JESUS Christ Holy Spirit.

JESUS Christ is of the Holy Trinity (triad): 1 Father, 2 Son JESUS Christ, and 3 Holy Spirit; though JESUS did not behave as Jonah (Matthew 12.39 no higher sign for the nation until the start of Work [by the nation] In The Name JESUS Christ). The Holy Spirit Word Of The Lord JESUS Christ Father One was Given to Help Jonah but Jonah opted to disobey and a lower Firmament fish swallowed Jonah (Jonah 1.1,2,&17, today (April 18, 2019AD) is exemplified in "swallowed" and as in

"The meaning behind Holy Thursday, the Last Supper and how the Queen marks occasion; Her Majesty takes part in the ancient Royal Maundy Thursday service" (

Members are of a vessel such as a person, a Church, a nation, a corporation, a star, a star cluster, or another group. For instance "a nation" is of a level or set (vessel) of levels so of a range, so in-between other levels and likewise in-between Firmament levels. So there is a top of the range, a bottom, and a mid point: a triad. This Faith from JESUS Christ Spirit Father has been what the secular used for goodly things or for sins, or for in-between (e.g. flip flopped, low level light switch, Tree Of Knowledge, a nation that watched and saw goodly things and saw crimes but opted to merely watch).

Except for highest or lowest, a spirit level is similar to a nation as members easily converse with each other as a clique, but not with others higher nor lower.

Miracles follow a nation's faith

for better or worse.

Christian Leader President Don Trump Prophetic Signing Benefits news Miracles Of Faith for the nations USA Israel Zion We The People Preamble More Perfect Union Blessings of Liberty Constitution United States of America ICCDBB ancient ufos aliens stars plasma glory lots wife manna machine from Heaven airplane space force tabor light Peter Paul Mary Create Uncreated Highest Anew wireless 2019 2020AD JESUS Christ

A new precept level of Faith in JESUS Christ Worthiness must go into a new appropriate vessel (with "Signing" a new Firmament level vessel).

JESUS Christ is the Glory Of Heaven, the Victor, above and beyond mere spirits, on the Right Hand Of The Eternal Father. The Holy Trinity Truly is not 3 but is 1 (One).

JESUS Christ Is The Holy Spirit Father One.

The only other than "One" is with the confused sinners in need of repentance, (Christian Immersion Baptism, see text below) and in need to follow the Straight-And-Narrow.

This concerns the vertical levels (Isaiah 28.10 vested 100% in JESUS Christ, so in "One"). Horizontally are talents [per se such as knowledge apsects] of spirits according to the Love levels so a level of a faith is a level of wisdom per se yet as much as from JESUS Christ and not sin.

The Eternal Father was as Father And Son JESUS Christ, though now (Matthew 22.45 applies 100%): Original Planners 1 Holy Spirit, then Creation [with JESUS Christ Guiding The below created] counted as though 2 Holy Spirits (but both innocent), then JESUS Christ Ascended Into Heaven [and at times] 1 Holy Spirit above and below the members of levels: 3 except only the Saved Christians not necessarily in Heaven (or so counted) are the Third Of The Three

except the fourth aspect for conditional uplifting:

if un-Converted [opted to refuse] then not uplifted,

though if completely in all aspects agreed with JESUS Christ Highest One

then ready for uplifting from above concerning Firmaments though if the Highest Giver Of Precepts has so enabled

(not always the situation, multitudes of conditions can apply of precepts: humble, Joy In The Lord JESUS Christ, Charity, Preaching,...)

though uplifting can be immediate as much as to ascend through levels, until encountering a Firmament Level.

So there is the Holy Trinity 1 Good JESUS Christ With Good Father Now In The Name JESUS Christ (2 as 1 typically) and with the Third the Holy Spirit Highest Purpose (3 as 1 typically) with JESUS Christ Grace Over Christians including over Christian backsliders though conditionally (lower levels of Christianity typically). To Help explain this, JESUS Christ Taught full repentance.

If a person wanted to become Christian but clung onto other than JESUS Christ then not equally yoked (2 Corinthians 6.14) for instance to want to be a Christian but the person also wants to obey their seeing eye dog [on which they have relied]. That "dog" cannot be equal. The "dog" is a lower Firmament than JESUS Christ, and a lower Firmament than that person.

Similarly "that person" cannot follow sinful ways, not even secular. Though In JESUS Christ if "that person" fully repents to be as JESUS Christ, then "that person" would no longer "follow" the lower, and instead would lead the lower, and as much as appropriate in the same level and even Highest (Humbly, Prayerfully, Caringly, and more applies) as much as "Highest" opts (invites until any less than "Humble" or if any less than "lead" becomes evident in an instant).

