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Real Name: Megain Fairchild
Other Current Aliases:  Omaha

Former Aliases: None

Occupation: Adventrurer & Espionage agent
Identity: The General population are unaware of Snowcat's existence
Citizenship: Citizen of the United States

Legal Status: American citizen with no criminal record
Place of Birth: Detroit, USA
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Parents, Grandparents, Brother (Older), Sister (Younger)

Known Confidants: Sister, Team Epsilon, Alfred Blake, Donald Henderson

Known Allies: Team Epsilon

Known Enemies: None

Group Affiliation: Arcadian Academy, Team Epsilon

Base of Operations: The Loft, San Fransico

Extent of Education: College Diploma in Musical Studies and Drama, Sports Diploma (Univeristy of Detroit)


Physical Description

Height: 5' 10"

Weight: 115lbs

Eyes: Gray

Hair: Very long, wavy Black

Physiology: Human 

Other Distinguishing Features: Small ears, Feline eyes (vertical slitted iris), 9' prehensile tail, small retractable claws on fingertips, short metallic white fur all over body (except on face, hands & feet)


Powers and Abilities

Intelligence: Above Normal

Strength: Peak Human

Stamina: Enhanced Human

Durability: Superhuman

Agility: Peak Human

Reflexes: Peak Human

Speed: Peak Human

Fighting Skills: Exceptional Aptitude for combat, (reactive combat reflexes combined with formal training in Kickboxing, Self Defense Techniques and weapons training provides exceptional combat skills)

Special Skills and Abilities: Musical Ability at professional level, Talent for dance, Expert skydiver & HALO diver

Superhuman Physical Powers: All round Physical superiority with the focus on increased stamina and endurance, Agility, Reflexes & Speed, Able to withstand extreme levels of energy exposure, increased visual abilities in the ultraviolet and infrared range, possesses the ability to physically reshape non-living matter through touch.

Superhuman Mental Powers: Exceptionally charming personality bordering on the telepathic level, pseudo-psionic ability for combat in the form of Precognitive Combat Reflexes.

Special Limitations: Matter reshaping ability doesn't affect living matter.

Source of Superhuman Powers: Genetic mutation/Anomaly



Costume Specifications: White form fitting body armour (Current), White form fitting kevlar body stocking (Previous)

Personal Weaponry: Automatic Pistol, Pair of Titanium Alloy Sai

Special Weaponry: None

Other Accessories: Communications badge, Image Ring

Transportation: Raven Command transport

Design and Manufacture of Paraphernalia: Arcadian Academy (Current), Sister (previous)



Born to a middle class family in Detroit, the only initial signs of mutation were her eyes and ears, as they were only minor genetic flaws they decided not to worry too much.

Her childhood carried on just like any normal child, she tended to be a bit more rough and tumble than the other kids and tended to take more chances.

Before starting college she took a year out and tried a lot of sports in order to push herself to the limit.

During the start of her second year of College where she was studying music, she found her body going through some profound changes.  The claws took some work to control after the breakage of numerous guitar strings.  The tail and fur could only be hidden under very baggy clothing and figuring a new way to sit.

Learning to control her emerging power was another difficulty, she found that just by putting her hand on a metal or plastic surface it would mould itself to her hand, the only way she could learn to control this power was to take up sculpting.

Her other advantages were easier to control and in most cases helped her in her wild lifestyle.

During the following year she tried her hand at crime fighting, she had a few successes and a few very lucky escapes, it was at this time that she was noticed by the Arcadian Academy.  Because of her unique aptitude for combat and espionage, Alfred Blake recruited her for the Team Epsilon Project, he taught her how to use her powers effectively and trained her in espionage techniques. although loosely affiliated to the academy, Megain has never been on the grounds adn has never met the groups founder, Donald Henderson.

Snowcat is currently stationed at the Loft, the secret headquarters of Team epsilon. only her, Nightbreeze and ........  (and of course Donald Henderson and Alfred Blake) know of the lofts existence and have access to it.
