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Sega FanFics
This is a NiGHTS fanfic of Reala's unwelcome return. I tried to contact the webmaster of this site to ask permission to use it, but his email address did not work. If anyone knows how to get hold of him, please let me know!

To submit your own fanfic or artwork, please send everything through the Contact page.

Please visit Akira's Unofficial NiGHTS website - its one of the only NiGHTS site out there!

The Unwelcome Return
NiGHTS into dreams Story #1 "Unwanted return…."

NiGHTS wandered around aimlessly in Twin Seeds looking for something to do. People took no notice of him as he glided steadily overhead. NiGHTS sighed and decided to visit Claris and Elliot. NiGHTS started off towards the school which flowed with millions of kids trying to enter one door. NiGHTS scratched his head in confusion looking for the two kids. A single group of kids started pushing n' shoving making quite a scene and very noticeable. NiGHTS peered down and noticed them gliding down he made his way through the hallway still unseen by anyone. NiGHTS gulped and hoped no one would spot a eerie clown in a strange costume flying through their very own hallway. Smiling NiGHTS looked around for something to grab Elliot's attention. NiGHTS grinned and picked up a tennis ball near by and flung it at Elliot's head. Roger slowly made his way up behind Elliot growling and cursing away like mad. Elliot let out a yelp of shock and pain mixed together and spun around to face Roger yelling in his face "What the hell did ya do that for!". Roger blinked and starred at Elliot "Do what?!". Elliot growled "The last time you annoyed me was in that basketball game and look what happened to you!". Elliot pointed to Roger's arms and legs all bruised and bandaged. Kids pushed and shoved the two making it hard to stand straight facing each other. Elliot began to shout now for the noise level had risen. Roger blinked and squinted shouting also "Hey don't come any closer....". Elliot pulled up his sleeves "I'll show you closer!". Elliot started to get into a cat fight with Roger, punching and screaming. Roger tried to block punches and failed screaming in pain as Elliot pulled at his hair and kicked him hard. A ring was made around them with cheering kids chanting names and other things. NiGHTS chuckled as he floated above, looking down at the fight making a "o" from his mouth as in Whoops. Claris pushed through the crowd making her way to Elliot and Roger. Roger had now been reduced to a quivering pulp shaking and whispering to himself "When will it stop... when will it stop....". Elliot's anger finally died down as he sighed and poked Roger in the head with his finger "Don't try that again.". Elliot rose up and grinned to the crowd "Fights over Ok? Go on to your classes there's nothing else to see." The crowd began to file down the hallway pouting and whispering to each other the events of the fight. Claris finally got to Elliot yelling "What's going on?" Claris skidded to a stop at Elliot's side then she looked down at Roger still quivering "Oh.....". Elliot looked to Claris "He threw a tennis ball at me...". Roger protested "Did not did not!". Elliot gave a kick into Roger's behind "Shut up.". Claris smiled "Well Roger don't you think you've had enough already?". Roger looked up and nodded up and down rapidly "Yes ye yes yes!!!". Elliot gave Roger a little shove up the hallway "Go on to sick bay.... and be warned not to try it again.". Although Roger didn't throw the ball at Elliot he nodded anyway and headed up the hallway and then towards a door reading "Sick bay". Elliot chuckled silently to himself. Claris smiled slightly then turned to her watch "Oh my... the time... Class!". Claris' voice echoed through the hallway as Elliot and Claris were the only one's there. NiGHTS glided down at the opportunity and tapped Elliot on the shoulder "Hey it wasn't Roger who threw the ball it was me." Giving a small smile. Elliot looked to NiGHTS eyes wide opened "You!?" turning up the hallway to were Roger had headed to "Then......". Elliot shrugged and turned to NiGHTS "So what are you doing here anyway?" cried Elliot and Claris in unison. NiGHTS bowed his head "I'm just a little bored that's all....". Elliot nodded slightly aswell as Claris understanding a little. A ringing of another bell was in the air as it sounded through the hallway echoing. Claris looks blankly to NiGHTS and Elliot the runs off mumbling "Oh no I'm late…..". Elliot just ran off without a word. NiGHTS looked to the ground sighing. The hallway was then silent. NiGHTS glided over to the entrance to the hallway thinking of what he could do. NiGHTS glided around the nearby park searching for something HE could do seeing that NiGHTS isn't human. NiGHTS glided down looking at two couples sitting on a bench, sighing NiGHTS continued his search.

