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The Dark Empire Rules of Engagement (ROE).

The members of the Empire believe that Ultima Online is a roleplaying game. We value a developed personality, a corrupt heart and a dishonorable(ALWAYS HONORABLE OUT OF CHARACTER) spirit over developed skills. Take the time to develop your character's background and motivation. Always act in accordance with your character's beliefs and role within the game. The mark of a true role-player is that he or she always remains true to his or her character.

These rules govern our activities during combat with other role-players. WE RESPECT OUR ENEMIES (well, out-of-character we do), we will observe the following self-imposed rules regardless if they do or not.


Mindless murderers,looters,thieves and those that Aid these types need not expect such courteous treatment.

I. Remain in Character: Your behavior when confronted with an enemy reflects not only on you, but upon ALL within the guild. Remain true to Your spirit whether at peace, or at war.

II. No Looting: We will not loot fellow role-players, or anyone else worthy of our respect. Furthermore, we will go to great trouble to insure that their belongings are safely returned to their person. To this end, combat is to be avoided while potential looters are in the area.

III. Entering into Combat: It is MANDATORY that some sort of interaction always proceed combat. This serves two purposes: It makes sure that Your enemy is responsive, we NEVER attack an enemy who has lost connection/consciousness. It allows the opportunity to role-play a bit before the arrows, spells, and blades start flying. This rule does not apply in the case of ambushes (The Unseen) for obvious reasons. However, the consciousness of thine enemy should still always be determined.

IV. Stopping Combat: If someone you are fighting emotes *CEASE*, that is an out-of-character request to end the combat. This emergency emote is only to be used in an extreme circumstance, such as if there are potential looters or murderers in the area. Likewise, if you believe that someone in the area might interfere, call for the combat to stop.

V. Surrender: If you are fighting someone there is the option of Surrender for them or you. Of corse the Empire looks down on surrender as a sign of weakness, but the option is still there when in battle incase the number of forces you are against are to strong for you to fight off and are unable to retreat. As a further option the Empire looks more proudly on those that sacrifice themselves for death instead of surrender, but should one wish to surrender they should call a *I Surrender* emote and disarm their weapons and - if needed - dismount their mount. at this time you may be either slain or taken prisoner by the forces that you are surrendering to. Keeping in mind that a capture is rarely used, it is hard for your fellow Empire mates to know if you have been captured unless someone whitnesses it. If you capture someone in battle that surrenders, there is a Jail located within the Castle that you can lock them into and stoe their belongings in the secured chest next to the cell door. After taking a Prisoner it is your duty to notify the rest of the Empire so the General may order guard positions on the cell in case of rescue attempt.

VI. Death: If Your character perishes in a role-played combat, after being resurrected you are to remain in death robes, don't talk, and don't participate further in that battle for 30 minutes. All those that perrish are asked to leave the battle area and either report to the Castle or an area designated for regrouping (used in attacks away from Satamarin) Death robed players that follow this rule are not to be attacked. Do not communicate any helpful information to those who are still alive. All you should do after dying is return to Your corpse and gather Your things then leave the area. If you have the ability to resurect, you may help in ressing others with the permission of the leader of the attack. If you are a designated reser, you must Stay there emoting *spirits come to me* calling out to the fallen forces that you are there to help res them and remember to keep your death robe on so you are not attacked. As a reser you are also responsible for protecting others belongings from Looters. You may stay and watch the end of the battle but are to remain out of action and out of the way (this includes NO healing Others).

VII. Violations : If Any Empire member violates this rule he/she will imediately be removed from guild pending investigation. If the rule breaking is serious enough the member may be marked KOS for the other members aswell as other guilds. If a warring guild member violates these rules You are to leave the area and report this violation to your Caste Leader. Do not attempt to resolve the problem Yourself as these matters are better left to the Caste Leaders Out of Character through Soulsend.

Any Empire member that has any questions reguarding these rules, Please ask your Caste leader.