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The Android SagaPrologue: The Z warriors received an ominous warning, telling them of the coming of the Androids. Trunks, the future son of Bulma and Vegeta, warned them that two evil androids would show up at ten o'clock at New Island. The androids were the evil creation of Dr. Gero the surviving member of the Red Ribbon Army out to get revenge on Goku for destroying his army. In Trunks's future the Androids killed all of the Z warriors except for Goku and Gohan. Goku died before their appearance because of a crippling heart virus. Trunks gave Goku the antidote to take when it appeared, then left in his time capsule. The Z warriors trained for 3 years for the coming of the androids, and waited on the island for their appearance. Their training complete, Goku, Piccolo, and Gohan headed towards New Island. On their way there they ran into Krillin. When they landed on the island they found Yamcha, Tien, and Bulma waiting. Goku asked Bulma what she was doing there. Bulma explained that she never got to see Freeza and she wanted to see the androids. She showed them her baby; Gohan asked Yamcha if he was the father. Yamcha replied that they'd never guess who the father was. Goku guesses Vegeta, Bulma becomes upset that someone told Goku and ruined her surprise. Tien starts to become impatient that the androids haven't showed up yet. Bulma tells him to calm down and that they've only to wait a ½ hour more. At 10:15 the androids still haven't shown up and the Z warriors begin to wonder if they made a mistake. Yajirobe shows up in a mini jet with senzu beans for them. Goku asks if he'll stay to help them fight, but Yajirobe says no and flies off. Suddenly his jet explodes and the Z warriors see two shadowy figures descend into the city. The fighters stare bewildered that they weren't able sense the androids coming. Gohan realizes that since they're machines they don't have Ki's, and can't be sensed. Goku sends Gohan to help the Yajirobe and gives Bulma the senzu beans. The Z warriors descend into the city to search for the Androids. The Androids run into Yamcha. Realizing who they are Yamcha was about to call the others when one of them grabbed him and started to drain his energy. The other Z warriors were able to sense his power diminishing and rushed to help him. Goku ordered Krillin to take Yamcha to Bulma who had the senzu beans, and then led the androids away from the city. Goku went super saiyan and began to fight Nineteen. Gohan, Krillin, and Yamcha showed up to help. They asked what was going on, and Piccolo explained that Goku was winning. Tien notices that Goku keeps getting weaker as the fight progresses. Yamcha tells him that the andriods have the power to drain energy, but Tien says that's not it. Gohan and Piccolo realize that it's the heart virus that the boy from the future told them about. Krillin throws Goku a senzu bean, but it doesn't work. Nineteen knocks Goku down and begins to drain his energy. The Z warriors rush to Goku's side but Twenty stops them. Piccolo tries to get through Twenty but the android shoots him with eye lasers. Piccolo falls unconscious and Gohan rushes to his side. The Z warriors look on in horror realizing that they've lost. Vegeta kicks the unsuspecting Nineteen off Goku. He calls Goku stupid for going super saiyan when he knew he was sick. He kicks Goku over to the Z warriors, and declares that he will defeat the androids. Yamcha offers to take Goku home to get the antidote for the heart virus. Vegeta goes super saiyan and he and Android Nineteen begin to fight. Vegeta explains that he had been studying them from a distance, and knows all of its energy absorbing techniques. He rips off Nineteen's arms and blasts him into oblivion. Twenty realizes that Vegeta is far stronger than he calculated and rushes back to his lab where he can recharge to full power. Vegeta gets a senzu bean from Krillin, and then chases Twenty. The Z warriors