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Gokou vs Tenshinhan!

Better known as Tien in the US, this was a long and very tense battle. It's actually Akira Toriyama's favorite battle out of all the fights. The reason being is because Gokou and Tenshinhan's power level's are exactly the same. Here's what happens. Gokou, still a young boy, and his friends are all at the 22 Tenkaichi Budokai. Gokou beats all of his opponents easily, except for Kuririn because he cheats and pulls Gokou's tail, but this no longer paralyzes Gokou because as he became stronger, so did his tail. Then he dissapears and starts jumping around the ring, then reappears right in front of Kuririn. Kuririn is so surprised he jumps right out of the ring. Meanwhile, the man who trained with Kamesennin, when they were boys, is there. He also happens to be Tao-pai-pai's brother and he's very upset about his brother's death. But as is with all villians, he lets someone else do the dirty work. He has his two students with him, Chaozu and Tenshinhan. These two fighters each have a unique ability. Chaozu is telepathic and can hold opponents down by concentrating on them. Tenshinhan has a mysterious third eye. Chaozu is defeated by Kuririn before his defeat at Gokou's hand's, however, Tenshinhan only manages to advance by luck because he's paired with Jackie Chun. Jackie steps out of bounds after some fighting and tells Tenshinhan he knows a lot of tricks and it's been fun. When everyone else has been defeated, the final round belongs to Gokou and Tenshinhan. They start off very well matched, but most amazing is their speed. They move so incredibly that it's difficult at times to see them. Trading punch for punch and kick for kick they begin to get angrier and angrier at each other. Gokou tries a move called a one pattern, where you move so fast you leave an image behind. Tenshinhan employs his third eye and easily spots the real Gokou. Tenshinhan use an attack called his volleyball technique. He spikes Gokou into the ground and everyone thinks he's dead but Gokou slowly rises up. They go back at it again, wearing each down now. Tenshinhan uses an attack called Taiyou-ken that reflects the suns energy into his opponents eyes. He rushes Gokou while he's blinded by the attack, but instead, he gets dropped by Gokou. It turns out he took Kamesennin's sunglasses. Tsurusennin (Tenshinhan's trainer) starts to get worried so he tells Chaozu to hold Gokou down telepathically. Suddenly, Gokou is frozen and dropped to the ground. He floats up as Chaozu tries to throw him out of the ring with his mind. Gokou twice uses a Kame Hame Ha to propel himself back into the ring. Tsurrusennin tells Tenshinhan to kill Gokou, but Tenshinhan screams out and says he can't do it because he's not an assassin. Tsurusennin is going to kill Chaozu for Tenshinhan's treason but Kamesennin blast him out of the place with a Kame Hame Ha. Now the fighting resumes. Tenshinhan surprises everyone by growing four more arms and attacking Gokou. Then Gokou boasts that he can grow eight ( even though he doesn't grow them like Tenshinhan, his arms move reall fast so it looks like there's eight). Tenshinhan is now MAJORLY pissed off at Gokou. Tenshinhan puts his hands in front off him and forms an open triangle with his hands. Chaozu screams at him to stop but he continues gathering energy for the attack. Kamesennin knows what the attack is. It's called the Kikouhou. A suicidal attack that's so powerful if a slight error is made in doing it, it could kill the target as well as the attacker. Chaozu is praying, Kamesennin doesn't know what will happen, most of all , Gokou doesn't know what to do. Almost everything is silent when Tenshinhan screams out, "KIKOUHOU!". After the blast the ring is demolished and neither fighter is seen, but then everyone looks up. They're both in the air. Gokou avoided the blast. However, Tenshinhan can float and Gokou can't, the ring is gone so whoever lands first loses. Gokou powers up and prepares a final Kame Hame Ha. Tenshinhan gloats saying he can easily handle the blast and stay afloat. At the last second Gokou fires his blast, but not at Tenshinhan, at the ground. Gokou smashes into Tenshinhan with the force of the blast behind him completely taking him by surprise. Tenshinhan and Gokou are now fully spent. Whoever lands first loses. Tenshinhan being bigger (do the math) falls faster and it looks like Gokou will land seconds behind him making him the winner! But that doesn't happen. At the last second, a truck zooms by, Gokou wings it and that makes him fall to the ground two seconds before Tenshinhan. Oh Well! Better luck next time!