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Gokou vs Vegita!

This was it, the fight we American fans had been looking forward to for MONTHS!!!!!!! The climactic battle between good and evil.

After Nappa finishes burning. Gokou is afloat in the air with his son and Kurririn. Vegita simply looks up at them with a smile on his face. Gokou can feel this guys power. Nappa wasn't even close to this guy. He knows the two must leave. He tells them to leave and go to the Kame House where Muten Roshi (Kamesennin) is. Gohan doesn't want to leave his father, but Kurririn realizes the seriousness of this event. Kurririn convinces Gohan and the two little warriors wait to see Gokou off. Gokou suggests a fighting spot to Vegita. He really doesn't care. They fly off to a mountainous wasteland. Gokou knows that no civillian will get hurt out here. Vegita stands on a cliff, his hair blowing in the wind. He decides to give Gokou one last chance. "Kakkarot, why don't you join me? We'd be an unstoppable team!" Gokou addimately refuses. Vegita says he gave him his chance. The two stand there, the ultimate warriors of their time. Faces locked in seriousness. The fate of the Earth will be decided with this bout. The two crouch, in attack form. Then, from a nearby cliff some rocks fall, Gokou is spooked and speeds towards Vegita. He tries to punch him but Vegita easily dodges the blow. Then Gokou punches again, but Vegita grabs his fist. Gokou breaks free and meets him with a barrage of lightning fast blows Vegita smiles and blocks every one easily. He gives Gokou a uppercut, but it doesn't even phase him as he tries to kick Vegita to the side. Vegita dodges it and dashes away. Gokou follows suit, but Vegita makes a u-turn and smashes Gokou. The two fly through the air matching each other punch for punch. The only difference is, Gokou really trying, Vegita's having fun. Vegita taunts him the whole time. "Is that the best you can do Kakkarot?". He finally lands a blow to Gokou's stomach. And then gives Gokou an overhead smash. Gokou lands on the ground, Vegita lands atop a cliff, looking down on Gokou with a smile on his face. Gokou is now ready to use Kaiouken. He powers up and goes after Vegita. From his spot on the ground, Gokou just punches the air. The force of the punch destroys the cliff Vegita was standing on. He actually starts to kick Vegita's butt! It looks as though Gokou's gonna win, but, Vegita dodges a punch and smashes Gokou down to Earth. Vegita thinks Kaiouken is an interesting trick, but nothing compared to HIS power. Vegita decides to show his full potential. Vegita starts to power up. It's quite a scene. Lightning and energy seem to be emitting from Vegita. Gokou thinks it's a typhoon (Yes, he did think it was a typhoon in the Japanese version). He finishes the power up with a huge white light that explodes out from his body. Vegita is now powered up and ready to go. He starts to rip Gokou up. He moves so fast, even Gokou can't see him, "What's the matter KaKaroto?". He kicks Gokou down. Gokou dashes atop a mountain to try to get above him. To late Vegita's already there. Vegita lets off what looks like a Hadoken. Gokou shouts out, "Kaiouken times 2!!!", That's the next level of Kaiouken, but it really pushes Gokou's body to the limit. With the speed of Kaiouken times 2, he just barely misses that attack, and Vegita's next blast, which comes so close, it rips off half of his shirt. The two land, facing each other, several cliffs apart. Vegita's still smiling, he's having a grand time. Gokou rips off the other half of his shirt, and decides to pushes his body to the limit, and go for a Kaiouken times 3!!!! Meanwhile, who's that watching from behind a nearby mountain? It's Yajirobi! (Yajirobi IS'NT the coward FUNimation makes him out to be. He actually, single-handedly defeated one of Piccolo Daimou's minions. He's not as brave as Gokou, but he's not the doofus he's made out to in America). Anyway, he silently cheers Gokou on. Gokou prays that his body can handle the surge of energy, and begins to power up. First, a faint white glow surrounds his body, then his muscles begin to rapidly grow. Vegita is now watching wide eyed. Gokou continues to power up, his body literally filled to overflowing with energy. The powerup alone destroys the cliff Vegita was standing on. When Vegita falls, Gokou makes his move. When Vegita looks up, Gokou is right in his face. Gokou pulls back his arm and slams Vegita in the face. Vegita tries to fight back, but it's useless! Gokou has unbelievable speed. He punches Vegita through a cliff and into the center of a mountain. Vegita is really pissed now! He destroys