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Yo yo yo!!! This is John the Guitar Player's BIO!!!!! [Insert Hooray!/Yeah! Here]: This is where you get to learn about the life of a guitar player in a local Maywood/River Vale/Mahwah/Franklin Lakes/Teaneck Ska Punk Rock band. (we are mostly a Maywoodian Band because we practice a lot at Matt's and Jon's house.

!!!!I'm gonna try to change and add to it, so keep checking back!!!!

Any-hoo, I think the biggest question on your mind is… "John, OMG!!! What do you do when you aren't Skankin' it up with the great horn talent of Matt Rob and Jon and the lovely keys of Alison, who is by the way a very pretty and kool girl (heh heh)?"

Well, I am here to answer your questions and queries. Well, mostly I sleep. A lot. I try to get between 10 and 14 hours of sleep. Now why so much sleep you might ask? Well, it's because I need all my energy to save the world from blood sucking, razor toothed, garden raiding, little children eating monsters. Now, these aren't any old blood sucking, razor toothed, garden raiding, little children eating monsters, these little buggers cannot be harmed by any weapon known to man. They also make a horrible screeching sound like "EEEEEEEEEERC 765HEEE2643EEEEE ELLHKY2KUTYUARIL,;'457tyhjwe62tg rdyh57835uj5iu7 iirYGAIY LGIYAUKYEO5eyik 57i3u4436uHJKJ678AHKGKUGKTF IYLGKULHSU';.HUOH OUH:IODOu 436u46eher rfgbtri56ujh64w u4HOUHOHOUHO…. BLEH!" Most would have their eardrums bleeding and falling out of their ears by now, but not me. I am immune. Why might you ask? Because I had to sit through Matt's singing, enough said. So, just as they are about to attack, I use my friend and compadre James Argenti's patented move "Razor Rain" to blind and sometimes decapitate the monster. Then I do a 360 spinning side kick followed by a fury fist attack. That usually kills them. End of another blood sucking, razor toothed, garden raiding, little children eating monster.

Now, the ladies might be thinking, "John, is that pretty girl you are holding in the picture on the website some type of model or your girlfriend?

Yes, she is my girl friend. As of now, July 30, 2001 at 11:57 in the PM, we have been going out for: 3 months 1 week and 5 days [Insert Awww/That's so cute Here]. That wonderful day was April 18, when I asked her out after a Girls Lacrosse game. Alison is a great girl who enjoys eating, sleeping, breathing, blinking, walking, and sitting just like me (great match, eh?) We also have many other things in common: Liking great ska and punk bands, playing in the same band (she plays keys), holding hands, hugging, and being with each other. She is a great girl and I'm sorry fellas, this is one less girl you will be getting. I love You Alison!!!!

After reading this you must be think the inevitable, "What bands do you like?"

OK, here is a very incoherent list. My fav ska band is Less Than Jake. But I also love (not "Alison love", music love) President Lemon, the Super Specs, Potshot, Slapstick, Reel Big Fish, Edna's Goldfish, Goldfinger, the Hippos, Rx Bandits, Face First, Five Iron Frenzy, Hepcat, the Toasters, Spring Heeled Jack, Catch 22, and others that I forgot now. I also like punk/skater punk/emo. Alison's fav band is No Motiv, a really good emo band. I like them too. I also like Pennywise, Millen Colin, Homegrown, Rancid, Operation Ivy, Midtown, H2O, Unwritten Law, Bad Religion, The Verdicts, and more that I forgot too. I also like other stuff like the Beatles CCR and other kool old stuff.

Now, after this you are like, wow I know everything about John, and then like a brick it hits you, "Who the hell are you?"

