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Gokou vs Nappa!

This fight is a total joke! Nappa's not even in tthe same league as Gokou! It's not even funny! Gokou arrives on the battle field JUST in time to save Gohan from being crushed by Nappa. Nappa laughs at Gokou. He says his power can't possibly be 5,000. He was born weak, you can't get stronger as you get older. Wrong. Gokou looks around and sees his dead comrades Piccolo, Yamucha, and Tien. Nappa laughs and tells him about the other little guy that went Kamikaze to try blow him up. Gokou is thoughrolly pissed. He walks up to Nappa very slowly, Nappa laughs at him, "What are YOU gonna do?". Gokou just slowly works his way forward. Finally, when Gokou's no more than 2 feet away from him Nappa yells, "This one's for you!". His punch is faster than lightning, but it only succeeds in connecting with air. Gokou is over with Kurririn and Gohan. Nappa is totally stunned. Gokou gives both of them half of a senzu bean that Karin gave him. They want to fight with him, but Gokou refuses to let them. Kurririn is stunned, "Just because you were taught by Kaiousamma doesn't mean you can beat them. If we work together, we might be able to at least defeat Nappa.". Gokou ignores the comment and looks over at Nappa his energy starts to rise. Kurririn tells Gohan to back off because he never saw Gokou this mad. Gokou walks over to Nappa and stands a few yards away from him. He screams and starts to power up. His energy level skyrockets. Vegita has his scouter on and he's measuring the power level. 6,000 7,000 8,000!!!!! Vegita can't believe it. He breaks his scouter. Nappa can't believe it either. Gokou gloats, "Don't worry, I won't use Kaiouken yet." Nappa dashes at him, "SHUT THE @#%* UP! You're not even worthy to be in my presence, let alone fight me! Nappa puches, but doesn't even finish the punch when Gokou dashes behind him and kicks him in the neck, knocking him on the ground. Nappa curses him, "You son-of-a-@#%*! How'd you get behind me! Gokou says Nappa's only good at talking. Nappa is totally blown over the edge of rage now and powers up. "TAKE THIS". He rushes Gokou with hundreds of punches and kicks a second. Gokou doesn't even break a sweat. Vegita can't figure out how Kakaroto improved SO much in one year. Now it's Gokou's turn to attack. He runs straight at Nappa, then he dissappears. Then reappears right on top of Nappa's head. Nappa tries to crush him between his hands but, Gokou dashes down. He pulls back his hand, and smashes his fist, a foot into Nappa's gut. Nappa didn't even know what happened, he just stared staight ahead trying to get a gasp of air. After the surprise left, he grasped his stomach in pain. Nappa can't stand this. Gokou just stands there, totally fine, looking like he just had a cold drink. Nappa powers up and fires a blast at Gokou. Gokou takes the blast full force and he's not one bit phased. Nappa's eye's bug out of his head. He powers up for another attack, Gokou gets to him first. He gives him an overhead smash. Then he follows up by kicking him into a rock formation. Nappa get's up and he's totally nuts. He throws a rock at Gokou that he easily dodges. Nappa refuses to believe that Gokou's stronger than him. Nappa powers up and he looks like a bison with human head. He's huge. He raises his finger tips, which causes a huge explosion. Gokou's already far away. Nappa goes after him, and tries a flurry of punches and kicks that Gokou dodges with no trouble. Nappa must now resort to his Chou Attack. He opens his mouth and lets out a white blast. Gokou counters it with a normal ki (energy) blast. Vegita is ticked off at Nappa. He tells him to come down, he's embarrased him enough. Nappa gloats about how Vegita's gonna desroy Gokou. As he comes down, he sees Kurririn and Gohan. He decides to avenge his loss by killing them with his Chou Attack. Gokou sees this but he's too far away, so he must resort to Kaiouken. He speeds up and is on Nappa in an instant. He bashes Nappa's back, then waits for his falling body to hit the ground, he puts his hands up and Nappa's back lands on them, I assume his back is now broken. He throws Nappa's broken body over to Vegita. Vegita gives Nappa his hand to help him up. Nappa smiles. Yeah, he helps Nappa up allright, he throws Nappa into the sky, he powers up and launches a blast at him, "SHINE!!!!!"