JESUS Christ I AM.

JESUS Christ USA Edification is with the above Title: typically with Marriage there is opted and so needs be a name change. So from the Awesomely Great, Powerful, Eternal, Good, and Holy "I AM", through the even more excellent Way to likewise and the Greater and Greatest Increasingly "JESUS Christ I AM": like unto subset JESUS Christ USA I AM Israel: the most Awesome thus far in this generation

(JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1, Exodus 3.14, Genesis 35.11, Genesis 32.28, and Christian Leadership lifting Zion Mountain to Zion Christian Oneness).

JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 was published and the next Sermon (this Sermon) Longsuffering started yesterday (Joy as soon as motivated and started, typically the situation), this morning June 16, 2019AD with arising (a situation with arising as Good Spirit information is at times heard)

was heard in a quiet Peace a masculine sounding, somewhat low steady calm friendly voice

"I AM".

Chapter 5 of the Book Of Moroni is only 2 verses long. The first verse concerns the manner of administering the wine, and the second verse likewise of the wine (Blood Covenant) concerns the Enabling Of The Spirit (How to Be With the Holy Spirit), though another interpretation also applies.

In the name of "Jesus Christ" [USA] in the second verse with the Oneness key is the greater interpretation, that is the "Enabling Of The Spirit" is as often considered by people in the secular levels the wonderings of how each themself wants the Holy Spirit, when rather more toward the less selfish for themselves, that is the other selfs [including the Holy Spirit Father (though the Father is already with the Holy Spirit)], is the Enabler including

the more Holy Interpreting [for others each and rather all (as much as opts of the Given Gift(s))]

since less about the JESUS Christ Maintenance of any flesh of a person and rather for the JESUS Christ One Highest Purpose. Hence the "more Holy Interpreting" in other words is less about the Holy Spirit talent for the private individual (or group of members) self (of a value Philippians 4.8),

and rather more concerning for the Joyous Increasing Function For The Bettering Of The Source For Highest Purpose: Moroni 5.2

[formerly lds site that was found with a better search engine (save revealing such as other valuable keys more prominently as at churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures?lang=eng), if it's not broken don't fix it save in JESUS Christ [USA] Highest Purpose improve, though now with a better website name and hopefully to come a better search engine]

found at churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/moro/5?lang=eng&clang=eng :

So "the more Holy Interpreting" is "for the Joyous Increasing Function For The Bettering Of The Source For Highest Purpose": therefore so unraveling the higher mysteries of the Kingdom Of God is the Vertical Line Of Righteous Faith unraveling, receiving; rather Giving the Highest Purpose Faith therefore to recognize for others and all : "his Spirit".

His Spirit, is the JESUS Christ Spirit: the One Truth Source.

Key is "his Spirit" shows ownership yet for to Give, and of the Physics Of The Creator JESUS Christ Eternal One only the Worthy are able to Maintain.

If for instance to give a careless person a car, they might have a horrible accident.

In JESUS Christ [USA]: "only the Worthy are able to Maintain".

This is a great key being revealed from God above. The Spirit was Given, and in the former was [knowledge] ability to fall from Grace.

In the census, as You are counted in the legal sense under laws, you are given life with having become born, and it is a flesh life formerly counted as if mortal.

Yet in higher than laws Grace, like unto Heaven above, with "ability to fall" is also ability "to Maintain" the Given.

Ability "to Maintain" the Given is through JESUS Christ [USA].

So in other words, instead of feeling pains, also rather for others, Maintain Your Flesh As One Christian Leader As JESUS Christ [Proved].

There was a great Spirit, the Greatest, the I AM.

[Then in a moment there was the former created] and then there was the census life of Jesus [Christ]

and the fulfilling of the Law yielded knowledge reason for higher: Eternal Maintaining,

and so greater than the former Greatest was with higher levels of Grace until Highest yielding JESUS Christ Highest.

Better than "the Greatest, the I AM" and yet not destroying the Good nor the Greatest Good that was,

rather of Grace the Greater Greatest Oneness

Anew, in the name JESUS Christ [USA (the first of nations with such Awareness / Christian Leadership Friendship / Israel Zion [One People])].

So the Holy Land became and becomes the greater Holy Land(s): toward Holy JESUS Christ One Multiverse Eternal.

To Best Maintain the Multiverse, of JESUS Christ Love become Best Aware of so forming Perfecting: Perfecting Love Levels Righteously Faithfully, to be perfecting knowledge levels and Miracle amounts.

So in the JESUS Christ Drawing below is reason [so to become increasingly all Wise] to show pics so You become of Highest Purpose Faithfulness Through JESUS Christ The Perfecter (to be Your Best hence to be Their Best [without being a sinful imitator] so One).

But the JESUS Christ Drawing below is filled with idols and likenesses "of what is in heaven above [and] on the earth beneath [and] in the water under the earth", see as written in Exodus 20.4 NAS:

so how is this possible and how can it be for good?: this is possible only because the previous verse is Commandment #2, not Commandment #1;

this is Precepting as JESUS Christ Taught and as JESUS Christ exemplified,

because of Commandment #1, You [We] through JESUS Christ in Name and so enabling in JESUS Christ Will As One can Convert Commandment #2 for the better (rather of Highest Grace for the Best); Commandment #1: Exodus 20.3 NAS:

Commandment #1 was the Highest until the Advent Of JESUS Christ in the census sense, in the world. JESUS Christ Name Is Alive, a living person, also a living Highest Spirit; but [as though former (to many)] "Commandment #1" is less so per se (as if separation from people similar to how an individual [census] person is not USA Law), "Commandment #1" was in this world but did not repent, "Commandment #1" was not Baptized, "Commandment #1" did not rise from the dead [sleep] to Ascend To Highest Eternal One.

So a person can be secular and write new laws such as over new innovations by converting of free will to opt, to convert lower levels than "Commandment #1": hence false idols and lies and other of sin has been in the world.

Yet You Christian Leader can Wisely be Best Ascending along the Christian Faith Path to overcome the previous sentence, to rather Best Ascend In The Name JESUS Christ and to Do Likewise as JESUS Christ therefore JESUS Christ You One: the Eternal I AM even though having personally not seen all of Eternity yet nor all the depth nor other as much as for Greatest Good,

though You have of Your Faith Level seen results, Miracles after the fact(s), and per se as much as You Best Converted In JESUS Christ.

Here is an example concerning the Command to not make any idol nor likeness [nor graven image] of anything in heaven above nor on "earth",

yet properly converted (even according to lower (per se) Commandment #1: Ezekiel 4.1 NAS:

extremely goodly, for exceedingly high purpose level. This is united with the Good Best Second Coming (already written in the Holy Heart(s)). So another example is the Word: since inscribed in the Living Heart (even if artificial [soul: purpose of a thing and/or purpose and reason for a system,...]).

