then he realizes why Nail was fighting him, to stall him, so the Earthlings could use the Dragon Balls. Freeza doesn't even bother to kill Nail, he flies of like a bat out of hell ranting and raving about how he's gonna kill who dared to use the Dragon Balls. When he arrives on the scene, the dragon is already gone since the Nameck elder died. He's mightily PO'ed, but he keeps his composure. He floats down to the others, they talk calmly a little bit, (there's a cool flashback here where it shows Freeza killing King Vegita and his rebels.). Freeza fights with Vegita while in his first stage, but it's nothing all that impressive or eventufull. Freeza stops fighting eventually and flies a couple feet away from Vegita and blasts off his armor. Now the REAL fight begins. All of Freeza's fights will be done in detail in other people's biographies. I'll just lightly skim them here. To start off, Freeza goes to stage 2. He gets the party started by spearing Kuririn in the chest with his horn, then throws him to the ground. (This scene is actually sick. Freeza lets Kuririn lay impaled on his horn for a while and then shakes him around. Blood flies everyhere and falls on Vegita and Gohan's faces. A drop of blood dribbles down Freeza's face and he licks it.). After that he hurls Kuririn into the ocean and he's supposedly dead, but then Dende comes along and uses his healing power on Kuririn. While Freeza is fighting Gohan, Kuririn sneaks up behind Freeza and does Renzoku Kienzan, which is simply of barrage of Kienzans. No major damage is done to Freeza, but his tail gets cut off. The real fight begins when Piccolo arrives on the scene. Both of them go at it and do about equally well. But just when Freeza says he's gonna kill Piccolo, the Nameckian pulls off his turban and mantle and says, "Okay, I'm done warming up, lets fight for real now.". After this, Piccolo mops the floor with Freeza, and could probablly have killed him, but unfortunately, Freeza turns into stage 3. At this stage, Freeza is too much for everyone. He beats them all up pretty well. But then Vegita gets an idea, he tells Kuririn to half-kill him. Then Dende could heal him. And as we all know, Saiya-jin get stronger, when they come back from the brink of death. Freeza sees Dende's healing ability and thinks it's a bit cheap, so he turns into stage 4. Immediatley after doing so, he kills Dende so they can't cheat. Vegita gloats and says he's a REAL Super Saiya-jin now, and he could kill Freeza for sure. Yup, okay Vegita! Whatever you say! Vegita gets beat up SO bad, he begins to cry. He can't believe after everything he's done, he's still no match for Freeza, let alone not a Super Saiya-jin. Freeza throws him on the ground, ready to kill him, but who should show up at that very minute? Gokou!!! Yes, he's finally fully healed from his fight with Ginyu!


Death of a Madman

Well! That's it! Gokou finally killed Freeza! And boy, that sucker is dead too!!! He's deader than dead!!!! I mean, Nameck even blew up! There's noooooooo way he coulda survived that.......right? Wrong. Freeza's wasted body hung in outer space. Suspended in the air like a puppet. With half a face left, he still contemplated what just happened to him. He was beaten by a Saiya-jin! He admits defeat to himself, and that he's finally going to die. He can barely move his lips now, as death creeps over him. But wait! What's that in the distance! It's a spaceship! And it resembles Freeza's as well! Well, guess who it is? Daddy! And so we meet King Kold. He's told by his crew that Freeza is dead, but he doesn't buy it. He continues to scour the reamins of the planet from his ship. Finally he and his crew see something. They go over to it, and they see Freeza's body. His crew doesn't know how to get him in, but King Kold has a pleasant idea. He cracks his deck window, sucking his crew members into outer space, and he nabs Freeza. He brings his dying son back to his planet, and sets his greatest scientists to work. They work on Freeza for hours, until finally, Cyborg Freeza is complete. He's made out of bits and pieces of armor and metal, and he looks VERY cool! Almost Terminator-esque. He claims to be even stronger than before, and thanks his, "Papa". King Kold prepares a ship, and they embark on a journey to destroy planet Earth.

