JESUS Christ Signing Into Law.

Christian President Don Trump is a busy person (1 Kings 18.27, yet rather Matthew 8.10 with Matthew 24.46 preferred see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon on "We the people").

In secular cliche "If you need something done ask a busy person".

More properly stated JESUS Christ Has Put (And Is Putting Increasingly Matthew 13.12 [Creator Physics])

Into Christian President Don Trump Higher Spirit: the Spirit of Signing Name JESUS Christ Into Law though first Praying Spirit Faith Glory (see Drawing below) with Preparing Spirit.

One Good Only type of physics exists and is becoming known in these days. The many [with types of spirits] Will See to Best benefit mutually as not previously of this civilization. This is a liberating time though within the precepts of JESUS Christ: not as former House Of Bondage, not laws without Highest Faith, hardly as Puritanical;

instead Guardians as One With And Entering Into The Constructing The Joy Path (John 8.32).

The Kingdom Of Heaven is at Hand, literally.

JESUS Christ USA Christian President Don Trump Prophecy Christian Vice President Mike Pence Congress Signing Name Of God Kingdom Of Heaven At Hand literally, straight and narrow sex money addictions Grace walk on water rocks first drawing ancient measuring glory writing life spirit specifications movie The American President starring Michael Douglas as U.S. President Andrew Shepherd Wall Street Michael Douglas Gordon Gekko Charlie Sheen Bud Fox Jesus One this is your wake-up call Zion United Nations secular atheism sin addictions instead prophetic billions of dollars planning 2019 for 2020

The above left JESUS Christ Folder Giving Direction is from one of the older JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series (see Drawing with JESUS Christ Highest Prophetic Purpose tent alignment Edifying at Note the above arrows 1, 2, and 3 as generally three types of information flows to a person (Christian President Don Trump).

This is a time, from JESUS Christ Teaching (and from the Garden Of Eden and likewise from Heaven Above As Via Good Angels And True Prophets) of New Christianity Joyful In One unraveling and distinguishing the spirits beyond former compare of this civilization.

Adam and Eve went out of the Garden Of Eden (John 15.6). Similarly in pattern hardly as former gathering the nations, and other separations of faiths separate from faiths (as if to pretend God is over some and not others, nor as if a nation is only for that nation: JESUS Christ is for each and every person.

For example two great companies competed against each other in courts until they ran out of money, so the products and services of those two companies became no more: great losses (this example is not about attorney companies though such have fought each other too). So it was not about the better company winning, nor earning predominance in a market sector, it was great loss and hard to replace (experts, complex expensive equipment,...).

The United Nations similarly has great values though does not solve the problem (so see above "Signing" [see below to "Prove"] see recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons)(["Signing" John 15.7 with Malachi 3.10 & John 15.8).

To Give away all weapons, funds, factories, and such: these things Will Come though precept on precept via the Name JESUS Christ. For example it is illegal to give certain types of weapons to toddlers, adults likewise are not to be given certain types of things unless reliably worthy and not as former, instead with being as explained precept on precept via the Name JESUS Christ; yet this is not to remove things from any reliable people per se, instead this is a time (with "Signing") set aside ("set aside" is a secular term for Edifying) for God To Prove Himself.

As stated above this is a time for "One With"..."Joy": so this is a time with "Signing" so with God (so not exactly "set aside", rather Prophetically Specified) for God to enter into His Greater Glory (With Zion: not only name, also with One Deed Work: Joy).

In the above JESUS Christ Drawing along the left side are symbols and arrows to insert such [into folders and] folders into one folder (as much as fit, but not all fit such as onto a financial ledger sheet of the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Standard).

In JESUS Christ the Truth is 3D does not perfectly fit into 2D (except through JESUS Christ the Miracles source for this world). Example a car sold for $10,000, but if a parent decides to rush their child to the emergency room the car value is not the same even though the product did not change per se. Where will the money come from (in secular cliche)?, the former world is not high level enough to compare perfectly (save any at Highest Level [Matthew 17.3 though with Matthew 10.24 and Luke 24.26 to enter into the Glory prepared for such Worthy]).

In the previous example, the Creator Physics Given for that parent is that the child is worth more than the car and more than a multitude of new cars. Meanwhile insurance for instance places another number value on the child, and governments place values on buses loaded with children [such as to plan for building roads]. So there are many values already with families and nations, and a much higher "Prove" value is at hand now in this generation: let's Do Best As Can Be before the life span per person ways be superseded by former mortal time measures, more importantly is to Do already in the past

therefore if already accomplished ("Signing") then to be with proof in great Benefits ("proof" and with Giving post receiving [see above text on precepts and similar allocating, also with general Tithing and see similar previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon at "as Mr. Skinner of LDS detailed"]).

The JESUS Christ Drawing upper left speaks of the Prophets (Scroll) that spoke and speak of JESUS Christ for all to Best Benefit. "Best" in the most pure form concerns Perfect, and

the former worldly laws could not have perfected until JESUS Christ appeared circa 2,000 years ago Overcoming (including laws [One Highest Law]) and Teaching such.

Many things would not be revealed until the days of End Time.

But the worldly interpretations (such as by Temple Officials that conspired and paid to (Luke 22.4&5) of End Time

have hardly been as JESUS Christ Taught

("hardly" applies to sinners, see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series on Final End Time, Second Coming, Personal End Time With New Beginning, and on New Christianity).

Even so, with the Prophets (true prophets along with false prophets [and consequences]), the Holy Law and the worldly laws have been transfigured and entered into the folder (reprinted, amended,...) along with calculator tech, newer tech, dictionary words, guidance (steering wheel) ideas, Christian Church Operations Materials, and so forth. The folder then transfigured into the software hardware interface for managing and remote automated thinking: such items have formerly been counted in the secular as if soulless.

Generally speaking Christian President Don Trump then receives three types of information and reliability of the information is a [JESUS Christ] key (precept properly on precept)(credibility, integrity, trustworthiness).

There is a strong correlation that many secular systems and many faiths work toward best solving: this is a JESUS Christ Given Creator Physics key, this is a Faith Reliability key.

This is like unto the JESUS Christ Glory key, and like unto the JESUS Christ

(formerly merely toward discerning 1 Corinthians 12.10 though now [with this value] toward JESUS Christ Oneness)

Distinguishing key formed according to the JESUS Christ precept of properly Best Converting (so not toward separating ["discerning"] alone). So for this civilization with "Signing" (if to be for all, if to be Best Leading With All One Greatest Highest Purpose) is the [not secular learning rules alone, instead:] properly putting together to Best Grow With The Highest Purpose Living Path as JESUS Christ Specified.

So previously was the precept and then a higher precept and another and another. Now with this "Signing" Prophetically Will Come the being on the Growing Path: the Path carrying people (not merely in spirit). Not as merely formerly as with elevators, rather Each as a Member Of The Growing Vertical Line (including One in the former lineage e.g. first part of the Book Of Matthew).

Miracles result from proper Faith (from source JESUS Christ). Miracles can be seen by the secular, used by the secular for their as if separate devices and schemes, though conditionally (Higher Level than secular level criteria applies).

It is a Miracle JESUS Christ walked on water. The water could have been hard, like unto frozen at room temperature, or otherwise such as JESUS Christ flying though touching His feet on the water. In any case a person can freeze things, and fly, and balance on a surf board and so forth. Because of the Miracle, the secular has accomplished great things.

But again those accomplishments came from JESUS Christ (likewise reference Noah and Jarod [5 Founding Civilizations/1] of the previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon In This Series).

Formerly in the secular if a company saw a competitor gained, the "company" counted it as relative loss. Not so in JESUS Christ One (see above "Each as a Member Of The Growing" though such would hardly be immediately obvious to many at first after the "Signing" hence formerly opted/non-ascending selfishness, see above "Where will the money come from").

People Will Ascend and know why, while others would eventually become convinced increasingly. Example: secular followers follow their favorite TV star, and the person they want to elect, and similar: so in going with the crowd and with "Signing" the natural class clown physics Convert to the Best Way.