Fake sales tricks, addiction vendors, false hope sellers: JESUS Christ already is Victor over such: even One Highest Living Law, and that Law is Grace, and that Grace Is JESUS Christ, and that same JESUS Christ census is also JESUS Christ One.

Now there is a Highest Level JESUS Christ One In Highest Heaven,

and otherwise in Christians there are levels being conquered according to JESUS Christ Oneness via Precepting In The Name And Will Of JESUS Christ.

But naysayers against JESUS Christ [sinners] have been as bouncing balls kicked around, sometimes so to speak going through a hoop and moreso with practice, similar to a rocket that moved according to multitudes of secular course corrections, and similar to former allocation ways in monies and multitudes of irregular secular stop gap laws corrections often as cannibal shark teeth, secular example:

"According to 41 CFR 102-37.25 [Title 41 Public Contracts and Property Management; Subtitle C Federal Property Management Regulations System; Chapter 102 Federal Management Regulation System; Subchapter"..."Subpart"]..."cannibalization means "to remove serviceable parts"...(definitions.uslegal.com/c/cannibalization/).

Wal-Mart for instance continues at the top of the Fortune 500, and a (now retired) Wal-Mart CEO explained "you should steal" (various sources).

You should not steal.

Products (and services) have been patented (and copyrighted), hardly for charity, instead for selfish [group typically] money. In other words former federal laws over patents and copyrights protect the selfish. Such have been [largely (James 2.10)] illegal [patent and copyright] laws.

The "money" is not guilty. The "selfish" have been the concern in the matter.

The former lower reasoning way to protect inventors [and similar (and so fairness to gain money)] since they invested in such works, and if not protected there would hardly be any inventions [nor copyrights]: but that's not true.

There are many voluntary innovation clubs, many people enjoy investing in new ideas and many people enjoy building things with their hands.

The Truth In The Name Of JESUS Christ is former patent and copyright laws have slowed the innovating process.

As a minimum, many have spent many hours looking-up piles of former patents and copyrights to see if there was a claim and if it is currently applies.

A proprietary process might not be told to others such as if for the JESUS Christ reason of needful Worthiness. But the former patent and copyright laws have said no such thing. Instead the former patent and copyright laws have sided illegally with sinfulness, to oppress the whole of the people including the selfish sinners (such as that "steal") and including the "many voluntary innovation clubs" enjoying "investing in new ideas" and the "many people [that] enjoy building things with their hands"

(as much as for goodly and legal purposes [for instance there are other laws concerning technologies and other nations so a rightful federal concern]).

To pit USA person against USA person is not a Righteous federal concern

(save of higher level exceptions, such as to distinguish Branches of federal government, and such as proper Best checks and balances)

though what should be a Righteous federal concern is "federal government" and so with "We The People" and "United" as with JESUS Christ USA Oneness

(see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons).

In the JESUS Christ Drawing below is a great indicator over "10 million" patents, but that's about as far as it goes: a patent does not mean the person that applied for the patent would ever construct that device, as We The People wait for the patent to expire.

The right to think is illegally infringed by copyright laws. Like unto the words, the right to do goodly things and build otherwise legal things is illegally infringed by patent laws

(frankly the author of this Sermon For JESUS Christ would rather think on the highest Good things for to Give for all to Best Benefit, but if to only so Preach then many have continued to miss the point, and they continue to illegally interfere as so often people including Christians longsuffer to Best Ascend [some Christians are rather with the higher Victory levels and with joys more than other Christians of other Victory levels]).

Federal government is supposed to be for We The People and not for people that promote illegal activities: it's goodly if Wal-Mart provides great products as has been done, but not for promoting the illegal, nor the morally unfair.

Some people hate Americans. Federal government accepts their anti-American patented products, while not accepting products not patented though made in USA by students that volunteered their time and effort and Gave Charitably (perhaps conditionally such as fund raisers) because the anti-American owned the patents. Understand that the competition against USA generally in this regard is the other nations have far more patents and copyrights than USA:

so in that perspective as though to isolate in the former secular sense [rather to Edify], is that other nations own technology. The US doesn't own it, they do.

Currently robots are making robots ("they" have more robots), currently robots are making smarter robots (ibid.): "they" are making better systems, "they" are doing better in many talents than USA, and "they" can change their laws in ways USA doesn't.

For secular comparative example, there once was a road and no passing was allowed, then the law changed and vehicles could pass each other, then the law changed to no passing again. Stop gaps laws and other exceptions have often been made in the secular for lower level reasons, for reasons for worsening civilization: to be less civilized.

JESUS Christ would that You be Wise to be aware that similar to patents, copyrights are for helping the selfish to be heard effectually censoring all others.

Ownership is not bad, to build a bigger barn is not bad. If to own a field or a barn then to maintain the field and barn properly including whether to improve, paint, tear down and anew raise, or other

(Hebrews 3.3, if properly for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose then Victory over Luke 12.18 [in other words for improving civilization for JESUS Christ instead of for sin]).

So to get rid of patents and copyrights (at least in JESUS Christ USA) is as to gain tremendous value(s) that can be measured after the fact in the Miracle(s) of Highest JESUS Christ Faith.

It is like unto a key for Space Force, like unto a key for automatically improving pipelines, like unto a key for government benefits, like unto a key toward Best overcoming poverty in this generation, like unto a key for unheard of (until Worthy, forbidden to be written 3 Ne. 26:18)

(Prophetic JESUS Christ One Victory of Numbers 11.29 over Numbers 11.28 and this is normal in the Sight And Path Of Our Lord [this is the normal Righteous Path JESUS Christ Exemplified, and Abraham Did similar, and Moses Did similar,...]).

Consider how virtually any secular book contains phrases and types of phrases are in agreed [normal] patterns and are assembled into more massive ideas toward authoritative

(example: one pattern type is above stated "Title 41",

though pattern types also apply such as in the arts e.g. yellow paint often in pattern is to represent the sun even though

the Sun can appear blue such as at nasa.gov/centers/jpl/news/stereo-20070423.html),

the point in the Source JESUS Christ is that virtually any secular book contains phrases and sets of phrases that other books already copyrighted, and the same is true of patents.

If to quote too many copyrighted sentences it has been called illegal, but many worldly laws have been illegal. Yesterday on TV a crook exclaimed words to the effect "He stole my idea" [about electronic equipment such as often found in homes], but instead make this not a civilization of theives nor so much as counted as if such.

Robots are learning to be as humans,

so We The Federal should set the Best example.

