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 |Child's Play Home | Provider Corner |Teaching with "Big" Books

Teaching with "Big" Books

Why "Big" Books?  "Big" Books are an excellent teaching tool that:
  • promotes repetitious learning
  • may be used in any field of learning (i.e.. math, science, arts & language)
  • fosters independent reading
  • creates good atmosphere
  • promotes use of a variety of props
  • invites use of music (i.e.. tapes, singing, chanting)
  • are colorful, large and good for individual or groups
  • Choose a subject:  Seasons, animals, colors, shapes, weather, etc.

    Decide what form you want to use:  Poem, rhyme, story, conversation, question & answer, song, etc.

    Find your sources:  Create your own using pics from coloring books, newspaper, writing pads, magazines, calendars, moveable cut-outs (apply velcro to back of cutout and to book page).

    Art Media:  Watercolors, markers, crayons, oil pastels, etc.

    Background Paper:  Plain or colored paper, wrapping paper, finger paintings, watercolors, wallpaper, etc.

    Finishing:  Laminate or mactac each page separately.

    Put it Together:  Coil Ring; sleeve; or leave loose (I prefer to leave pages loose; it is easier to flip pages when telling the story - I also print the corresponding "lines" on the back of each page for me to read as I hold up the page facing the kids)

    Storage:  I use an "under-bed-storage box" I purchased from local dept. store.  ( I now have 16 Big Books!)


    Instructions on how to build "Five Little Ducks" "Big" Book

    "Five little ducks went swimming one day,
     Over the waves and far away,
     Momma duck said "Quack Quack Quack"  (children can help you shout!)
     And four little ducks came swimming back"

    Continue countdown to "And no little ducks came swimming back"
    On last verse:

    No little ducks went swimming one day,
    Over the waves and far away,
    Momma duck said "Quack Quack Quack" (really shout this time!!)
    And five little ducks came swimming back"


    You will need the following supplies:

    7 pieces - 16" X 20" construction paper (all one color or mixed colors)
    7 pieces - 11" X 14"" background paper (white)
    white glue

    1.   On background paper draw a pond scene or paint blue to resemble water.
    2.   Draw, copy from coloring book, (or other source) 1 momma duck & 20 ducklings

  • Page 1 - glue five ducklings to background paper
  • Page 2 - glue four ducklings,  and continue pattern for pages 3, 4 & 5
  • Page 6 - no ducklings
  • Page 7 - glue on momma duck & five ducklings
  • 3    Glue each background to separate piece of construction paper.
    4.   Laminate or mactac each page.  You can now secure the pages together or leave loose.

    Note:  Laminating works better for me - I find mactac doesn't hold up to wear and tear and the pages tend to curl after awhile.

    *Beary* special thanks to
    for the wonderful graphics for this page.

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