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Applications & Technologies
DNA Technology Answers


     DNA Technology Review Answers:

     1.  J - DNA has a negative charge due to the presence of phosphate groups in every nucleotide.

     2.  C - Lambda bacteriophage is a vector able to accommodate DNA inserts up to 20,000 base pairs in length.

     3.  H - A plasmid is a self-replicating circular DNA segment that can contain 2-20 additional genes for bacteria.

     4. D - gDNA segments migrate through agarose during gel electrophoresis.

     5.  G - Sticky ends are produced by some restriction enzymes.  These overlapping nucleotide base pairs allowed for the cut-and-paste techniques of Recombinant DNA technology.

     6.  I - Smaller gDNA fragments will be able to maneuver further through the agarose matrix, thus they will be found close to the positive electrode.

     7.  A - Restriction enzymes are proteins that are able to cut DNA at specific locations.

     8.  K - Bacteria add methyl groups to their DNA to protect it from action by their own restriction enzymes.

     9.  J - Larger gDNA fragments will not be able to move very far through the agarose, thus they will be located closer to the negative electrode.

     10.  K - gDNA, otherwise known as genomic DNA, are the segments produced from the action of restriction enzymes.

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