04/30/2001 2:14 PM PT
Hey guys, I apolozize on my lack of updates and work on the site so far. School has been a real pain in my ass lately. But don't worry, I'll have plenty of updates in the next few days. Until then you can bug KKM ;)
By the way, as an off topic note, I highly suggest all of you to buy the manga or animé "Oh My Goddess". Very funny stuff.
04/29/2001 6:45PM PT
Kaio-ken Master
Ok, that bracket graphic that I am making is gonna be a bit more visual. I am gonna put a pic next to the fighters name on the graphic. So i need every combatant to either post a pic that you want on the forum, or send one to me on e-mail. If you have the ability to change the size of the pic, try and make it no bigger then 100 X 100 pixels. Ok? If you an't alter the pic, just send it to me and I will change it for ya. If you don't send me a pic, I will either just have your name in the graphic. Or I will pick a pic for ya. Check ya later.<
04/29/2001 10:30AM PT
Kaio-ken Master
I would use a Bills hat if the Bill's didn't SUCK!! ^_^ Oh, wait. The 49er's suck too (still my fav, though). Disregard that earlier comment. Anyways, I have picked all of the names. I will post them right here, and hopefully I will finish the bracket graphic soon. So here they are.
- Cell’s Dog – SuperTien_002
- Trip - DrunkenYoshiMaster
- SSj4 God – Kaio-ken Master
- Jack Zodiac – Android16v1.0
- VegetaMight - ssjwizard
- Hakallen – GODofDEATH
- overlord (overlord_vegeta) – ssjgotenks145
- DarkOmen - Komodo
- Yamcha - Dante
- Juuhachigou – bboy 9ounce
- Great Prince Vegeta - Gmalenko
- ssj3 mystic gohan - Fossil
- Kjeldoran – Goat Head?
- *War_bot* - KakarottoX
- Majin Taurus – Assassin788
SSj4God, I am as suprised as you are. And I was thinking of putting up a poll to see whose Banner should be picked (ie. Mine, SSj4God's, or ssjgotenks145's). But War_bot is out for a while and I am not going to change his poll without his permission. If you wanna see mine and gotenks banner, go into the forum. And SSj4 God if you're reading this, put up yours too. That's about it. Seeya.
04/29 7:20 AM PT
Silly KKM! You're supposed to pick the names out of a Buffalo Bills hat! :) Its been a busy couple of days for me so I just want to tell everyone out there that I'm alive and I finally got all 32 names for the tournament (and to think it only took me a month). Anyways, if you don't have mIRC yet, I suggest you download it soon because I plan on trying to get everyone together in a chat a few dyas before the tournament. I also plan on making a "Fighters Bio" section that will give a brief backgorund of each of the contestants, expect that up in the next few days. On a side note I'd personally like to thank SSj4 God and ssjgotenks145 for helping us with the logos, although we still haven't decided on the one we're going to use...
04/28/2001 11:11 PM PT
Kaio-ken Master
Ok, I have all of the names of the people in the tournament. I will bracket them up by tomorrow. I am randomly picking the names as we speak. And no, I am not rigging them. I am picking them out of my 49er's hat. I made the links to the pages so it was easier to navagate. I will have put up the new navagation up on all pages within 1 hour (not counting the rules page) And Human_Fighter should be updating soon. So I will go. Cya.
PS. Sign up to the forum ^_^
04/27/2001 8:20PM PT
Kaio-ken Master
Well, i am gonna be helping War_bot with the site. And I am pretty much just sitting on my ass until I finish a new web design for the site. I am gonna run it past War_bot if I like it. But he is working hard on a new design too. So his will probably be better. And since all of 4 people will read this before it gets put in the "Archives", it really doesn't matter what I say. So, until I really DO anything, Gbye.
04/27/2001 11:26AM PT
I'm late on the update, but life goes on. Anyways, I've updated the site so its in HTML. This will make the page look better and such. this is still in its early version, so don't think this is what it will look like at the end. I'm just learning how to do this, so it will only get better. Anyways, I've also added a poll to the page. This is mainly for people who want to join the tournament. If I get enough votes, will make a another tournamnet{month or so later} That will involve anyone who wants to join, meaning this may be huge. I'll be updating all this week with the page, so make sure to come back often.