JESUS Christ Sex Love Marriage And Signing Into Law.

Christian President Don Trump: JESUS Christ USA is ready for "Signing".

As a Christian Leader knows JESUS Christ explained in Matthew 24.46 "It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns.", though as a Christian Leader knows JESUS Christ is already within so to be Blessed even when to lust for the Highest Purpose In The Name JESUS Christ (if to "lust" at all): "Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing" (see vertical timeline below). You Bless Yourself when You Do the Highest Purpose In JESUS Christ yet think of the others:

this is the key to "the Empowerment of Women (!!!)" and to "Gender Equality"

( and all people.

Pulpit Commentary at concerning the Trailblazer Female Priest

[Asenath: Empowered And Empowering (With Vanguard Joseph Descendant Of Abraham)], so together, about Joseph

excellently for this 2019AD generation and for all generations explained a major concern:

..."or, if he judged it idolatrous, he may both have secured for himself complete toleration and have felt himself strong enough to resist its seductions".

Shown below, if Adam and Eve agreed [to invite JESUS Christ (free to opt whether to Give The Blessing)][so in the Name JESUS Christ first], then if with the Highest JESUS Christ Blessing, then allowed in the Garden Of Eden such as whether to Thank JESUS Christ, Pray, Tithe, date, Marry, procreate, eat,...though precept on precept, such as to Thankfully Pray before eating rather than after, though if to forget then restart thinking from the Soul Highest Name JESUS Christ.

The Highest Purpose Agreeing In The Name JESUS Christ,

then the Will under the terms of the Agreement.

Emma Watson pic JESUS Christ USA Christian President Don Trump Prophecy Senate Signing HeForShe Emma Watson United Nations new hope in JESUS Christ Victory Plan For Empowerment of Women Gender Equality Valuations Of Old Testament Precepting Greater with nude swim parties porn per Original Grace Plan masturbating sexual desire Marriage elbow room lesbian Baptized America land of liberty where a female is worth three shekels mainstream television news reported UFO type aliens performing mind control on humans rape victims rapist friends secular Jews stuck in a rut where the money is coming from God Prophetically showing up movie Forrest Gump Tom Hanks Gary Sinise Lieutenant Dan Taylor on the boat hope is gone 2019 2020

In The Name JESUS Christ in plain language (e.g. John 11.14, Romans 1.17) is with noticing the unseen Heart within, and per se e.g. the face of JESUS Christ first, then with JESUS Christ Highest Purpose (Invited, see above text "opt") whether and if opted how to behold the groins and flesh bodies of Adam and Even, whether to symbolize people in general, or if to look at the opposite sex, or if to Behold Adam and/or Eve; though let the addict be aware to Convert their mind: looking at great...grandparents so control the self: respect their children:

respect every person.

JESUS Christ offers "new" Wisdom in this very Sermon.

This above stated "Empowerment" for Leaders and for "Women" and this above stated "Gender Equality" key is the same for each and all,

this is the key to personally ending conflicts, overcoming crimes, overcoming addictions, peace, and greater successes for One Highest Way for each and all,

and this key must be in the Name JESUS Christ.

JESUS Christ reminds (Eucharist, Old Testament, newly applying Faith higher,...) as written at as in translations American Standard Version, JPS Tanakh 1917, English Revised Version, Webster's, New Heart English, and more:

New Christianity In The Name JESUS Christ Gives of JESUS Christ precepts One Work Of One Highest Interpretation of the previous verse words "open you"

(to "try" God, to test God, to exam and examine the Word Of God And The Work Of JESUS Christ [how and why this is possible is key: Romans 9.32]),

that in the Name JESUS Christ And So Doing You (Person [With Christian Baptism], Nation, Group, Vessel, Spirit) Will Be Converted from a closed heart vessel,

to a New "open" You In Heart An Open Heaven Window.

This is the Holy Highest Purpose Faith Path (Romans 5.2), and key to unlock this Window now for this civilization at this Zion Grace Highest Guidance In The Name Of JESUS Christ Time in this generation.

The above text is on Faith In The Name JESUS Christ as written at as in the Christian Standard version:

So now Prophetically from Personal Faith (personally Baptized) can come the Miracles for others.

Note how many in this generation have been Baptized and then they go sit in the pews.

"And it came to pass that Nephi went down into the water and was baptized. And he came up out of the water and began to baptize. And he baptized all those whom Jesus had chosen" (3 Nephi 19.11&12).

There is an Immersion Baptism, and there is a sprinkling of nations (Isaiah 52.15), so there is the above stated Personal Faith level and aspect, and there is the positional Anointing sprinkling (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christian Leaders for specifics).

So from Christian Don Trump Personally (hence from Faith In The Name JESUS Christ) can come the greater Highest Purpose Working with Christian President Don Trump (positional responsibility) "Signing" (hence One Working In The Name JESUS Christ: JESUS Christ USA).

From the Heart the mind can properly function. Not from Love to knowledge (as if to Give Love in exchange for knowledge), rather from the Love from JESUS Christ so in the Heart, to yet with Love into the mind [and brain] hence to and for greater Wisdom.

And from that Wisdom to and for Holy Highest Working (Functioning: Heaven On Earth Joy is greater value than former worldly works).

Now let all be aware of the following definition sense:

" Definition of universalist - a person who believes that all humankind will eventually be saved" (and in pertinence reference "Universalist"

Similarly the oneness (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon e.g. on "Chi") of faiths, and holistic faiths have been secular such as practiced by communities, employers, and nations, generally speaking. Faith of Mary at the foot of the Cross is a saving Faith to spare people from their crosses and pains. To automatically go to heaven is a nice thought except who would save a person from torture and death the Best Way?: JESUS Christ Exemplar Taught And Showed (Working) The Best Faith Way: Christian Universalist, Christian Holistic, and generally in this generations currently a greater ascending aspect is "Signing": JESUS Christ USA (JESUS Christ [the nations]).

Mary at the foot of the Cross at least knew to not harm the innocent. Saul proved JESUS Christ > secular Jews that were naysayers.

Doing good such as per lucky coin flips (predictions,...for best secular results anew or at least formerly proven in the secular methodologies) is not the same as Mary And Saul for the One named JESUS (the innocent Christ).

If JESUS Christ Commands a person to be of Old Testament lower valuation: Rejoice! Behold the definition of volts and hence watts and hence power in reference to the lower valuations such as at Leviticus 27.5 (hence knowledge per se), and yet with properly ascending in the Highest Love JESUS Christ (hence love per se): empowering females more than males per se and per this sentence parameters.

Note Leviticus is with love already, but a former person in the world can read the secularism and holistic stuff as items to be sold or bought.

There is a real reason for instance to require a license to drive a car, but not for moving a child's toy car. Former (and even today though less pertinent) birthing and menstruation and nursing are not the only reasons Leviticus valuations were given (ibid.). Key is that back then in Old Testament times there were not grocery stores with refrigeration exactly as the situation today, and if people were to perish (Heaven forbid), then to feed and support the food hunters normally,

similar to today a commander of a space ship [or a sub,...] might not be expendable relative to a passenger nor relative to a lower rank crew member less aware of what to do.