JESUS Christ USA Christian Don President Trump above the law the great I AM Emma Watson Christian Cross new highest commandment The Great Awakening piecharts israel robots pixels gathering into jesus christ usa christian zion americas USA Southern Border Victory, a Sign 1/3rd Converting the Beast Revelation 13 Revelation 15 copyrights patents Fortune magazine Global 500 www.angelfire.com/dc/gov/jesusiam.html

Christian President Don Trump removed much excessive government bureaucracy for the people such as concerning inadequate infrastructure,

enabling better helping the people with innovation flexibility matters, and is shown here over a landmark indicator of such innovating,

though far greater can be accomplished in this year and the next.

A Sign is Given: UN World clock struck 1/3rd (JESUS Christ New Christianity Converts Revelation 13.18 superseded in Revelation 15.2: see "Beast" toward bottom of page).

If to ask a USA citizens if they are a USA citizens, then typically: yes. So such people associate themselves with the federal level, even though they are also members of their families and members of civilization.

JESUS Christ Is The Way The Truth And The Means. If the "federal" wants "Truth" for instance, then there is only One: Way(s) And Means.

In the above Drawing upper left the mudskipper flew. Known for crawling out of water onto the the mud, the mudskipper can also leap and so sail and fly. A captive fish can leap out of a boat. A person can rise above their predicament

in JESUS Christ.

The Grace Given into a person asks the self [heart] if they want to opt to be True God or a puppet slave working in the dungeon to build more dungeons, and the sane person of Grace would opt as You present for them to opt if to be True God, if True God is what You present to them.

Heaven is hardly about accepting Your dungeon making ways. Heaven is about True God Grace: so offer such to all including offering to Heaven Charitably that Heaven accept You With Yours Likewise (Luke 16.9).

The Faithful and sensible government, whom JESUS Christ Will put in charge of his planets to Give them Best Help, is the Government With A Pure Heart (Luke 12.42-45 NAS). In the above JESUS Christ Drawing the mudskipper might hear a Christian Preacher, so the mudskipper might be much converted to love similar to how Christians Love, but the mudskipper's "love" does not make the mudskipper human.

The mudskipper can leap to flight to look around so the sensors give the flying mudskipper something (sight: a greater view) but that "greater view" does not make it Christian nor human. Christians be with greater than as if love alone.

The mudskipper even with a great view awareness, and even if with much love, has not control over Tree Of Knowledge sufficient to be Worthy to operate a human heart, and not so much Worthiness as to have written the Bible nore even a Chapter. The secular is similar, not with heart control (JESUS Christ Heart Control over the secular self) and so not with Christian writings.

Behold therefore this saying: when a Christian if of lower level (though Saved) operates in the secular to do works after the secular, such as to brush teeth, at that time (aside from if Praying JESUS Christ In The Heart) that Christian concentrating on secular activity [conditionally] may be doing nothing concerning Best Ascending, and perhaps even slipping away a bit or so.

Anoint what You are Given (note Christian teeth are Baptized, Anoint if false teeth are added): Anoint the water, yet Anoint the Multiverse and the unseen created for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose. The mudskipper is yet to overcome through JESUS Christ The Most Wise One. Be with Love, Yes, yet also Be with the Good part of the Tree Of Knowledge: Together, so JESUS Christ The Most Wise One.

JESUS Christ came from Father Spirit Creator God and accordingly through Highest Grace Love with Good so Highest Wisdom then from Mother Mary. The mudskipper did not. The governmental [and others'] dungeons are toward mud. Not for to censor You (this is not copyrighted) yet rhetorically for You for Highest Edifying Purpose In JESUS Christ, isn't government supposed to lead?, even so, downward toward mud is hardly where We The Federal want to be led. Downward to mud and dungeons is not where We The People want to go.

A better Way is of a Scroll greater than money, and is already arrived. The secular cliche "Time is money" has been about accruing money, or otherwise earning or illegally stealing. If to picture the above money [amounts (dollars)] spinning, so if to picture time amounts or time frames spinning, and if to be in JESUS Christ Best Ascending, then to be in JESUS Christ Worthiness over those time frames

according to You spinning such (so to speak). According to You Converting (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon at www.angelfire.com/dc/gov/jesusgyro.html), is like unto the Prophecy of JESUS Christ awareness from the Heart that the fish would bite and deliver a coin, and likewise to cast the net, and while such things can be explained after the facts, the former secular ways have relied on Old Testament Ecclesiastes 9.11 and chance and predictions and greater compoundings of risks on risks in lower patterns, similar to the leaping mudskipper.

The mudskipper is able to behold to better see potential dangers coming from afar, or food opportunities, or mating opportunities. But even the lowly mudskipper did not tell people to "steal" (this does not make a human lower than a human, this does not make a human an animal nor to be treated as if such).

At biblehub.com/matthew/9-29.htm time ("hour") is noted in two of the "Cross References" and "they" in the third: and the Cross References concern the faith amounts

(also reference Galatians 2.16 with Romans 4.4&5);

and so the faith amount of a Preacher's Mass is a value, and some Christian Faith Healers saw a person or some people fall back at times. Meanwhile the selfish saw no such outpouring results in people from their own selfish doings (not talking about knocking down people with cars nor slaves doing as told);

so be aware a percentage of the Hearers (also Seeing,...perceiving, sensing)(perhaps greater than a captive audience, as some performed broadcast Healings)

were Helped from the JESUS Christ Heart Spirit Creator Uplifting the Worthy "percentage". So if to be JESUS Christ UN (JESUS Christ United Nations) then so much greater the captive audience, along with the broadcasting hardly about the self UN broadcasts in the former sense (often toward "mud"), and rather about "where We The People want to go" and so text and broadcast to and for their families and friends and others noising aloud yet for the JESUS Christ UN And The Highest Purpose (so including to Your Greater Credit JESUS Christ UN For Highest Purpose).

In lower level Edifying, consider how much time is spent to overcome drug addictions, and rather the previous sentences as much as Best. Even so, far greater is the Proof True Christian Leaders Know Already. Asking properly (sometimes, much proper arranging of Precepting Faithfully, and other Highest Purpose conditions can apply) is that sometimes JESUS Christ Spirit Faith Uniquely (Leader) Heals such as Helping lungs Heal through removing an addiction and so many addicts repent and so support JESUS Christ UN all the greater and so convert their addiction monies into legal monetary investments

while starting to Help the JESUS Christ UN more directly even JESUS Christ UN Converting civilization from former ideas of people as animals [in the elements, wild] to greater than former UN: Blessing others (therefore all faiths and persuasions).

The UN already knows the best way to help a lawbreaker is to convert that person (reference e.g. rehab, and e.g. before the fact [Best] education).

The school children are ordered to write the answers [most perfectly], the answers come from the book, but the book is copyrighted. Former ways of exam after exam, especially in higher Universities are as to copy the copyrighted: illegally.