One year later, King Kold's ship lands on Earth. The Z Soldiers felt Freeza's ki while he was approaching the planet, and they gathered togather about a half mile away from the landing site. Piccolo, Vegita, Kuririn, Gohan, Yamucha, Tenshinhan, Chaozu, and even Puaru and Buruma are all there. Most of them can sense the power coming from the ship, and they know that today is the day they will all die. Not only do they feel that Freeza's ki has increased, but they all feel an even greater ki, King Kold. They wait patiently to see what happens. When the ship settles, Freeza steps out. He says he knows that Gokou will be arriving on the planet in a little while, and his father tells him to wait to destroy earth, until Gokou arrives, but Freeza begins to go nuts. He sees images of Gokou everywhere and suffers some major shell-shock from his battle on Nameck. (Just a little note, Freeza can't see the Z Soldiers). Freeza orders his men to go begin killing the people of the world. He says that when Gokou arrives, he will present him with a present of the dead bodies of everyone on Earth. They yell happily and fly into the air. Unfortunately, they don't exactly get that far. Only a few feet into the air actually. There's a faint sound of wind, then his men fall back down to the ground. But not all at once, piece by piece, by piece. For a second, Freeza looks over at the pile of dismembered body parts, but then his attention is directed to the source of the attack, a sword weilding youth. The yound man sheathes his sword and looks silently at Freeza with detest. Freeza smiles and addresses him, "What do you want Earthling?". The boy answers coldly, "I'm here to kill you.". "You want to kill me?", Freeza smirks, "Heh, did you hear that Papa?". They both laugh. Freeza assumes that this young man doesn't know who he is, but the teen says he knows that he's Freeza. Freeza refuses to be surprised and simply remarks that it's an honor to know his name is known even on earth. But Freeza also states it's unfortunate that he boy obviously doesn't know he's the strongest being in the universe. The boy ignores him and says, "Not only do I know your name and history, I also know that you will die here and now.". Well, the boy almost succeeds in making Freeza go into a fury, but Freeza controls his anger and simply says that the boy will pay for saying such nonsense. Freeza tells one of his remaining men to kill the boy. He tells the others to go kill the Earthlings. Freeza's men are just about to fly off when the boys speaks up, "You had better not do anything that you're not willing to pay for with your lives.". One of Freeza's men steps forward and rates the boy's power with his scouter, the boy comes out at a rating of 5. The henchman scoffs at the power and aims his Beam Gun at the boy and fires. The boy defelects it effortlessly. The henchman fires off three more beams, but the boy deflects them all with one hand. The boy smiles and then rushes the henchman elbowing him in the jaw, killing him almost instantly. The remaining henchman rush the boy cursing at him, but he calmly pulls out his sword and makes a few deft movements with it. The henchman all fall over dead as the boy sheathes his sword. Only one henchamn didn't attack. He backs away, and stares in amazement at the boy, but Freeza puts his fist through the soldiers' stomach killing him for his cowardice. Meanwhile, the Z Soldiers are watching this young boy strut his stuff with their jaws practically touching the ground. The boy looks over at Freeza, "You're next.". Freeza wags his finger, "Let me give you some sound advice. Those who are only half-way powerful are the first to die." The boy laughs, "You mean like you?". Freeza is taken aback by the bold statement. The boy continues, "You know, it must take a lot of balls to come to Earth half-dead dressed in a tin-suit, just to be killed.". Freeza shivers with anger, but calms himself down once again, "Papa, it looks like this one needs to be punished.". Kold agrees. Freeza declares himself the executioner, and says the boy should feel honored to feel death by his hand. The teen says he'll kill both of them in an instant. He gives Freeza a warning, "You'd better rush me at full power from the start, I'm not as kind as Son Gokou.". Freeza assumes that the boy is a friend of Gokou's. The young man says he never met him, and he then begins a little speech, "You said that you would kill all of the Earthlings before the Super Saiya-jin arrived just to cause him pain and suffering". Freeza interrupts, "Yes, that's right, you included.". Trunks laughs off the comment and continues, "You've made a big mistake.". Freeza interrupts again, "What the hell are you talking about? Cleaning up Earth scum such as yourself will only take an instant.". "No Freeza, that wasn't your mistake. You're wrong. Son Gokou isn't the only Super Saiya-jin.", the boy smirks, "There is another. And he's right in front of you.". Freeza takes a step back in surprise. But then he takes a good look at the boy and laughs thinking it was a bluff, "Ho boy! Now I'm really scared! HAHAHAHA! I knew you were crazy, but not completely insane!". The boy chuckles and