Do not be misled by sinners and atheists, such as have said in cliche generally speaking for Edifying "If it can be figured out and explained, then it's not a miracle".

Christian Faith yields very valuable Miracles (and other Miracles hardly as of much current value). The secular wrongly said in cliches [to paraphrase generally:] "Here's why that happened (e.g. see next sentence), so it wasn't a miracle nor some paranormal nor from UFOs nor other reason".

JESUS Christ Taught that from proper Faith the Miracles happen, therefore there are Miracles that can be explained such as when a person finds a loose wire that needs be reconnected.

Miracles include rocks that just sit there (Luke 19.40), and all other stuff everywhere, in each vessel, in You, in people (, in atheists and naysayers that have been unaware: yet JESUS Christ Gives for You Of Proper Faith to be Miraculously Converting spirits to Best Benefit.

Though Miracles that are of noteworthy values are when needful, especially in emergencies and when there is a leap of proper Faith situation. Everything is Miraculous except sin, though be aware as written [from John 9.2(&3) NAS]:

(and JESUS Christ Rightly answered "neither"..."but it was so that the works of God might be displayed in him"),

and with letting all in pertinence be known in latter days: as stated in previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons there are turned spirits in the world including prior to births, prior to Marriages, and so on, even there are civilizations that came to power but turned and the things, the Miracles, that continued have been their sinful ways: JESUS Christ would that You Best Convert each and all away from sin (for Edifying this subset of ibid. applies).

So seek to Convert turned spirits "prior to births, prior to Marriages, and so on".

JESUS Christ Gives this Converting key to apply to Converting spirits for to Do Good for the sake of all to Benefit, and to apply to greater than the secular after-the-fact sense of miracles as if to for instance use secular physics to put people on the Moon and to put other DNA into brains systematically (for sins such as for prestige and/or money to show off and/or to put the competition out of business).

Preaching JESUS Christ is a great Way to Convert turned spirits.

Now be careful (Praying JESUS Christ with concentrating greatly on the current Mission) how Ye hear:

not to belittle Miracles Of Healings, yet be of the Higher Faith Aspect of JESUS Christ Healing rather than the after-the-fact results even though Miraculous

(also be aware of conditions such as Matthew 17.21).

This above JESUS Christ Converting key also (reference Principles Of Faith) applies for Ascending, and for Glory (1 Corinthians 15.41 includes:

there is a glory of one star and a glory of another star: per Miracle item, and with JESUS Christ Glory Intensity per Miracle item GodSling).

Concerning JESUS Christ in You Ascending observe what is written in 1 Timothy 3.6 NAS:

So while all Christians are Saved, if to merely be a Follower and not Lead as JESUS Christ Living Exemplar Leads, then for JESUS Christ Highest Edifying Purpose it may apply that the "Follower" even if a Christian Church Member 50 or 100 years for examples, might be as the "new convert"

but not in the innocence sense (Watchers [and not Good Doers Leading] be Aware).

[If to wonder, then] do You walk up to a toddler and ask for directions or rather walk up to an adult?: walk up to an adult, even though You can beat the toddler in a fist fight:

this is key to Your JESUS Christ Victory over Matthew 12.29.

The President must Do this, and for the nation

(1 Timothy 3.4) and likewise be with Good Reputation amidst foreigners (1 Timothy 3.7).

The secular has said such as in that great movie The American President starring Michael Douglas as U.S. President Andrew Shepherd though saying "Lewis, we've gotta fight the fights we can win".

And this is precisely the point of why the previous sentence word "though" needs be JESUS Christ Converted Through Christian President Don Trump (as stated above)

lest for instance the next President undo all the Good Christian President Don Trump Accomplished.

It can happen as easily as the flip of a coin. The lobbyist offers a great deal, if to include a proviso which may be unsavory.

Civilizations have opted to destroy themselves by unsavory proviso after unsavory proviso. Is the current President to blame or the lobbyists or the people...?, even so

the current Responsibility vests in the current President.

If to wait to follow the introduction by the House Of Representatives, is toward following (less toward leading) so the above stated conditions apply and the waiting is risky. Government offers a flood of committees, approvals, and so forth. JESUS Christ Offers no more "flood", and instead to quickly solve even already solved in JESUS Christ: step and step, legally and properly (not disclosed here, for instance National Security applies, though also Christian President Don Trump is at liberty to opt the Best Path from His Given Talent(s) Perspective), precept on precept.

Legislative, Executive, and Judicial: for the Best Good of all, let these be Agreed in the Highest Purpose Of The Law, with the Highest Faith for the Highest Level Of Loyalty, and so to be of the Greatest Credibility Level.

With lobbyists, corporations, families, and toddlers, not only "let" (according to following) rather with considering Righteously the previous sentence Christian President Don Trump make it so

including for Your sake that Your outpouring of Love Rightly Magnify Glory In The Most Extreme (Therefore In The Eternal Good Sense John 10.38).

JESUS Christ Gives Christian President Don Trump the Word to make it so, and also the Might to make it so: if to be the National Leader then the nation is with the very Word,

though be of Good Cheer that also for the sakes of naysayers (and all Proverbs 19.20) during this preparation (until the "deadline") Be With This Word JESUS Christ Gives Into The Heart [Soul] Of Christian President Don Trump

that when Christian President Don Trump In Proper Faith steps with the "Word"

then for the "naysayers" (if any) the Power of this "Faith" Will for their sakes Produce JESUS Christ Miracles and not merely any (see above text "rocks"..."and other stuff") rather impacting "naysayers" to realize (goodly or perhaps consequences if some have been for broadening sinfulness)(Amos 3.7).

The above JESUS Christ Drawing arrow #1 is the Good From JESUS Christ In The Highest Spirit Father, and from the Census Christian Leaders And Scriptures, and perhaps from Christian Followers (as much as any Be Good). Arrow #2 is often for goodly ways though see above "proviso" concerns, also beware of problems and system flaws and Luke 22.31 applies and Amos 9.9. Arrow #3 is as a toddler experiences the Given, and as an adult explorer,...and/or President such as looking around the office or out a window or watching television.

Seek "arrow #1", though concerning "Arrow #2" as a level above though similar to "Arrow #3" behold the folder at the bottom of the Drawing. The folder crease is a straight vertical line and folders are often closed and filed away. Though if to open a folder carefully a little so the contents do not fall to the floor, then like unto JESUS Christ Good Wisdom applied to extra "elbow room" sense of the previous Sermon In This Series at

while agreeing with the top of this Sermon statement "hardly as Puritanical".

So to make Good sense of this in JESUS Christ, consider [(Your Christian Church criteria) and (Your laws)] that Good "criteria" and "laws" should endure (reference for all One in this Series) so with Followers (New Members, subsets, ancillary and conditional aspects of spirits,...) [should or if opted:] can be without certain privileges (a JESUS Christ Maintenance concern as portrayed in this Series)

though to minimize such lest Followers become jealous or worse (so Edify and prepare Benefits suitable for levels: amounts of liberties according to worthiness along with feedback systematically after initial steps have been accomplished)(reference Old Testament Evaluations, though for instance not to unfairly undo womens' rights and privileges, as We the people conquer Righteously In JESUS Christ [though some factions have not properly acknowledged even pending Christian President Don Trump "Signing" and for Christian President Don Trump to be Aware: lest to be to blame])

(for instance "womens' rights" will fail if not in the Name JESUS Christ, reference proper Ascending in this Series).

The Old Testament continues to apply unless properly overcome in JESUS Christ Victory (New Testament, and greater in the Living Christian Bible).

For the more worthy the greater responsibilities can apply though in JESUS Christ each step properly ascending is of a similar amount of longsuffering per vessel and generally per spirit set.

Drawing bottom person passed out with a bottle in the hand is not as Christian President Don Trump Leading with a pen in Hand "Signing", nor as a Christian Preacher Preaching And Administering The Eucharist, nor even as people at a bus stop (Matthew 24.46 might apply). Leading in so Doing (ibid.) is key like unto a bus driving past people without stopping, though if people indicate they want to ride then often the people wave to the bus driver. So JESUS Christ Gives this as a Doing key.