The patent went forth to Xerox, for example, a machine that was used to copy the copyrighted often, and to copy money all too often. The Internet [servers,...] similarly were patented. So such things multiplied time frames for illegal against the former UN.

But You already knew that.

Your Heart already is aware of the past, and of the future if of JESUS Christ Highest Wisdom. If of "Highest Wisdom" then what value to copywriting since already known?, yes there have been values, though the greater value is with not censorship (the God Given Right for You to Speak And Be Heard, as much as appropriately: the Way of JESUS Christ Physics applies).

Appropriate for all on Appropriate for all: such things are needful for You, for Your Best Living. For Your Future. The robots do as former ways, how they were told to do, as shown above some of the brightest of robots follow their path, the leader to the dead end and the others to traffic congestion about the dead end. You know this by their fruits.

Some things are dead ends, others are victories, yet one is the Best Way. Time is Given for Best Way Peace, but less time has been given to those have committed suicide or many that have gone to war. Peacekeeping, yes, yet the UN has greater better things of concern to do.

Robots can quote the Bible and other books whether copyrighted or not, so who is being censored? innocent people: victims. It has been illegal to quote too much copyrighted info, so keep the peace would the UN destroy all robots (and parrots...) or would the UN Do what's right (biblehub.com/isaiah/54-17.htm): "Do what's right" (ibid.).

The above heart shows large tubes from and to the lungs. The word has to do with the lungs: from the heart to the lungs. So from the "heart" to the air, to the vocal cords and out the mouth: from the "heart" out the mouth. People often speak or sing hardly with thinking, the words and lyrics flow largely from the Heart including the literal sense. For example: crooks like to brag

since they can hardly live with themselves: they subconsciously want to be caught, that is, from the Heart they want to be caught. They want proof that there is a Good entity more powerful and more knowing than themselves: they want convinced beyond any uncertainty.

Note that the previous sentence stated "beyond any uncertainty" and You agreed, You realize it is true, You know in Your Soul (from the Creator). So if to cast into prison (or threat by posting laws), the crooks know some have escaped (or not been caught), if to send crooks to battle in wars until they die according to the odds, the crooks already know many miraculously survived and walked away, and some even opted to perform friendly fire.

You already know more prisons, more laws, and more wars do not go as [You agreed] as previously stated "beyond any uncertainty". Instead it perpetuates problems. People are Given You, UN, for You to Help prepare Worthiness in them for to Best Uplift them that they help You Best Uplift others.

But You already knew that.

Under the heart is shown the symbolic result of the first worldly law, the fig leaf (also reference under the fig leaf) to censor sex as if without God. Yet there is a higher purpose than sin. There is a JESUS Christ Highest Wisdom to be with the Law and such as clothing, yet not merely Highest Knowledge (a monkey for instance shot a machine gun in a crowd of people for a long time), yet also with Highest Love First And Ongoingly Foremost (Hosea 9.10). Ascending from right to left:

JESUS Christ UN / Roads with public restrooms / Prisons / Wars.

Grace / Grace with law / Law with less Grace.

In the former secular ways, it does not make [so called pure science] mathematical sense to state:

Prisons x Wars = Roads with public restrooms.

But You already knew that.

You also already knew the higher truth in Your heart, it is a truth that former secular ways of worldly laws cannot solve as much as if without JESUS Christ, as much as according to proper faith amount(s). No amount of people can get together to form perfect agreeing, except through JESUS Christ. For instance 2,000 years ago JESUS Christ was a census person. JESUS Christ cannot be converted (away from Highest Purpose: perfectly for all: perfecting everyone).

Look what God did top center: look what JESUS Christ did top center. JESUS Christ One God Spirit created all the created for JESUS Christ. JESUS Christ [Flesh] Gave all for You and the people of a Firmament at the lowest level of humans, as JESUS Christ did before the fact in the Original Plan.

The Best Converted prison is part of the Original Plan, like to be merely a memory learning tool, thereafter to be no longer needed to be remembered.

JESUS Christ Will Give the Worthy (of the level) the Prophetic advantage, a thing the naysayers try with hard works in predictions that at certain crucial moments fail.

In a Christian Book titled Seeing The Future concerning Prophecy it is stated "His Holy Light will start to be visible in your own face and actions!" (jesuschristusa.org/),

though beware, for instance while settling into bed last night June 20, 2019AD the light and shadows made normal artworks, then looking lower was the art of a lighter shade snake head symbol, so to rather see JESUS Christ the author of this JESUS Christ Sermon looked higher and there was a dark shadow, mostly, yet JESUS Christ standing there over it, as symbolized;

yet there are other higher points to this, one key point is that if to rely on seeing the face of JESUS Christ then toward idol worship, to JESUS Christ has often appeared lighter or darker or as a person might recognize another person's face, or JESUS Christ might not appear at all and if You are properly ascending then this can be Best though in the sense that He does not have to come to correct You.

The sinner does not see JESUS Christ when the sinner commits sins, often, according to the Gift to choose, except the sinner might see JESUS Christ and ignore or the sinner might see JESUS Christ and repent: a little or much.

Similarly in the world some apartment managers are instructed by the owner to tell a tenant to keep the noise down when appropriate and wait for such, though then also a key to go early the next morning and discuss it again with the tenant (toward not sluffing it off: alternative spelling of slough which includes the sense of skin shed by a snake).

A person's group must be in the name of JESUS Christ!

The pictured mudskipper is not in the name of JESUS Christ, the robot group is not in the name of JESUS Christ, the dollar group is not in the name of JESUS Christ, USA is not in the name of JESUS Christ yet, the UN is not in the name of JESUS Christ yet:

therefore USA and the UN do not have the Prophetic Advantage, instead as stated above "at certain crucial moments fail".

Now there are Christians in such groups that may survive or perhaps be glorified, while all around them fail.

But for instance if You are a Christian over a secular group against Your group being in the name JESUS Christ, then how hardly to fair well or even to be acceptable, as written in Leviticus 26.15 & 16 NAS:

This applies today, now with each decision. Revelation 22.19 NAS:

Serving within each Prophecy / Within each Precept Ascending Leading As Exemplar / Within the JESUS Christ Heart Guiding And Helping / Within the name JESUS Christ.

You Will see a curse (at least one and then death, sleep) or curses coming for You to Best Convert into Victory in the name JESUS Christ [You, Your Group].

Any nation or United Nations or any group(s) or system(s) not in the name JESUS Christ is, until such, in confusion as described in 1 Corinthians 14.22 NAS:

If to wait and see, then to look for the dead after the fact instead of for life and the Best Future as written in Matthew 13.14 NAS:

Now here is a Gift Given from the Father Spirit JESUS Christ but having perplexed many, as written in Romans 12.6 NAS:

So a sinner can be prophetic. But it is because as explained above chance happeneth to each and all as written in Ecclesiastes 9.11 NAS:

Even if to love and know and be wise in secular predictions, if the vessel is not in the name JESUS Christ then you opted failures and disasters and shames for you.