begins raising his ki. Pebbles start to rise up into the air around him. Then the pebbles start to hit Freeza and he looks up at the boy. He stops laughing. He looks on in terror, the likes of which his eyes haven't been filled with since Nameck. "N..No! can't be!". The boy screams and his hair starts to stand up on end. The earth trembles and the bodies of Freeza's men are flung into the air by the sheer force of ki surrounding the boy. Elesewhere, the Z Soldiers lose their footing. Buruma trembles, "It..It's just like on Nameck!". Gohan looks over, "That ki! That's the same ki my father had on Nameck.". Meanwhile Vegita is seething, "There's another Super Saiya-jin other than Kakarroto? IMPOSSIBLE! Now two people are stronger than me!?". Meanwhile the boy continues his transformation as energy whirls around his body. Meanwhile images of Gokou are flashing before Freeza's eyes. Finally the sky settles around the youth and his hair turns bright gold. Freeza takes several steps back from the boy and his father looks at him wondering why he's so frightened. Freeza stammers, "It's them! Those eyes! It's those eyes!". The boy smiles, "What are you so afraid of? You're the ultimate being.". Freeza throws out a beam of energy, "GO TO HELL!". The boy doesn't budge an inch and takes the blast full on. Kold repremands his son. "Freeza, don't use too much power. You don't want to destroy the Earth yet.". "I know Papa, that was just a warm-up.". Freeza laughs thinking that he's won, but when the smoke clears, the boy is still standing, unphased. "Freeza! To underestimate me and not use your full power on me will be your undoing.". Freeza tells him to shut up and hurls an even larger beam at him. The youth doesn't move. He catches the beam and is pushed back several yards by it, but then gains control and deflects it. Kold looks on, "Heh, he's not bad". The boy continues to taunt his adversary, "Foolish Freeza. Your over-confidence is your weakness. This fight will be over with in a second.". Freeza laughs masking his rage, "Fine, I'll kill you in a second just as you wish.". Freeza flies high into the sky and raises his fingertip. He creates an ENORMOUS Death Ball that's 10 times the size of the one he created on Nameck. It will destroy the Earth if it reaches the center. Freeza tells his father that he could care less about the Earth, "I'll kill Son Gokou in space!". With that he launches his monstrous ball of energy. The boy doesn't move once again and lets the ball fall directly on top of him. The ball embeds itself in the ground and Freeza laughs insanely. Eventually Freeza lands as the ball sinks into the ground, "Papa, let's get off of this planet before it dissapears!". The second the words leave his mouth, the Death Ball stops moving for a second, and then moves straight up. Freeza turns around stunned, "W...WHAT!?". At the bottom of the pit created by the ball, is a figure with one arm raised. It's the boy! He's holding the Death Ball up effortlessly with one hand. He then walks out of the pit carrying the ball with him. The boy looks at Freeza, "Was that it?". Freeza raises one finger and shoots a tiny energy blast at the ball. The blast connects, and sets of the ball. The boy looks up at the ball carelessly. It flashes for an instant and then EXPLODES! After the dust settles, nothing is left where the boy was standing. Kold jumps down to his son, "Well done Freeza. Looks like he wasn't nearly good enough for the likes of us.". "Yes, that was a good warm-up for Son Gokou.". Little does the villain know he has less than a minute to live. Behind the two of them on a mountain is the boy, unscathed. While the evil father and son banter on, the boy performs a manuever with his hands and finishes with his palms out in front of him forming a daimond. He yells out. "FREEZA!". Freeza turns around and sees the boy on the mountain top. He jumps out of the way just barely in time as a blast from the teen creates a crater where he was standing a second ago. Freeza is distracted and looks down at the blast, and quite possibly extended his life for a moment more if he had been more careful, but it was to avail. "If that boy thinks he can....". Freeza turns around too late and sees the youth looming over him like the shadow of death itself. The boy's sword is raised aboved his head and he screams with fury as he lunges towards Freeza. The villain is frozen with fear, the last words he utters are, "Gkk!". The boy screams and makes what appears to be a slice straight through Freeza's body. But nothing happens...yet. Suddenly, we're shown Freeza's eyesight. He's looking straight at the boy, but something strange is happening. The boy seems to be sliding apart. Then we see Freeza's face. His entire body was sliced cleanly through and is slipping apart. Finally his body falls in two halfs. His twisted insides are exposed as an un-holy mix of metal and flesh. The boy slices Freeza's body into unreognizeable pieces, pulls back his hand and then lets fly with a huge energy blast. This is the part where I tell you that pieces of Freeza fall to the ground, unfortunately, there's nothing left to fall. Freeza was completely inhilated. RESSURECT THAT!

