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Archived Sega News
Here's all of the old Archived News that wont be found under the Latest News, yet might be of intrest to some of you out there!
Sonic Adventure 2 For GameCube!!
Thats right!! Sonic will be making an appearance on the GameCube after all. No details are known about whether there will be anything new included in the game, but seeing Sonic alongside Mario is sure going to be intresting...
Phantasy Star Online Now For PC!!
Doesnt the land of PC's have enough online games? Seems not! They will be getting the Dreamcast port of Version 2, and will have to pay! Balls
Soul Calibur 2 For GameCube
Namco's sequel tp the Dreamcast kick ass weapons based 3d Beat 'Em Up is heading for GameCube aswell as Ps2 and X-Box!! All of the original characters make an appearence aswell as three new ones!
Grandia 2 For PS2 And PC
Grandia 2 was bound to make friends with other consoles, and it looks like it will be following its older brother to Sony’s machine. Whilst the game will remain pretty much the same as the Dreamcast version, the graphics will be crisper and a few new cut scenes will be added to the game. Game Arts plan to release the PS2 version by Christmas, and are also planning another sequel.
Another Sonic Team Game Heads To Nintendo
A mystery Sonic Team is going to be unveiled at this years SpaceWorld, all though nothing has been confirmed yet and we dont know which console it'll head for. Whether it will another Dreamcast port for the GameCube or a MegaDrive sequel for the GameBoy Advance we dont know!!
Dreamcast Price Drop
Only in America, that is. The Dreamcast is set to drop even further in price, to $79.99!! Any cheaper and they might as well give them away
Virtua Fighter 4 Arcade Date
While there is no date on the Playstation 2 version of this awesome beat ‘em up, those lucky Japanese will be able to nip down their arcade to play on the first of august!!
PSO US Date Confirmed - And This Time They Have To Pay!!
Sega Of America has recently announced the release date for Phantasy Star Online Version 2, which is set to storm the US on September 11th.

Unfortunatly for PSO fans, this time round gamers living in the US will have to PAY to get online!! They'll have to pay $15 for three months whenever online, although offline obviously will be free and the original PSO can still be played online for free. US gamers should see this as a minor sacrifice compared to the high phone bills people in the UK suffer!! This is what Sega said in an official statement about the US pay-per-play system - "In order to maintain a secure, fair, and exciting online gaming environment, Phantasy Star Online Version 2 will include an online payment structure that will be easily accessible and affordable for US gamers" So there you go.

Crazy Taxi Film!! Its Crazy!!
Sega Of America recently announced that the Goodman-Rosen production firm has been given the rights to make a Crazy Taxi film, under the director Richard Donner, responsable for the Supeman films!! What with the Tomb Raider film, and upcoming films on Final Fantasy and Resident Evil, I just wanna know - whens the Phantasy Star Online film coming then??
Cosmic Smash Release
Dreamcast games still are a-coming, even if most of them are in Japan!! The latest being the amazing arcade hit, Cosmic Smash, which is just like Breakout in 3D, only much better!! And I just love Breakout!! With additions like power ups and Virtua Tennis like players, I just hope it comes over here!!
Sega are set to release their special Dreamcast R7 in Japan priced at 9,800 yen this September. The R7 Dreamcast is coloured black with the R7 logo, and was previously used in Pachinko Parlors in Japan.
SEGA School Driving Simulator
Sega of Japan has announced that it will expand the use of heir technology into non-gaming industries, this includes developing driving simulators for driving schools!! And it'll be just like playing F355 Challange!! No news of whether it shall make its way out of Japan or not. I guess just mobile phones arnt good enough for Sega!!
Shenmue 2 Arcade
Great news for Shenmue Game You fans is that Shenmue 2 will have its own little Arcade around ong Kong, only it'll be a bit bigger, with new games to play like Outrun, and After Burner aswell as the other Game You classics, Hang On, Space Harrier, and darts!!
VF4 With Shenmue 2
A special Virtua Fighter 4 disc is to be included with the Japaneze version of Shenmue 2 when it gets released this September. The preview dic will contain the history of Virtua Fighter, and probably contain a preview of VF4, and their will be a online function, namely VF.Net, which players can get to through the web. Its not clear what this will be used for, but its highlt unlikely that this VF4 Disc will be released outside of Japan.
Half Life Canned
Well, he all knew it had to happen, what with no word of Half Life even though it was supposedly "Completed". Sierra confirmed the canning of Half Life "Due to changing market conditions" yet is storms ahead on to the Playstation 2.
DC Sold Out In Japan
All dreamcasts in Japan have been sold out, and of course with no new consoles coming from Sega, it means that the Dreamcast only has gmes to offer the Japaneze market. While this may be sad news, it goes to show that the Dreamcast was still just as popular till the end!!
Shenmue 2 Date
Shenmue 2 has finally been finished, and is heading for Japan this September 4th!! Anticipation for this great game is beyound any other Dreamcast game, and its expected to sell on out release. However, no date has been set for the US or UK just yet
SEGA and Sony Join Forces For Online Gaming
Sega has revealed its plans to partner with Sony in Japan to allow the Dreamcast and Playstation 2 to get online together, whether this will cause DC and PS2 gamers to forget their diffrences and play games in harmony or kill each other is another matter!! The first inter-console network project will allow owners of both consoles to play in the same online games, which brings about heavy rumours of Phantasy Star Online heading for PS2. However, the games that are to set it all rolling are yet unknown.

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