Yet in JESUS Christ is the Best Solving (Solved) of such concerns for Mutual Benefit: that each and all be Highest Value(s). Even so, from Highest Above From The Original Plan (note Matthew 22.29&30)(

Your Greatest Highest Victory is already come to pass if You are of Highest Level Faith In JESUS Christ (Name Including So Doing Work(s)), and You can have this Faith now to Give of Your Grace from the Grace Of JESUS Christ.

But the Holy Highest Works, the Holy Highest One Work You cannot yet have on your own as if of Your own workings alone: it is only the Eternal, therefore You need Be Eternal to have experienced all Good Work(s)

(yet as You properly ascend be with lifting others, therefore the higher Joy of JESUS Christ Best Ascends Properly Greatest Highest: yet One In The Name And Work Of JESUS Christ).

Hence You become the key to the Open Window Of Highest Purpose In Heaven, hence for all to Best Benefit precept on precept, each according to their faith, and if "for all" then including for the Living JESUS Christ.

So JESUS Christ Gives for You to Help JESUS Christ Best Ascend With You Best Ascending for all One JESUS Christ Highest Good Greatest Purpose.

Consider the higher part of what God The Father Does in Romans 4.17:

This is God The Father Revealing Highest Faith, revealing a key over many keys.

God reveals Highest Faith. God Prophetically is Wise enough (and greater) to Lovingly Know to awaken the sleeping elements (spirits) for already known future Better Purpose.

In other words, from the Wisdom of the previous sentences, precept on precept properly, add to the previous verse the words "that came to pass" [history yet] in the current sense, so ending the verse: "as though they were" "that came to pass" and so now are or are in proven fact in history that was reasonably that many people of authorities realized as true.

Note Revelation 22.18&19: not to add nor subtract from the things written, save if through JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Path Of Faith With Working so precept properly on precept (JESUS Christ New Christianity).

Also not True Righteous Highest Prophesying does not come from lower levels, not from sinners, and not from secular as if no living highest exists; so Prophesying does not come from secular physicists nor secular communities nor secular philosophers nor any secular nation (same concerns UFOs...)(

This is a very high value key to be written into Grace Guidance over laws as a minimum (hence with "Signing")(hence with also Charity...Double)

to Be In One Name JESUS Christ USA if to properly (hence Best) enable and empower Space Force.

Hence we represent Earth, becomes: JESUS Christ Earth Is Represented In Us To Best Help Guide You.

Yes let women ascend levels of values, yet even rather to only JESUS Christ Highest Level Oneness as much as Perfect (yet reference Grace, Mercy, and such as above stated "reasonably"). Conditions apply for the Christ position, for the commander position, for each crew position, and for each citizen and each visitor and all, and these are according to the JESUS Christ Highest Physics and appropriately in this generation and situations according to levels and Firmament levels.

A rocket vertically ascended and there was a level of altitude, and then a higher level of altitude. During that ascending was insulation lest to opt to not ascend (arm Thyself Group Vessel) with the precepts of JESUS Christ. The "vertically" aspect itself was at toward the side Firmament effect (effectually, so to speak: symbolicly), that is since ascending straight and narrow on course, then not straying left nor right (from Highest Purpose Given Mission course).

So "the side Firmament effect" includes [degrees of] elbow room, though seek the Best Path such as including for safety. One Apostle Of JESUS Christ went one direction and another Apostle Of JESUS Christ went another direction and each spoke word arrangements though Both Were On The Same JESUS Christ One Prophetic Path (whether they were to Prophesy or not, see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB pertinent Sermons).

A parent that of love tells a child not to touch the thing that has excessively high temperature, and the parent working quickly to remove that child's hand from that too high temperature, is within the proper faith path, even if only in a secular lower level (at least for Edifying: a Christian Parent per se would be on the same Path though a higher level, precept on precept; similar to how a person lives on a floor and another on a higher floor,

but the lower level does not see all the higher goodly amounts, and the higher level hardly looks for the lower flaws [rather of Grace looking to Pray JESUS Christ].

The above JESUS Christ Drawing upper left is in the traditional sense (forbidden fruit contrary to JESUS Christ Creator God) though for Prophetic valuation consider the Miracles in the forms of the animals: Noah. So You see the ancient painting with [proper] New Eye(s) (In JESUS Christ): key: You read with One New Eyes In JESUS Christ. Hear with One New Listening In JESUS Christ. Feel sex with One New per se In JESUS Christ, precept on precept: hence Prophetically Highest Purpose One.

You came from One Adam And Eve (this is in reference to Your proper desire to be with Pure Flesh), and You Prophetically [Should (Do)] ascend to JESUS Christ Be One. Grace is with "[Should (Do)]" currently, while there is time. Grace is also with law(s) for now. If there is only one shortest law, it should be the First Commandment (even so, it already is come to pass and is now and is Prophetically). Even so, JESUS Christ Taught Grace.

How to describe Heaven and to what shall it be likened?: it is [a place] of JESUS Christ Grace.

Kill, eye for an eye, throw into the fiery lake,...such things are in the Christian Bible, along with mention of witches and unfair treatments. But such lower level things in the Bible are secular: sinful. God made the Original Plan Physics, JESUS Christ In Name (Personally And Positionally) Gives Wisdom for overcoming and Exemplifies that the greater better Wisdom enter You.

When You Best ascend in Love, You also ascend in Knowledge. And not just any knowledge: You ascend in tailored to Yourself Knowledge. In other words JESUS Christ is aware You did not know the future though when Good In Love (properly ascending) then JESUS Christ Gave You pertinent knowledge (even so He Gives All Knowledge Alway(s)). So what had been impossible for You as You Walked The [Symbolic (in the normal sense)] Walk Of Christian Faith, becomes possible

(this is a great key for to be prepared: if need be to leap in Faith).

The above JESUS Christ Drawing lower left are not simply nudes (or nakeds), but they are doing things, some perhaps fighting, some perhaps having sexual relations, some perhaps Preaching with waving arms about. Note bottom center a body (perhaps dead) being held by the shirt. Heaven is hardly about the lower things, though Adam And Eve sinned in the Garden Of Eden The Heaven On Earth that was and may be realized in full again of All through JESUS Christ.

Similar to the hanging body "Universalist" if secular (there is a Christian Universalist [Faith] denomination) has been right in that [at least in this time of the created]

there are levels and there is "the divine" (wiki),

and some are with some reasons to say there is no hell, though some civilizations arose but some perished in pains and destructions and such are certainly not Highest Heaven. The key is the Highest Point so the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose so the JESUS Christ Original Plan for You: to at least be Christian, hence to properly ascend (ascending rates apply, as do faith amounts, talents,...).

To what to compare the Kingdom Of Heaven?, it is like unto now this day to Prophetically Leverage The Future therefore in the JESUS Christ Name And Highest Purpose And So Doing In Word And In Light Burden Work To Make It So, but according to the JESUS Christ Plan and hardly if at all former lower plans.

Many people Will Prophetically not (as has already been the fact(s)) enter into Heaven the ways imagined by lower levels, especially the ways sinner's imagined.

To destroy to the level of a worm or lower to dust, is not to go into Heaven in the normal sense (yet the normal needs lifted too as with "Signing"). There are steps, levels, and these precepts are not without meaning and importance and value and key: Eternal Value. JESUS Christ Lived [And Died] once for all and yet is Alive and this is Eternal Highest Value. What He Did is Heaven: He (You should) Enabled And Made Heaven On Earth: where He was was Heaven.

