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Real Name: Michael Webb
Other Current Aliases:  Prism (Hacker ID)

Former Aliases: Webster of the Flash Rockets

Occupation: Professional Musician
Identity: The General population are unaware of Prism's existence
Citizenship: Citizen of the United States

Legal Status: American citizen with no criminal record
Place of Birth: California, USA
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Parents, Brother (Younger)

Known Confidants: Team Epsilon, Alfred Blake, Donald Henderson, Joshua Culp (Band Member)

Known Allies: Team Epsilon

Known Enemies: None

Group Affiliation: Arcadian Academy, Team Epsilon, Webster and the Flash Rockets

Base of Operations: The Loft, San Fransico

Extent of Education: College Diploma in Musical Studies and Literature (University of California, USA)


Physical Description

Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 180lbs

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blond

Physiology: Human 

Other Distinguishing Features: Deformed Facial Muscle Structure


Powers and Abilities

Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius

Strength: Peak Human

Stamina: Enhanced Human

Durability: Peak Human

Agility: Peak Human

Reflexes: Peak Human

Speed: SuperHuman

Fighting Skills: Formal Martial Arts Training in Judo and Karate coupled with Superhuman Speed and Physical capabilities provides Exceptional Combat Skills

Special Skills and Abilities: Musical Ability at professional level, Amazing Vocal / Singing Talent, General all -round Intellect and Amazing Computer Genius. Completely unfazeable, possessing an amazing level of self-assurance and confidence

Superhuman Physical Powers: All round Physical superiority with the focus on increased stamina and endurance & Speed, Capable of running at 240 MPH.

Superhuman Mental Powers: Extraordinary mental functions including increased intellect, eidetic memory, Increased learning and speed reading capabilities, natural talent for computer sciences, ability to mental manipulate light to a limited degree.

Special Limitations: No Increased resistance to physical trauma.

Source of Superhuman Powers: Genetic mutation/Anomaly



Costume Specifications: Form Fitting Body Armour (White streak crossing chest and with built in digital camera and flashlight)

Personal Weaponry: None

Special Weaponry: None

Other Accessories: Communications badge, Image Ring

Transportation: Raven Command transport

Design and Manufacture of Paraphernalia: Arcadian Academy 



Born into a wealthy middle class family near San Jose,  Michaels facial mutations were blamed on problems during my mothers pregnancy and he had a happy and normal childhood with many hours spent at the sea surfing or in his garage making music with his band.

During puberty Michael started getting into trouble at school for not paying attention in classes and talking back to his teachers. After many hours with the school psychiatrist it was discovered that boredom and frustration at the ease of the work were the main reasons for his lack of discipline. After this Michael was given more free time to pursue his own activities which almost lead to him being expelled for selling modified report cards the only reason the police were not involved was because when he was found out he told the head of the computer department how he had done it and also offered to fix that and a half dozen easy ways in .

Some of his other powers were not as easy to control the ability to create light and see ultraviolet problems for a while until he learned how to control them. (one of the reason he joined the academy)

Michaels first contact with the college was when he first started doing research into mutant and he was caught hacking into the students files at the Academy after discovering an intriguing Computer Cypher on the web, while investigating this Cypher he was discovered by the inventor, Shiva. this meeting of computer minds lead to a hacking cat and mouse game that lasted hours and is now legendary in Cyberspace. In the end however, Shiva won the battle and traced Michael (to this day Michael insists that she only won because of the superior computer hardware she had access too). Michael was offered a chance to join team Epsilon which he quickly accepted so he could get the only thing he really carved excitement. after some intense training in espionage and combat Michael, Using his Hacker ID Prism, was given command of Team Epsilon.

