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Real Name: Jennifer Kane
Other Current Aliases: Jennifer Kale

Former Aliases: Janine Hanson, Alison Truman, Lady Jennifer O'Brien of the 5th Astral Court

Occupation: Police Detective (San Franciso Police Department), Adventurer
Identity: The general population is unaware of Weave's Existence
Citizenship: United States of America, France

Legal Status: French national, US Citizen with no criminal record
Place of Birth: Paris, France
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Donald Henderson (Father), Alicia Kane (Mother), Simon Kane (Brother)

Known Confidants: Arcadian Academy Staff and Students, Lord Lucas O'Brien, The Muses

Known Allies: Arcadian Academy, Order of Mesmer, Lord Lucas O'Brien, Sergeant Geoff Banks (SFPD), The Muses

Known Enemies: Alicia Kane (Supreme Mother), Simon Kane (Bloodlord), Emma Fern (Night Mistress), The Sisterhood, Blackstar, Polaris Industries

Group Affiliation: The Sisterhood, The 5th Astral Court, The Order of Mesmer, Arcadian Academy, San Francisco Police Department, Detroit Electronic Systems Technologies

Base of Operations: Arcadian Academy (San Francisco), The Tempest NightClub (San Francisco)

Extent of Education: Private Tuition and Training (Sisterhood, Paris), Private Tuition & Training (The 5th Astral Court, Astral Plane, Inner layer), College Degree In Medical Sciences (2nd year med student, Empire State University, New York), Private Tuition and Training (Arcadian Academy, San Francisco), Police Academy Training in Forensics and Negotiation Techniques (San Francisco Police Training Facility), Basic Military & SWAT Training - Demolitions & Counter-Terrorism Tactics (San Francisco Police Training Facility)


Physical Description

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 138lbs

Eyes: Dark Blue

Hair: Blonde

Physiology: Human Psionic Mutant

Other Distinguishing Features: Eyes Glow Blue Permanently (Disguised with Contact lenses Normally, Use of Mutant powers causes the glow to show even through them)


Powers and Abilities








Fighting Skills:

Special Skills and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Powers:

Superhuman Mental Powers:

Special Limitations:

Source of Superhuman Powers:



Costume Specifications: Various

Personal Weaponry: Various

Special Weaponry: Various

Other Accessories: Various

Transportation: Raven Command Transport

Design and Manufacture of Paraphernalia: Various (Arcadian Academy, Sisterhood, Herself, Detroit Electronic Systems Technologies)

Weave has access to a huge variety of Devices and weaponry through her various contacts and allies, and is exceptional adept at manufacturing devices which aid her psionic abilities


         The history of Jennifer Kale really starts with the story of her mother, Alicia. Alicia Kane was a normal college student in France when she was “recruited” in a government Psionic's program because of her mental makeup and physiology, this program, The Delta Eight Experiment, was months of torturous experiments and experimental drugs all designed to release psionic powers in the subject, in Alicia Kane this experiment was a huge success, she gained extra-ordinarly powerful telepathic power, power she used to escape the compound and disappear into hiding.

          It was durinig Alicia’s hiding when she was discovered and recruited by an age old society of psionics, the Order of Mesmer. This order was dedicated to secretly aiding mankind through the use of psychic manipulation, the agents of the Order located Alicia’s mental signature as soon as she came into their range, and approached her, offering aid and training, after some initial resistance, she accepted and started what was an intense apprenticeship, one where her powers were focused and honed into a formidable weapon and tool, and a world of secrets was opened up to her eyes, a world of mysterious dimensions and strange supernatural creatures.

          Alicia remained with the order for a number of years, finally having a life of her own, the Order gave her a new name and home, an entirely new life…Alicia received an education at the order and was making quite a reputation as an archaeologist. It was this career which introduced her to the love of her life, a fellow Archaeologist, they fell in love and planned a life together, until her powers started to become unpredictable, she started to hear voices all the time, evil, dark voices that whispered in her ears the thoughts she’d always feared, this slowly drove her insane, but not before it destroyed her relationship and drove her Fiance away. It was after he left that Alicia discovered she was pregnant with twin children, a boy and a girl.

          No-one knows fully what happened next, but somehow, the now insane Alicia Kane, founded an order of her own, The Sisterhood. This Sisterhood was founded using all of her telepathic power and millions of dollars worth of stolen money,  over the years she found and corrupted other telepathic young girls, training them and turning them into superior assassin’s and spies. The Sisterhood is now one of the top schools of assassins in existence, despite its youth in terms of existence.

