Federal Express MD11F N608FE (48548/521) Del. 11/24/1992 'Dana Elena'
Federal Express has the destinction of being the largest operator of the MD-11 in the world. Here we see one of the carriers early aircraft wearing the delivery scheme on short final to Rwy 25L at LAX.
The aircraft has since been repainted in the current livery and
it's named changed from 'Dana Elena' to Betsey'.
(Photo By Michael J. Carter)
Fed Ex MD-11(F) N584FE (48436/483) 'Panda One', Del. 04/17/1992 to American Airlines as N1768D
Origianlly scheduled to be delivered to JAT Airlines as (YU-AME), the aircraft was NTU by the airline and instead delivered to American Airlines as N1768D. Now operating for Fed Ex, the aircraft is seen turning onto Rwy 25L for departure from LAX wearing special 'Panda One' markings. The MD-11 was one of two that wore these markings in late 2000/early 2001.
(Photo Bt Michael J. Carter)
Fed Ex MD11(F) N597FE (48596/537) Del. 03/20/1993 to American Airlines as N1756B
Having been recently converted to a freighter, this Fed Ex MD-11(F) was pressed into early service for the 2002 Holiday Season before receiving its paint scheme. The photo clearly shows the new cargo door that was installed and the colors of its former operator American Airlines. If you look closely at the forward fuselage just below the cockpit you can still see the MD-11 Luxury Liner titles.
(Photo By Michael J. Carter)