JESUS Christ would add any good from the lower to "that person" but not beyond the current temptation limit of "that person".

Now concerning if there are any backslider Christians: first consider from JESUS Christ Spirit Father One Highest Purpose only the good is seen though note that the Old Testament was without as much awareness: the Teachings Of Exemplar JESUS Christ One (so note for instance Moses was lifted into the lively spirit of the JESUS Transfiguration with Elias).

Though from the lower point of view concerning if there are any backslider Christians also understand that if to try to describe a higher Firmament set of levels with members, then working to apply lower less reliable standards such as to consider which does the most sins as if sins were good but sins are not. If a nation works to analyze Heaven to be with Heavenly Gifts (but without Giving Heaven credit), working according to faithless laws, then often vain works as though to build a roof for storm protection but with weak walls (such former sinful ways have multiplied sins, to break one Holy Law is to break Them all).

The Christian, even if at a slower ascending rate (generally possibly counted as though a backslider, or a New Member), is of such a Holy Spirit though in the Name Spirit JESUS Christ Father Properly Distinguish (like fruits of the Highest Spirit, or other fruits concerns, or gifts, or benefits,...) whether moving toward the Highest Purpose as in normal or whether away from the Highest Purpose [hence if toward sin (especially of New Members), or in subset Distinguish if assigned a special lower Mission (less likely)].

Note this does not say kick out backsliders. But such as with Ushers meeting and/or with Preachers together discussing special concerns [so not in the typical Mass Service sense open to the public] the backsliders might be asked if to opt to agree to such as "Please excuse this rather private meeting". A dog or a motorcycle for examples would not typically be allowed in the Temple much less the Holy Of Holies.

The "backslider" is of the Holy Ghost as much as their faith: Saved In JESUS Christ, though precepts apply, spirits are conditional. Consider the spirit of a "backslider" if asked to Preach and They agree but they opt to carelessly be absent.

But it is not the same as the sinner: it is a sinner whether a backslider or not.

So the Christian if a backslider or if at a slower ascending rate or similar, is with the Holy Spirit even if unaware according to opted backslider pattern, therefore such a Christian might say something for (in favor of) that backslider pattern (often in self defense) though JESUS Christ One lets such not go too far, also Holy Grace is not the same as law: there is at times wiggle room, and there are mistakes when not clearly thinking from the JESUS Christ Heart, and there are mistakes when without sufficient knowledge (not all vessels are the same, various talents apply).

Christian Immersion Baptism is now available. In prior times it was not under the JESUS Christ. Now even with JESUS Christ proper ascending is needful to properly interpret and Say And Do.

Even Elias needed to properly ascend in JESUS Christ Spirit Highest Purpose (as JESUS Christ is with each [Christian Oneness and] for an instant and then as Exemplar instantly ascends greater for that person) to properly interpret (also JESUS Christ is with others likewise whether they have been aware or not [and not especially if they worked sinfully]).

As written at in Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers:

In The Name Of JESUS Christ Be With Righteous Courage Signing Now Christian President Don Trump for Your sake, for Congress, and for this nation to become Exemplar, and because the following verse applies as written in Micah 7.9 NAS:

so be of greater courage that it is no longer the former self as "He", JESUS Christ Himself, as much as necessary

(in Highest Spirit and if need be in flesh personally appearing [rather You may opt to enable Your Heart One Highest Spirit In JESUS Christ Grace for sufficiency])

Will plead this "Signing" in Your Holy Cause toward maximizing Good toward Perfecting Help And Benefits for all.

Above stated "sufficiency" is that rather than asking JESUS Christ to appear, as You may also opt (if for His Greater Joy), to be the Leader JESUS Christ would that You Be: therefore You Do It: and if You Do It Yourself then from beginning through mid to end be sure to be Giving JESUS Christ the Credit And Glory. So invite JESUS Christ in every step of the Way for to Guide and that You Best Lead as [or as much as] JESUS Christ Gives for You to Do.

Make a note to so Do. Alert Your Group. Then broadcast.

"Signing" Law Into The Name Of JESUS Christ is to explain to laws (and readers of such) that there is a Highest Purpose and it is not laws that bring not perfection.

All ears and eyes Will [Straighten] Turn to You,

You can no longer be hidden,

Your nation can no longer be hidden, as likewise written in Matthew 5.14 NAS:

JESUS Christ Gives This to You (3 Nephi 12.14), and even now spirits are being Anewly of JESUS Christ receiving the fire of Holy Spirit (3 Nephi 12.2).

"In The Name JESUS Christ" is something Written. It is Holy Highest Purpose And In The Father Creator: Creator of all technologies, Goodness, and Higher Importance.