the mountain and tries to go after Gokou, but Gokou's already in front of him. Vegita tries a blast, but then Gokou's behind him, then in front of him in less than a second. Vegita is so stunned he doesn't even have time to block as Gokou plants his fist right in his stomach, Vegita pulls back, grasping his stomach. Gokou is now the stongest! Vegita tries a last ditch effort. He tries to go in for a concentated punch (It's just a punch but you put all of your energy into it). Gokou just grabs his fist and squeezes. Vegita tries to hold back the pain. He wraps his over Gokou's arm and climbs on Gokou's shoulders, trying to break his back with a overhead smash. Gokou doesn't give him the chance. He bashes his head into Vegita's jaw, bashes his body around like a rag doll, then pulls the Saiya-jin prince several feet into rock. Gokou falls to the ground. Vegita is on the ground in pain, he finally realizes that someone is stronger than him, and he can't take it. It's too much for him. Vegita leaps into the air, declaring that he doesn't need Earth, and that he'll just destroy it. Little plot hole here. If he destroys the planet, unlike Freeza, Vegita can't survive in space, so he would die. Gokou yells at him telling him it's not fair. Vegita doesn't really care anymore. He's laughing like a maniac as he powers up his Gyarikku-Hou ( Get it, Vegita, vegetable, Gyarikku, garlic! I'm not kidding! Akira Tiriyama did it as a joke) Gokou has not even fully recovered yet, and his body is actually bubbling. He has no choice though, he screams, "Kaiouken times 3!", and starts up a Kame-Hame-Ha. Vegita pulls his hands back, just like Gokou does for a Kame-Hame-Ha. Purple energy is leaping around him like he was a open electrical line. Gokou starts to move his hands into position, meanwhile, the ground around him begins to shake, and rocks start to lift into the air. Kame! Blue energy begins to form in his hands. Vegita is still laughing, the energy around him is growing much larger and fiercer. Hame! Mountains around them shatter, the energy around Gokou doubles around Gokou. Vegita's energyfills the sky. Vegita is ready and lets his attack loose, "Gyarikku Hou!". HA! Gokou is totally surrounded by blue energy and lets his blat loose. The two beams meet and can't overcome each other. Vegita can't believe Gokou had an attack as strong as this. Gokou puts everything he has into his beam, as does Vegita. They struggle for a long time, but neither overcomes the other. Gokou knows he is running out of energy, and won't be able to keep it up much longer. He only has one option left. He mentally prepares himself, then yells, "Kaiouken times 4!!!!!". An ENOURMOUS ball of blue energy goes up his beam's path and pushes back Vegita's Gyarikku Hou. Blue energy overcomes Vegita and his attack is vanquished. Gokou's blast hits him and puts him into orbit. Back on the ground, Gokou can't move, he's stuck just standing there. He's just trying to get a little air going through him. Then, from behind the rocks, Yajirobi emerges to congradulate Gokou with a big slap on the back. Gokou screams in pain. The littlest touch sends shockwaves through his body. The two banter a bit, Yajirobi is real proud of Gokou, unfortunately, Gokou admits that Vegita isn't dead yet. Yajirobi is stunned. Gokou really can't believe it either, but he can still feel Vegita's power. Unlike the American version, where they make Yajirobi a coward and he runs off, Gokou actually tells Yajirobi to run because he could get killed. Anyway, Gokou's waiting, knowing that any second, Vegita could return. Then, he sees him. Vegita lands near Gokou and smiles. He says that he noticed this planet doesn't have a moon. Piccolo blew it up a while ago. He says it doesn't matter, the Saiya-jin have their ways. (Contrary to what he says in the American version, I've seen the Japanese episode, and Gokou's father, Bardock, didn't devlope the moon light attack! I've seen his father, and he wasn't a scientist!) What Vegita does here, is tell Gokou about how sorry he is to do this move because its ugly and underhanded, but he will kill him. He also explains that the reason Saiya-jin turn Ohazoru is because they absorb Brute Waves from light sources such as the moon. Vegita gathers energy for a moment and forms a ball of white light in his hand. He mocks Gokou and then, releases the ball into the sky. It travels a distance and then expands, creating a very large white ball. Gokou absolutely no clue as to what's going on. Vegita looks up at the light, and then something strange happens to him. He starts to breathe very fast, his pupils blank out, his teeth start to grow sharper. Then, he