follow Vegeta. They started looking for Twenty in the mountains. Twenty knew that after Vegeta, Piccolo was the strongest fighter. Twenty snuck up on Piccolo and began draining his energy. Piccolo telepathically contacted Gohan for help. Gohan knocked Twenty away from Piccolo. The others had sensed Piccolo's diminishing powers and soon showed up too. Krillin gave Piccolo a senzu bean and Piccolo and Twenty began fighting. Piccolo sliced off one of Twenty's arms so he couldn't drain energy. Then he kicked Twenty into a mountain. Suddenly the mysterious boy from the future showed up. Twenty became frustrated that the fighters were stronger than he calculated. Piccolo says "Hey! Trunks is back!" The other Z warriors realize that Trunks is Bulma and Vegeta's son. When Twenty saw Bulma's jet he knew it was his chance to get away. He blasted it to cause a distraction then ran away while no one was looking. Trunks rushed to help Bulma while the other Z warriors crowded around. Trunks asked them who Twenty was. Angry, Vegeta asked him whether or not those were the androids he warned them about. Piccolo asks Trunks to describe the androids of his time. Trunks tells them that there were two androids. One a boy with pitch black hair and a red handkerchief around his neck; The other a beautiful young girl with blond hair. Vegeta asks Trunks who they were fighting, but Trunks has no idea. Bulma tells them that it was Dr. Gero, and that his lab is just north of south city. Impatient, Vegeta flies off to find Gero Trunks follows him. Piccolo, Tien, and Krillin decide to follow. Their plan was to find Gero's lab and destroy it before he can activate the androids. Before they leave Bulma asks Gohan to fly her home. Krillin sees Dr. Gero and chases after him. He soon loses track of Gero when he gets attacked by him. Thinking he's lost Krillin, Dr. Gero runs off again. Krillin watches Gero enter his lab, and raises his power level so that the others sense him. Soon Piccolo, Tien, Trunks, and Vegeta show up and hurry towards the entrance. While the Z warriors try to break down the lab doors, Dr. Gero activates the dormant andriods. Dr. Gero thought he had the androids under control but Eighteen surprises him by grabbing his remote control. Then Seventeen kicks him sending his parts flying. The Z warriors manage to bust down the doors just in time to see Seventeen stomp Dr. Gero's head. Nervous, Trunks fires off his most intense energy blast. Dr. Gero's lab is destroyed and the andriods see another stasis pod. They open it up and release their fellow android warrior. The androids fly off and Vegeta chases after them. Vegeta tracks the andriods down finding them on a highway. He asks them whom he'll be fighting first. Eighteen steps up wanting to shut him up. She has him chase her around so he burns up his energy. The other Z warriors show up, Seventeen promises not to interfere if they don't. Eighteen kicks Vegeta's arm popping his shoulder bones out of place. Angry Trunks rushes to help his father but is casually brushed aside. Tien and Piccolo rush in to help but Seventeen beats them up. The androids prepare to leave, and Krillin asks him where they're going. Seventeen explains that Android Sixteen is programmed to kill Goku, and that they are leaving to find him. Krillin rushes towards his fallen comrades and gives them all senzu beans. Angry that Eighteen beat him, Vegeta flies. Piccolo flies off as well warning them not to follow him. Tien, and Trunks are puzzled by his behaviour but Krillin explains to them that Piccolo is going to fuse with Kami for more power. Gohan drops Bulma and Yajirobe off at Bulma's house, and rushes over to his home to see
his dad. When he gets home he already sees Trunks and Krillin there loading his dad into a ship.
They explain to him that the androids are coming for Goku, so they're going to transport him to
Master Roshi's house. On their way to Roshi's they get a call from Bulma asking to see Trunks.
