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SAT II Biology Exam
General Information

      Purpose - to assess general knowledge of high school biology as a basis for placement in college-level courses

- basically anything covered during the year-long biology course is fair game, but there are three main areas tested:
          1.  Knowledge of Fundamental Concepts of Biology
          2.  Application of Biological Knowledge
          3.  Interpretation of Biological Data
- consists of 80 multiple choice questions over a 60-minute time span
          1.  Core of 60 multiple choice questions that everyone must answer
          2.  Choice of next 20 multiple choice questions concentrating on one of the following subject areas
               a.  Molecular Biology - DNA, Genetics, Genetic Engineering
               b.  Ecology - Biomes, Ecological Relationships, Ecosystems

**The choice is YOURS.  However, I would recommend the Molecular Biology Version based on the emphasis of the AP Biology course offered at Conestoga.**

- Range of scores from 200 - 800 points.  One point is awarded for each correct answer and 1/4 point is deducted for each incorrect answer.

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