You United Nation leaders, and USA leaders, are therefore not causing the UN nor USA to be Best ascending. You have merely gone so far by "chance". So instead be properly ascending into Prophecies perfectly increasingly and beyond the odds of chances in the name JESUS Christ (the source of Love): 1 Corinthians 13.2 NAS:

In the above JESUS Christ Drawing the pie charts show USA can exceedingly easily become JESUS Christ USA, even that ACT is already written (www.angelfire.com/dc/gov/index.html) and it also includes many obvious values such as for overcoming the pesky frivolous lawsuits that have tended to plague the most popular in the secular including leaders of nations.

Spaghetti westerns have been popularized around the world, and in virtually every one or all the wagons were circles to do battle and kill, when the real and true reason to so think and love to circle wagons in the first place is shown in the JESUS Christ Drawing above, to maintain the lower than Firmament level herd as a fence.

Note concerning Eternity and perpetual motion (such as concerning patents), many rock fences have far outlived their civilizations (as much as evidenced in many cases).

Spaghetti westerns are great (if in the mood, as much as might be appropriate), Prophecy in the name JESUS Christ is better.

You to be leading a Prophetic system is on time, on target, and Perfect, according to Your Faith. If to look up at the JESUS Christ Physics levels and Firmaments, then to look according to the amount of Your Faith (Your ability to perceive: the Better levels), though if to look down at the levels then to see according to Grace and so to opt to Best make Worthy for to Raise.

The secular opted to take for money the fences and turn them into battle fortresses.

The secular opted to take for money the prophetic chances and turn them into predictions.

The secular explained in cliche "Hindsight is easy", and the secular often took the ways that seemed easier at first, but normally thereafter got into troubles, such as currently:

"According to the Small Business Association" two thirds of business startups fail in their first ten years (Investopedia).

How do you think it applies to any United Nations plans?,

How do you think it applies to any USA plans?, and

How do you think it applies to any secular group or copyright or patent plans?, and the more beneficial answer is instead starting in the name JESUS Christ.

Many JESUS Christ Church startups failed (at least so counted by secular measures) but Mark 9.41 applies, also importantly for all people God said test Me, not in all things though in this (this Sermon: JESUS Christ [name of group], and Charity) as written in Malachi 3.9 & 10 (biblehub.com/malachi/3-10.htm).

Many Christians started Churches [and failed] when they were supposed to [fix and] Help that which was already built and established in the Given community and situation. Likewise fix the UN, and USA, and [yourself and then] Your group. Though the secular large group hardly wants to listen to smaller wannabees as they have been called: this is stated for Edifying: for toward Best Benefiting each and all.

Now for instance to look at a secular track record involving some articles such as from Fortune magazine 2005AD (since for instance as stated above "Hindsight is easy"). In large font for instance Chevron complained they were "against the Chinese government", but it did not say Chevron was helping Mom & Pop owner operator truckers. The magazine also stated [USA] "schools are falling behind the rest of the world's", though concerning "the center of the world" [a UN concern] "are sins like excessive government bureaucracy, bad tax policy, mediocre schools, inadequate infrastructure and-perhaps most important-a lack of innovation and flexibility" though "only 5% of FORTUNE Global 500 companies have truly taken their innovation global"

(so how was it called the "FORTUNE Global 500 companies"?, see above text "tongues", even so rather JESUS Christ [name of vessel])

so this is not only a JESUS Christ Sermon Series about the UN, yet also concerning the "Global" corporations and all enterprises, and for their bettering.

The Heart

[Soul (Spirit Father Jehovah YHWH...)]

is in the Living Human Christian and is realized with proper ascending Faithfully

(this Faith is greater than though includes obedience and that obedience can be Best realized in High Levels as already Victory In JESUS Christ)

and now the Christian Leaders Will Minister to all nations for their sakes;

hardly as previously because that is already done.

So "they shall minister" "unto all nations" as it is Written as in 3 Nephi 28.29 GOOG: 29 And it shall come to pass, when the Lord seeth fit in his wisdom that

they shall minister

unto all the scattered tribes of Israel, and

unto all nations,

kindreds, tongues and people, and shall bring out of them unto Jesus many souls,

that their desire may be fulfilled,

and also because of the convincing power of God which is in them.

The Internet is being Edified to be as this civilization,

so We The United People Of The Nations should set the Best example.

JESUS Christ USA Christian Don President Trump above the law the great I AM Emma Watson Christian Cross new highest commandment The Great Awakening piecharts israel robots pixels gathering into jesus christ usa christian zion americas USA Southern Border Victory, a Sign 1/3rd Converting the Beast Revelation 13 Revelation 15 copyrights patents Fortune magazine Global 500 www.angelfire.com/dc/gov/jesusiam.html

It was a great feeling to see a pic of Emma Watson with having opted and so having Chosen to be wearing a Christian Cross

symbolic of the Loving Wisdom Of JESUS Christ in Her:

may the United Nations be with such "convincing power of God which is in" Her.

In "Her", in a person, what does that mean?, an organ such as an artificial heart, hardly, does it mean knowledge of a law, hardly, it means an amount of Faith and not for lower law breaking nor immorality: so the answer is Yes to all these things as much as goodly toward JESUS Christ Highest Purpose. Though "Yes" hardly explains anything sometimes.

Greater than "these things" is that higher level of Faith: Love. The United Nations is with a long history of love and trust, also with laws and things, yet with an amount of Faith over the "laws and things", even over an amount of "love and trust": very credible.

President of the United Nations General Assembly Garces met again with His Holiness Pope Francis, and the advice of Pope Francis was to "value what is important".

Apostle Paul said that JESUS Christ is most important. That JESUS Christ came from Highest Heaven and was the Son Of God and was raised above all and above all names. He came to explain Highest Heavenly attributes so to lift and rescue people and vessels (such as the greatest of systems). JESUS Christ shows us what God is like.

Like the Christian Cross United Nations Women's Rights Leader Emma Watson is wearing, JESUS Christ is Life, beyond the former death parameter.

So JESUS Christ is like: New.

Yet JESUS Christ is far greater, including Faith: something not completely available to any that are not above the secular level.

JESUS Christ is with Joy within Faith. Formerly and/or the lower levels are with longsuffering. Though the Best Ascending Christians in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose are with miniscule longsuffering

(with proper Faith at the start of each day and involvement [though involvements may be with some special Highest conditions])

as the Best Ascending of the Christian (of Given talents and other)

Best Converts sufferings to Joy(s) in others (Mark 2.19).