Bulma asks him if he has his time ship with him. Trunks reaches for its capsule in his pocket and
assures her that he does. Bulma explains that someone spotted a weird looking ship with the
capsule corp logo. They faxed Bulma a picture and it looked just like Trunks's time ship. Trunks
asks Bulma where this is so he can go check it out. Bulma gives him the coordinates than tells
him that she'll meet him there. Gohan convinces his mom to let him go too. They arrive at the time ship and begin to explore it. Trunks explains to the others that it's the
same time ship. They look inside it and see two weird looking bowls. Bulma thinks its some sort
of egg. Gohan calls them over to him and shows them a weird exoskeleton. Bulma realizes that
its from the creature. She leaves not wanting to see it. Trunks tells Gohan that he is going to find
Vegeta. Gohan decides to go back to Roshi's to see how his dad is doing. News reports from ZTV announce that the people of Ginger town have disappeared. The Z
fighters suspect that it may be the androids. The new and improved Piccolo shows up to
investigate. He spots a weird creature attacking a man. The man offers Piccolo money to rescue
him. Piccolo tells the creature to release its hostage. The creature lets the man go, but then stabs
him with its tail and then absorbs him. Piccolo and the creature begin fighting, it fires off a
kamehameha wave and thats when Piccolo suddenly senses Goku's Ki in it. The military then
shows and fires off their full arsenal. In the confusion the creature grabs Piccolo and stabs his
arm. Then it begins to absorb Piccolo's arm until it becomes limp. Piccolo manages to break free
and then distances himself from the creature. The creature asks Piccolo for any last requests
before he's destroyed. Piccolo asks the creature who it is, and to explain how it knows his name,
and why he can sense Goku's energy in it. The creature reveals that it is an android. It introduces
itself as Cell, Dr. Gero's ultimate creation. Krillin, Vegeta, Trunks, and Tien sense Goku's energy in Ginger town, they head there to
investigate. Meanwhile Cell tells Piccolo of his origins. He explains that ever since Goku
defeated the Red Ribbon army, Gero had been secretly watching him. Using a special device
Gero was secretly able to collect cells from the Z fighters, and fuse them all into one cell. Unlike
the other andriods he is from the future. Waking up in a world that was rid of the androids he
killed Trunks and used his time machine to travel to the past. Piccolo suddenly rips his arm off
and then regenerates a new one. Tien, Krillin, Trunks, and Vegeta show up and ask Piccolo
what's going on. Realizing that he's outmatched, Cell uses a solar flare to blind the Z fighters
while he makes a getaway. Frustrated that Piccolo has surpassed his power, Vegeta decides to go
train and reach the true potential of the super saiyan power. Piccolo sends Trunks and Krillin to
the ruins of Gero's lab and find anything useful about the androids and also to destroy the Cell of
their time, while he and Tien search for Cell. The Z warriors head back to Master Roshi's unable to find Cell. Trunks says that he will go off and train with Vegeta to get stronger. Krillin gives him the plans on the androids to give to Bulma on his way. Goku finally wakes up realizing that the androids were strong decided to train in the hyperbolic time chamber, so that they could train for a years worth of time in one day. He goes to get Gohan, and then Vegeta and Trunks, explaining to them his plan. When the Z warriors arrive back on Roshi's island, the androids show up looking for Goku. Piccolo tells them that if they want a fight that he's available. Piccolo and the androids head off to a nearby island to fight. Sixteen tells Seventeen that he and Piccolo are even in power. Seventeen laughs, claiming that there must be some sort of mistake. Seventeen decides to fight to prove that he is superior. Seventeen and Piccolo were fighting for a while when Cell shows up. Cell quickly defeats Piccolo and decides to absorb Seventeen first. Just when Cell is about to absorb Seventeen, Sixteen intervenes and rescues Seventeen. Realizing he can't beat Sixteen, Cell tunnels underground and sneaks up on Seventeen then absorbs him. Cell transforms into his second stage of evolution and beats up Sixteen. Just then Tien shows up and uses his Tri Blast to hold off Cell while the other androids escape. Tien soon tires out and Cell decides to destroy him before he goes off to find Eighteen. Goku then teleports onto the battlefield and rescues Piccolo and Tien from Cell. Up at Kami's lookout, Vegeta and Trunks finally finished their training in the hyperbolic time chamber. They quickly chased after Cell. Before he left, Goku gave Trunks a sensu