All people Will enter into Heaven if Given time: as long as the world lasts. But a skeleton from the grave is hardly a person. So there are technicalities if to discuss such things: the person per se did not enter Heaven except if a Miracle transformed the skeleton back into it's former fleshy self (but see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon on former backward Jews). Backward is hardly the same as Best Ascending.

Note with Lexicon speaks not of the secular nor sinners, but of the "Saints" and of the "holy people" and such.

There is a Christian Universalist Faith, and other subset levels of Universalist faiths of various value amounts. Each and all subset levels, each an all faiths not in the Name JESUS Christ are secular and sinful. That "sinful" certainly does not mean it is the person's fault as if a perp,

more often it truly means the person and set of people of a faith (a group, a nation,...) is and are the victim(s).

Save JESUS Christ With Any Risen To Highest Heaven Eternally and not to wrongly fall, even the leaders of subset faiths are typically not to blame,

as normally such have been victims.

To Convert the nations into the Name Of JESUS Christ and hence Christianity and hence the Christian Walk Of Faith,

is to Convert victims into True Holy Conquerors Peacefully (for mutual Benefit according to Benefiting all [friend or former foe, family or former stranger

(yet concerning "stranger" longsuffer to be aware more important than former titles and names is the Forever: JESUS Christ)]).

People like to talk about themselves, such as politicians, celebrities, and many more, even Churches talk about themselves though Christian Churches are toward Responsibility in Doing So for the Name JESUS Christ and as entrusted in this world. The others talk about themselves and their works according to various secular levels (if not in the Name And Work Of JESUS Christ).

Speaking of JESUS Christ more than the self is the Christian Walk Of Faith Grace, and the Given "entrusted" aspect [talent, situation, Mission,...] currently is likewise unto the first (the "Christian Walk Of Faith Grace") though a subset of this "Faith" and a Responsibility to Best handle the Responsibility (as JESUS Christ Taught And Exemplified)(see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on leading maximizing Faith with minimizing Maintenance and so on [automizing] Maintenance toward perpetual motion hence toward Eternal Pure).

JESUS Christ Drawing above top center is an Earth location (such as Mount Zion) with a vortex above reaching into Heaven (see the previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon with the graph on the gravity ratio to distance away from Earth at So the above vortex as a black hole straight and narrow path might move a vessel [such as a Christian Church in Mass (as a whole)] to perhaps one third less weight (ibid.),

though the greater value is the Mass velocity of the JESUS Christ Physics [if other than that destination] is to propel with force into the greater Heavens.

This ties with Faith, as there is personal Best Faith With Christian Baptism (in the Name Of JESUS Christ Saved), and under that level counted as if the greater sense is the properly ascending Mass velocity value.

The Faith is from each Christian from JESUS Christ, though subset is group vessel Faith for counted in this Given as if higher purpose though a Christian can already be that high.

JESUS Christ USA is Prophetically from the JESUS Christ Grace from a Baptized Christian President Don Trump..., so not toward lessening that coming value is via JESUS Christ Anew Oneness As A New Beginning ( so from a level in Heavenly Faith Grace to a higher level of Heavenly Faith Grace.

Note new dangers as if snares await sinners that try to steal from such "Grace" Charity, while such Miracles of Faith Grace are as reminders and also as stepping stones from Faith to higher Faith whether traveling into the sky or otherwise.

To be with Pure Flesh

(that the Created Become As Pure As Of The Original Good Plan)(greater than evolution rate and many other memories and flips of coins rates and anti-rates)

there is a Highest Wisdom And Reason why Christians ascend as with preparing Sermons,

there is a "Reason" some vessels went toward dust, while others properly ascended with the Living [Christian Leaders in these generations] Writing The True Bible: "reminders" (and yet there are also higher level reasons).

The "reminders" have included facts such as sinners turned back toward powder dust or worms:

yes eventually they fit into "evolution" again: the point is they did not go to Heaven but they can go to dust...repeatedly. They are always with JESUS Christ Given Hope with spirits yet with option to choose according to their faiths.

Be of Good Cheer, those that wish to hurt You Beloved are Given a temporary lifespan, while You Christian Leader are Given the Eternal.

Why should You overcome plagues and curses and Write [more of] the Christian Bible?, for "reminders" since the lower levels are not as Wise as You Lofty One, so a Book Of Remembrance for their sakes (reference

And why Pray JESUS Christ?, because He is with You Christian Leader as written in 3 Nephi 19.22 (see verse below).

A higher level than "Remembrance"

(see above text on "former backward Jews" [people that rely on former lower levels and those often wrongly applied ways (secular cliche: stuck in a rut)]).

is not only Your Personal Heart, rather of JESUS Christ Grace And Highest Purpose that the souls be properly ascending for to Help each other, mainly to Faithfully Help Guide each other and all, in the Name And Work Of JESUS Christ One ( Hence a great key for: JESUS Christ USA, and for: JESUS Christ United Nations.

Now before it come to pass, and for in the Name Of JESUS Christ for You to Prophetically Know Within Your Vessel Wisdom, Be Aware this written reminder the JESUS Christ Bible Living [Including] As You Write It,

later Will [quickly as some leap some amounts / Faith amounts, otherwise] eventually Be Overcome (for Greater Good) Praise The Lord, so the former Will Be Overcome making the former obsolete as much as to be found imperfect pending as much as fitting temporarily for higher purpose in the sense of a great example story as a key for Creating New Beginning(s) And Better than former ways.

Also the former (even keys and seals become overcome) as the Holy Ghost Gives Perfect Remembrance ( which You Will Convert with Best Ascending, into no longer "Remembrance" so the Prophetic (and as much as JESUS Christ Gives One To Guide Eternally Better).

Beware there are many proud but errant imitator spirits.

Know them in JESUS Christ, then to know to Distinguish the goodly aspects, then to know by their faiths, their fruit levels, to know how to Best Help them,

so a key in JESUS Christ: how to Best spend Your time (time that actually belongs to JESUS Christ Eternally).

Anew In JESUS Christ is Righteous Living Spirit, so Pray JESUS Christ that You may Be of such Spirit to so Give Goodness. As written in 3 Nephi 19.22:

It is nice to think everyone Will go to Heaven: very admirable though rather of Highest JESUS Christ Grace consider that "those that wish to hurt You" as stated above cannot so be [for to do] in Heaven with You (Faithful One In JESUS Christ). They must first personally fully repent and be Baptized In The Name JESUS Christ.

The USA has marriage criteria currently. The USA also has Christian Baptism criteria already imposed and to be imposed, even while not yet in the Name: JESUS Christ USA.

Laws such as to not drown for instance are helpful for understanding Baptizing parameters. So JESUS Christ USA is not for to hate, rather for Best Purpose. Note "not drown" came from Christian Faith Lineage: thou shalt not kill.

The above vortex needs agree with "thou shalt not kill" and also JESUS Christ USA and also rather JESUS Christ United Nations in order for "Best" "Guide" to apply, and in order for such as to "Best" "Distinguish" so as to Be "Best" able to Righteously know without judging (Matthew 7.1),

"Today, some people use this to shut down conversations when the subject turns to sexual morality" ("").

