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The Dark Empire Laws (DEL).

The Dark Empire laws are Written for those that claim membership under the Dark Empire to follow and are to be used as their laws to abide and enforce. As time goes on, the laws may or may not change. Each addition will be known as an Ammendment (revision) to the laws. Laws are brought into effect by the bill being brought up to the Empire Council in a Scheduled Council Meeting by one of the Caste Leaders (Council members) or the Emperor himself.

Section I: Leadership in the Empire

Article I:

The Dark Empire as a whole will be run in a democratic matter. The in game government will consist of an Emperor and his Council. The Emperor will be "elected" by a Council made up of representatives (leaders) of each caste. Each caste will "elect" its own representative. The Representative will of course represent his/her caste. He will take input from all caste members, be they elders or inititates, and pass these concerns onto the Emperor.

Article II:

The Emperor will be the ingame "ruler" of the empire, he will be portrayed as the "voice of the Dark One", or the supreame dark master in this realm. He will serve as the Empire for 3 real time months. There-after the council will meet to selecet a new emperor, or vote to retain the current. All based on how well they feel he represented the wants and needs of the people he ruled.

Article II:

Council members (Caste Leaders) will be elected by thier members one month after the Emperor "Election" is held. Each member of each race that is above Initiate stance in that Caste is elegible for voting their choice of leader to represent their caste in the Emperor's Council. The Caste Leaders will be portrayed as the "Voice of their Caste". They will serve as the caste leader for 3 real time months. Starting on July 1st, 2000 this day shall mark the First Election for Caste Leader of each caste. There-after the members of each caste will meet to selecet a new Caste Leader, or vote to retain the current, every 3 months on the 1st of that month. All Caste leaders that are voted in by their caste members must follow all of ROE and DEL aswell as have supported their empire faithfully for 3 full months. All elected Caste Leaders must also show dedication for their empire aswell as their caste by being available when needed and be a great example of RPing for their Caste.

Section II: The Emperor

Article I

The Emperor is the leader of the Empire. He/she is elected in by the Council every 3 months. The Emperor has the Final say on what guilds are to be given War Status or Alli Status with the Dark Empire. The Emperor also assigns tasks to the Caste leaders for their caste to carry out such as invasions of enemy teritories and/or plots. The Emperor leads the Empire Council which will consist of one elected Caste Leader from each caste. The Emperor rules on matters of law and is the judge for final sentencing of anyone that is brought up on charges of Treason or breaking any Empire Laws or Rules of Engagement.

Section III: The Imperial Council

Article I

The Imperial Council (sometimes known as Caste Leaders) serve as an Advisory Council to the Emperor, they are the voice of thier caste. They are also the rulers of thier castes. They dictate all matters within thier castes, assign rank and title, grant authorities and permissions. All powers basically as a "GM of a guild" would have. Additionally they vote for or against highlighting aswell as Laws that will be passed. Council members are responsible for each member in their caste. They should retain knowledge about each member and be available to help each of their caste members should they need it - as a GM would for their guild. Caste Leaders are responsible for Uniform Issuance, Code of Conduct for their Members, aswell as enforcing the Laws and ROE for their Caste members. It is a true fact that a Caste leader should also be firm aswell as supportive for their members.