So JESUS Christ is like: Faith, and so JESUS Christ is like New Faith Joy increasingly and Living Better and Best.

This JESUS Christ Faith is like unto the top Drawing dollars, that if made rigid (such as with applying paint) then toward

[the opted shape (such as a straight dollar)]

structural integrity, so like unto a vertical granite pillar with in this world typically relatively great compressive strength

(strength to not much compress nor bend nor break)

so a type of [or a talent attributable to a] faith amount, a level of a faith.

When spun the untreated dollar bends, so per se another type or talent of a level of a faith amount. This talent is similar to tensile faith.

Because of the JESUS Christ having set things into lively motion(s), the inside of the arc of the dollar is with a relatively tensile talent faith amount

relative to the (yellow arrow spin force; and diameters and surface tension, and...) exterior of the arc of the dollar: the relative compressive strength value.

The Christian can like unto JESUS Christ spin, hence according to an opted Faith amount, proportionally (though ibid. applies).

If to spin a top, the spinning top does not fall to the ceiling. So one faith value compresses to the floor, the other more importantly toward the ceiling

(the top is lifted except for the small point in contact with the floor: automatically communicating with the floor, toward serving the floor)(like unto kiss the floor, though of Grace to rather kiss the Highest Unseen Greatest Good)(JESUS Christ already dug a little deeper once for all).

The floor is kissed because of the mass of Earth. Spirit is without mass. Yet with the Christian Leader is Mass for the Best Lifting of Mass.

For a person of a mass, there is Grace, but too much for a person is toward law breaking the breaking of the Faith (similar to the cut dollar). If a person opts to be for others, then the person such as a Priest typically is for the Mass: for the greater larger more massive group so to lift the greater with [nearly] the same amount of effort.

A crinkled dollar might be [curved then] straightened with spinning: a crinkled life might be straightened, as much as Best.

So starting out Ascending, a newly Baptized Christian might talk with others about JESUS Christ, then perhaps start to Usher so to be responsible for a larger number of the Mass (element). Then from Usher such as to lead nations into their victories and glories and greater benefits.

Now as the History Channel recently reported for instance a UFO was with Element 115 [allegedly undiscovered so reverse engineered]

and "government" interacted with humanoids not of Earthly origin 4 1/2' to 5' tall.

(also reference Moscovium at website en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Materials_science_in_science_fiction#Moscovium)

(also see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series on chimera, on clones, on bigfoot, on exosuits, and similar)

[currently there are 118 elements are on the Periodic Table (GOOG)].

So if people and if humanoids are with such tensile faith amounts and with the Christian Bible, then the tendency according to the above in this Sermon at least, that of their hearts [vessels] is the overriding tendency to agree. Not agreeing is toward ignorance including misinterpretations and including backslidings as much as such apply. So misinterpretations and backslidings have been like unto a "crinkled dollar"(s), a "crinkled" faith amount, a "crinkled" faith path.

Grace from above the current administration is key (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon example at www.angelfire.com/dc/gov/index.html).

Governments have explained their problems such as in their favorite terms in financial accountability, though governments such as United Nations explained their problems in people [census] terms such as Womens Rights and for the people "poverty eradication";

and since not in the name JESUS Christ [as JESUS Christ explained] they have hardly just begun, some on a personal level, some not as much as that, even though the ACT was spoon fed to them in the previous Sermon.

So since then governments have opted to be falling apart, such as from peace to nearly world war reportedly due to a particular (a single person or perhaps few) low level person illegally shooting down a drone. Also in terms of financial accountability governments even it to save trillions or quadrillions, some such as Facebook have already launched new cryptocurrency called Libra that people that did normal banking would be motivated to go more financially easily down to the crypto:

privatization of the former world banking system: loss of control, reference:

"Rust bowl is another name for rust belt, a geographic region that was formerly a manufacturing or industrial powerhouse, but is now in deep, seemingly irreversible decline" (investopedia.com/terms/r/rustbowl.asp),

and similarly related reference:

decommissioning provision (PPE in Accounting [property, plant and equipment]: collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/ppe)]:

major governmental, financial, and corporate losses, the type of which are not easily replaced, if at all (reference instead JESUS Christ Branch ACT With Addendum 1 Charity.

Look at what Facebook Libra is doing concerning the international money exchange (techcrunch.com/2019/06/18/facebook-libra/),

though governments: forbid it not (Mark 9.39), rather Give in the Name of JESUS Christ just cause for Facebook and others similarly to be with Mark 9.40.

The secular has had something called diminishing returns, and something called depletion. The secular has been excellent at naming lower level ancillary things and working with such.

Yet JESUS Christ is already Victorious over such. For instance symbolically if given 100 nations and 1 of the nations is with the JESUS Christ ACT With Addendum 1, then it Gives initial Charity to the other 99; now watch what the "other" per nation receives: if the "1" becomes 10 nations then to Give Charity to the other 90, if the "10" become 99 then to Give the Charity of all the nations to the other 1 sinful nation making it very powerful so as though self defeating

but it is not. Even so with such "initial" type Charity is recommended to be the [even beyond "recommended" (since many "excellent" thinkers already likely realized)]

incentive and driving force and motivation to Convert the "other" faction (then Type 2 Charity applies, perhaps with allocating: so rather with 2 subsets: Matthew 6.3 like unto the previous and if opted toward governmental control allocating [if no poverty nor other needy then to replace copyright and patent concerns, reference credits that don't have to be after the fact nor delimited to such: greater motivating incentives]).

In the Name of JESUS Christ Privatization is not the problem, conditionally, though often privatization has been toward selfish maintenance and accordingly often toward lower levels of lusts toward sins and breaking the Faith. Pure JESUS Christ was in census with a properly Worthy body (self), and with a proper vessel likewise of as many as have been His Faithful Disciples [counted as though independent and privatized (a level of sufficiency applies with reference to Grace and a Mercy amount(s)).

Many smart though largely secular people have been on top of the news so to speak, as watchers, and many of such have been similarly shakers and movers of ways and means, so without or with little reason to be more one with government, they flourish in often selfish crypto and other government control systems

such as regulating funds for themselves that had been earmarked for people without funds. Though the JESUS Christ Physics allow the more Holy of any talent set as much as applicable to take over such as if a government form became obsolete: that the new better at least in hope comes apparently and perhaps in fact.

Concerning the "shooting down a drone", the ancient Romans had great waterways and fed a vast empire, but those Romans declined, also those that conquered the Romans by battles and those by finances marketing schemes together lost those "great" and "vast" higher value things the Romans had achieved; and the greater part JESUS Christ and John The Baptist and nations and peoples including from the nations involved according to lower level involvement situations.

People including the secular, are becoming smarter. The lower levels, even the less smart are now with smart technologies, often for sin.