It is "something Written" and according to

the first thing written in the Old Testament is (sic) "Exodus 17:14

Though it hardly portrays the Good Higher Importance in word(s) and in the context of the surrounding Biblical story. The previous sentence is known of the Heart [Soul] in JESUS Christ Exemplar Via Appropriate Precept Properly Fitting On Appropriate Precept.

Note thanks be for having so organized for readily to find such a starting point.

So from JESUS Christ ("Heart") this Wisdom is already Victory. So when searching, the finding was pleasing since found already Agreeing In The Heart Of JESUS Christ at as in the Lexicon instead of a typical sense of a memorial today in this generation about a funeral,

this is of an entirely other Highest Wisdom In JESUS Christ Living With The Living and for an even More Excellent Way at least with "as a reminder".

So the above verse is not about the funeral, and instead the "reminder" for "Joshua" and the Chosen People and Christians and Christian Leadership In Highest Heavenly Purpose.

This very same JESUS Christ (Heart) Wisdom applies to the Preamble, that the "Highest" Best Path Ahead for the "We the People" be "more perfect" with Best "Blessings":

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." (

And laws are only the lowest level smallest legal part of the "more perfect".

Verily, verily, if a leader only leads over the lowest legal part, then not over other nations of other laws, so not over international corporations, so not over animals as many have their own rules, and not over the Best Path Ahead as laws (as if alone) do not "perfect".

JESUS Christ, Moses, Noah, Abraham, and many others dwelt in the forests and deserts and walked according to proper Faith and so were with dominion over animals and people and nations (where they traveled ["dwelt"]). There were various rates and various situations: victories were not always immediate. Though [In The Name JESUS Christ (in this generation of Christian President Don Trump)] Each has evidenced Wisdom From God as when to properly Leap In Faith.

Many Christian Leaders have found the Book Of John as and to be the Best Book In The Bible because of such Faith (also the 3 Nephi Gold Pages are likewise of Value in the Living Bible As Christian Leaders Best Write).

The Book Of John starts with the Word "and the Word was God" (John 1.1).

Concerning Best Leading "We the People": when You Give His Name, JESUS Christ (John 1.17), to You Leader, Christian President Don Trump, and to "We the People" as much as of their amounts of faiths to obey the law to be "more perfect", God Prophetically Will empower as written in John 1.12:

Victory As Was Done Before [Exemplar] as written in John 1.17:

Because it is stated "I will not leave you comfortless"

(from John 14:18 KJ, and other translations are also Helpful including the Lexicon translation at

JESUS Christ now Gives You Christian President Don Trump and "We" the law abiding "People" this comfort,

and "this comfort" is also Given publicly to and for all people and all:

the Father In Heaven Will Give You Reward!

This is because of Christian Leader President Don Trump In One We The People Giving this Highest Best Gift: "In The Name JESUS Christ"

[as much as in pertinent law abiding (note: also applying to individual vessels as much properly ascending)].

So a followup is to be with Charity, yet behold the Charity already in the Charitable Giving of "The Name", The Highest Name as in the form: JESUS Christ USA.

Title JESUS Christ United States Of America, Short Title JESUS Christ USA, Shorter Title JESUS USA (if the longest Title is also Signed): this is not to change the name of USA, instead to fulfill the law for "a more perfect Union" (so the same Proper Vertical Fold Holy Ascending Faith Path For One Highest "Perfect" Purpose).

With "We the People" "Signing" is "We the People" Giving of the self as One. So this is Charity in the form of this nation: a [even the first] JESUS Christ Nation. Note thus far Israel has announced Zion though as Mount Zion. So this "Signing" of the "first" would recognize the "People": so the Zion People. And let friend Israel (Galatians 4.26)(and the other friends) Do likewise. Let all see some of what the Lord hath prepared to Best Benefit.

Now the Christians are already there, already with Victory In The Name JESUS Christ and so to Give to the unaware this Leadership Gift.

Truly God often has Given Spirit unto Holy People to see great Spiritual Truths not seen in this census world. For instance the JESUS Christ Creative Spirit formed the created and so can Convert a battle with the raising of hands (Exodus 17.11) and can Convert a seed into a tree and can Convert overwhelming high tech UFOs into the Children Of "We the People" and Heirs To The Throne.

Similar to how money can hardly do anything but sit or be blown in the wind if without people, so too [the time is come for] people are to be Given for Giving this above stated "Reward" (Matthew 6.1).

