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Gokou, Piccolo... and Gohan? vs Raditzu!

This is my favorite fight. "Why?", you ask. Easy, this is the very first fight I saw and the fight that hooked me on Dragon Ball. This is also the first fight in Dragon Ball Z which automaticcaly makes it a winner. This is obviously not the coolest fight, but it is my favorite. Gokou has not seen his friends in several years, but Kamesennin is hosting a reunion party at his Kame House. Bulma arrives and Kamesennin makes some perverted comment about her and she bashes him in the head. Meanwhile Gokou is out on Kintoen searching for his son, Gohan. Gohan was out wandering in the woods. Somehow, he managed to fall off a cliff and grab hold of a limb sticking out from the side of the cliff. Gokou hears him and rescues him, then they start their journey towards Kamesennin's Kame House. Gokou arrives and everyone,(Everyone being Kamesennin, Bulma, and Kuririn), is happy to see him. They see Gohan and remark on Gokou babysitting at his age. Gokou tells them he's his son. Everyone gasps in surprise. As we find out here, Gohan is only four and he's very shy. He doesn't want to be a fighter because Chi-chi won't let him. He wants to be an orthopeidist, (wow exciting). Gohan turns around for a second to play with a crab and they notice a tail. Everyone gets real serious and ask him if Gohan's ever been out during a full moon. "No, we all go to bed pretty early. Why?". "Oh nothing! Heh Heh. Nothing at all!". Suddenly, Gokou feels a HUGE power coming toward them. He says it's a horrible power. Gokou's actually trembling. Kamesennin says he smells death in the air. An enourmous hulking man sets down on the ground infront of them. They talk for a little about stuff Gokou doesn't know about. He calls Gokou Kakkarot. "Why didn't you complete your mission Kakkarot!?" "What mission? Who are you?" Then the man gasps Kakkarot, what happened to your tail!? Gokou says he had it removed for good a long time ago. "Fool! Your true power is gone now! You can't transform! Kamesennin interrupts, "Gokou, there's something I have to tell you, a long time ago, your grandfather found you in the woods in an alien space pod. He took you to his home and tried to show you kindness but you wouldn't accept it. You were unusually strong for a baby and you hit, kicked and screamed at him, one day, you fell out of his basket and fell down a waterfall. You hit your head on a rock. Your grandfather retrieved you. Anyother baby would have died. You fully recovered and from that day on you were a happy loving baby. No one can believe this. Kuririn thinks the big man's nuts and he's about to "escort" him off the island, when the man slams Kuririn into the Kame House with ...... a tail! Gokou and Bulma gasp. The man laughs, "So you finally know the truth. Allow me to introduce myself! I'm Raditzu, your big brother!" Gokou tries to deny the fact, but he knows it's true. Raditzu explains about his kind, the Saiya-jin. They were a race of planet pirates. They found planets that would find a high price, then go off and kill everything on it to prepare it for it's new owners. Gokou was sent to destroy Earth since it was such a pitiful planet. Gokou's accident made him forget it all. Raditzu tries to get Gokou to join him and his two friends, but he refuses. No problem! Raditzu kicks Gokou in the stomach, HURTING him and sending him flying in the air. If Gokou won't join, Raditz will settle for his son! He gives Gokou twenty-four hours to kill one-hundred people and show him the bodies, or he takes his son. (Gee, why didn't we hear that in America!?) With that he flies off. Gokou eventually gets up. He's about to go after him, when he hears a voice above him. It's Piccolo!!!!!!! Piccolo still HATES Gokou, but he says he doesn't want that guy intereferring with his plans to take over the world. Gokou agrees to the treaty. Piccolo assures Gokou, that as soon as they destroy Raditzu, it'll be Gokou's turn. Gokou figures out how to follow Gohan, he was wearing a hat with a real Dragon Ball mounted on top. Gokou just borrows Bulma's Dragon Radar. The two fly off together, Earth's most unlikely matchup. Meanwhile, Raditzu arrives at the field where his ship landed. Gohan is screaming his brains out, calling for his mom and dad. Raditzu calls him a shit-brat, (he gets called that a lot), and stuffs him in his ship. Suddenly, Raditzu's scouter, the thing he wears on his eye that measures power levels, starts to go nuts. It reads a 710 power level coming from his ship, where Gohan is. Raditzu dissmisses the power reading as a mistake. Then, another reading comes up. Two power levels are fast approaching. One