But a follower going with the crowd might be with a crowd that is not looking to ride the bus that the follower needs. Preachers inform Your Members. Signer inform per se.

Please JESUS Christ.

This is a Pleasing key, the Holy Path Of Joy is with such proper Pleasing.

If to lay the above JESUS Christ Drawing folder on a desk and then open the folder, then it neither spills nor passes out onto the lower level floor (of the office, or floor of the bus,...). If open, then the folder contents are free (at a JESUS Christ Level), as much as the contents are moved into the liberty amount of Glory (revealing the Glory of each pertinent item vessel from the folder)(the folder can even be opened full 360 degrees though unnecessary typically and may reduce leadership value of the folder [wearing out the fold crease]).

A folder is like unto a colonizing space ship, though also over many other types of sets. Converting folder contents to the hard drive is as to gain some values "though" (see above text discussion) risking other aspects if the original is undone. JESUS Christ Transfigured, though when seen again, as previous, as prior to the Transfiguration (a Reliability key).

So if to transfigure anything, if to transform, if to punt, bake, buy,...or sell, then to consider first the consequences, that is, if to make a thing history as the new is preferred, then consider the point of no return, the Firmament, and the JESUS Christ Highest Wisdom over the levels of considerations.

How to describe the past, when the better newer arrives?, it is as to describe a person that properly becomes Baptized, or as to describe a civilization that went extinct. The "better newer" is as a new car, though perhaps it then runs over people. JESUS Christ is the True Best Way for all One, for all to Benefit, and to Benefit at the Best Rate of each and all, so that no work to complain would arise, but not by force of censorship.

JESUS Christ in the above Drawing is shown top center Joyously with Christian President Donald John Trump, as JESUS Christ Is "everywhere" (as stated above and detailed below) so an arrow coming into [a person e.g.] Christian President Donald John Trump while also within the Soul (likewise as any heart is associated with blood for greater purpose than mere heart, and likewise as a purpose of another vessel such as a rock is to be a rock or better).

Christian President Donald John Trump has a Birthday June 14: express great "Signing" support for His Birthday!

As with any President, many would wonder in cliche "Are you the Christ" or similar; so treat such for now as normal to any Christian (see Your Christian Church criteria)(see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons for details for example JESUS Christ [Name] such as JESUS Christ USA). If naysayers such as from other nations say there is a sinner in "JESUS Christ USA"; likewise to the previous sentence so endure; instead of such as former defense with attacks that shouted similar per se to: Don't complain about us since your nation has more sinners than ours.

Be with JESUS Christ Integrity And Good Beneficial Character for all everywhere, God is everywhere as stated above, including in the hearts of [former] enemies.

If JESUS Christ Is "everywhere" as stated above then where is room for sin, for pain, and for innocent pure children to suffer?, JESUS Christ Gave vessels the Gift Of Choice (to Choose, rather to Give unto the Worthy in JESUS Christ the same level of Choice Responsibly), and the Best Way precept on precept is to be Christian and then continue to Ascend in JESUS Christ so to Help others be saves from such miseries of such stray types of inquiries.

Rather if to ask then ask what You can Do for JESUS Christ and such is already Told, so Do (such as "Signing" In The Name JESUS Christ such as to properly Lead others).

There is a JESUS Christ Entrance into each and every person and spirit and thing. A person has ears to sense and nostrils to sense, and other sensors. Yet the Holy Highest JESUS Christ Entrance is with key to the spirit and vessel, and with the Holy Works though be Wise how Ye hear the following sentence.

Faith in the Name JESUS Christ [therefore on the Name JESUS Christ as much as One] is with though

greater than the after-the-fact Miracle Work(s);

Save Oneness as with the Holy Eternal without the created (such as: Original Creation Planning).

Below the face of JESUS Christ is an ink artwork with a ship of some Disciples and outside the ship Disciple Peter on the water with JESUS Christ walking on the water in one of the first descriptions of JESUS Christ other than words. The walking on the water is like unto walking on "ink" and so very much like the Prophetic "Signing" Victory to be accomplished for the Glory of Christian President Donald John Trump, Christian Vice President Mike Pence, We the people, the greater planet and multiverse, and of course for the greatest Glory In Highest Purpose [thus far] In JESUS Christ Spirit Father One.

Disciple Peter was with moments He could [Sign in the form of to] walk on water, though when with JESUS Christ Highest Faith [as much as needful in Peter to so Accomplish Victory likewise]: a very momentous occasion, Holy, awesome, unknown (in the people other than JESUS Christ), and by far awe inspiring to become immediately motivated to wonder toward so mustering courage to so Do.

So at a future time after the "Signing" Victory at the choosing of the President further encouragement with inviting to so Do likewise is recommended (reference allocating though as much as the President And Leadership be with better ideas [since much Will quickly change (even many lower level Miraculous technologies are happening now and in need of new and improved Christian President Donald John Trump Leadership: Would God be grateful if to put in the Name of His Son?: Yes).

Wisdom is Given to the Responsible Worthy, so it often happens that Wisdom is Given to the Wise (Mark 4.24).

No time to lose (inherit Wisdom now Ecclesiastes 7.11). "Do not waste time arguing over godless ideas" (from 1 Timothy 4.7).

Just above the ship in the Drawing are Mother Mary, Joseph, Baby JESUS Christ And Simeon in pertinence now for Christian President Donald John Trump "Signing" Leadership as written (with current pertinent specifics and concerning future associated matters) in Luke 2.32 NAS:

Now consider the JESUS Christ Wisdom with Christian Churches in the US and the world, and yet USA friend Israel is one of the keys (Chosen People & Leviticus 19.18)(see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon on 5 Founding Civilizations from 1 map, and on similar though often secular optimism).

To the right of the JESUS Christ Face above is the Glory according to an ancient artist with the Eternal encircled above, with a Firmament level layer of clouds, then with Heavenly levels of Vessels as One, then a Firmament and a level of people [Christians] (note They are not depicted is strict uniform formation), then other people in disarray (so Convert first in the Name Of JESUS Christ as a proper step for their sakes now).

Note the God Fearing Christian Welcomes JESUS Christ And Eternal Spirit God with open arms, generally;

but consider for the sakes of the naysayers to be Converted lest they be terrified, similar to an unexpected terrorist attack, and if left to interpret themselves being in dire straits then learn from the past what happened, for example a market crash sent people jumping out of skyscrapers as the losses of them were great and not to belittle that, if to so jump then possibly to land on others, the point being systems crash when people crash according to situations and talents.

If a business owner jumps per se, then a failed business very possibly, very possibly involving many system aspects. If a nation fails, far worse applies.

In the JESUS Christ Drawing top toward right is held a tiny mustard seed that reasonably can grow to be a giant tree.

Faith of that mustard seed amount can move a "mountain" JESUS Christ Said (Matthew 17.20 NAS).

After "Signing", what Will the future hold [Christian President Donald John Trump for instance]?, Will others interpret as weakness and immediately attack?, yet as JESUS Christ In Your Heart Gives To Agree, if to be able to move a "mountain" as JESUS Christ Said,

then able to move a subsequent "mountain"?, Yes.

Be of Good Cheer, JESUS Christ Said "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.",

(John 14.18 with greater Good to be added with expectations Luke 12.48 so stay on track in JESUS Christ Highest Faith)(Ascend in Faith Exodus 33.11).

But as if (stated to Edify) what need have You when You are able to move the mountains on which Your enemies stand and on which they built their mighty fortresses. Even so Give Blessings.

Higher level than trees, birds eat mustard seeds and build nests in mustard trees, and the mustard trees don't mind in the sense the lower level mustard trees opted to endure and have not gone extinct. Greater is the higher than bird level humans now protect mustard trees in many ways.

