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Which Console Next?
A serious question has been facing hardcore Sega fans - now that Sega are not going to create any more wonder machines, which next gen console do you go for next? Since Sega are developing for all of the latest and greatest consoles from the GameBoy Advance to the GameCube and X-Box, if your poor like me, its gonna be a hard choice deciding what console to get next!! So here's an in depth look at the games that are going to which consoles, why that console is great (or maybe why it sucks) and which console im saving my not so hard earned cash for!
The Playstation 2
The Playstation 2 Games - The PS2 is getting a whole heapful of Dreamcast ports - which unfortunately, are just ports. Nothing new! Why would you want to play Crazy Taxi, Ecco, HeadHunter etc on a PS2 when you can play them on a Dreamcast at half the price? Some of these Dreamcast ports are not even worth getting, Zombie Revenge comes to mind. Only Crazy Taxi has been released so far, which seems a bit stupid. Still, the big one that SEGA buts may want to chase up is Virtua Fighter 4, the best Virtua Fighter series, and exclusively for the Playstation 2.

Pros - The PS2 is probably the most popular console, and has loads of companies churning out games for it, so you'll be safe to know you'll have a constant stream of games to play. The PS2 also has some killer titles on the way in the form of Metal Gear Solid 2 and Final Fantasy 10. Definatly ones to watch. The PS2 also plays DVD's, so you'll always have something to do.

Cons - The PS2 is VERY hard to develop for, so most of there games are cheaply disguised with blurring effects and has noticeable jagged lines. Even MGS2 is blurred to death in certain areas. Not very professional eh? The PS2 is so hard to develop for, that a hell of a lot of companies have actually jumped ship to the X-Box or GameCube. The DVD is rubbish too. They are much cheaper now, so I guess its up to you.

My Opinion - Ive never liked Sony or the "lets take over the world" policy they seem to have (me and my conspiracy theories eh?) Ive played a PS2 to death and was not impressed. Even MGS2 failed to impress me. If Virtua Fighter 4 is the only decent PS2 SEGA game then I think I'll pass - SEGA would be mad not to release it on the other consoles anyway!

The GameCube
The GameCube Games - Sonic Team (who created Sonic, obviously) really love GameCube. They've already created ports of Phantasy Star Online Version 2, Sonic Adventure and the crazy arcade title Super Monkey Ball. Though these are ports, they all have a bucket load of features. PSO Version 2 has a four-player mode; Monkey Ball has a ton of secrets and mini games whilst Sonic Adventure 2 will be able to link up with Sonic Advance on the Game Boy Advance. Other less significant games will include Crazy Taxi and Virtua Striker 3.

Pros - The GameCube is made by the company that founded the video game market, and have a lot of experience creating quality classics. Mario and Zelda would agree with me there. I think Nintendo are starting to get it right this time though, as now we finally have CD's (well, mini CD's) and Nintendo are getting bags of support from top companies such as Namco with Soul Calibur 2 and Capcom with the entire Resident Evil series! Maybe now Ninty will shake off their reputation for not tapping into the adult market.

Cons - The new Zelda game for GameCube looks extremely weird, and very cartoony. I, and indeed others, was wetting myself when I saw the first Zelda demo on GameCube. Link looked awesome, but now in his actual game, he looks daft. Nintendo also seem to have a big problem with release dates and sticking to them, so expect delays and delays till dates are coming out of your ears. If Nintendo can get their games on time, with a decent adult collection., they'll have it made.

My Opinion - I just worship Sonic Team so im getting a GameCube just for Sonic! Well, that's not strictly true, but the blue wonder has helped me make up my mind! With Sonic Team on GameCube, we might actually see a Burning Rangers 2, NiGHTS 2, and Shining Force 4 etc

The X-Box
The X-Box Games – Microsoft’s first console attempt has a lot of support from Sega, mainly Smilebit, the company that did the rounds with Jet Set Radio. They are pretty much famous for their great original games, and the line up is rather impressive. Jet Set Radio Future is the JSR sequel, with enhanced controls. Gun Valkyrie is a strange platform/shooter hybrid that just looks God damn sexy. Oh, and I must not forget the prospect of playing Panzer Dragoon again. Wow! Along with those beauties comes… Crazy Taxi. Friggin hell, that game gets everywhere.

Pros – The X-Box is impressive, the most powerful console of the lot and proberly the only think to take on the PS2. It has DVD playback and even its own in built music editor, which is great. Microsoft have a lot of support and some great games like Unreal Championship as well as Dead Or Alive 3.

Cons – There doesn’t seem to be many killer titles for the X-Box, only Sega’s efforts it would seem. The console itself has been voted the most ugly looking and the control pad looks impossible to use! Its also gonna be bloody expensive when it launches. But this big fat box is going to be interesting..

My Opinion – With the barrage of great Sega games for the X-Box, just playing Panzer Dragoon again will be reason enough to get the X-Box. But im going to wait and see what the X-Box can do before I make a lasting judgement.

The Game Boy Advance
The Game Boy Advance Games – A few Sega gems are appearing on Nintendo’s baby, including Sonic Advance and Chu Chu Rocket from Sonic Team. The old-ish Columns is making a come back, which is a Tetris style clone. That’s about it for now, although there are lots of rumours going around about other old MegaDrive (AKA Genesis) games also making a comeback, such as Streets Of Rage or Shinobi.

Pros – The GBA is great; I have one and love it! The ONLY handheld console to have. Perfect if you’re on the go and don’t mind playing classic games soaked with 3D polygons. The GBA is cheap, sexy as hell, and has loads of great games to play on the bus, my favourite being Mario Kart. Unless you hate old age SNES graphics or Nintendo, there really is no reason not to own this baby.

Cons – The console itself isn’t backlit like a TV for the simple reason it would drain your batteries faster than you could say balls, which is, of course, the point of handheld gaming. You’ll be constantly fidgeting for the “perfect” angle to see your GBA, unless you shell out on a light magnifier. But come on people, light magnifiers are CHEAP!

My Opinion – I love my GBA! With the feature of using it as a GameCube control pad and linking up with GameCube games; a GBA will be essential for all those saving up for a GameCube. For everyone else, what is your excuse? Can’t stand Pokemon?

Overall – It depends on your personal tastes which console you wish to go for. If you’re a Sonic Team, nut like myself, you’ll be wanting a GameCube. If the prospect of playing Jet Set Radio Future excites you but nothing else does, then get a X-Box! Alternatively, you may love Sonic but hate Nintendo, so you may want to see what the consoles themselves offer you, not just which Sega game is heading for it. After all, next gen consoles are expensive, and Virtua Fighter 4 could well end up on the X-Box or GameCube as well as the Playstation 2!

Or, if you’re rich, you could just buy all of them! Let me know what you people think.


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