This judging related key JESUS Christ Gives is as Your Faith

(as with preparing JESUS Christ Sermons and as much as likewise in Best Ascending in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose)

increases and becomes better and more aware including the Heart and Prophetically and for Highest Spirit In The Name And Work Of JESUS Christ,

there is a higher Grace awareness increasingly, and so better able to Walk, And Leap, In Christian Faith the Best You Are Given Of JESUS Christ to so Accomplish for JESUS Christ. With this:

Helping JESUS Christ (if possible) and helping others and guiding Prophetically before-the-fact in the Name And Work Of JESUS Christ is the Best.

Also this is to become relying on the Way JESUS Christ Said And Did (Says And Does)

and of Grace relying less on the selfish opinions.

The "selfish opinions" have not been remembering JESUS Christ while speaking and doing, and rely on former ways that are not fitting precept on precept as JESUS Christ Gives, and "selfish" has been with worldly flip of coin luck that happens to them all;

yet in JESUS Christ it is alright for instance to speak of the self and self works but if to first and most famously brag in fact (not pretend, symbolism but not improperly) openly of JESUS Christ, then to specify: how JESUS Christ is functioning to make such greatness.

It is sin to fantasize about gaining sinfully, so utilize the previous sentence cautiously if to so fantasize: better stated for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose is Love, but do not love sin (do not lust for to be sinful), and Know, but not to have committed crimes and sins for to enable such carnal knowledge.

Start the day with JESUS Christ. After that, in other words after such Guidance, then with being better aware of the JESUS Christ Physics Straight And Narrow.

And with elbow room as often pertinent, so also better aware of the JESUS Christ Physics parameters (as much as if to consider things, as much as if to do things): example, do not worship a graven image,

though Elias said He was not worthy to rearrange the sandal strap of JESUS Christ. Note the sandal strap is a thing, the Bible is a thing, though how hardly to have Faith to overcome the Spirit (record, making aware, remembrance): even so all Good is possible in JESUS Christ (e.g. "Universalist" rather "Christian Universalist", and e.g. USA can Prophetically be Converted into JESUS Christ USA).

Miracles follow Christian Faith. Faith properly ascending does not follow Miracles per se, rather Miracles Of Christian Faith. So things do not lead higher levels, even if encountered. Faith can lead lower level Faith properly (Best or toward Best).

A JESUS Christ sandal might heal a sinner, but a sinner cannot heal JESUS Christ, neither in flesh nor in Spirit. Forbid the lawbreaker from writing law, though invite such to [try to, and greater] write Highest Purpose Grace and be heard as much as greater Good, also consider the situations, such as redeeming social value (yet in pertenence, JESUS Christ proper precept on properly fitting precept).

For instance it is OK for the secular cliche for the good guy to win in a movie over the bad guy, though if the "bad guy" dies in the first moment of the movie, then a value might or might not be lost (it might be better at that level per se)(rather Convert the "bad guy"): a value for the movie is the redeeming aspect of why...such as instead of sinful cliche kill all and let God sort.

So there is a JESUS Christ Highest Purpose in You Preaching And Texting The Living Bible, as the former tends to fade away though the reference material has often been valuable and the raw data.

So as the vortex, with a higher level, Faith is with higher levels, in the Heart, in the Christian Speeches, and in the Christian Works while in the world.

JESUS Christ Love added Knowledge, accordingly with this Sermon being written for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose [For Heaven and] so for other people the "Love" becomes Wisdom (including knowledge Anew to the greater vessel over a talent of spirits)(all this is now revealed for this generation in end days yet also for the better New Beginning)(

It is said all Will be Revealed in End Days, and Behold the previous sentence: with "this is now revealed for this generation in end days".

Circa 2,000 years ago of JESUS Christ The Prophecy Of Best [Highest Purpose] Precepting

(so to Best Grow Precept On Precept In The Name JESUS Christ),

this same Prophecy in pertinence is Revealed (pertinent for this "Signing")

so be of better position Christian President Don Trump with so "Signing" (Daniel 12.13).

In secular language to Edify: this "JESUS Christ Love added Knowledge" is from the seed (JESUS Christ "Circa 2,000 years ago") and like unto measuring the growth from that seed vertically and with the staircase [straight up ladder, elevator,...] of time with each step or each floor a snapshot of a timeframe and

likewise You know things happened in the past, therefore those Righteous Truths In Fact comprised each Prophetic step or leap.

These Prophecies continue as JESUS Christ explained: this includes the Life Path, the Faith Path, the Best Way, the Correct Direction, the Proper Position To Be With, the Knowable Perfect Truth, the Straight And Narrow, the Greatest Awareness Comprehensively, the Prophetic Line Increasing Awareness For Prioritizing, the Perfect Charity Route, the Exemplar, and greater even more excellent Way.

JESUS Christ knew the Spirit Prophetic Path from the past to Himself and continuing from Himself into the future, proper precept on precept, proper Prophesy on proper Prophecy.

Yet now is a "timeframe" that happeneth to be a "timeframe" in which to [atypically (since a Firmament)] put God to the test, examine God in this "Signing".

Many sinners have been Converted. Christian Preachers Converted many Old Testament Prophecies. New Christianity Converted many New Testament verses. These Signings per se Will Convert nations

with Exemplar Christian President Don Trump "Signing": JESUS Christ USA.

Note: people have heard of the serious military super computer (the newest greatest computer) computing war game scenarios (reference delightful though secular WarGames staring Matthew Broderick as David Lightman)

and nations other than USA and nations private (with hidden) from United Nations have been with such talents that are also now with corporate law, finance, news, planning, food, and even the entertainment industry for fun and to poke fun at such.

Christian President Don Trump "Signing": JESUS Christ USA; yields Anew timeframe set.

This comes from JESUS Christ as so Given.

This comes with agreeing and if so (if a person agrees with JESUS Christ) then according to Worthiness so according to Faith (not according to things mady by hands, not from tools [from hands] making from the hands-of-tools (machines, software,...) making tools (ibid.).

This is Anew Position In The Name JESUS Christ In One Joyous Work to be longsuffered with Anew Position "Signing".

Note by law Christian President Don Trump is over such "Anew Position" via [when] having Signed (until [if, counted truly as though] other(s) fill such "Anew" [as if division] positions [continuing under Christian President Don Trump unless otherwise agreeing for Anew as the greater unseen becomes currently known]). For example, USA had former Presidents (George Washington,...) then a head of security, and at times the head of security would hope to override the President's plan momentarily if the President agreed (or [less pertinent to Grace in this sense] in an emergency situation was pushed to relative safety).

In other words, so much as planners form strategies though now with Anew Power [if (counted as such currently by naysayers)] JESUS Christ Gives such "Anew Power" for to see, to be tested

therefore for at least the Christian President Don Trump greater group vessel to Witness this "tested" Miracle (hence these Miracles).

True Prophesying comes not by private interpretation

(not by individual person, nor by individual "serious military super computer")(2 Peter 1.20).

