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Real Name: Demetria 'Demi' Lockhart
Other Current Aliases:  

Former Aliases: None

Occupation: Nuclear Physicist
The General Population are unaware of Nightbreeze's existence
Nationalised Citizen of Australia, Resident of the USA

Legal Status: Australian Citizen with no criminal record
Place of Birth:
Perth, Australia
Marital Status:
Known Relatives:

Known Confidants: Team Epsilon, Donald Henderson, Alfred Blake

Known Allies: Team Epsilon

Known Enemies: None

Group Affiliation: Team Epsilon, Arcadian Academy

Base of Operations: The Loft, San Francisco

Extent of Education: College Diplomas in Nuclear Physics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Linguistic Studies, Minored in Business Studies.


Physical Description

Height: 6'

Weight: 140lbs

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Black

Physiology: Human Mutant

Other Distinguishing Features: Eyes capable of glowing Red under extreme emotion (she has some selective control over this)


Powers and Abilities

Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius

Strength: Peak Human

Stamina: Peak Human

Durability: Athlete / Superhuman (in Armour)

Agility: Enhanced Human

Reflexes: Peak Human

Speed: Athlete

Fighting Skills: Formal Martial Arts training in Tai-Jutsu coupled with extreme natural talent

Special Skills and Abilities: Exceptional Knowledge of the Sciences including Nuclear Physics and Various Chemistry Disciplines, Multi-lingual, Instinctive weather Sensing ability, Talent for Radio Systems and Exceptional Ability to Move in Zero-Gravity

Superhuman Physical Powers: Ability to generate Metallic Armour at will, Generation of weather effects including flight through generation of controlled winds

Superhuman Mental Powers: Possesses a mental radar and has ability to mentally manipulation local weather patterns for a variety of effects.

Special Limitations: Radar fouled by heavy weather conditions.

Source of Superhuman Powers: Genetic Anomaly / Mutation (Trauma Triggered)



Costume Specifications: Form-Fitting Body Armour (worn underneath bio-armour)

Personal Weaponry: None

Special Weaponry: None

Other Accessories: Communications Badge, Image Ring

Transportation: Raven Command Transport

Design and Manufacture of Paraphernalia: Arcadian Academy, Tinker, Shiva



Demi was born and raised in Perth, Australia and had a normal childhood until she was 13 years old, when she lost her entire family in a car accident, it was this same accident that triggered her meta-human abilities, her body growing a skin-tight layer of metallic armour to protect herself from the crash. after recovering from the trauma of being trapped in the wreck of the car with her dead family, she dedicated her life to turning herself into someone her parents could be proud of, becoming a star athlete and student at Sydney University, Taking the college to gold medals in the local Track and Swimming competitions. Gaining diploma's in Various fields of chemical sciences (including pharmaceutical and analytical), Chemical Engineering and Nuclear Physics, Specialising in the study of radiation, (She also minored in Linguistic and Business), Demi was offered a position as a research physicist at a renowned chemical research company within Sydney after completing University. There she remained for several years before being offered a promotion to a research Nuclear Physicist at the companies new San Francisco Plant.

With no relatives to tie her down, she accepted and moved to America. it was while in America she noticed the much more common criminal element and decided to do something about it. after the accident, she discovered she had gained the ability to generate a suit of metallic armour to protect herself from injury and with time she developed the ability to mentally control local weather patterns, using these abilities she became a small time vigilante in San Francisco until she came to the attention of the Academy, who offered her a position as part of a new team that was being formed. After accepting and receiving training, she became Night Breeze, the newest member of Team Epsilon.