Ha ha. Ok. I'm a 15 year old kid who attend the Bergen Academy along with Matt, Alison, and Dex. I live in some town in New jersey (sorry stalkers, find another 15 year old boy to stalk, I'll kick your perverted wrinkly old ass, hear me???!!!). I like music and play guitar. I am also a freakin' master at the Art of Consoles Games. My personal fav are RPGs, but like the infamous Joey Goodell, who eats only pizza would say, "those games suck!" My fav game is Chrono Trigger, followed by its sequel Chrono Cross. I love every Zelda games (yes even the ones on NES and SNES). Perfect Dark is hands down best first person shooter. Star Fox 64 is a great game and Donkey Kong 1, 2, 3 (SNES) and 64 are 4 amazingly made games. Final Fantasy series rocks, although FF8 sucked and FF9 was kinda lacking. Final Fantasy 6 and 7 were my favs. Star Ocean is another great RPG and so is Valkyrie Profile. The Lunar series are great old school RPGs. Tekken Tag for PS2 is an amzaing game and I rule with Hwourang (or how ever you spell it) and Jin. Super Bomber Man, the original for SNES, is the most addictive game with 4 people!!!! And I love the classics. Super Mario World (aka the home of Chargin Chuck the video game character) is one of the best games ever along with every other Mario game made. Dr. Mario is great, my mom rules at it. Mystery Mansion and Star Tropics are 2 great games. Other than video games, I play Lacrosse, hang out with my friend (just like the rest of the world) and do other kool stuff that doesn't have to be named because you should assume I do kool stuff. I like to dye my hair, it was blue and blonde, I might go back to blue. And I have the best girl friend in the world, Alison!!!!

So that is my life story, in a nutshell, of about… the last year or two. Now I'd like to give shout outs because I feel like it.

John P- Hey yo, w00t! Dude, you must come see us play and start a big mosh pit or something. We need to hangout for because for two kids to be best friends and not chill with each other is a crock of shit. Dude, sign the guest book numerous times. Ill be sure to update my shout outs man!

James A- I'll leave a shout out as if you're talking to me online. Hey. Sup. … … … … [silence] [something about not caring about this shout out] [something about being a commie] [something about how you can't talk] [something about not caring about this shout out even more]… Ok, give you a real shout out yo. Hey james, Beatles rule, yeah!

Jen- Hey jen. I hope you like AFI at warped tour. Good luck selling your CDs. Work on your guitar playing. Continue to act punky and hardcore-ish.

McFunk, aka Brian- Bwion, what iz da woltage here? Bwion, I fight off hundred Mongolian invaders, wuff. Drew rules and we can kill squirrels using like 80,000 Volts!. Can't wait til school starts so we can loiter and I can watch you beat up PJ and Matt in the hallway. Peace man.

Kaitlyn- Hey, how are you? I hope you are staying a good kid. Have a great time at Six Flags with Rob, and Kevin; they are 2 funny and fun guys. I hope to talk to you soon.

Billy- Hey hey life guard. Save lifeguard save, save save!!! (Brian Regan Impression) Yo, I remember the time at Alison's LAX game you did this crazy stunt and bounced the ball off the Aluminum sided class room and then had the ball fly across the LAX field!!! That was some funny shit. And remember the Jacka-lope!!!!!!

Alyssa- Hey! I can't believe you laughed that hard that day with Billy, me, and Nicole in my basement! Me and Billy are two funny guys, but I didn't know that funny! Hope we can hang out and make more funny jokes.

Nicole- Hey my vegetarian, surfer friend. I hope the plants don't attack you while you sleep because you continuously murder them as you choose not to eat any type of meat. John and I will still make that hamburger you owe him from losing that bet during the Super Bowl. But other than that I hope to hang out with you more and stuff like that. Continue to be a nice girl.

I'm gonna continue to add more shout outs so check back if you don't see you name!

Yo, if you guys haven't heard of him, I would like to inform you of music's next Elvis, Wesley Willis. Wesley Willis is a pioneer in the musical world, developing new styles while being armed with nothing more than cheap MIDI music and his own vocal talent. His songs include the infamous Chicken Cow, the ever popluar I Wupped Batman's Ass, the catchy Rock 'n Roll McDonalds, the deep and meaning full Cut The Mullet, and the metaphoric song of Suck My Dog's Dick. He is a genius and I recommend him to anyone who would like to take part in the creative ways of Wesley Willis.

Ok, I hope you liked my BIO, email me with questions or give me suggestions on what to add. Peace. Keep on keeping on yo!