Behold how at one translation is to the point [even to be great in leading], while the other translation is to the higher point (the APE translation though as much as Faith In JESUS Christ [lest otherwise strong delusion]):

1 Timothy 3.16 Aramaic in Plain English, APE:

1 Timothy 3.16 New American Standard, NAS:

The NAS translation is with the word "common", but not in the lower level sense: JESUS Christ Gives This Victory over less value former ways as written in Acts 10.15 NAS:

( So if not impure, if Converted, then what is it?, what is this point of Faithfulness growing vertically?: Yes. This is with the previous precept "True Prophesying comes not by private interpretation". So a Christian (Of JESUS Christ Faith) reads a Sermon verse (Preacher precept, Bible red sentence, and similar) and so no longer is the interpretation "private" (likewise unseen is such in the Spirit often [in this sense as if the Holy "Spirit" alone though in Righteousness not "private"]).

With "Signing" let the Signed [assigned group (in this current status today: with the future Christian President Don Trump Signing Group)], therefore not "private" properly Anoint (through Christian Church(es))(or if opted [depending on form of government] within previously established yet at least in the living documents sense [perhaps including computers, or perhaps a coin flip referencing above proving God and not John 19.24])

and with "Anoint" let the Anew In JESUS Christ position holder over governmental Grace as enacted by law be with: properly In The Name And Work Of JESUS Christ Best Anointed Position Holdership Over Grace.

Since of "Grace" then not to destroy various amounts of various faiths (Matthew 13.38&39) so Benefit: so Convert.

JESUS Christ All One In "common" / Individual Christians / Former sinful ways toward cannibal animals.

JESUS Christ Prophetic One / Individual Christians rarely with Prophets Prophesying / Destructions (former interpretation of Book Of Revelation).

JESUS Christ Gives the former above shown rocket idea to Marry into JESUS Christ Christianity and then [to circumcise, and then] Marry if to opt [if agreed] into the above shown vortex. This is prioritized from JESUS Christ hence comprehensive. These are many levels (all from JESUS Christ Giving [Do likewise if to involve sex, love, Marriage, signing things into laws, and all other concerns: "comprehensive"]).

In other words the elbow room of the Straight And Narrow is greater than about the self (and selfish ideas), greater than such as a date partner or a contract between two parties; and is the higher even Highest Sense of "common": the mutual "Best" Highest Purpose In JESUS Christ.

JESUS Christ is already Victory over the war machine, over money, over sex, over contract negotiations, and all other.

The previous sentence did not say throw away a machine

(in the sense of previous JESUS Christ Sermon at on proper Converting items [and systems] such as Converting a cannon from wars to peaceful purposes),

forget printing money, be puritan or loose or...about dating, and the previous sentence did not say forget about negotiating contracts. Like unto a new pair of shoes, the purchase is often with buyer preparation to buy new shoes, as the new shoes may hurt feet until broken in and as the older comfortable shoes show signs of wearing out so to wear the old [also] until discarded

(if in the fashion industry or if in the public eye and new polished appearance is though important then perhaps to immediately throw out the former for the new better is come, see above text concerning types of governments according to "elbow room" though opt for "Best" under JESUS Christ Grace: the mutual "Best" [hence subset conditions apply for Your opting considerations in Best "common"]).

So there is a range and a scope and a 3D and greater [dimensionally, multiverse(es)(tied to "elbow room")] field(s) of interest(s) (reference Quality Assurance suggestion box [automate yet see above on "personal"]). There are individual spirit vessels, there are group spirit vessels, and there is the governing one in the created and greater.

Note concerning "governing one", beware lest the effect be of an "individual" "commander" (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons specifying over "commander" and likewise over "Accord" [such as of parties and contract negotiations])(in other words conditions apply over commanders and Accords per se [Matthew 24.24 behold You are told beforehand now]).

In the JESUS Christ Drawing above is shown a bitcoin symbol. Like unto the super computer, many forms of governing opportunities Will Prophetically come quickly (as a snare if not wary (see above text on JESUS Christ Grace Planning Oneness: hence Best Awareness).

In other words for instance, while the courts are expert in judging, rather in JESUS Christ Strategically let the courts be expert in courting.

Some format is already arranged such as caution over date partners that consider marriage though blood types are a concern (let JESUS Christ Anew Higher Grace Sign for DNA modifying [conditions apply such as not toward genocide, nor too much to injure a partner so interested (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on not toward tattoos nor self mutilitions, and similarly concerning addictions especially if for selfish pleasures)]).

The previous sentence did not say such as ban tattoo establishments, though such is recommended such as with fair business practice notice if the governing and Grace agree in JESUS Christ (hearings are also invited per se, through appropriate channels which should be toward automating routine work functions such as to free time to be with more meaningful work and family).

Last night after some moments prior to falling asleep while seeking JESUS Christ In Highest Purpose Grace rather than indulge in [addictive related] selfish pleasures of the lower levels, for an instant in bed with eyes closed as a partial shadow the partial face image of JESUS Christ appeared

(such seeing happens some nights, and the sounds of spirits is increasingly often in nights [and the days when not focused such as on a task or entertainment])

and minutes after that "seeing" some gyroscopic physics became better known, of Grace precepting this Preaching Of JESUS Christ and the above vortex. When forming this Sermon some things were of known purposes as shown in the above JESUS Christ Drawing, but the higher value to include the vortex [and mass] was less clear until this "seeing" evidencing the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Walk Of Faith from JESUS Christ with forming JESUS Christ Sermons.

Much more concerning vortex related Drawing and text matters have become therefore of great interest for the Glorifying Of JESUS Christ, though this Sermon would become very lengthy (so see bottom of this page "JESUS Christ Gyroscope Physics Unraveled").

JESUS Christ is over signage such as over the above Drawing "NUDE"..."PARTIES". Note that "OTHERS STAY OUT" is posted, such is evidence in fact of unevenly applies worldly laws (JESUS Christ Highest Eternal Law is One Isaiah 49.2),

even so on a higher level is the Holy Of Holies for others to "STAY OUT" lest to perish (save pure flesh JESUS Christ there in the smoke cloud [perhaps with a rocket for the flesh for the Edifying of civilization sake]). So if to Do Good In The Name Of JESUS Christ then to Be Wise to properly Distinguish the level (the fruits of their faiths) hardly to judge save as much as the JESUS Christ Creator Original Plan Physics already judged (that is, counted as if "judged" when actually Righteously Guided [so in the Name JESUS Christ To Guide [and rather in Highest JESUS Christ Grace Before The Fact).

So Preach and text and post Sermons, though with Wisdom that many have not long remembered the specifics and details of the Preachings, and much texting has been deleted so Matthew 6.7 has been a Firmament over many, though in Highest JESUS Christ is the Name With Power, hence the Holy Spirit Father At Work, and if "At Work" then with JESUS Christ, and while Preaching and TV and Radio programs on JESUS Christ are very valuable,

consider the secular opinions of how word-of-mouth was handed down though then came drawings and texts and then the Internet to Post Your JESUS Christ Sermons for the More Enduring Value such as for referencing specifics at length as much as the site visitor is interested (this is a key and a type of answer to: How can I ascend, How can I have greater Faith?.).

"STAY OUT" of the presence of God and the presence of the powers of God (such as stay out of rooms that hold poisonous gas).

JESUS Christ Invites.