is power level 334, Gokou. The other is power level 322, Piccolo. When they land, Raditzu inquires how they found him so fast. Gokou doesn't say, he just wants to know where Gohan is. Raditzu won't tell him. Raditzu still tries to convince Gokou to join him, and they ramble on for a while. Piccolo is getting tired of talking. He just wants to kill Raditzu, then Gokou. He takes off his turban and mantle. They are weighted clothes. All together, I think they weighed around 100 lbs. His power level jumps up to 408. Gokou comments on the good idea and sheds his gear. His power jumps up to 416. They both go after Raditzu. The fight is fast and furiuos. They tear up the ground fighting Raditzu. They move lightning fast but Raditzu is still faster. They hit him with punches as fast as bullets, but Raditzu blocks them all. The two warriors leap back for a quick rest. Gokou again asks where Gohan is. Raditzu tells him he's in his ship. They go back to fighting. Raditzu leaps up into the air. The duo go after him. But, Raditzu charges up for a second and unleashes two huge blasts. One from each hand. Gokou barely dodges, Piccolo, however, is not so lucky. His left arm gets in the blast's path and is blown away. The two blasts continue right into the mountains in the background, completely destroying them. Piccolo falls and is bashed by Raditzu. Raditzu dissappears. Gokou can't figure out where he went. Raditzu appears right behind Gokou, "I'm here!". Boom! He smashes Gokou.

Piccolo and Gokou are now side by side, looking like they've been through a war. Raditzu looks like he just got up in the morning. Gokou asks if Piccolo if he thinks he can still fight. Piccolo says he can. He also says he has a special attack he's been working on. Gokou asks if he thinks it will work. Piccolo says it should. Gokou again asks if he can do it with one arm. Piccolo says that's no problem. He just needs 5 minutes to gather all the energy. Gokou will have to fight alone against him. Gokou agrees and wishes Piccolo luck, as does Piccolo. Gokou makes some hand motions to prepare and then, dashes out to Raditzu. Meanwhile, Piccolo grimaces and raises his index and middle finger of his right hand to his forehead, and begins charging up. Gokou is actually connecting punches to Raditzu, but they do nothing to slow him down as Raditzu hits him to the side. Gokou leaps up and begins to charge up. Raditzu' power meter starts to skyrocket as Gokou raises to power level, 924. He looks over at Piccolo. His power level is now 1020. Gokou starts tp say his famous line. Energy is busting out of his hands as he begins, "KAME". Raditzu is now starting to get ticked. He realizes he underestimated them. "HAME". Raditzu is starting to worry, Piccolo's power is still increasing, as is Gokou's. Gokou is now ready. White light is almost completely surrounding him. "HA!!" The giant beam speeds towards Raditzu who trying to run from it, but it's too fast. He is now fuming. He stops in his tracks and puts his hands infront of him. KABOOM! The blast completes it's journey and creates an atom bomb size explosion. But, when the smoke clears, Raditzu is standing there in one piece. He is really pissed at Gokou. He decides to send up a present. "SHIRE!" (DIE!). Gokou gets hit by the energy ball and drops like a fly. Raditzu runs over to him and is about to kill him, when his scouter brings up a huge power, 1330. Piccolo is fully charged. Raditzu is stunned, but angry at the same time. He knows he can't block an attack that powerful. He yells at Piccolo and is going to drop him with a blast of his own, but Piccolo gets is ready and let fly. "Makkanosappo!" (Screw beam attack of the devil). The beam spins at the speed of light towards Raditzu. The beam hits. The beam continues past Raditzu and smashes into a mountain. Two ENOURMOUS explosions occur. When the dust settles, a huge round chunk was taken out of a mountain. Piccolo looks around, and to everyone's surprise, Raditzu is still alive. He dodged it at the last second. Only the tip of his shoulder armor is broken. Raddits comments on his aim being off. Piccolo is totally baffled and just stands there looking like he's seen a ghost. Raditzu says he's now going to kill him. He puts up his hand and gathers energy for and second, and charges. Piccolo stands there, gaurding himself, knowing it's the end. Raditzu is about to send the blast, when he stops dead in his tracks, a look of shear surprise on his face. Who's behind him? Gokou, and he's got Raditzu's tail. Gokou squeezes the tail and Raditzu falls to the ground. Gokou asks Piccolo if he can do the attack one more time. Piccolo says yes, but hold tight because it's going to be