Thus endeth the life of the greatest villain in DBZ. Freeza's shortcoming was pointed out by the boy, he was simply too overconfident. Freeza was the same way on Nameck. He thought that he was superior to all forms of lives, but was shown up by Vegita, Piccolo, Gohan, and even Kuririn. Not taking his opponents seriously was his first sign of defeat. I'd like to point out something about Freeza which makes him an excellent fighter, he tries not to let his anger get the best of him when in a fight, (like Nappa did for example). He has little peaks of anger, but he usually shoves them aside and either laughs or insults his opponent. By not letting his anger get the best of him, he was able to concentrate during the fight instead of attacking his opponent in a blind rage. He's one of the only villains to show this type of self-control. For example, Nappa just went nuts after Gokou declared victory before even fighting him, Cell went absolutely bonkers after Gohan beat the crap out of him, Ginyu goes ape-shit when Gokou shoots up his power level and Kid Buu....well.....Kid Buu doesn't even count since he's to childish to understand human speach and thus couldn't get angry at taunts. (However, Super Buu throws a huge temper tantrum). Back to the subject, it's true that Freeza loses control of his anger, (and when he does it's best to be several galaxies away), but he only does so after either being beaten horribly by someone he didn't expect to even stand up to him, (like Gokou), or after being insulted about a hundred times or so.

Well, that basically all there is to know about the most evil of all Dragon Ball villains. He of course makes some cameo appearances from time to time in the anime, movies, and DBGT, but they are all minor parts. I hope you can understand why Freeza is the coolest villain. The ultimate reason he's the best villain all comes down to one thing, he's pure evil. Now just think about this for a second. Think of allllllll the villains in DBZ. Think about how many of them are PURE evil. You know the answer? One. It's Freeza. Before you think I'm off my rocker, let me explain. First there's Nappa and Raditzu. Okay, yeah, they were bad guys, but even they had hearts. When Vegita killed that Saibaiman, Nappa was shocked. Which then brings us to Vegita. Okay, is he bad? Sure. Is he mean? You bet. Is he pure evil? No. Something that's pure evil would never turn good. He was even ressurected at the end of DBZ when Porunga granted the wish that all GOOD people who were killed since Babidi appeared should be ressurected. Okay, who's next? Freeza's henchmen. Are they evil? Maybe a little, but not really all that much. Think about their options. Work for Freeza, or die. Hmmmm tough decision. On to the Jinzouningen. Was Dr. Gero pure evil? No. He had a deep set grudge against Gokou and wanted him dead. He didn't plan on killing everyone in the universe. Was Android 19 evil? No, he was a creation. He was made to be evil. As for the 17 and 18 of present day, they only wanted to fight Gokou to show their superiority. They never killed one innocent person. Next is Cell. Was Cell pure evil? No way. He was a creation. He was made to kill everyone, he never had a choice to be good or bad. Next is Babidi's gang of thugs, (including Darbura). Were they all evil? No way, they were under Babidi's control. So how about Darbura? Look how many years the Dark World existed without anyone even interfering from it. The only reason Darbura wanted to wreak havoc in the normal world was because Babidi was controlling him. How about Babidi? Well, Babidi is a reincarnation of his father just like Garlic Jr. was. Of course he would be born evil. And finally Buu. Do I even need to explain why Buu isn't pure evil? He was created! He never had a choice! Okay, now we're full circle. So, who's the ONLY villain in DBZ who had a choice to be good or evil and decided to be evil? Freeza. Who's the only villain who in a sound mind and body destroyed millions of lives for the fun of it? Freeza. Get my point? Freeza is the greatest villain of all time!

Freeza's Death