When You properly ascend in JESUS Christ Loving Wisdom, it is as though to make room for greater [spirits or of preference] Good Spirit(s). No extra longsuffering needs apply (the opposite of what typically happens in the world such as a company buying more companies and so heaping more responsibilities on the self, a key that a sinner can hardly rule much of the world as JESUS Christ Physics let sinners undo themselves).

In fact Heaven is hardly about longsuffering at all, so prepare rather for Eternal Joy in Perfectly Learning In JESUS Christ how to Give others Highest Joy.

On the right side of the Drawing from bottom to top, JESUS Christ wrote on His Heart the Original Plan (shown shaped as woven thorn branch(es) yet like DNA) with Faith greater than a "mustard seed" and with Glory (at least with ascending into Heaven after the tomb).

Consider how Christian Parents are delighted and Glorify the child [perhaps adult in years as JESUS Christ Exemplar was] when Their child is Baptized: so the "mustard seed" (evidently, or greater) of Glory as One Marriage in Glorifying Their Child is from the "mountain" change ["move"] of their "mustard seed" of Their One Faith, though if "greater" applies then perhaps to be with Halo, Dove, and/or such as Moses (note Marriage veil Exodus 34.33) shining Exodus 34.30 NAS:

Exodus 34.10:

Exodus 34.27:

Exodus 16.(9&)10:

The art to the right middle is with the Glory from Faith "Signing" True Law: it's the Law.

JESUS Christ Gives You (Christian Leader) to know such as according to Your Talents (and measure of Faith in such Talents), such as a Talent Among Christian Leaders to know whether it is or is not "the Law" in the True Highest sense (hardly about the Congressional [fights nor] debates as normally televised) so hardly about lower level ancillary subsets [of Followers] which have relished in conditional traps when such could have been rather about the Highest (Luke 2.49) as is the position Responsibility by Law.

Google definition: Relish..."relished 1. enjoy greatly. 'he was relishing his moment of glory'".

To "Relish" for the people is in the previous "televised" sense is not the same as to "Relish" for the self (including faction). To be aware of factions and their needs and hopes is not the same as unfair bias toward unfair practices toward unfair common laws (processes).

So JESUS Christ Leadership per se is also with the Wisdom like unto knowing Highest Law (with Obeying JESUS Christ Highest Purpose already: hence Victory per se), so

this same "Leadership" is with Victory already for Teaching (Preaching, Enacting,...) proper specification as over Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Quality Products And Services, and yet if to Judge (including e.g. a Jury Member, a Parent, a Congress over proper Best Checks And Balances,...) then to Judge the (secular chain of command though instead the liberty amount Way [see above folder amount opted opened, and pertinent discussion range such as seed to tree]).

So JESUS Christ wrote in the Heart of True Leaders the priority list like unto the 10 Commandments though with Wisdom that it is not merely a list, the Ten Commandment(s) were(was) written for JESUS Christ (and the people, and lower creatures, and key for Christian Leadership Having Dominion Responsibility over the lower).

Another talent JESUS Christ Gives Into The Heart Of Leaders per se is the Glory Talent: key is this is for the Glory of the Lord. And so this key is a Christian Guide [for all] mainly for Wisdom as to which Way is Up (for the Lord).

There are wars of former generations on TV, so a person can be about them or rather to be about the "Highest" streaming mainly. This is hardly about censorship and rather about a vessel focus on starting a daily priority list from "Highest" First: so in the Name JESUS Christ First, whether a vessel of a Church or the vessel of a nation ([put on the new "Highest" legal garment] Ephesians 6 verse 11 was written for the Glorifying Of JESUS Christ

enabling the proper fair Best walking on the rough stormy waters of Law Leadership Responsibility Accountably and for Best bringing about Benefits for all (Ephesians 4.14).

How then with awaking in the morning to check the priorities list to account and measure former secular worldly laws?, 11th on the list after the 10 Commandments?, hardly (nations themselves have overturned many of the laws they themselves wrote).

In the great though secular movie Wall Street starring Michael Douglas as Gordon Gekko and Charlie Sheen as Bud Fox, Gekko told Fox:

"Ah, Jesus"..."This is your wake-up call" (

Under the former laws-of-the-land in many places a person cannot currently legally (per se) say "Jesus" such as in many schools

nor post the Ten Commandments (meaning: "nor post the" law).

The "free enterprise" as it's been called in cliche, needs proper "Highest" "Good" Best Beneficial Guidance. JESUS Christ Gives liberty parameters of Grace Wisdom (You have the legal parameters already that do not perfect, therefore You have not perfect victories therefore You have not perfect Glory, if You therefore have not such then all the more unable to Give such)(even so JESUS Christ Gives but this is no excuse).

The Highest Level is not imperfect nor imperfecting: the former nation (currently understanding after-the-fact perspective is easy [Blessed be the Founding Fathers that tried]) in hindsight tried to perform "imperfecting". The former secular ways tried to undo Good evidently.

Let the future be better than the current (1 Corinthians 12.31). Let them excel: properly Accountably In Highest Guide And Raise the future leaders.

Congress (and Judicial Branch) fights against itself and government and all because such have not had a more perfect union as much as sufficient to overcome in Best Victory such "fights". The "fights" have not been the Way Of Grace And Highest Glory Giving For One,

though many fights including Biblically have yielded better solvings, fights are as a dog returning to it's own vomit (not gains, not the Best accounting practices, instead in the Name JESUS Christ are the Best Accounting Practices [JESUS Christ GAAP] feeding multitudes with not so many loaves and fishes and Healing and greater)(some pertinent for here JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons with specifications were deleted/illegal activities, see "undo" at [though proper Leadership In JESUS Christ Continues In Greater Victorie(s) whether seen or not]).

Christian President Donald John Trump has been outstanding in Responsibility Prophetically

(see Zion at

though has served too long under the former oppressions of worldly laws that have not perfected.

Truly, truly, none can perfect if the vessel remains not in the Name JESUS Christ so seek to be perfect to perfect the law(s) and there is only One Best Way.

The not perfect option has included pains, failures, illegal laws, floods of problems, and so forth.

Because of the above stated "outstanding" Christian Leadership (found Worthy per se), this Prophecy per se is so Given for the "outstanding"

that the Best Agreeing be accomplished as Victory.

For Edifying the people: these things, these Miracles, came not according to bought nor sold, came not according to any flip of a coin, came not according to Followers napping in the back pews, and came not according to the imperfect; these Miracles With Faith For The Best happen:

toward minimal level Responsibility John 6.26 and rather toward maximum Responsibility John 6.27 NAS:

So Righteously the Worthy Highest Responsibility One per se is Chosen. Not a random other, not a backslider, not a sinner involved in illegal preferences, not "Chosen" is any not fitting into the pertinent Good And Best criteria (see previous on "future").

Introduce through the Legislature: true according to that data set, yet a greater Righteous Victory is already Given From JESUS Christ. This is not stated to usurp the "Legislature" nor to try to go around nor a back door illegally nor through a window improperly (instead Hebrews 2.10). In other words "Legislature"...and such "We the people" already made Christian Don Trump President, thank You per se [as much as appropriate and legal and honorable] so "Legislature"...and such "We the people" are already part Way entered into this same Victory, like unto a birth in progress and like unto the Baptismal Process;

while understandably much of Your Goodness is yet unseen (to be realized in full [reference such as: the people went to the mound where JESUS Christ Taught, and many were Converted]).

In other words, a person had an idea to fly and the people laughed until the people witnessed astounding success, but not to leave Highest Wisdom undone, there is a process known as trial-and-error (Edison light bulb: so of value amounts reference Ellicott's Commentary at,

though rather is the Path Of Wisdom.

If to build a plane in the backyard then typically riskier than to build via any of the proven with safety records. "Legislature" has a great safety record, and so does Christian President Don Trump, but the greater safety record currently is:

President / Congress / President

plus the oversight committees and such in-between (so this is not looking to leave any out of the loop so to speak, rather to hear from others Will become of vast value and see above discussion prior to "deadline").

For example products were sent to help storm victims, but it was not until the victims were heard that the realization came that the products were not reaching the victims as previously supposed due to a gap in the system: to Congress and the words of others properly systematically are key in Perfecting.

