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Recent Updates
Wow, I cant believe this place still exists. Its kinda amzing, how I had given up due to such a busy life, and hadnt updated in ages. To think I reached over 8000 people!? Thats incredible!!

Well, the site is kinda gone for all you people who are still checking. Soz about that. It was fun. I have an X-Box now at long last, and cant wait to try out Jet Set Radio Future :)

For all your gaming needs, please visit Mad Gamers and for that person who emailed me asking for VM sites, check Booyaka - My email account busted!

I'll still keep this site up a lil longer if you want to get the downloads (if they still work LOL) but hey, thanks people. You've made my day! To be this good takes SEGA remember :P

We're Moving House!
Thats right! No more WN4S, as we finally jump into the professional boat! From now on, this site shall be over at SegaEvolution.com and has a nice new design to go with it!

Sega Evolution is not live just yet, but will be on the 15th December, however you can join the forums and chat to Sega fans - we need members!

So what does this move mean to you? -

  • Better Looking Site
  • Forums!
  • Quicker Updates
  • More Content
  • And Compitions!

    Roll on December 15th!

  • Hey Good Lookin!
    Hey we have the new-ish design up! Hope you all like it, but please let me know what you think!

    This site is still everchanging, as a lot of neat new things are going to be happening recently, in that little time known as "sleep"! Unfortunatly, that means a lot of things are left unfinished for now - expect them to be ready within a few days, though announcements will be here on this very page.

    *Staggers into bed and collapses in a heap*

    Dr Eggman - Evil?
    I had a rather horrific email sent to me today regarding the distress of a Mr J Hancock, who wrote/typed that his 4 year old daughter had been most disturbed by this site. We are looking into this claim, and have come to suspect that it was in fact, the Eggman picture on the contact page, which may well have terrorized your daughter, and apollogize for any damages caused.

    Is the Eggman picture really scary? Is Buttnik really pure evil or actually a soft fairy in disgiuse? Only YOU, the surfers, can decide!!

    And yeah, I know it was someone who know's me that sent that - After all, it doesnt mention anywhere on this site that the webmaster is female - SUCKA!!

    Bit Quiet..
    Its been a bit quiet here recently, due to the fact im remodelling the site layout to get the best out of this site! Of course, its your suggestions that help improve this site.

    Im looking for staff too, well, anyone who feels like writing up reviews up mounds of tips! Contact Me if your intrested.

    A lot of exciting stuff has been happening recently - keep checking the news section for everything and anything Sega thats going on!

    Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Preview
    Hop over to the GameCube section to see the Sonic Adventure 2 Battle preview! Wow, so many updates, I should be awarded with a medal - and it dont stop there people, loads more coll stuff is going to be added to this ere site! Always under construction!
    PSO V2 GameCube Update!
    After just getting the GameCube PSO V2 preview up, I came across info of the new extra characters, and a new GameCube exclusive level!

    Click HERE to see the special PSO V2 Update with over 30 screenshots to gaze at!

    New Feature and Preview
    Sorted out a few technical problems and also uploaded a Which Console Next feature for you to help you decide what console to get after Sega's Dreamcast!

    Also, ive finally gotten round to doing a Phantasy Star Online Version 2 preview for Nintendo's GameCube. Im off to bed now, ciao!

    X-Box Madness
    We've seen the GameCube now its the X-Box's turn! Over in the X-Box cornor we have an exclusive Panzer Dragoon X preview, and have a sneaky peak at the News section to find the first ever screnshot's of The House Of The Dead 3.. and boy does it look strange.
    And We're UP!!
    The WN4S site is now up and running again, and I must say it looks a hell of a lot better than before! Any suggestions? Then Contact Me and let me know! Unfortunatly the Dreamcast section is not finished just yet, but im working on it day in, day out!
    My PC Blew Up!!
    As you may or may not have realised - this site hasnt been updated in ages! Mainly because my PC blew up, but now im back online (with a new upgraded all powerful PC) im going to continue to update and improve - and a LOT of Sega stuff has been happening recently!! Expect the news section to be updated right away, as well as loads of reviews/previews (well ive been playing a lot of games whilst ive been offline!!)
    Keep Giving Me Your Design Suggestions!
    As you can see, im altering the design of this site slightly!! All of my pages/links still work fine, its just the design im working on!! I will also get round to making a Credits page to thank all those people who have given me suggestions to improve this site, I still welcome suggestions!!
    New Previews
    New previews!! Proof this site actually DOES get updated!! An exclusive Virtua Fighter 4 Preview plus a GameBoy Advance preview of Columns

    Im hoping to update this regulary, although there is more than enough here for now!! Ive added an 'About' page and a 'Fun' page that has some Javascript games if your bored. Also, you may notice the edition of the new forums!! Sign up and get chatin'!!

    Welcome to the Wot Next 4 Sega site!
    Take a look around the new and improved Wot Next 4 Sega? site!! This site will aim to follow Sega as they go from console giant to one of the best software producers of the world!! Anything relating Sega will be around here somewhere, so I hope old and new Sega fans alike will like this site!!
    News ..-More-..

    Bleem! are now out of business, due to Sony taking legal action.

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