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Real Name: John Smith
Other Current Aliases:  None

Former Aliases: None

Occupation: Street Bum & would be Gang member, Company owner
Identity: The General population are unaware of Rad's existence
Citizenship: Citizen of Britain

Legal Status: British citizen with no criminal record, Illegal alien in America
Place of Birth: London, UK
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Parents, 2 Brothers

Known Confidants: Team Epsilon, Alfred Blake, Donald Henderson, Mike his gun

Known Allies: Team Epsilon, Red Monkeys Colour Gang

Known Enemies: None

Group Affiliation: Arcadian Academy, Team Epsilon, Red Monkeys Colour Gang

Base of Operations: The Loft, San Fransico

Extent of Education: Bachelors Degree in Chemistry & Computer Sciences (St Andrews University, England)


Physical Description

Height: 6' 6"

Weight: 160lbs

Eyes: Light Blue

Hair: Golden Hair, crew cut

Physiology: Human 

Other Distinguishing Features: Scar running the length of his forearm


Powers and Abilities

Intelligence: Genius

Strength: Superhuman

Stamina: Enhanced Human

Durability: Superhuman

Agility: Athlete

Reflexes: Athlete

Speed: Peak Human

Fighting Skills: Extensive Childhood training in Kickboxing and Shaolin Kung Fu

Special Skills and Abilities: Expert knowledge of chemistry and computer sciences, Showed aptitude for military intelligence and Electronic Warfare during training 

Superhuman Physical Powers: Superhuman Physical Strength and increased endurance and durability, Increased Hearing, Ability to energy an energy field for defensive purposes, ability to generate blasts of radioactive heat

Superhuman Mental Powers: Extraordinary degree of Luck, Ability to manipulate kinetic energy through force of will.

Special Limitations: Suffering from mild psychosis (believes his powers are granted by eating dried fruit)

Source of Superhuman Powers: Genetic mutation/Anomaly



Costume Specifications: Form Fitting Body Armour

Personal Weaponry: Automatic Pistol (Colt 10mm Delta Elite)

Special Weaponry: None

Other Accessories: Communications badge, Image Ring

Transportation: Raven Command transport, 6 Yearr old car

Design and Manufacture of Paraphernalia: Arcadian Academy



Born and educated in England, John Smith was the son of an ordinary working class family who showed a genius level intellect and aptitude for chemistry and computer sciences, possessing a stubborn streak a mile long (High ME), he was often in trouble as a child and started studying Kung Fu as a way to control his temper, becoming exceptionally skilled by the time he left for university. At St Andrews University he gained a 1st in chemistry and Computer Sciences and left to set up a Dot Com company which had a slow start till several backers and investors took an interest, After several years however his computer went belly up and this investors discovered the truth behind Johns company. Using his computer skills John had manufactured his past to get backing for his company, being charged with fraud, his company when into bankruptcy and john fled the country, gaining illegal entry to America.

There he found his illegal alien status made finding employment very difficult and this coupled by his nervous breakdown resulted in him becoming homeless and a street bum. It was during one fateful morning that he was discovered to be a mutant. John was passing by a bank when a battle between the robbers and a small group of Super human's erupted, the robbers attempting to flee the scene lost control of the car and it swerved into John, The Car Bounced!!.

It was a few days after this when John was Approached by a middle-aged English gentleman who made him an offer, become a member of something called the Academy and not only would the offer him the expertise needed to learn about his powers, but also they could offer him a better life. After some initial reluctance (Still stubborn after all these years), john accepted. After some initial tests his powers were assessed and he was discovered to have an unusually high resistance to psionic Influence and an aptitude for Espionage work, this resulted in him being assigned the the Secret Team Espilon Unit of the Academy.

NOTE: During the Incident that started his powers, john eating dried fruit at the time and in his damaged mental state he now believes that his powers are triggered by him eating dried fruit and without them he is powerless.