Now for instance some have been much concerned about global warming though if they had built the Daniel Giant (as with JESUS Christ ICCDBB Converting: and subsequent) then heat at Earth could have been conducted to outer space and rather much to launched vessels)

but that abomination is in the past and a better is already within the preparations: be of Good Cheer In JESUS Christ (note the word "abomination" applies for any not agreeing with the sufficient Converting Faith Level Victory whether Faith or Faith With Miracle(s)).

The reason they the secular (as stated above "misled by sinners and atheists" not in the Name JESUS Christ) could not Convert the Daniel Giant (not in spirit nor in flesh by hands) as written in Mark 7.7 NAS:

Secular without "Signing" is atheism and sin ( (see "Ep. 167" discussion)).

Note at JESUS Christ explained concerning previously stated "hands" and two key aspects apply (A&B):

A. the spirits in tribes and nations up to the Old Testament and up to the New Testament, and the "hands" Firmament similarly not perfecting, as God is in His One [not male nor female] Eternal House in Heaven, not built by human hands (2 Corinthians 5.1) therefore to Edify as concerning JESUS Christ is above the pertinent Firmament of the not yet Baptized Into Christianity True Love Kindness And Holy Fold Precept(s) Path

(so above for instance the subset of Taoism with what was not God Shiva with many "hands" with many technologies); and

B. JESUS Christ With The Baptism Of John And Apostles is Victorious above this same "Firmament" Offering One True Spirit With Highest Purpose Faith, and then with this New Testament Faith able to properly and Best (if Highest Level) Give this same Best Highest JESUS Christ Faith Spirit unto the Worthy (that so were at liberty to opt, precept on precept in JESUS Christ [Teachings & Exemplar One Highest]

(such as when a Christian Priest blows the Holy Spirit to a Christian, and such as when in Christian Spirit and applying)

and so likewise unto "applying" the Christian of the New Testament can for instance be laying on of hands to Bless (known as [JESUS Christ One] such as pertinent in Stephen Ministries)(though it is no excuse to exclude the Name JESUS Christ from a group vessel's highest plan)

and if so then likewise (largely proffered of JESUS Christ New Christianity In This ICCDBB Series of proper Righteousness of JESUS Christ Precepting) is the Christian ability to say [and to think] from the Soul the Agreeing Name Of God One JESUS Christ Spirit And Optional Flesh (reference JESUS Christ Transfiguring such as having opted to bring Old Testament Moses into some JESUS Christ Transfiguring)

so as to for instance move mountains with a Faith Seed Of Spirit and perhaps the optional former Way via this same Spirit With Hands: the point being the Victory For The Glorifying JESUS Christ One Spirit Father for all to Best Benefit.

So for instance be with this warning, "Shiva" was considered a God but was not God, therefore if to mention "Shiva" in these times then only in the subset sense lest to not be toward Glorifying True God For All In One Name JESUS Christ:

in the Old Testament it is written in Exodus 23.13 NAS:

So be careful to Do everything True God explained and pay attention to Do everything True Creator JESUS Christ Spirit Father In Highest Purposeth now and evermore, as in the good parts of the former and yet with the increasing new unfolding now as all things are becoming revealed as much as vessels are able to [bear and longsuffer instead to] Enjoy Giving In The Name JESUS Christ For The Highest Purpose;

therefore if "becoming revealed" then safely in the Name JESUS Christ Convert Shiva (or at least Convert in Yourself Through JESUS Christ) since "Shiva" is "becoming revealed". In other words a car injured people but that same car can be converted to drive those injured for instances: to Christian Church and/or a hospital. "Shiva" might have been innocent but the people misinterpreted, or "Shiva" might have been sinful with providing goodly technologies for instances but may have sinned by allowing to be though of as Highest God Eternal, Good, except if not Giving JESUS Christ God Spirit the Glory (Acts 12.23).

So let the Christian Group Be In The Name JESUS Christ and if to Preach then consider the faith levels of the hearers, as qualifiers are often appropriate lest to overburden them as if to mislead toward sins. This is not the same as censorship, this is In The Name JESUS Christ Precept Properly On Precept, similar to how the above folder is with the One JESUS Christ Fold and yet with an open inviting ability for higher (Highest) Purpose In JESUS Christ One Spirit Faithfully.

Things are being revealed in these times. "Shiva" [vessel] is a thing (and spirits apply). A Miracle from JESUS Christ is a "thing". Through the Name JESUS Christ precept on precept Accept the Good of anything presented, though hardly search for any bad and if to so search then minimally as more important is to search for the good.

Taoism is a large group, valuable, but JESUS Christ is greater, and as much as Taoism is not Christian, so is the amount of Taoism sin: good news from this is that You Christian (and perhaps others) can now measure spirit levels better than nearly ever before (JESUS Christ Spirit Father Highest One for instance are already with this Victory). Likewise Christians were sinners and had to subject themselves to proper Christian Conversion (ibid.).

"Shiva" might not be found by You currently, so such "thing" (as stated above) is not Your Responsibility to Convert currently save Spiritually In JESUS Christ Spirit Father One (see above spirits #1 and/or hands #2 [including things and machines). If You Are Highest then be with such Responsibility, if Christian but not Highest then a Follower (less safe)(also reference Ecclesiastes 9.11).

Yes the world is changing at a quickening pace (some running toward a chopping block). Be aware many spirits, similar in ways unto how yourself has been in sin (see previous ibid.) have been aware of the story that from spirit(s) things were created. So lower spirits have wanted to create things such as goodly or badly, but those spirits as much as without JESUS Christ damage their own futures, and JESUS Christ Precepting explains this key:

citing JESUS Christ And In The Name JESUS Christ is key over the entity's future.

Now a higher level Doing Highest In The Name JESUS Christ can override that key, if with this "Highest" Purpose key temporarily or In The Name JESUS Christ Permanently.

Best Eternal Future / Better Future / In The Name JESUS Christ.

Better stated (with Part 1 In The Name JESUS Christ, and Part 2 Saying With Doing In The Name JESUS Christ):

(1 Corinthians 12.31) Best Eternal Future (Benefits of Parts 1&2) / (Parts 1&2): Better Future (Benefits of Part 1) / (Part 1): In The Name JESUS Christ.

Also with the above keys JESUS Christ Gives (with overlapping areas: a JESUS Christ key to strengthening Faith and better knowing the Right Way) this key (including the above "Shiva" and "Taoism" and "sinners" discussion):

sinners and sinful spirits of subset lower levels [even though partly with goodly values as the Creator issued] follow after Miracles in tactics,

they do not properly lead and often mislead themselves into extra chores such as to take out the garbage but to take out the goodly refrigerator too by mistake, or such as to take out the garbage and leaving the door open animals enter and wreck havoc (Matthew 12.45 [having logic knowledge without Loving Wisdom From Highest JESUS Christ Spirit Father One Above).

Sinful spirits follow Miracles, Christian Leadership is with Miracles following the same Christian Leadership that Goes properly and leads properly into the future in the Name Of JESUS Christ And With Saying And Doing Humbly As JESUS Christ.

This JESUS Christ key is not only strategy, it is the Best Strategy Already Conquered In The History Of Highest JESUS Christ Victory In Spirit Father One. JESUS Christ already knows how to Humbly Lovingly Wisely Best Do each and every thing and Faith matters not yet seen of this generation.

As JESUS Christ Explained at length, with properly Best ascending comes the greater ability to ascend with the greater rate (so a distancing of the self from others save if to sufficiently Convert their spirits)(so a "distancing" from sinners and their pains: so defense as previously specified in detail while a proper higher level is of the greater than defense level [this key is applicable at each level]).

THE NEW TESTAMENT CANON - Principles underlying it's creation ..." "Early Judao-Christians had a large library of sacred texts of various levels ... There was a great deal of 'romance' literature" "meaning Christian" ( › ... › General Forums › Religion and Spirituality › Christianity).