So JESUS Christ Will Send You Your "Reward", and again JESUS Christ Will "Reward" You that You Be "not" "comfortless" (see below "third line") and again since in the Name JESUS Christ, for a "more perfect Union" JESUS Christ Will Establish This Covenant And Multiply Your Days (Proverbs 9.11) And Rewards (2 Corinthians 9.10) and as written in 2 Corinthians 9.11 NAS:

according to the above stated and according to 2 Corinthians 9.12, and as written in 2 Corinthians 9.13-15 BS:

JESUS Gives in the above Drawing with the big arrow a "Faith line" "followed by the Miracle line" along the bottom of the Drawing. In one art pic JESUS Christ is pulling Disciple Peter out of the water, to walk on water again. To the right of it is another pic.

Imagine remembering for to be born to suffer and die for crimes [sins] You didn't commit, and why You would be willing to go into such a situation, even eagerly but not confused, and not for to kill, and not without awareness all Your life of the pains to come before the end and death [sleep]. This is written Good Friday April 19, 2019AD).

And look, His Father is sending Him.

For You sake They are shown not smiling (yet their is Overwhelming Joy In Heaven And Where JESUS Christ is). Even so, there is also longsuffering but in Heaven not as in former worldly sins (see above text on "Distinguish", on "Best" on "ascending rate", and on "proper ascending is needful to properly interpret"). Often in the midst of being severely punished many Christian Leaders have been delighted but not for the sin, and These Christian Leaders have often Worked hard to stop from smiling in order to no longer be destroyed as though to learn a secular sinful lesson according to sinful chastisement.

At times many Christian Leaders have only felt pain. Give Mercy if a person seems to laugh at You (John 19.11) or is with any other emotion, though seek to preserve the Living to Give Life Living Best.

Above center the "Uncreated Light" appears as spotlights

(JESUS Christ is Exemplar, so in You to Convert Faith to greater Faith, or from Miracle to [greater] Faith; so to synthesize "Light" yet this with Creating In The Name JESUS Christ).

To the right of it and similar is a plasma stream of energy toward Converting attacker Paul into Saint Apostle Paul In JESUS Christ.

Above right are the Saints with Angels, and above are the Heavenly with JESUS Christ In Person in the midst.

The bottom line left to right is:

  • Lot trying to deliver the Good People to safety corresponding to JESUS Christ pulling Peter out of the water.
  • The next pic is of the modern day Manna Machine able to deliver food and toward delivering life forms corresponding to the Father Delivering JESUS Christ.
  • The airplane tech delivers people corresponding to the above UFO spotlights for the Delivering Glory Of JESUS Christ Transfiguring.
  • The hand of a person innovates the snake corresponding to the above plasma stream of One Heavenly Father.
  • Below right is the wireless corresponding to the above right Firmament between Heaven And Earth, through which the Heavenly easily pass but hardly the lower if unworthy without proper ascending.

    Yet JESUS Christ One Father Gives You something greater now for all for this generation to Best Benefit, in the upper left of the above Drawing is shown the signed records Exemplar (likewise now for "Signing").

    Yet this is something greater than the previous, in the Name JESUS Christ.

    This "Signing" is as the depicted records, yet not only above, yet as the start of forming a third line above and of greater Faith In The Name JESUS Christ.

    Now the Wisdom In JESUS Christ that this is not merely as an extension of the "Faith line" (as though to continue up to the right so to speak)

    is that this generation is advancing so new technology, even higher Spirit Sense (JESUS Christ), is coming as never before in this civilization for all;

    even as all, reasonably (though there are many exceptions such as isolated tribes) are aware at an increasing rate of:

  • approaching storms and meteorites and walking on water various ways perfectingly,
  • Manna Machine jet printers making aircraft and Space Force
  • and light speed projector projections of energy waves and particles and bending time
  • and forming elements into other elements and new elements to the world, and forming plasma and reforming anew powers imitating life,
  • and the wireless Word unto wireless people and superheros.
  • Theses all need higher guidance now, from JESUS Christ above. Behold the planet full of ancient civilizations of various levels of technologies, and so many vanished. This is a key time frame moment in this civilization lifespan: from step to next higher step often, to now this Prophetic In JESUS Christ Leap Of "Signing".

    Praying In The Name JESUS Christ

    that You Be with a

    Happy Easter.

    April 20, 2019AD.

    Click for JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Site.

    tags: Christian Leader President Don Trump Prophetic Signing Benefits Miracles Of Faith for the nations USA Israel Zion We The People Preamble More Perfect Union Blessings of Liberty Constitution United States of America ICCDBB ancient ufos aliens stars plasma glory lots wife manna machine from Heaven airplane space force tabor light Peter Paul Mary Create Uncreated Highest Anew Easter wireless 2019 2020AD JESUS Christ