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 11th  Click on the yellow ribbon image to link to the Internet Remembrance Campaign website  2001

 Lesson Plans (September 11 related topics) 

 Essays and Perspectives (on September 11, 2001) 


Amreican Tribute movie image links to the directory pageAmerican Tribute

 A movie tribute to the
 Americans that died on
 September 11, 2002
 (2.4 MB Flash movie)

mirror sites

since the author is ill and this movie is no longer found on many of the original mirror sites, please let me know if you will pick up hosting this movie (2.4 MB is too large for this site)


CNN Galleries
September 11, 2001


Dream Water
Falcon's Pen

In Remembrance

"The Wind Beneath My Wings" 


Independent Television Service  Video Programming 

These are 34 independently produced, videos, approximately 1 minute each, showcasing diverse reactions to the September 11 tragedies. The events of September 11, 2001 continue to change the world for Americans in ways we have yet to experience or comprehend. As our nation struggles to heal from the pain and loss, we are re-defining ways of looking at ourselves and at others in our global community.


Internet Remembrance Campaign

Tribute Pages:

Click on the image singingwithflag.jpg to view tributes at 

This site offers a forum of expression by way of art such as photographic and digital images, music, poems and other written word.


Joel Meyerowitz Exhibit
Images from Ground Zero (Spanish, French and Russian pages available) 

Within a few days of the September 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center in New York, the Museum of the City of New York engaged the noted photographer Joel Meyerowitz to create an archive of the destruction and recovery at Ground Zero and the immediate neighborhood.

"When I made my way home to New York several days later the first thing I did was go downtown. Standing in the crowds at the perimeter five blocks north of the zone, I raised my camera simply to see what could be seen and was reminded by a police officer that I was standing in a crime scene and no photographs were allowed, so I left. Yet, within a few blocks the echo of that reminder turned into consciousness and I saw what I had to do. To me, no photographs meant no history. I decided at that moment that I would find my way in and make an archive for the City of New York."


The September 11 Digital Archive 

The September 11 Digital Archive uses electronic media to collect, preserve, and present the history of the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York, Virginia, and Pennsylvania and the public responses to them. 

The archive is working with the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History, Behring Center; Museum of the City of New York; New-York Historical Society; City Lore; and other local and national institutions.

Special Collections: 
The Smithsonian national Museum of American History
September 11 Exhibition:


President George W. Bush 
White House Gallery


Wall of Americans 
or, if you prefer to skip the lovely intro use: 

Remember, Respond, Recover! 

The site was built by employees at Corporate Web Services to stand for the freedom that we share as Americans. 

Relatives of victims may add memorials.



Directories of September 11 memorials and related sites on the web


American Folklife Center Collects Reactions to the September 11, 2001, Terrorist Attack

The American Folklife Center has called upon folklorists and other cultural specialists across the nation to document on audio tape the thoughts and feelings expressed by average citizens in reaction to the tragic events of September 11, 200l.

E-recordings and other documentary materials are now part of the Center's Archive of Folk Culture, where they are being preserved and will soon be made available to researchers visiting the Folklife Reading Room.

The project was intended to document immediate reactions to September 11, and we are no longer soliciting donations.


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