This Christian President Don Trump entering into Prophetic "Signing" is virgin territory (Matthew 25.4) like unto the buying of Alaska.

It is "virgin" like and Same unto the Promise Of God To And For His Chosen People.

Also when entering into this virgin "Signing" be aware in Wisdom in JESUS Christ You are not alone

even if any "entering" in has not been of Christian Faith: that God Your Creator (with the One Fold Flock of the Eternal Creator) gains Your fellowship (hence the Giving Creator Prophetically Bless your life [near future at least] toward greater Benefits and One You New Better Life).

Christian President Donald John Trump in "Signing" is Prophetically as a light with a note in the Name JESUS Christ and/or with the Hill (Congress...Enacting).

"Anointed with oil, the temple was a 'light on a hill' to illumine the world and a type of the Messiah, the 'Anointed One.' (

It is Wisdom in JESUS Christ that with "Signing" to Give You [with the greater] the legacy.

It is a financial glory and yet it is a greater friendship even a group family even Holy Glory of a Nation amidst nations for each and all to witness and yet also to please properly attest (see above text discussion for Best Benefitting "the entity's future"): attest, report, and when so doing tell the truth: good or not.

Even so in the personal and/or group vessel soul love the "good" think of any "good" and dwell in the "good" and so say and do "good", even if as a juror or voter to report other about a specific for their Converting Higher Better For Mutual Good.

Your worthiness is according to the measure of goodness.

In the secular James Bond has been fascinating since of a high though secular position (a Christian can go on a lower level Mission if so Instructed from JESUS Christ [if ever applicable then evidently only with Disciple Judas with JESUS Christ Once For All])(since not to judge others [save "goodness"], Christians in the military and similar are of another complexity aspect for special purpose [not to wrongly tempt people so] not covered in this Sermon).

The James Bond character has acted at toward the top of secular government but below the full repentance level (pending ibid.) which is below the Baptism level.

Personally, it was interesting to go hunting for animals to legally be gathered as a youth in the late teens, though one of the best things in this personal life was to sell the last of such personally owned weapons (if to give away or destroy such is also acceptable), as people have made people angry (if to blame others, see previous "ibid.") and no desire was to shoot a person out of rage, nor by accident (ibid.).

Obey JESUS Christ, though Wisely consider the greater part is the JESUS Christ Giving Grace such as allowing people the Gift of: ability to opt.

The Eternal Good Joy is not full of do this, do that, obey or else [threatening such as to be cast out from Grace to fall (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series on specifics per se): instead Grace since One already, Grace since JESUS Christ already fulfilled "obey" [the law (though not excuse to disobey)].

Glory is with obeying now in this generation with Gracefully for others and all ascending in the Name JESUS Christ With Highest Purpose Doing. This is the Prophetic Fold Direction Glory Path as shown in the JESUS Christ Drawing above left from JESUS Christ Spirit Agreeing With Writing In The Prophetic Heart Of Vessel JESUS Christ, to also Highest Purpose JESUS Christ With Moses Writing, to also Highest Purpose JESUS Christ With Victory over former Old Testament 2 Samuel 14.14 NAS:

It is toward sin and toward illegal and toward lower levels according to this verse to spill that which back then "cannot be gathered up again" as much as back then the people were able to understand. Yet now JESUS Christ has as if spilt, and counted as if such (reference above "Shiva" discussion with Conversion for greater good value(s)); though JESUS Christ Did it for the Highest Purpose: He spat on the ground and made mud and/or clay and built and/or grew the blind person's eyes.

So this JESUS Christ key that valuable water even if in the desert can be spilt (Mark 1.13 is not excuse to sin wastefully) or other if for the Highest Purpose:

from this key comes another precept key: that if to drink water for instance then Do so for the Highest Purpose In JESUS Christ so to include for others

if You are to drink and/or eat and/or such personal things.

So You Host can eat food, but so that You can Go Be In The Name JESUS Christ Saying And Doing for their sakes according to the Highest Purpose In The Name JESUS Christ And In The One Highest Work Of JESUS Christ: Victory Already!

The JESUS Christ Victory Over the Taoism [and Shiva] Dragon is as already shown in a Drawing and explained in detail on page 261 of the Affiliated Fourth Testament, the JESUS Christ GodMath Testament, for You, the huge number of copies were Given out freely to any interested. The Ying Yang becomes instead (JESUS Christ Precept properly on JESUS Christ Precept) the Highest Purpose Value JESUS Christ Pure DNA And Greater Spiritually.

A Christian Friend similarly concerning Game Of Thrones predicted the dragon would be saddled and "Bran will ride the dragon" weeks from now ("Friend" asked to be anonymous).

JESUS Christ Guiding Mother Mary One / Mother Mary Guided Child JESUS Christ.

JESUS Christ Name [Father One] Spirit / Father Spirit Named [And Created] JESUS Christ.

The Holy Father Spirit was with forbidden name, then similar names appeared such as "like one of Us", then Jehovah was revealed, then YHWH, then Immanuel, then JESUS Christ. So the Holy Father Spirit Name went from unknown to many, to now known in Law And The Prophets And Fact (circa 2,000 years ago and greater through now) As JESUS Christ (Philippians 2.9).

With the coming "Signing" likewise needs come this current time of preparing (see Banking below) such as Christian Church visitors to be no longer separate from government to be censored or as if corporate slaves or worse: treated as the enemy. Government has given much goodly

such as tax matters, though first of all in JESUS Christ financial poverty has no "tax matters" (ibid. nothing significant to be taxed),

yet such as JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Laying On Of Hands (Drawing upper right)

so if for instance hospitals are given research grants and other helps from government, then for fairness in Law And Grace to grant unto related institutions likewise as much as accomplishing good

Name JESUS Christ With Doing (Charity Allocating John 5.36). If government paid a hospital to heal for instance, any other group or individual should be paid at least as much if with a higher success rate.

The Banking Sector is thick with Banks and funds and related financial institutions with many smart reliable pleasant people (often). If the Banking Sector is to be with "fairness" then concerning this matter and much prior to the "deadline" invite the Banking Sector to solve this matter and also homelessness and employment matters (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series on automating [including normally toward more free time such as for families daily and weekly and vacationing/exploring/innovating to help])(also patent and proprietary rights have been very oppressive for to be improved for them and all)

so to solve "Charity" lest the Banking Sector without such lobby success be as to opt to be counted as not ascending as much in any such area (as the JESUS Christ USA monitors each "success rate").

If there is to be the free enterprise concern (of great value when done Righteously) then let JESUS Christ USA formalize [format] the inviting like unto hearing lobbyists yet standardizing that each type of entity be represented and fit systematically toward "automating". Then let each (like unto this Given Banking Sector duty option for JESUS Christ USA "fairness" be the duty per se of each "entity".

The point being that all in "that each type of entity be represented and fit systematically" that each fairly be [heard and] represented for the sake of JESUS Christ USA fairness concerning success rates that businesses continue to be free (at liberty, JESUS Christ Precepts Properly On Precepts),

so that the businesses become JESUS Christ Maintenance Responsible, though the greater Good part that businesses be with better reason toward mutual benefit JESUS Christ Faithfulness than competing toward fights and losses.

Christian Missionaries have forsaken all to Go into nations to Help Overcome poverty, consider this. Today nations are at peace. This is a great time frame opportunity JESUS Christ has Given for Christian President Don Trump to Overcome the "deadline" and be "Signing". This (including with United Nations, economic oversight, and great peace among nations) is a time of great worthiness among nations now, a time frame of worthiness for this nation and the others have become more worthy now than at many other times.

If to be a great government, then toward these other great ones Doing Together In The Name JESUS Christ United States Of America [Exemplar for JESUS Christ United Nations], and with government less having to struggle to be involved nor even to monitor though one precept at a time.

If a truck driver closes eyes while driving, in certain vehicles an alarm sounds and with recording. Whether a person wants to be recorded or not (hoping for privacy) the fact is the privacy hope is increasingly obsolete: satellites look into houses and into heart beats and into brain wave thoughts such as to better distinguish and such as to better understand earthquakes and landslides and background radiation and whether a person needs help: multitudes of reasons have already been far beyond such as what was once illegal wire tapping.