starts to grow, and at the same time, hair is rapidly covering his body. His face starts to grow out and cover with more hair. His body suit stangely expands with him. Finally, the transformation is complete, Vegita is now Ohazaru (The name the of the beast the Saiya-jin change into) Vegita explains that unlike most Saiya-jin, he trained in this form and can therefore have total control of himself and retain memory of the events that occur while he's in this form. Finally, it's all clear to Gokou. When he was a little boy, he realizes he must have seen the full moon and squashed his grandfather Gohan, that's how he died. And the time in the desert at Pilaf's castle. It's all very clear to Gokou now. But, he has better things to worry about now. Gokou tries to run. He can't fight the beast because his body is totally spent and because he couldn't beat him even if he were at full power. When Saiya-jin go Ohasaru, their power is increased about ten times. Gokou tries to run, but he can't Vegita is too fast, even though he weighs several tons! Vegita likes this turn of events. He plays cat and mouse with him, Gokou hides behind a mountain, Vegita destroys the mountain. Very simple rules. Vegita evetually gets Gokou with his back to a cliff and he can't go anywhere. Gokou thinks he's lost and is about to give in, but behind Vegita, he sees the sun and gets an idea. He raises his hands to both sides of his face, he looks at the sun and yells, "Taiyou-Ken!" This was Tenshinhan's attack! The sun's light gathers around Gokou and spreads out, going straight into Vegita's open eyes. Needless to say, Vegita is temporarilly blinded. Gokou's not going to take advantage of this oportunity. He knows that there's only one chance of beating Vegita now. The Genki Dama! (Energy Ball) Gokou finds a nice quiet spot about half a mile from the reeling Vegita. He stands atop a cliff and takes a deep breath. He prepares himself and then he raise his hands above his head. He is now ready to form a Genki Dama! Gokou speaks, "Please, everything living on Earth, listen to me. Give me all your energy so I can save you! No matter how big or little, give me your energy." Across the world, everything is silent. The blades of grass in the field slowly blow in a light breeze. The seas are slowly rolling. The fish of the rivers swim, slowly. The trees in the forest sway slowly in a wind. Then, in the middle of a field, a tiny speck rises from the ground. It shines in the light of the sun. It pauses for a moment, but then, it seems to take direction as it glides towards something. Suddenly, more tiny specks rise from the field, then hundreds fill the air and all go in one direction. The seas are suddenly calm and hundreds of specks rise up from the ocean. Across the world, more and more specks rise up and follow a single path. They all go directly to Gokou. Gokou is concentrating very hard, trying to harness the vast amount of energy he's collecting. His body begins to glow as more and more specks go into him. The specks are the life energy of everything living. Every living thing on Earth, is giving part of it's life energy to Gokou so that he can create the Genki Dama. Gokou starts to get surrounded by a flaring white energy. He is almost done gathering the energy he needs. But, Vegita has now gotten back his sight. He's totally pissed at Gokou for humiliating him with an attack like that. He can't wait to crush Gokou. He looks around for a second, and then he spots him. Gokou has now collected all the energy he needs. "Warm, it feels so warm!" He concentrates for a moment and brings all the energy into his fist. Vegta is now just about on top of him. Gokou pulls back his hand, ready to unleash it, but Vegita is too fast for him. Vegita opens his mouth and lets out a beam that destroys a half a mile radius. Gokou falls to the ground. Vegita laughs at Gokou. Gokou knows it's over. He just lays on the ground and laughs. Vegita jumps on Gokou breaking both his legs. He grabs, Gokou is his hands and starts to crush his chest. Gokou screams in pain. Gokou's part in this fight is now over, wanna know the rest? When I get my Gohan section up, which will be after my Piccolo one that's next, you can find out! I won't be doing Gokou versus the Ginyu Tokusentai, because this wasn't really a great battle. It was funny, because Gokou beats almost all of them easily, except for Ginyu. Make no mistake though, Vegita kills every Ginyu member except Ginyu! If you want to read about this battle, I will most likely put it in my Vegita section. Now onto a true epic battle. The battle of the greatest good and the vilest evil. This fight is......