another 5 minutes. Raditzu's brain starts working and he starts pleading to his brother, "I'll change! I'll leave you alone! I'll tell the others you won't join!". This sickening display goes on for a while. Piccolo is screaming at Gokou, not to listen to him. Gokou, having a heart of gold, asks him if he promises to leave. Raditzu says yes. Piccolo screams at him, "SON GOKOU!". But Gokou falls for it and releases Raditzu's tail. Raditzu grins and kicks Gokou backwards. Piccolo groans about Gokou being too trusting, and know the planet's doomed. Raditzu is standing on top of Gokou, smashing his ribs. Raditzu asks Piccolo to try the attack again. He says he doesn't have time to charge up. So, Raditzu happily goes back to crushing Gokou. But wait! We forgot about somebody! Little Gohan! Gohan is in the ship crying for his mom and dad. He's quiet for a second and hears his father screaming in pain. Back to Gokou! Gokou is almost gone. Raditzu says he's no fun to play with and that this will be the final blow. "Say goodbye Kakkarot!". Suddenly, his scouter gets a huge power reading. Animals start to run and fly away from the bushes. Everything is absolutely silent, then, he looks over to his ship. The panels on the side start to pop off, then, the whole thing explodes, and Gohan leaps into the air looking like he's gonna kill the world. Piccolo is absolutely floored that the kid could do that. Raditzu looks at his scouter. Gohan is at power level, 1307! "Impossible for a kid!" Gokou yells at Gohan to escape. Gohan just stands there. Teeth are clenched as are his fists. He is totally pissed off at Raditzu. He growls, suddenly an aura starts to glow around him. He starts growling more. Then, he squints his eyes, tears steaming down them and SCREAMS at Raditzu, "YOU'RE HURTING MY DAD!!!!!, as he says this, bursts of steam and energy surround him. The entire area around him turns red. Then, Gohan launches himself staight at Raditzu. Raditzu is totally stunned and just stares as Gohan speeds toward him. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!". Gohan smashes straight into Raditzu's stomach, shattering the armor around his chest. Raditzu falls back. Gohan simply loses the aura and plops on the ground. Gokou can't beleave what he just saw, "G..G..Gohan?". "Daddy!". Gokou yells at Gohan to run away, "But Daddy?", Raditzu recovers and measures Gohans level. Power rating 1. "Hey kid, what happened to all that power?!". Gohan has no idea what Raditzu is talking about. Raditzu gets mad at Gohan and bats him away like a rag doll. Gokou pleads Raditzu not to hurt him because he's just a boy. Raditzu corrects him, "A very powerful boy! He's stronger than you! He could live to be a problem!". Raditzu stands above Gohan, ready to waste him, but Gokou grabs Raditzu from behind. They scuff around a bit, but Raditzu can't get free because Gohan's attack weakened him. Gokou screams at Piccolo to do his attack. Piccolo is already charging. Raditzu tells Gokou, that if he holds him from behind, the blast will kill him too. At this point Gokou doesn't care. He just wants Raditzu dead. Piccolo is rather happy about these turn of events. Not only will Raditzu die, but so will Gokou. Gokou continues to struggle to hold Raditzu. (Keep in mind, this is the Japanese version, we never got the chance to see this full scene because of the stupid censors) Piccolo is finally ready. Raditzu wants to know if Gokou is really going to go through with this, "Yes!". Piccolo points his fingers at Raditzu's chest and yells, "MAKKANKOSAPPO!!!!!!!!!!" The screw beam hits it's target and drills straight through Raditzu and Gokou's chest. Then we see a front view of them. Each has a basketball sized hole in his chest, blood flies everywhere. Both hit the ground, still alive. Piccolo saunters over to Raditzu to gloat. He says that even Gokou will be alive in about a week while he rots. Raditzu asks how. Piccolo explains about the Dragon Balls. When he finishes the story, Raditzu laughs. He tells Piccolo that scouters are also communicators. His two Saiya-jin friends heard every word. They'll come here and kill everyone. Raditzu laughs, "And the funny thing is, they're MUCH stronger than me! Ha Ha Ha!", Piccolo gets ticked, sticks his hand infront of Raditzu's face and fires the final blow, but even in the Japanese version it's not shown, it's assumed he just shot air at his head.

Gokou's friends arrive at the scene. They get there in time for him to utter a few final words to them. He tells them to take care of Gohan and Chi-chi. Also, wish him back with the Dragon Balls as soon as possible. Kurririn promises to do what he asked. Then, the Earth's greatest warrior, dies.