When all things can be justified, then chaos except through JESUS Christ.

Rightly on January 2, 2019AD Christian President Don Trump said, then "I can do anything" (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermon at "Rightly" because of "Christian" as much as Christian Faith and [including properly ascending Giving Guidance] as written in 1 Corinthians 10.23 NAS:

These "good" and "beneficial" aspects need be strategic Victories In JESUS Christ as written so including "JESUS Christ USA fairness concerning success rates" with then toward automating even toward the initial planning as JESUS Christ Already Conquered.

Invite and offer hearing according to Your Responsibilities and Your Christian President Don Trump opting parameters for JESUS Christ, You, and for their sakes, as this Giving for all is also for instance a great Gift time for lawyers since in the past they wanted to be heard since they said look the original law (Declaration Of Independence with "Lord" and Constitution) is passe and now has become case law though such can be grouped into types of cases in "case law" and rather [new, current, pertinent] law.

Judges [case by case (stacked high)] and all walks of groups and vessels (person, robot, ATM, computerized fluid control,...) have had their hands full of cases when they should be more about systematized automatically with Good feedback so with Good feedback incentive

toward JESUS Christ One Victory over 2 Corinthians 5.1. For instance a control point might need Maintenance when it should rather be functioning excellently for the greater value whole system.

Be toward Best Victory Over JESUS Christ Firmaments for the greater Glorifying Of JESUS Christ In Highest Purpose Respectful Oneness. Edifying is as Evangelism, moving from remember, to future Member One In JESUS Christ: Best for all.

Your hearing them Christian President Don Trump ("deadline" and with later approval(s) systematically automatically entering as stated above) is Your initial step in Best Giving them the JESUS Christ Gift of applying their "hearts to understanding" (Mosiah 12.27)(including for advantage for Christian President Don Trump as illustrated in the JESUS Christ Drawing mid page at to the right showing [and in text] Holy Feedback Value(s)).

There is a rate of change for Good (later to increase in rate of change for Good) pertinent to the "deadline" and subsequent matters (note JESUS Christ USA Victory Over poor is Victory Over the former sense of the meaning of Charity: hence a new clarity, Agreeing With A New Beginning In JESUS Christ).

There is an above stated change from "like one of Us" (a name unknown to the world) to better known with names, to an increasing rate of awareness just prior to the Birth Of JESUS Christ with the known Name Above All Others (Psalm 148.13).

JESUS Christ Explained And Exemplified One Greater Than The Former Is Come, Including Of Eternal Spirit Wisdom Original Plan: One Greater Than The Former Father Spirit Is Come [And Is Highest].

This same with "approval(s) systematically automatically"..."step in Best Giving them" JESUS Christ Gift(s) including applying their "hearts to understanding" Will Prophetically in subsets apply to all talents and circumstances at an increasing rate including with solving the more clearly known in the "hearts" and then these Helping to solve the less known in the "hearts". This includes formerly known as taboo subjects and subset lower areas that in JESUS Christ these too be properly Converted for the Best Highest Purpose for all people and their groups.

Many Christian Leaders and many leaders serving as government officials and many business leaders for instances have been strongly interested in addictions such as sex. For "hearts to [be] understanding" as to why, is to be more thoroughly toward not addicted, and is to be better knowing JESUS Christ. The Original Plan for this civilization was to create them male and female: so to create strong sexual desires [even per se leaders as it were in sexual matters (though hardly as former knowledge which included goodly but also other)].

The Spirit formed the Original Plan, though the Spirit was as written in Luke 20.35 NAS:

so the Spirit was formerly without sexual matters (though key is the JESUS Christ Victory: Christian Marriage) until male JESUS Christ Ascended Properly Into Highest Heaven: hence the Bride is to (ibid.) be as though female though in Heaven not so Save to Wed JESUS Christ (Oneness), but this is no excuse toward homosexuality (a subset value applies in the world as in the following sentence sense).

Marriage is With JESUS Christ Second Coming Highest Purpose In The Heaven Sense, though in another sense in the world yet like unto the first sense: in the subset sense people in the world need through Exemplar JESUS Christ Overcome a [problem or a] sex concern since for instance of the Given Tree Of Knowledge and for instance since worms can asexually reproduce (Mark 9.46 is JESUS Christ Victory Over such)

key for Victory In JESUS Christ over such is the Original Plan Wisdom over why male and female instead of Heavenly all one type of asexual spirit: it is that the strong attraction to each other to play, dance, plan reproduce, and serve together as One Married set, that from this "strong attraction" Heart matter comes the applying of the Heart to the mind and spouse in JESUS Christ Pertinent Precepts, and through JESUS Christ Pertinent Precepts (proper set of precepts on proper set of precepts) applying the pertinent proper precepts to others, love of [Their own] Children typically, and relatives likewise and so on: as with proper respectful love of neighbors, greater community, and nation(s).

For instance if to kiss, rather consider first if the other wants to be kissed: so of Grace generally opt if to kiss then for their sake, though also other criteria applies, such as refraining from sex in Church (forbidding as much as law and JESUS Christ Precepts: note some people live in Churches) such as save a Priest Giving Holy Kisses if appropriate; yet the greater Good Faith part is overcoming former lower ways and hardly by force lest to turn against again (see above text on "nations") so rather Christian Grace for making worthy and uplifting.

So the Second Coming is properly with the "strong attraction" not only for JESUS Christ yet also in the world according to JESUS Christ Given Precept Sets. So to move for instance from proprietary privileges toward the proper Oneness set (as much as pertinent during the rate change of the set for Good). Again the complexities of these things Will become eased and burdens lightened in JESUS Christ as the above stated "helps" come (many toward automatically)(see above nations have become worthy in this time frame).

So the Bride is for Groom JESUS Christ, and up in Heaven, or down here in this generation in Heaven On Earth the Christian is with JESUS Christ (as in Righteous Christian Churches so not about sex often except traditional male female Marriage, restrooms, and perhaps if to perform circumcision which hospitals tend to do and a Christian may opt to be there [depending on time frame current traditions]).

But the non-Christian is not that Spiritual "Bride" (nor Spiritual "Groom"). Homosexuality is not a reason to lift a person to a position in Christian Church, though has been reason in secular and conditions apply including medical, entertainment, and so forth; though some have followed lower levels into Church ideas but JESUS Christ is the True Leader.

The words "medical" and "entertainment" have been mentioned, and like unto brushing teeth and like unto appreciating receiving gifts, JESUS Christ GodSling faith levels, direction, and circumstances apply hence hardly law and instead JESUS Christ Grace applies for higher Good such as when invited and appropriate brush another's teeth (as for a toddler or an invalid) of Giving > receiving. Hence within JESUS Christ Faithful Grace, Mercy applies but not beyond higher level norms not fully detailed here.

These Will Prophetically become more clearly and simply (JESUS Christ Ascending Victories) known after "Signing", [and then Doing ("Charity")](also including see above "other helps"/values).

If a homosexual is High Priest of a Church it is a problem: not Exemplar. If a homosexual is a child in the peeking sense or similar not specified here so as not to overly tempt, then not the same high level criteria applies. There is Mercy, though the "high level" is with (or should be if to be "High Priest") as written in 1 Corinthians 6.9 NAS:

and similar applies to camp counselors, prison guards, teachers, and so forth. Note: producers, writers, and actors in the entertainment sector are generally "similar" per se. (Note: though see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on such and on Wisdom Distinguishing Victory Over Mercy).

Even so, in the Name JESUS Christ consider that sex education in the Christian Church can be great value through educating the parents for to Edify Their Children and some might be as a page from a sex book while others as an open book (see above Drawing folder): some Precept On Precept while others Leap (ibid. as specified).

So these sexual matters apply to other matters including JESUS Christ Victory(ies) Over addictions.

