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Population Genetics & Evolution
Hardy-Weinberg Questions


     H-W Review Questions:

For questions 1-5, refer to the following information.  No answer choices will be provided; therefore, you will need to work through and solve these problems on your own.

     Brown eyes (B) are dominant over blue (b).  In a population of 200 people, 18 of them have blue eyes.

1.  Are brown eyes assigned the p or q allele?
2.  Are blue eyes assigned the p or q allele?
3.  What is the allelic frequency for brown eyes?
4.  What is the allelic frequency for blue eyes?
5.  What is the genotypic frequency for homozygous brown eyes?
6.  What is the genotypic frequency for heterozygous brown eyes?
7.  What is the genotypic frequency for blue eyes?

For questions 8-10, please answer either True or False.

8.  For Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium to be possible, population size must be large to prevent gene flow.
9.  If Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is occurring, natural selection is not.
10.  Hardy-Weinberg calculations have been performed for countless individuals to determine allelic frequencies in terms of evolution.

To check your responses, go to the H-W Answers page.

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