Welcome to my madness!
This site is being developed by myself, Kris Bizarre, so I can bring to you, my crappy literary works. I think they are okay, but you might not think so. Either way, email me at BizarreTenchi@aol.com. This site will be pretty awesome when I'm done. Click here to go back to the fanfic part. Click here to go to the CIRCLE section.

News Updates;

2/17/2002: Has it been a while? Oh just 5 months, a vacation really. A blink of the eye. Maybe I'll start doing stuff again... maybe...

9/25/2001: So I've been slacking off, sue me! All you'll get are bills. Well I'm still messing around with flash and to prove I have done something, check this out...

Well it's barely something but it is better than nothing. Like I said SUE ME!

9/16/2001: Some words of wisdom. A CIRCLE must read!

9/10/2001: My internet connection was fixed. Hurray! Well, my hard drive was wiped so anything I was going to put on the site is gone.

9/1/2001: YEA! It's September!!! You know what happens in September! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! Well, I didn't really do anything to the site, I spent the day screwing around with midis so look foreward to them being on the site in the near future. Like I'm putting one on now.

8/31/2001: I can't believe I've already turned in 4 page essays and I have to have a 2-4 minute speech with visual aids ready to be taped. SCHOOL SUCKS! But the buisness department has asked me to do a site for them, hehehe, they trust me do site for them, hehehehehe!

8/29/2001: WE HAVE MADE A DISCOVERY!!! A must read, so go read it already.

8/28/2001:I HATE SCHOOL!!!!!! Well with school in session and teachers already giving me essays to do less and less time will go into the site, I will update and on weekends I'll play catch up, so check back often and sign my guestbook!

8/26/2001: SCHOOL TOMORROW AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Well anyway, you ever just get into a groove and can't stop doing something, well today's my day with FLASH! I have added multiple flash things to the site including the Read-fast Redirect Flash "Hello and Welcome". I have gotten complaints about people not being able to read it and this is what it says:
This site is a place where I unwind. This site is a place I made for people who want refuge from the norm. This site contains my hobbies, this site contains my goals, and with that I welcome you to... Kris Bizarre's Realm.

8/25/2001: Today I was screwing around with flash learning some new stuff and I made this go check it out. I also changed the main intro thing to a strange very weird intro which makes no sense but it does have fire so it brings it all together.

8/24/2001: I would do something today but my connection is so bad, I can't make too many updates. But despite the crappy connection I have added three more pics, and they aren't P.O.D, they are Zao, John Reuben and Luti-Kriss. I also have reconfigured the news so the most recent is at the top (now isn't that just a little more convienent).

8/23/2001: I have returned from Purple Door and a mini vacation. Soon I will have some pics up that I took while I was there. I have a 3 pics up and they are pretty sweet check them out here

8/17/2001: I will be away for a while, I'm going to the Purple Door Festival and will be getting home at about 3 a.m. Sunday morning only to go on Vacation that day, I'll probably make and update next Sunday the 26th.

8/16/2001: I think I made up for yesterday's laziness. I have made multiple improvements on the site as well as added the fanfics of my favorite fanfic author Happosai. Which may not sound like much but it was over a meg of txt writting and let me give yo an idea of how much that really is: every letter/number/space/enter/punctuation is 1 byte a meg would be 1,000,000 characters, you type that much and claim it's not much, come on I dare you! I also added a password gate to get into Happosai's fics. I did this because the series is a Lemon(if you don't know what that means you are not a fic reader). All you will have to do is email me and for example your subject could be Mommy and the body could be nooooo and I would email you back to confirm that you're username is Mommy and your pass is nooooo, it's that easy, it just might take me a day at the very most. So be patient!!!

8/15/2001: Well, I haven't really done anything other than add the background midi you should be hearing, if your not, it's either because your sound is down, the page loaded wrong, or the world wants me to go insane. But in all reality if you don't hear anything even if you refresh the page and have your sound on, email me with the subject being no sound or something like that. Well that's about all.

8/14/2001: I have made a help page, if you do need help, how should I put this... ummm, you're screwed. This page is as self explanatory as a bowl of Cheerios (unless you plan to almost drown yourself in it and plan to sue cereal companies, dairy farmers and plate makers for making hazardous products). Wait, that's a pretty good idea, brb, I might not update as often as originally planned. Nah, I'm too lazy to pour a bowl of cereal right now, I'll just go with the work all my life and "try to make some money so I can die high" (stupid catchy song).

8/13/2001: I have gotten all of the primary things working, I am now in the tweek and make better stage. Bare with me it may take awhile. Give me suggestions and tips, I need all that I can get.