The two previous sentences agree in one, though completely agree (and Best Agree) only through JESUS Christ: appropriate precept fitting properly on appropriate precept.

If a person wants to keep things the way they are, or free sex, or to stop war, or other: in each and all first consult JESUS Christ: immediately directly if able, also the "Word" JESUS (The Christ) and the Words Of JESUS Christ circa 32AD as in the Christian Bible are [normally (this Given generation evidence)] sufficient for now. The JESUS Christ Sermons also Help, and if You Wrote Them Within JESUS Christ Highest Purpose then extra value to You as You Believe Your Own Words (Faith: as much as Perfectly Faithful In JESUS Christ).

If You Write about shoes for instance, You Know In JESUS Christ Wisdom what You meant, though a site visitor to Your Sermon might wonder: the JESUS Christ Preacher is with an advantage, the JESUS Christ Sermon Poster is with an advantage, the JESUS Christ USA Will Be with an advantage. As Your Sermon is for Your Congregation, typically, they as much as with You [hearing, seeing, perceiving (Member and visitor faiths)] become [Converted ascending (higher level worthiness)] with a proper advantage.

Note: be of Good Cheer, many have tried to start Churches and did not succeed the way(s) they had hoped: in the previous sentence the word "typically" is stated, though if to try to start a Christian Church And You Preach but no visitors come Mark 9.41 Victory applies nonetheless, though it may likely be that God has another plan for You (such as other than a typical Church building, or such as to go Heal, or such as to go Baptize 1 Corinthians 12.28).

If You want something such as rights for women, seek first the Words of JESUS Christ. According to Old Testament valuations, a woman used to be a female infant, so the woman ascended in value (some lower aspects continue to apply today, similar to how the ancient wheel continues of value though hardly the same as in ancient days)(ibid. applies to the male).

Far greater valuations apply today. In the former lower levels senses, talents meant skills (such as speed and accuracy) and money. In the JESUS Christ Highest Faith is the Eternal Value (Valuation One): talents?: the Eternal One already has all desired, skills?: nothing to do in the former sense since already with Victory and with all the time in the world and more (yet plenty of Good To Anew Create Accomplishingly, Living Prophetically), money?, no need to buy, and One means no one to sell to as They in Heaven have no need Save JESUS Christ, not even after-the-fact yearnings to marry anymore.

Ask JESUS Christ first, and if not to hear response (remember to Work For JESUS Christ, hardly if JESUS Christ to work for You and Your selfishness even as if to have JESUS Christ go through Your Charity efforts). So if to ask, beg Thankfully And Righteously In The Name JESUS Christ (Exodus 23.13). In the Eternal the answer is Yes.

In the world the answer is yes or no. In the world are the explanations ranging from deceptions and excuses to JESUS Christ Highest Purpose. If some explanations are in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, then such explanations are already over the Given lower levels including the pertinent deceptions and excuses (and deceptive practices). This is in accordance with the JESUS Christ Precepting Grace As Written In 1 Corinthians 10.13 NAS:

This previous verse clearly states "man".

Children and elderly and women, concerning Old Testament Valuations, do you personally imagine the previous verse applies to you?,

if you do you are not right, unless your opinion is the same as the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Opinion. The same applies to any man, such as if they want to enter the Holy Of Holies such as to look around such as for a TV show: but the answer is no unless they first become the Highest Priest or the Highest Priest allows (when God allows).

JESUS Christ Drawing above upper right: as Goodwill Ambassador for United Nations Women Emma Watson gave a speech about gender inequality on September 20, 2014 (various sources).

Today, almost five years later, rehitorically did you see any sweeping changes?, sadly no. Virtually nothing changed even though United Nations Goodwill Ambassador for Women Emma Watson gave an speech even launching the HeForShe initiative.

Christians have asked for things, such as to not be tortured and killed, but failed in the flesh. JESUS Christ Precepting Strategy for them (others) is key. This is a more "lofty"

(as a Presbyterian Preacher decades ago called such higher level Sermons matters adding not all like "lofty" Sermons)

key. If to work (or slave) for the lower levels, Good if JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, otherwise the worldly "range" applies: and worldly things undo worldly things (JESUS Christ Physics including proper Precepting).

Emma Watson failed.

Author of this Sermon failed similarly June 4, 2018AD ( why: see below (Psalm 147.11 NAS).

The above Drawing indicates sexual activities and online many, often females, have been victimized horrifically.

But those failures were not complete, because the love is written on the hearers' and readers' hearts, as currently evidenced for instance at .

Sometimes God would that more people be involved, sometimes God would that more other situations be involved,...after all the value of a great Miracle if unnoticed is as if wasted effort (though God is all powerful and in the Name, JESUS Christ, Good is not wasted).

As explained in previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons, Good Must Be Done More Perfectly, so for JESUS Christ to Do, so: JESUS Christ Doing then the Miracle(s). The "previous" also explained to Prayerfully In JESUS Christ prepare and function better than previous efforts, a great proper Faith key.

Christian President Don Trump "Signing" (see recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons) for instance accomplishes a great deal toward Eternal Victories over the above stated "failures". Proper step on proper step, proper precept on proper precept: as JESUS Christ Taught And Exemplified.

If to go before a secular court, or before Christian Leaders: it is not the same. The secular court wants their own authority recognized to their satisfaction, and after-the-fact evidence (so hardly about predicting, much less the Prophetic even if True (Isaiah 54.17 though with Ecclesiastes 9.11, so through JESUS Christ to prove Victory over Ecclesiastes 9.11).

So there are the right ideas many have in their hearts, but those they try to convince have often been under the previous two sentences. So while the hearts of people can leap, the convincing of others (see above "Post" as JESUS Christ explained) is at a lower level slower rate even if with the world's fastest computer and even if with the world's fastest mail carrier horse for delivering the message (God is hardly impressed per se concerning the delivery system [unless pertinent: proper precepting]).

If to build on falsehoods of the practices of others, then the time and effort spent does not last: 2 John 1.10&11 NAS apply:

"If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house, and do not give him a greeting;

for the one who gives him a greeting participates in his evil deeds."

First let the hearts be JESUS Christ Christian, then seek the Oneness (e.g. mutual benefits).

Old Testament valuations and families can be likened unto today's insurance companies such as life insurance (women in these generations have lived longer: unfair), and census (fair).

Let the women live long healthy joyous lives in the Lord, and the men likewise.

As Emma Watson explained concerning whether a person has one sort of genitals or another, and whether a person has sex with another or masturbates, there is an aspect of "rights" ("Women's Rights")( & above sentence on "fair").

Here is an example of an Old Testament valuation value (not merely a census value), and then a census value (hardly about valuation per se): a female employee at a store is rightly upset about lower pay than male employees (valuation), then tries to talk to the boss but the boss won't listen and tells everyone to leave due to having found a bomb in the store (census).

So there are things more important ("census" in the previous sentence) and higher value, and there are things less important. JESUS Christ Rightly Edified Precept On Precept. Miracles, such as female, male, pay scale, bomb, and store, are followers of the actual, the "more important". The "more important" is the key, JESUS Christ is the key (e.g. Matthew 27.37, & 51-54).

