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Real Name: Julia Silver
Other Current Aliases:  Shiva (Hacker ID)

Former Aliases: None

Occupation: Computer Specialist for Team Epsilon
Identity: The general population is unaware of Shiva's Existence
Citizenship: Citizen of the United States of America

Legal Status: American Citizen with no criminal record on file
Place of Birth: Boston, USA
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None

Known Confidants: Tinker, Team Epsilon, Alfred Blake, Donald Henderson

Known Allies: Team Epsilon, Tinker, Nightstrike

Known Enemies: None

Group Affiliation: Team Epsilon, Arcadian Academy

Base of Operations: The Loft, San Francisco

Extent of Education: Doctorate in Computer Sciences and Micro-Electronics, Master's Degree in Communications Systems (Microwave & Satellite Relays), Master's Degree in Artifical Intelligence Systems and Holographic Design and Application, Bachelor's Degree in Linguistics (Boston University, USA)


Physical Description

Height: 5' 8"

Weight: 128lbs

Eyes: Dark Hazel

Hair: Dirty Blond

Physiology: Human

Other Distinguishing Features: She hints of a tattoo on her hip


Powers and Abilities

Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius

Strength: Normal

Stamina: Athlete

Durability: Normal

Agility: Normal

Reflexes: Normal

Speed: Normal

Fighting Skills: Some basic Self-Defence Training

Special Skills and Abilities: Natural Genius with Electronics and Computers, World Renowned Hacker and data retrieval specialist, Multi-lingual, Eidetic Memory

Superhuman Physical Powers: None

Superhuman Mental Powers: None (although computer skills are boarding on the meta-human level)

Special Limitations: None other than she is a normal (all be it extremely intelligent) human

Source of Superhuman Powers: NA



Costume Specifications: Has a Suit of Team Epsilon Body Armour for emergencies

Personal Weaponry: Automatic Pistol when needed

Special Weaponry: None

Other Accessories: Communications badge (she designed them), Image ring

Transportation: Capable of Piloting the Raven Command Transport, 

Design and Manufacture of Paraphernalia: Arcadian Academy, Tinker, Herself