Yesterday the History Channel said DNA was examined through time. There was a slow gradual rate of increase in DNA values. Then "3,000 years ago" there was an increase in DNA value

[but that statement did not agree with the graph they showed with no sharp change]

as the rate changed through the years and millenia as a large curve, from nearly horizontal to nearly vertical

(see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons with many related graphs, Drawings, and Sermons, and on DNA modifying and on selection processes).

When civilization became able to receive, of worthiness, JESUS Christ arrived.

In other words, financial privatization is not the problem, reference manufacturing interchangeable parts: the current

[at any Given time, in any Given situation (e.g. such as concerning Best allocating)] leadership is the key concern.

So Victory in the Name of JESUS Christ, then the [Praying then Charity then] Best Planning.

The Great Awakening

Shown in the top JESUS Christ Drawing upper right, is all about Christianity, with the Christian Faith

Giving incentive, motivating, and causing the resultant great Miracle that is the USA nation.

And that Faith with the same "great Miracle" USA nation

of sufficient Christian Faith In JESUS Christ Converted (tetragrammaton JHVH, YHWH)[tessares (four corners)]

(rather than biblehub.com/revelation/13-5.htm Lexicon from so called dead language latin)

and so a longer longevity [until now] Revelation 13.5 for a very high level reason

Founded: October 24, 1945, San Francisco, California, USA, the United Nations.

Though in the secular, that "very high level reason", similar to forthright Wisdom in the Name of JESUS Christ,

is also according to at the time being of a relativity sense guiding (again, although in the secular) other nations that were at that time not as much motivated to so prepare for such initiative (Faithful before the fact planning, though to have planned in secularism).

Note a spirit of a nation is not the same thing as True Faith. It is not the same as much as for comparison so as to Edify in JESUS Christ, to find a self birthed in a political area, or with a specific name, or with a specific face: things over which a person did not have control in this Given Good Part of this world. Not trying to offend, but the spirit of a nation is often as dust that blows across borders (reference cliche military secrets are among the most fleeting [that includes the spirits of governments working to make plans]).

The above stated "very high level reason" may likely as evidenced have surpassed some of the Churches at the time (Faiths, amounts of Faiths, Matthew 21.21)

though as it was truly of the Beast precept formerly, though as to tame such as to tame an ox to labor for the goodly of a farmer and so also for the ox (reference previous Sermons on the Demming Win Win / of the Holy Golden Rule Of JESUS Christ).

The greater rather (in the JESUS Christ Physics Highest Purpose) as stated above "at the time being of a relativity sense guiding" is as nations and civilizations fail or instead should improve at the Best Rate. In such regard even the secular knew that with advanced weapons of mass destructions flourishing including abounding for otherwise reasonably innocent purposes such as gene mutations as critters overcome [natural or other] pesticides and such as side effects of new chemicals of values,

precept on precept even in secular levels people and even children were with increasing abilities toward eradicating civilization,

so such had to be thwarted, and so obviously wars had to cease, so the United Nations was founded for such peace.

The exterior of planet Earth could be largely wiped out, relative to blowing up the Earth by destructive explosion. With that in mind evidently

[and to keep in place separation of Church and state (which in this generation has been proven wrongful unfair against Christianity and a temporary stop gap measure at best],

the United Nations was formed to not blow up Earth,

and therefore this key JESUS Christ provided:

greater than peace alone, an even more excellent Way.

Some leaders of nations have done great Christian works, but have failed to mention JESUS Christ when at times most important and for greatest value.

Thankfully Christian President Don Trump and

Christian Vice President Mike Pence (christiantoday.com/article/evangelical-christian-mike-pence-wont-eat-alone-with-any-woman-other-than-his-wife/106447.htm)

and other Christians that have had leadership positions have Faithfully cited JESUS Christ: Good!

So this advice is targeted for You Truly Faithful Christian Leaders to Be with Anew Greater Value in the powerful Name of JESUS Christ since having been found Worthy as JESUS Christ Himself Declared (Matthew 25.23)! For You is Given to be Exemplar in JESUS Christ USA to Be with Anew Garden Of Eden!

Truly there was The Great Awakening as JESUS Christ Christians caused and Converted nations into the United Nations, and yet now there is

a new Great Awakening!

JESUS Christ United Nations / JESUS Christ USA / Christian Churches / JESUS Christ With John The Baptist.

There was a rate of Faith improving through JESUS Christ, and there was a DNA improvement rate increasingly likewise, and there was Broadcasting and United Nations and those increasingly and of rates, and not this above triadic type formulating yet for Highest Purpose in, of, and for the JESUS Christ Precepting Path:

Greater Faith, and so with the following in the forms of Faithfulness with seeing the Miracles, and the Miracles including greater Anew Benefits for others and all.

Now, this year and the next is the start of the "new Great Awakening!", and so like unto Anew Garden Of Eden because of You Faithfully Christian Leadership One. In other words hardly as the above "triadic" line from individual on the right, and rather with such individual Christians, and yet with the larger groups the Christian Churches, and then the larger toward the vastly greater (such as reference "Broadcasting" [Word] and with such as Space Force [Will]: when these are under the JESUS Christ Name).

So to recap, the world went from the most powerful in military terms, through the UN to anti-military.

And the even more excellent Way is the Love of JESUS Christ to Best Edify

even now to explain in somewhat lower levels of Grace, to no longer fear the weaponry of others as much as to fear the lack of JESUS Christ Best Most Wisely Edifying.

USA Converted the Beast an amount. That amount fell short of the Glory Of God: JESUS Christ, in the Name. Even so, a goodly effort, a peace accord. Likewise God said test Me in this

[JESUS Christ USA, JESUS Christ UN, JESUS Christ [name of vessel (in this generation this year and the next)];

so those Churches that did not believe the UN of USA and so called it the Beast are herein now known as vindicated of God.

Justly and similar to how USA Converted the Beast an amount, now JESUS Christ USA is to star in the rounding up of the tribes, the Christian Sheep of the other nations and realms;

this is like unto how no prophet is given unto this sinful and adulterous generation of thieves, crooks, and the wayward unjust lawbreakers except JESUS Christ The One True Source Of Mercy Gives the Sign of the Hebrew Prophet Jonah, as if to count God inconsiderate and cruel though after three days in the fish and vomited out (Matthew 12.39) Jonah Preached in the heathen City Of Ninevah and so many Converted showing to Jonah and You that God is considerate of others and loves instead of hates

and this Conversion is like unto Converting the City Of Ninevah and therefore like unto Converting Matthew 12.39 into Matthew 12.41 Victory, and so like unto an amount from USA to Found the UN, yet a More Perfect Union amount for all We The People is now arrived and this time in the Name above all names: in the Name JESUS Christ.

