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Please Make sure you give Your Character name and E-Mail + ICQ, we will need this to contact you back!


Charater Name:

Email Address:


Experiance with UO? What makes you want to Roleplay with us?

How did you find this page?

Are you aware our Empire is based in Trammel?

Aye Nay

Did you read and understand all of the Empire laws found on the Skypage?

Aye Nay

Do you understand that Roleplay is a MUST and you are to at all times RP (roleplay) before any PvP (player vs player combat)?

Aye Nay

Do you understand it is our STRICT rule to not use OOC (Out Of Character) language and that NO looting of anyone with highlighting can occur?

Aye Nay

Are You aware that any violation of Empire Laws will result in removal from the Empire?

Aye Nay

Did you remember to include your ICQ above?

Aye Nay

What Race do you wish to join as?