          As her two children grew older, Simon and Jennifer, were trained by both their mother and the older sisters. Simon, the only male in the order, was trained in the physical arts until he became a superior warrior, his psionic powers however were in the realm of the telekinetic not the telepathic, within the sisterhood, only women were considered pure enough to use the superior telepathic gifts. Jennifer was being trained as well, she was trained in the esoteric and telepathic arts, as she grew older, it was discovered that her powers were vastly more powerful than her mothers, in fact Jennifer was the most powerful telepath in the Sisterhood, rightfully being groomed to replace her mother. It was also discovered that Jennifer couldn’t be mind-read or controlled and to all scan's she registered as completely non-telepathic, this prompted her intense training as an assassin and spy.

          When Jennifer was 16 years old and her training was complete, she was given her first mission, her initiation into the Sisterhood. Jennifer completed her mission, but just barely, her isolated upbringing was nearly her downfall as she was out on the street, only her immense power and natural cunning saved her life.

          After this near disaster, Alicia decided on a drastic action to help her daughter. In an old forbidden ceremony (learnt from the Order of Mesmer years earlier, and also banned by them), Alicia ripped the mind of a young Member of the Paris street gang, The Brain Fry, open and pillaged it for all its knowledge and street smarts, this knowledge was forced unwillingly into young Jennifer's mind, the sheer force of the ceremony, cracking her previously impenetrable mental shields and flooding it with street knowledge. Alicia was happy about the result, Jennifer wasn’t

          Jennifer had always been, despite her upbringing, a caring child. The order tried to crush this compassion, but they had failed, early in her training Jennifer discovered the ability to transfer her mind and later her body into the Astral Plane. She could only do this for a few hours every night but it freed her temporarily from the organisation, and opened up a whole new world for her, it was in this world where she met her mentor, Lucas O'Brien.

          Lucas was an Astral Lord, an immensely powerful psionic who had founded an Astral Realm (the 5th Astral Court), when Jennifer first stumbled into the Inner Plane, she luckily stumbled into the court of Lord Lucas, he remembered his first crossing and took pity on the child, who he adopted into his court, every night Jennifer would come to the Astral court, where Lucas and his family would Play with the child, and as she grew older, train her. It was this kindness and training that help Jennifer keep her sanity and her compassion, it was also Lucas who helped her create her Mental Defences, to keep her and her Astral Powers a Secret.

          It was these powers which helped her escape from the Sisterhood as well, when the street tough's memories were forced into her head, she also gained his compassion and love of life, this altered her personality and made her realise, finally and fully, just what the Sisterhood and her family was. That night, she disappeared from her room and never returned, she retreated to her own Astral Domain, (built years ago with the help of Lucas), and using her hidden powers and contacts, she exited the Astral realm, thousands of miles away, where she started her new life.

          Jennifer, now a 16 year old run away, tried to and succeed in making a new and good life for herself in America, she attended medical college there and secretly used her powers to make a good life for herself, remaining hidden and untraceable thanks to her mental shields.

          Everything was well in Jennifer's life for the next 2 years, she had a few close calls with the Sisterhood as they expanded into America, but she succeeded in remaining hidden, until the day her mental walls collapsed. Unknown to Jennifer, the ceremony years ago had started the collapse of her defences, it took two years for her walls to break to the point where the cities mental voices flooded her mind, this constant bombardment was starting to take its toll on her mind, if it wasn’t for the Aid of the Arcadian Academy, she would have been driven as insane as her mother. Margaret Blackmore, the Academy empathy, had discovered the distressed young girl purely by chance one day and offered her a place to learn to rebuild her walls.

        Jennifer Accepted and in the mentally quiet San Francisco hills, learnt to repair and rebuild her defences until they were as strong or even stronger than ever, she also began training as a superhero. She became Weave.

        Weave served the Academy to the best of her ability as its top telepath and communications link, having many adventurers with her new friends and family, as she settled into her new life, she started expanding her network of contacts and resources, buying a nightclub (The Tempest) and an Occult Bookstore (Black Crystal Books), and investing in a number of companies, including a San Francisco Beehive colony in the hills and Detroit Electronic Systems Technologies, a new company specialising in production of Psionic & Mutant Restraint & Capture Devices, contracting to the Vault and the DEO capture Teams.

        After completing her training at the academy, she decided to use her talents in a more direct way during her normal life, joining the San Francisco Police Department, and quickly rising to the rank of Detective in only a few short months, on the Force she is known as an exceptionally talented young officer with an almost supernatural nose for trouble, a natural detective who has received training in SWAT tactics and is a trained Police Negotiator. She has not revealed her powers to anyone on the force, not even her partner, Sergeant Geoff Banks

        Weave has recently started training a small group of her own, loosely affiliated with the Academy. This group of 4 teenage girls are refered to as The Muses, and act as spies and information gatherers for Weave and the Academy, at the moment they are using Margaret Blackmore's Boarding House, Sanctuary, as a base of operations.

        Weave is also very active in the training of Force, the young psychic currently assigned to Gamma team, she is using all of her experience and knowledge to train his telekinetic gifts and to improve his focus and will.