Reala looked around the kingdom as the Main Tower lay in ruins. Reala sighed as he glided closer to the body of Wizeman all tattered and ruined without a sign of life. Reala kneels down on the ground then studies the burn marks and the discoloration of Wizeman. Reala mumbles to himself "The Red Ideya…". Reala then stands up muttering to himself "That means I'm the Ruler of Nightopia and all Nightmaren!". Reala stepped up onto a large rock and started laughing insanely.

NiGHTS lifted his hands and twirled around as he entered the city. Straightening his flying position he circled around the Twin Seeds Tower. NiGHTS circled around the Twin Seeds Tower. Smiling NiGHTS landed on top and sat down smiling and staring down at the people below. His eyes darted from side to side as people walked across the street. NiGHTS sighed as he starred at them, envying them for being human. A steady wind blew softly against NiGHTS' face as he starred below. People chatted and talked while others continued on their way on the street below. Tree's and shops lined the street below the perfect place for meeting someone or just to chat freely. Birds rested atop of the roofs on the shops chirping and chatting to other birds aswell. At this time of the morning people just began to open their shops replacing the signs reading "Closed" on the front with "Open". He looked up to the clear crystal blue skies above him. Smiling, NiGHTS leaped up and glided steadily upwards looking in interest at the sky above. Clouds moved past him as he glided by. The clear fresh air past by him engulfing his lungs in something far better then any kind of smoke or drug. NiGHTS smiled spinning around as clouds were disturbed in the process. A steady roar echoed in the distance then the sound grew louder eventually turning into a larger sound and revealing itself as a Jumbo Jet. NiGHTS gulped and quickly ducked into the clouds. Hovering around in the clouds NiGHTS looked around seeing nothing but white. After the sound of the roaring engine had passed. NiGHTS glided out again for some more fun.

Reala sighed and picked up a shiny crystal embedded within Wizeman's clothing. The Crystal gleamed in the light happily. Reala frowned and turned the Crystal around in his hand. Sighing Reala shoved the Crystal into one of his pockets. "A momento of Wizeman…." said Reala. Just then a eerie light came out of nowhere blinding all in sight. Reala screamed "What the….". A glowing aura surrounded his body and a strange mist appeared and floated around the tower. The in the bright light it reached it's most intensifying brightness then it just disappeared along with Reala….

Claris tapped her pencil on the test paper boredly as the teacher read out instructions about "Correct postures" when doing tests. Elliot's eyes fluttered from across the room as he was about to fall asleep. Claris sighed and tapped ignorantly 'till she was eventually sent out of the classroom with Elliot for sleeping during class. Girls giggled hysterically as Claris exited the door with the sound echoing through the empty hallway. Claris pouted and protested "I was just tapping jeez…". Elliot couldn't be bothered to rebel as he was about to start sleep walking around Twin Seeds. Claris walked to her bag and pulled out a mangled water bottle then she trotted back to Elliot and sprayed him with it along with a "WAKE UP!". Elliot sputtered and coughed as his face was saturated. He looked dazed up at Claris yawning "Huh?". Claris sighed and walked down the hallway. Elliot shook his head and blinked then he started to run after Claris yelling "Hey where are you going?". Claris glanced back briefly and said "To find NiGHTS he seems bored.. Elliot followed Claris out the door way and went to go in search for the Flying Purple Creature in a clown suit.

Reala blinked as he re-appeared in a weird place where he could see nothing but white. With a pout Reala glided up and looked around. There was nothing but Blue above him with these White things floating around him. Reala then spotted NiGHTS, he grinned evilly and started to make his way towards him. NiGHTS peered out across the white plains of clouds stretching out forever. Like a soft bed that never seemed to be small in size. NiGHTS sighed as he floated in mid-air looking down as the clouds whizzed past him slowly. All of a sudden he was slammed by something. NiGHTS spun out of control blinking and protesting. "What… who did that?!" yelled NiGHTS. Reala revealed himself with his arms folded across his Red chest. NiGHTS gasped and blinked "How did you make it HERE?" he asked. Reala smiled and said "That doesn't really matter now. And since you were a traitor, I know have to kill you.". NiGHTS blinked in return and shouted "That's absurd, what have I ever done to you?". Reala's eyes seemed to gleam at that point whispering "Many things.." under his breath. Reala growled and started off to NiGHTS fighting with all his might as they lowered altitude towards the Earth. NiGHTS moved back trying to respond to Reala's actions shouting "I'm not going to fight you, just leave me alone OK?". The clouds flew past at a rapid rate the earth's surface just within view. Reala still continued fighting and punching madly.

Claris trotted ahead as Elliot followed behind trying to keep up.


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