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 SHADE / RAVENSHADOW                                                  

Real Name: Simon Michael Chase
Other Current Aliases: Nathaniel Drake

Former Aliases: Zachery Regan, Sean Brenner, Kevin Belmont

Occupation: Student, Freelance Artist, Adventurer
Identity: The general population is unaware of Ravenshadow's existence
Citizenship: United States of America

Legal Status: U.S. Citizen with no criminal record
Place of Birth: Manhattan, New York City, USA
Marital Status: Engaged
Known Relatives: Cameron Jackson Chase (Mother), David Matthew Chase (Father)

Known Confidants: Lisa Michaels, Arcadian Academy, The Cadre

Known Allies: Arcadian Academy, The Cadre

Known Enemies: BlackStar, Halcyon Cult, The Fun Bunch, Clowns of Death, Quarternary

Group Affiliation: Bloodhawks Colour Gang, Arcadian Academy, The Cadre, Army of Night

Base of Operations: Seapod, San Francisco & Arcadian Academy, San Francisco

Extent of Education: College Degrees:  Anthropology, Mythology, Sociology & Linguistics


Physical Description

Height: 6'

Weight: 154lbs

Eyes: Metallic Silver, Where Dark brown at birth

Hair: Light Brown

Physiology: Human Mutant

Other Distinguishing Features: Metallic Silver Pupils, Silk producing Glands in Forearms


Powers and Abilities

Intelligence: Gifted

Strength: Peak Human

Stamina: Godlike

Durability: Enhanced Human Regenerative

Agility: Peak Human

Reflexes: Peak Human

Speed: Athlete

Fighting Skills: Talented Street fighter, Natural Combat ability coupled with formal training in Various Martial arts, Expert Knife-Thrower

Special Skills and Abilities: Highly Skilled Expert in Various Disciplines including Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, Anthropology, Economics & Mathematics, Religion & Philosophy, Computer Sciences, Demolitions, & Mythology. Expert Pilot of Both Commercial Aircraft and Helicopters. Accomplished Athlete with talents for Swimming, Gymnastics and Skiing. Exceptionally talented Escapologist, Stage magician, mimic and Actor. Multi-Lingual in over 14 languages.

Talented Freelance Artist, Skilled Historian, Master Level Sky-Diver & Trained Paramedic. Expert Espionage Agent with Training in Electronic Counter-Measures, Military Intelligence, Urban Warfare Tactics, & Weapons Systems. Exceptional Knowledge of Strategy and Tactics, Master tactician.

Exceptional Stealth and Recon Skills Bordering on the Meta-human Level. Talented Special Effects Specialist. 

Superhuman Physical Powers: Exceptionally powerful and versatile Shape-Shifter and Mimic. Able to assume any physical form imaginable, Able to assume a Liquid and Gaseous form, capable of copying molecular structures to assume their properties. Capable of producing Bio-Metallic Blades of Varying Design and Effect,  Can Project a Bio-Electric Shock  from hands, both at touch and range, Capable of Producing a semi-solid wall of Bio-Energy for defensive purposes.

Superhuman Mental Powers: Strong Natural Psionic Defences, Has the Ability to mentally control his Bodily functions for a variety of purposes including masking his heat signature and controlling his heart rate and breathing to produce a seemingly dead state.

Special Limitations: Some of his Bio-Blade effects will have the side effect of disabling his powers for a limited time. 

Simon has Inert Nanite Organism's encased within his body, their re-activation will result in his mind being controlled by a demonic force and his inhibitions will be lowered to the point where he will act out his most bases and diabolical emotions and tendencies. He will become Evil incarnate

Source of Superhuman Powers: Genetic Mutation & Tampering by Extra-Dimensional Forces



Costume Specifications: Original Costume was a Synthetic Stretch fabric composed of Unstable Molecules, Currently wears a BioPlas Reflex Armoured Costume with an Armoured Cloak

Personal Weaponry: Pre-Generated Bio-Blades

Special Weaponry: Pre-Generated Speciality Bio-Blades and his Costumes Built-In Weapons Systems

Other Accessories: Utility Belt containing Lock Picks, Molecular Samples, Molecular Restraints and Bio-Metallic Rods, Pressure Bandages & Universal Tool . The Sea-Pod, Control Link, and Night-wing Recon Drones

Transportation: Shadow-Wing Hover-Jet, Wyvern All-terrain Assault Jet, Raven Command Transport

Design and Manufacture of Paraphernalia: Raven Designed and manufactured by the Arcadian Academy, Shadow-Wing and Wyvern Designed and Manufactured by Ravenshadow, Sea-pod Designed and manufactured by Triton Construction and Research Industries, Modified by Ravenshadow