bean. Vegeta and Trunks didn't have much trouble finding Cell, who was still looking for Android Eighteen. Vegeta and Cell began fighting and it was obvious that Vegeta was stronger. Cell convinced Vegeta to let him absorb Android Eighteen. Vegeta agrees and lets Cell go. Trunks tries to stop Cell and begins to beat him up. Vegeta kicks Trunks away and tells him to mind his own business. All of sudden Cell spots Eighteen, Sixteen, and Krillin. Cell uses a Solar Flare to blind everyone then sneaks up on Eighteen and absorbs her. Cell and Vegeta resume fighting and it now becomes obvious to everyone that Vegeta is outmatched. Krillin tells Trunks to help Vegeta, but Trunks says he can't because he might lose Vegeta's respect. Once Cell knocks Vegeta unconscious, Trunks enters the fight. He distracts Cell giving Krillin time to grab Vegeta and escape. Trunks maxes out his power level but is puzzled, wondering why he can't hit Cell. After a while Cell explains to Trunks that his huge muscles are slowing him down. Realizing that he failed to defeat Cell, Trunks tells Cell to finish him. After some thought Cell decides to host a tournament. He tells Trunks to watch his TV for more information, then flies off. Vegeta and Krillin return and ask Trunks what happened to Cell. Trunks explains about the tournament and then they return to Kami's lookout. Goku and Gohan emerge from the hyperbolic time chamber early, and their friends explain the whole tournament to them. Goku goes to talk to Cell, then returns. Goku tells his friends after checking out Cell he feels that he would lose in a match against him. Then he surprises them when he says that he and Gohan don't need any more training. During the final ten days before the tournament Goku goes to Namek to get a new guardian so that they can get a new eternal dragon. Dende agrees to become Earth's new Guardian and restores Earth's dragon and dragonballs. Goku finds all the dragonballs and leaves them at Kami's lookout. On the day of the tournament. The Z fighters all head towards Cell's ring. Hercule shows up wanting to fight Cell. Cell quickly defeats Hercule and his students and then the real match begins. Goku and Cell begin fighting and after a long battle Goku gives up. Cell tells him to eat a sensu bean and keep going but Goku decides not to. He tells Cell that the next fighter to enter the ring will be Gohan. Gohan and Cell begin fighting and Gohan seems to be doing fairly well. Gohan soon realizes that his dad sent him to fight because of his hidden power. Determined to see Gohan's power Cell starts to fight harder. Suddenly Android Sixteen snuck up on Cell and wrapped his arms around him. Sixteen apologizes for all the horrible things that Gero has done then prepares to detonate. Much to his amazement he doesn't explode and Krillin yells out to him that Bulma and Dr. Breifs removed the bomb inside of him when they fixed him up. Cell knocks Android Sixteen off of him shattering him into pieces and releases the Cell Juniors on the other Z fighters. At first the Z fighters seem to be doing ok but it soon becomes obvious that they're all outmatched. Sixteen tells Hercule to throw his head onto the battlefield in front of Gohan. Hercule agrees to and bravely rushes out. Once in place, Sixteen begs Gohan to unleash his powers. Cell tells Sixteen to shut up and smashes his head. Gohan becomes so angry that he goes super saiyan 2 and then quickly destroys all of the Cell juniors. Gohan gives Cell a few hits and Cell throws up Android Eighteen. Back in his second stage Cell realizes that he's no match for Gohan and decides to blow himself up. Goku teleports himself and Cell away. Cell returns, explaining that one of his cells survived the blast and regenerated himself. He also learned the instant transmission and used it to return. He kills Trunks with an energy beam, this made Vegeta so angry that he attacked Cell with a barrage of energy blasts. Cell defeats Vegeta and is about to finish him off when Gohan helps him. Gohan and Cell both fire off their most powerful Kamehameha waves. The other Z fighters decide not to let Gohan fight alone and fire off their most powerful energy blasts. Vegeta hits Cell with a Final Flash which distracts Cell long enough for Gohan to finish Cell off. After defeating Cell the Z fighters return to Kami's lookout and summon the Eternal Dragon. They use their first wish to revive everyone that died and their second to remove the explosive from inside Android Eighteen. They were going to use their second wish to go to New Namek and use the Namekian dragonballs to wish back Goku, but he contacted them through King Kai and told them not to. The next day the Z fighters assembled at Bulma's to wish Trunks well. |
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