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YAD Camping Trip

*Stephen* sleeping

Dawn's spit on car roof

*Dawn, Leah, Charles, Rachel, Kai, and Melody*

*Leah* throwing her top off

dead fish and my top

a cactus

*Grace, Louise, Tina, Stephen, Eddie, Dawn, Leah, Kai, Charles, Rachel, and Melody*


Stephen in a huge condom


*Leah* the boat driver

*Eddie* before and after

*Li-Hwa* with her man

*Eddie and Stephen*


the food

*Stephen, Melody, Dawn, Lousie, and Melody's mom*

*Stephen and Leah*

*Charles, Dawn, Leah, Stephen, Rachel, and Kai*

*Charles, Dawn, Leah, Stephen, Rachel, and Kai*s' butts

*Eddie* making a fire