So not only the followers of JESUS Christ believed, also the non-followers the naysayers and the accusers that put innocent JESUS Christ to death (as counted by the census: a greater than census is the Sum Of Prophets JESUS Christ [the timeline of events, and greater]). UFOs in ancient paintings were at the Crucifixion (note recently mainstream television news spoke of [or finally admitted] UFO type advanced civilizations have been controlling human minds and actions (source name info withheld for their sake(s)).

So there truly are high matters unseen [for goodly (John 19.11)] or such [people,...] would have been wiped out, generally or typically speaking; similar to how a person is with dominion over their delightfully entertaining house plants. Other faiths don't want to be treated as if children, as the Christian Bible Teaches such as a child set in the midst, innocent and obedient: so here other faiths are not called "children" but are likened to "house plants", but for correcting lovingly to lift to enter Heaven and the place of Eternal Joy

even beyond and better than if loved ones were killed in battles, and beyond hate: to love. There is no other way, love with JESUS Christ Precepting properly opted becomes Wisdom for Highest Purpose. In plain language (note HeForShe is for Women's rights)

JESUS Christ loves HeForShe, it is time for HeForShe to love JESUS Christ:

because JESUS Christ loves you ("HeForShe") JESUS Christ Will Do nothing to help you ("HeForShe").

JESUS Christ Gives the Gift of: choice.

This same applies concerning Christian President Don Trump "Signing": JESUS Christ USA.

If this Prophecy is false then no help. If this Prophecy is Righteous: JESUS Christ Gives The Greater Value Gifts And Census And Greater Unfathomed Good.

You are invited to establish a new "Women's rights" campaign: JESUS Christ HeForShe.

JESUS Christ said as written in John 5.30 NAS:

If to make it known only on a notepad, then a "notepad"'s amount of faith reward. JESUS Christ Edified concerning the Righteous Faith Path yielding Victories as written in Matthew 10.41 NAS:

HeForShe note: female Eve inappropriately tried too much elbow room and strayed away from God: don't do that. Eve sinned. Do not sin.

Now Behold this Holy Message from JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Above: today [via New Christianity per se] the Christian can say: thank you JESUS Christ in the heart of "female Eve" [(not for the sin, broken law) rather in Grace] for the Helping all others since to become aware of the Tree Of Knowledge value.

Verily, verily, in humans, Eve was the first with know how.

But Eve was not wise (see above "love with JESUS Christ Precepting properly opted becomes Wisdom" [Wisdom properly organizes knowledge]).

Eve loved Adam as if the priority, hence as if to love Adam more than God. So now we know. Love Highest God JESUS Christ, and the other subset Faith and Miracles Will be added if we so opt and so continue.

In the Book Of Genesis, God as if left for awhile at times, and one of those times Eve preferred rather Adam.

An adult child might say from time to time, buy a better television; than one of those times their parent might say move out.

Let each and all "continue" to "move out" higher: higher proper Best Faith is required: JESUS Christ.

JESUS Christ HeForShe Will Gain Quick Success(es).

These Sermons can hardly do anything of the self (see previous verse John 5.30). It is You in the Name JESUS Christ most likely to be with success of these Sermons. This is for You. JESUS Christ HeForShe and/or JESUS Christ USA is/are for the success(es) of this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series.

With this awareness therefore so as to not be wrongly tempted beyond appropriate elbow room (1 Corinthians 10.13) JESUS Christ Presents this new key:

JESUS Christ is comprehensive, even before Even, even before Adam, even before the Creation Plan and the rates (evolution rates, adaption rates, Follower rates,...). Therefore JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series at least a Faith amount (in the Name JESUS Christ) is "at least" a "comprehensive" "amount".

God Gives, so this "comprehensive" "amount" is the New Higher Wisdom as much as the ability ("amount") to receive purely per se.

So this key is JESUS Christ One Victory over the not yet new.

The "not yet new" is ignorant per se, while the "new" is Wisely Aware (In The Name JESUS Christ).

"Emma Watson" and "Christian President Don Trump" if properly opted, then JESUS Christ Gives this verse as written in Luke 21.15 NAS:

JESUS Christ Drawing above in the lower right are some of the Roman coins used in the days of JESUS Christ circa 2,000 years ago. Often the majority of women have been able to love or type or text or speak faster than the majority of men (even such as speaking with less gaps between world), so concerning a typing profession it is Wisely normal in JESUS Christ Oneness to find women in the typing profession being at a higher pay rate than men,

so to make the unfair (to men in the typing profession) fair. So pay for people working side by side at the same task, is subset in JESUS Christ to higher matters such as perhaps output per person, and such as boss opinions typically (true except for slavery and other illegal bias which has often been the situation).

If a prisoner tells the guard it was an illegal law that caused their imprisonment, then the guard might [be much concerned or] simply say write to congress.

If to fight for HeForShe or USA, then to be as the "prisoner" and to fear unfair treatment, when JESUS Christ is available to solve for people, also fear God [more than "unfair treatment"]. Followers of JESUS Christ have often had a way of solving victimization, Praying JESUS Christ. Good, yet "new" Wisdom is with Victory beyond "refute".

If with unfair pay, if without money, in other words if a person is a naysayer looking at the bad things and as though "bad" people, and tough circumstances, and in lower level cliche "Nobody knows what I've been through", and if to place those lower level over the self as barriers to despise them or fear them or be ancillary to them,

then not a true leader, not properly ascending, and not interested in the Joyous Victory JESUS Christ Already Gave And Gives: as much as a person can have proper Faith

but a faith without works is dead. Praying without works is asleep (save if in a coma or in bondage [then Praying can be very powerful (Acts 12.5-7)]).

At least symbolically, let Eve Do For Adam, though with JESUS Christ First With Highest Purpose. Let spouse do for their spouse "and so continue".

A person can climb out of some ruts, though other times only through JESUS Christ is the greater rut Overcome. This "greater rut" aspect is more toward JESUS Christ One Victories for the greater humanities of civilization (the matters of greatest concerns. If in bondage, then in JESUS Christ Victory training:

if for instance males offend females then females Prophetically Will see the males fall (such as kneel to Propose) before the females concerning Romans 16.20. But again (lest left to chance) in the Name JESUS Christ Precept properly on Precept and for Highest Purpose (lest previously stated "naysayer" "self" imposed "barriers").

The Roman coins and the modern monies are not for improper unfairness nor for sin. Unfairness is as the above stated insurance valuations: a house is with a value, the neighboring house another value. A person is with a value. As stated above concerning the former "backward Jews" was to rely on the letter of the Scripture but lacking applying (faith without works).

The "new" key might be the HeForShe solution but not likely (never prior in this civilization since the fall: Eve opted) as stated above "JESUS Christ Will Do nothing to help you" except as already Given (Ecclesiastes 9.11). Luck does happen. Was a child obedient to parents and did that child go to school all those years and gain experience simply to rely on luck?, Edifying toward secular terms:

JESUS Christ Original Plan Physics "favors" specific people (Psalm 147.11 NAS).

The JESUS Christ Drawing above, lower right shows a computer chip. Many naysayers (hence after-the-fact by nature: lower level physics) habitually (see above text on "Jews") demandingly asked where the money would come from, but look at the handshake of much more value than a computer chip in which so much money was invested (yes much goodly was accomplished and is saved as easily as a coin is saved as heads, or as tails).

