I don't exactly know how to tell you this but if you need help with this site, I don't think I can help you. Basically all I can tell you that with this Angelfire Server you may have to reload a page once in a while for it to load correctly other than that this is completely self explanatory. Like I said before BE NICE OR PARISH!!! I am trying despite how much this site, well sucks. It will get better, hopefully, drop me a line, I'm almost always on. Check AIM with names OmegaKillioughta, KrisBizarre, or BizarreTenchi. Since the grandly lame opening of this crappy little abandoned corner of the "information superhighway" opened I have added a bunch of stuff, it's a little more complicated but if your confused, you need some serious assistance. Well I'm outta here, hasta. By the way right click to find a surprise helper.