Biography of Ali Khalid Abdullah
Ali Khalid Abdullah is a New Afrikan (Black) man whose political beliefs are that of an anarchist. He is the founder of the political organization POLITICAL PRISONERS OF WAR COALITION (PPWC) which he established in 1994/95 while sitting at the Charles Egeler Correctional Facility in Jackson, Michigan USA.
Ali is in prison for the charge of ‘Assault with Intent to Rob While Armed’. He was convicted to 10 to 20 years for his involvement in trying to shut down a major drug dealer because one of the drug dealers, drug sellers sexually molested an 11 year old girl as PAYMENT for the girl’s mother drug bill owed. As a result of finding this out, Ali and three of his comrades went to take PEOPLES JUSTICE out on the drug dealer and his companion by going after on of their phony businesses where volumes of drugs were distributed and large stashes of money was held and transferred. For his actions the courts felt he acted as a vigilanté for taking the law into his own hands. The hands of The People where it belonged rather than allowing the $tate to do nothing.
Since Ali has been incarcerated he has continues to fight for the people. He has continues to struggle for liberation and justice for All people. However, as a result of his political activities Ali has met much repression from prison authorities which raged from being constantly transferred from facility to facility, mail rejected and tampered with, property damaged by correction officials and an attempt on his life by other prisoners based on a bogus story prison officials put out on Ali, hoping this would stop his political attacks against prison officials. Ali has been up for parole since 1996 with a recent parole hearing in February 2000 and each time they have denied him parole for unsubstantiated reasons.
Ali, through PPWC, has developed a powerful network where revolutionaries, activities and socially conscious individuals have come together from all walks of life... bridging the barriers of language, distance and borders to defend truth and to fight for freedom.
Anyone wishing to write to Ali must have a return address on the envelop. All donations sent to Ali personally must be sent in the form of money order only with his name and prison number clearly printed on it and signed by the sender and mailed to Ali Khalid Abdullah himself.
All monetary donations for PPWC should be sent to Political Prisoners of War Coalition, PO BOX 554, Lincoln, MA 01773 USA. (Please make all cheques or money orders payable to Cynthia Ritsher).
Please note that all letters to Ali should be sent separately from literature and all literature must come directly from the publisher or bookstore and the address clearly indicated on the envelop. ‘Zine, in this instances, should have the same address printed on the envelop as is printed on the ‘zine itself. All materials must be new and not used.
Photocopied materials can be sent. Photos must not have any covering or back on them or they will be rejected.