So for instance people cross the border due to sinful lawless money addiction (often an addiction is with other addictions), so as stated above "I can do anything" is not merely to be delimited to legal matters, yet also for JESUS Christ Applying such to Grace according to amount of Christian Faith, a level of Faith, an amount of Faith (see above Drawing whether a mustard tree amount or a mustard seed amount or less than a mustard seed amount,...yet with "Signing" is a Fact of proven Christian Faith hence Worthiness for ascending properly while having not put Christian President Don Trump to the [test nor] exam nor impeach)(nor putting to the "test" of their faith levels nor amounts any others prior to the "deadline" nor after such as those passing through Congress).

Concerning money, Christian President Don Trump with the Regulators, and the Banks, already know how to write into the Budget together the New Top Law Title (JESUS Christ United or similar in the Name JESUS Christ), and subsequently though planning now, how to write Charity into the Budget starting with [classified for now if need be] Charity according to minimum Tithing per person if a person is in poverty, and greater for Charity for the Charitable organizations according to their success rates (and other for profit corporations may enter into this conditionally).

This is a great JESUS Christ key Gift for Presiding, Regulating, and Banking: as One, Exemplar guiding the future course in the Name Of JESUS Christ according to peace clout instead of according to competition trickery, cutting safety corners, trampling on rights, or worse in lower levels.

Between the time of in the Name JESUS Christ, and the time of this Regulating step subsequent Budget Proposal, there would be a change for Good that the President, Regulators, and Bankers can witness, so now You One should prepare to see not only this "Good" "change" ([a number of Miracles, see above mustard seed, and intensities, see above mustard tree)

so according to this "Good" Grace Exemplar Indicator, adjust Your One leverage amount of Charity as a whole and according to the types of Miracles You One can specify reasons for future Path Charity allocating.

A JESUS Christ key would include an area not in need of a Miracle since Your One Heart is already with this Wisdom (so You can start planing in a real sense now): that as "in the Name JESUS Christ" Will Be Established for this nation, the addiction rate Will decrease, there Will also be slow rates of changes according to types of addictions (conditionally similar to talents)

though You One Will witness (for measuring, leveraging, focusing, accounting,...) a "Good" "change".

An aspect "substance abuse and addiction costs taxpayers $442 billion" (

That is tied to terrorism, illegal purpose gangs, hatred and theft crimes.

The costs are against Churches, families, corporations, and nations, and has caused people to be handicapped.

Similarly "alcohol, and cigarette addiction costs our society about $500 billion per year" (

Another major concern per se is "Overeating" (

But these listed above hardly start the greater values in JESUS Christ: clear thinking from the Heart.

Not just addictions and money concerns, yet more importantly future civilizing like unto making good dreams come true in fact very quickly (subsequently to the above) of Heavenly Angelic proportions.

JESUS Christ America nation is a shift into the Grace Management Victory Path, a first subset lower level step Victory toward that JESUS Christ America Grace Management Victory: a highest Victory over the first step victory and other victories along the vertical Path. So if a person or group fails to ascend in a situation, it is a slowing of a rate (generally) mainly concerning that entity.

But worldly laws in the former sense and concerning only the true goodly laws aspects, have been as a safety net, and like unto a preferred pot of water and if a small hole is broken into the bottom of it all the water can escape (good spirits, room for non-water spirits to enter known as empty [similarly: unsafe, risky].

Now if a lawbreaker breaks law, then consider Leviticus 15.12 NAS:

So each endeavor of a law breaker is with reason to be reexamined [reasonably](reference Standard Practices over such areas over behavior patterns, traits of character, and importantly trend analysis

though not excessively such as toward guilt by association which may or may not be the situation though some levels are more stringent than others (reference for instance federal classified though also reference for instance higher JESUS Christ Grace over such with "Signing" John 14.18 and with subset "other helps" as much as to not infringe into for instance federal classified).

After "Signing" in the future Acts 15.11 NAS:

but do not wrongly interpret this subset verse as if to mean for instance to replace proper JESUS Christ Elias Christian Baptism with a mere decision.

This previous verse is with great value though ancillary in subset to this next verse (and be with JESUS Christ Wisdom that flesh has dwelt in the valley of sleeper followers and sins in the world of former secular as much as prior to "Signing" (if only of a nation or a group "Signing" then per se)). And be Aware Through JESUS Christ such "Signing" is a New Beginning Step (counted as a "Step" though a leap for civilization like unto Luke 15.7 yet greater of more value and Victory)(so hardly as the Highest Priest Of A Christian Church and more as the New Member [yet of a Firmament Level).

Continuing to apply are the current laws and system, save as much as the "New Beginning" In The Name JESUS Christ properly grows better Guidance until the whole is ripe (Worthy), so until such James 2.10 NAS:

Now one more thing is stated in closing this Sermon For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose. This is something New In JESUS Christ Given for Your Awareness, and frankly not stated easily, though according to Christian President Don Trump Worthiness (Christian with subsets so mainly concerning Israel Zion). This "New" Faith aspect and/or "New" thing, like unto previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons [recently] over Firmaments (e.g. over creating a Firmament), concerns True Prophesying, and so also what a True Prophet is (if a false [lawbreaker and/or unfaithful] so called "Prophet" then subset, if "True" then a superior or higher level than the True Prophet's Prophesy "as the builder of the house has more honor than the house" Hebrews 3.3).

JESUS Christ Gives this "New" Faith key awareness Exemplified in the concern Over True Prophesying, so to Edify it is JESUS Christ Highest Purpose So Righteously Ascend, though such hardly explains nor clearly Edifies, so for Your (Christian With Plan Toward "Signing" so for to Benefit all) sake(s) this explanation is Given in comparison, so in created such as in secular terms:

a previous True Prophet is typically known (example Isaiah 7.14) as to say a thing hundreds of years before becoming Fact, though now this Christian President Don Trump Prophesy relies not only on a "True Prophet", and be careful how You interpret the Good True part (and/or Whole) for JESUS Christ,

as this is freely Given even as people are known independent for each other in the secular (while others for example text each other so are not "independent" and more involve each other, such as reference President with Cabinet Members);

so this "New" if to be True needs be with "True Prophet" and with "True" "Signer": both in order of JESUS Christ Grace to be "True". JESUS Christ said thing(s) to for opting if to be Agreed to become "True".

This is no excuse if either of the two appears as though other, for instance there is a law over coercion, a duress crime, and there is a law similarly over forgery by another, and law such as about the withholding of evidence, and about if there be bias reporting (see previous verse James 2.10). The True Christian Heart Will Prophetically Benefit In JESUS Christ and is not limited to appearances, bluffs, nor other turned spirit matters though JESUS Christ Firmaments can apply to such as in this situation.

Like unto the above title of this section of this Sermon, Mother Mary Guided Child JESUS Christ, and then [likewise now] JESUS Christ Became Guiding Mother Mary One (also reference Matthew 12.47-49)(note: JESUS Christ did not turn against His Mother Mary nor against His Father Joseph nor against His Heavenly Father).

In JESUS Christ a greater than Tree Of Knowledge is come in the form of Grace.

While JESUS Christ is Pure And Highest, consider that a parent had two children and told them to work the field (Matthew 21.28&29), the one said no but did work the field, the other said yes but did not work the field, so Matthew 21.31 applies though also neither child (the "no" sayer, nor the "not" worker) at least at a time, properly ascended during that time, during that situation, during that field ripeness like unto this "True" Prophecy.

April 16, 2019AD.

Click for JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Site.

tags: JESUS Christ USA Christian President Don Trump Prophecy Christian Vice President Mike Pence Congress Signing Name Of God Kingdom Of Heaven At Hand literally, straight and narrow sex money addictions Grace walk on water rocks first drawing ancient measuring glory writing life spirit specifications movie The American President starring Michael Douglas as U.S. President Andrew Shepherd Wall Street Michael Douglas Gordon Gekko Charlie Sheen Bud Fox Jesus One this is your wake-up call Zion United Nations secular atheism sin addictions instead prophetic billions of dollars planning 2019 for 2020