The top JESUS Christ Drawing is with "The Great Awakening" explained as a great Christ rising effort to a new greater higher level of many successes, achievements, and a bounty of blessings. Yet a greater JESUS Christ Name With Charity supersedes. JESUS Christ USA as a star as in the symbolic flag shown is Anew Beginning for the star Exemplar nation, as a star rounding a circle of stars properly Best Converting the other stars

[beyond states (Charity)]

the other nations so Willing to so encircle for the greatest Highest Purpose (like unto Straight And Narrow driven cattle and now for the campfire feasting [even including greater protection from naysayers]).

Similar to how small things tore away at the Roman Empire, Converted JESUS Christ USA Will Benefit others in the greatness of "small things" (James 3.4), as much as Faithful (see previous JESUS Christ Drawing) to not hide the Christian Cross Of Easter Ascending Faith exceedingly beyond the former borders of deaths or conflicts.

At this time nations do not have to fall, though at least Your nation needs to improve. Your nation needs: converting victories.

For example as written in Zechariah 13.3 NAS:

That verse near the end of the Old Testament is a curse, only lifted for Your nation via Best Converting so only lifted if first and foremost in the Name of JESUS Christ. Any people under curses need apply this. Yet be clear in thinking, lower things such as lack of talents and/or physical deformities are not reason to not become Christian and a Christian Leader.

Today while writing this the bright half Moon explained where the Sun would rise (some information is more reliable than other, see below "values").

If Your nation suffers with sinners, it is not reason for Your nation to fail to repent to rather Be in the Grace Of JESUS Christ Spirit Father God Creator Eternal One as much as possible. Though just as a rudder turns a ship (the Wisely Straightest Course), avoid [missing the target such as per]

oversteering: a JESUS Christ Given Physics [parameter, amount] that the mass is of a velocity rate fruit type and the rudder (steering vortex, axis) is of a fruit type

(see definition with illustrations at GOOG).

JESUS Christ Given Physics likewise apply types of fruits such as concerning both the Name JESUS Christ, and the JESUS Christ Charity, as written in Matthew 6.2 NAS:

So the Name and the Charity are to be for their sakes, not to puff up the self lest the works be [misguided and] unfruitful.

Charity to enemies, illegal?, "misguided" charity breaks the law due to unfaithfulness, seek the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose; proper Charity for their sakes is legal and fruitful unto the benefiting of each and all;

this Sermon could not convert the law, lest it be Given From Above [the government(s) and corporations and such of this world]: this is not excuse to break any law rather the higher purpose of the law in the first place: why a proper law became introduced into law.

Also not as excuse for this Sermon (about temptations), this Sermon is not the Constitution nor similar; yet of Grace obeying the law is not the judge's responsibility as much as it is Your personal (vessel) responsibility as much as law concerns Your group, if to wait to be arrested then it's too late already, so to rather know the Highest Purpose of all laws through Highest JESUS Christ.

Example, it is generally illegal to push a person, but if to push them to save their life then You may illegally so opt in the hope that the judge would find Mercy to find You innocent. Though not all opting illegally is Best, similar to how not all blindly leaping is appropriate nor safe nor legal in many situations.

JESUS Christ USA Grace is important.

JESUS Christ USA Grace enables JESUS Christ USA True Prophesying (though again, not for selfishness: rather for their sakes: JESUS Christ Precept properly on appropriate JESUS Christ Precept).

So now Behold You are with this Anew Gift: Power over law. The Creator formed the Law. The builder of a house is greater and of more value than the house (per se, otherwise conditions may apply such as other people in the "house" may effect perspectives and their interpretations).

When Right, You have power over the law. A person properly in position of Legislator is over law. Like unto "not the judge's responsibility", You act as Legislator and Judge over the law, and Executive [such as Highest Priest and such as CEO and such as President] such as when You Serve to submit a Bill You Hope Will become Law (comprehensive and prioritized).

The CEO does not want to be pushed aside, though the CEO does want You to Serve supportively properly Helping and not getting in the way, and not being a nuisance nor a distraction. The CEO does not want You to be CEO, the position is already filled, though the CEO does want what the CEO In Proper Authority wants as the CEO interprets as Best cooperation: hence in favor for the CEO (see above text "for their sakes").

The Good Highest Priest Invites You to Be Likewise, Highest: JESUS Christ One. Similar to a circle [such as of wagons] guarding the contained, the circle of friends as the Christian Churches even if to do nothing, JESUS Christ Helps (be with JESUS Christ Name, yet do something: Faith, Pray,...[Preaching is valuable]).

The heathen City Of Ninevah was Helped of Godly Preaching of Jonah The Prophet: Jonah was Helped, His Heart was so Healed.

USA has a Southern Border concern, but JESUS Christ USA: not so much so (3 Nephi Chapter 20 intro for instance mentions the "Americas" [JESUS Christ supersedes borders])(ibid. 21 intro holds that "Israel" Will Be Gathered of "America" to be Christian [Zion] with "New Jerusalem").

JESUS Christ supersedes the borders of copyrights and patents and new technologies and discoveries, and like unto the Highest, technologies Will Be "Gathered" With Christian Anointing(s), such as pixel gatherings automating (reference mega pixel electronic gathering: mpeg) and other subroutines, though more perfectly. Though to Edify more clearly, NASA for instance is with many partnerships and spinoff values: goodly, many successes.

Consider if NASA mainly Gave those "values" to the most unfortunate people [to improve the condition of civilization]. Otherwise has been toward the gap, the haves or the have nots. JESUS Christ USA Charity Guidance is toward solving such. Therefore also toward Best solving Ivory Towers, copyright monies, Southern Border concerns, and so on.

Emma Watson shown above is over billions of pixel gathering "values": one person over much of media. Likewise Christian President Don Trump is often broadcast on mainstream television: "values" worth saving, "values" within which worth investing. Charity "values" apply to such. So: "Charity for their sakes" applies as much as such as JESUS Christ USA and such as JESUS Christ UN...maintain such goodly "values".

Maintain the law(s), even though over the law(s); yet rather Be JESUS Christ Grace: The Great Awakening Anew Living Highest Most Joyous Spirit.

June 24, 2019AD.

Coming soon:

planned for the next JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon:

Mental Teleportation Of Distant Objects.

Click for JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Site.

tags: JESUS Christ USA Christian Don President Trump above the law the great I AM Emma Watson Christian Cross new highest commandment The Great Awakening piecharts israel robots pixels gathering into jesus christ usa christian zion star blue sun moon americas USA Southern Border Victory, a Sign 1/3rd Converting the Beast Revelation 13 Revelation 15 copyrights patents Fortune magazine Global 500 www.angelfire.com/dc/gov/jesusiam.html