Law What Now? is the working title for a "Law&Order" inspired fanfic series staring everyone's favorite A.D.A., Jack McCoy, as we have never seen him before- IN SCHOOL! Well, law school, to be more specific. How does a kid from a working class family make his way through NYU Law School? Well, it ain't gonna be easy, that's for sure!
Law What Now? is a mainly humor fanfic series made up of short stories that will, to the best of my ability, have a new installment every Monday. It is based, in part, on my own interesting adventures at college as well as my cousins'. Basic knowledge of the relationship between Jack and Paul Kopell is helpful but not needed.
So come along and have a laugh or two!
Season One
Episode 1: Janitor Jack
Episode 2: Privileged Paul
Episode 3: New Neighbors And Mr. Squirrel
Episode 4: The Trouble With Girls
Episode 5: The Jack, The Cat, And The Hat