Robots are being given citizenship: robots failed as did Eve (save as much as proper through JESUS Christ).

Truly many people work for robots [and for computers]. Distinguish in JESUS Christ any mission, job, task, or chore can be for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose or not. Though like unto a condition or a barrier (though it is not a condition nor a barrier) the Christian is of the Higher Grace, including Saved. Yet also including Physics "favors" specific people.

JESUS Christ Physics "favors" specific groups such as Christian Churches.

If to solve all the world's problems concerning HeForShe and to say to the United Nations today the money to so solve would come from donations, how would the United Nation react; though Behold what the Christian Churches have Done and Continue to Do (concerning donations [and reasonably elbow room such as bake sales, car washes, and attic sales]).

This is not to say only rely on "donations" (currently). Plants and animals make no monies for themselves to opt per se, yet they endure for eons (Matthew 6.28).

If the system fails, fail the system (eye for eye, tooth for tooth Exodus 21.24) and be without a system as the wild plants and animals (Matthew 5.29).

In The Name JESUS Christ, JESUS Christ Physics Work enables a better Way to Solve: even the Perfect Holy Highest Way: JESUS Christ.

You are more value than many doves, you are more value than many internet and broadcast systems in many galaxies, if you and your group opt to be in the Name JESUS Christ, and so Function (JESUS Christ Does The Work: the Christian day starting in JESUS Christ is key (John 10.9). The Host is ready and awaits.

Christian Followers have already Obeyed and Prayed and Waited (as explained in the Christian Bible).

Have you waited long enough HeForShe?, Be A Leader And Best Do: JESUS Christ HeForShe.

JESUS Christ Physics are alive within the Living Christian Bible therefore as the Christians Write The Prophetic Word. It is with Eternal value, Highest Purpose, and the Best Way To Guide others from the Heart [Soul] of Each Christian so Doing. It is accomplished according to the Eternal Good Heart [Highest Spirit] Will available through only JESUS Christ if to Be Perfect.

JESUS Christ Physics are with other sources, such as a person can learn much from studying one of the Creator's rocks.

JESUS Christ Physics Are The Straight And Narrow Best Joy In Perfect JESUS Christ, the same that conquered the worst for each person already, so the lowest level things are already accomplished so indicate full repentance, to instead of sin to love the Source Of Love to become properly Immersion Baptized toward Christian Leadership Exemplar (see above Drawing pic of a typical symbol of the Inviting Joyous Face Of JESUS Christ of circa 32AD [an indicator of the expression of the higher Good concern and Highest Purpose: Heaven]).

Put another but toward secular way, beg JESUS Christ instead of begging "rocks" or sinners or lucks with others. Even so the Christian Church is with value (note for traditional Christian Church with a building Leaders, bear Your cross daily to make Your Church building more than a babysitting service [although also of value Matthew 18.2 though note: instead of begging "rocks"...]).

After becoming Christian, after Praying In The Name JESUS Christ, then to know

(better: though conditionally such as according to Your Faith amount and Your current level [temptation and worthiness applicable])

what to Do.

Best JESUS Christ Effort One: rather than wasting time and efforts. JESUS Christ Physics are such as to allow strayed efforts (beyond Righteous "elbow room") to in secular terms fail.

JESUS Christ Physics are in the spirits: they obey JESUS Christ.

Some of the main keys that Emma Watson is not more successful for "Women's Rights" such as in USA, is the same problem that Christian President Don Trump and others have, even all face the Tree Of Knowledge while first needing to face the Tree Of Life In The Name JESUS Christ Prayerfully And Greater, Then With Doing.

USA has had Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches, as shown in the above Drawing and the above text, though in the sense of pertinence now in this generation including the JESUS Christ Original Plan with physics (physics that enable though with parameters precept on precept). If a person [also with their group, if any] would even consider for a moment highest love, best hope but not fiction (per se), peace, purpose, joy, and such things, then

entertain considering the greater unseen (the Truly Most Popular Eternal) 100% but not former ways tried save as JESUS Christ Taught And Did [The Will Of God],

but Matthew 17.19 applies: the physics includes Firmaments to keep the higher safe, allowing the lower to become more perfect to be with properly ascending.

The wordiness of the previous several sentences is for gaining a key Wisdom point in the following sentences starting with a lower level secular leadership concern.

Christian President Don Trump is a symbol (and greater) of the Executive Branch. JESUS Christ is the final Judge (counted in lower as such [actually in Highest: full of Grace]) so the Judicial Branch for the purpose of this Giving of this point of Wisdom key is this Sermon (including author and peers [site visitors like unto Jury]).

So then where is the Legislative Branch?, above Drawing upper right: Emma Watson.

In USA: "Of the 2010 Census population, 157.0 million were female (50.8 percent) while 151.8 million were male (49.2 percent)(

Congress is supposed to do the best (see above "census" parameter mainly [and though much has been unseen the higher purpose so including lower critters...]), and to represent the will of the people: most people, over 50% are women (see above "valuations" as symbolically related to "insurance": parameter).

In "lower level" words, if Christian President Don Trump wants reelected: then Emma Watson. If Christian President Don Trump is to agree 100% with Emma Watson, then Prophetically JESUS Christ HeForShe (Mark 4.28).

So this Wisdom key from JESUS Christ (right to left):

Making It So / Agreeing In The Name JESUS Christ / Former attempts.

Emma Watson and Christian President Don Trump likely are already aware of the following from secular sources:

[People of a position of] "lesbian, gay, or bisexual" "were more than twice as likely as heterosexual adults" "to have used any illicit drug in the past year" (

so when discussing sex in terms of male or female such as concerning Christian Marriage and "census", then as stated above to:

"'Distinguish' so as to Be 'Best' able to Righteously know without judging".

If to cite JESUS Christ (e.g. if to cite verses in the Christian Bible) then it is [a great goodly habit (though better than a "habit")] no longer the self seeking glory that can stray, rather it is the Christ ("Enter into" the greater Best Physics "Enter into the joy of your master!", be One Leader [from Matthew 25.21 BL]).

[People of a position of] "lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) often face social stigma, discrimination, and other challenges not encountered by people who identify as heterosexual. They also face a greater risk of harassment and violence. As a result of these and other stressors, sexual minorities are at increased risk for various behavioral health issues." (ibid.).

Discrimination is not the same as Distinguishing In JESUS Christ for uplifting, similar for instance to how leaving a child in a car is not the same at driving the child to acquire clothes for the child. The "harassment and violence" needs be Converted to delightful for [the strayed] "LGBT" [motivation to Convert from "LGBT" (even in the former sense for instance there are medical parameters so hardly as if a new topic)].

JESUS Christ Creator Physics of male and female are such that there is a proper sexual desire.

For instance Christian President Don Trump is more public about Christianity and more toward private about "sexual desire", while Emma Watson is more private about personal faith and more public such as about masturbating such as to watch on the Internet others in sexual scenarios.

These are goodly and properly founded: the "census" applies (two people Christian President Don Trump and Emma Watson: legal goodly), and the "valuations" aspect is satisfied to pertinent levels of those faith amounts [whether 1%...or 100%...(legal goodly): in these "legal" refers to current laws and legal parameters, while "goodly" refers to grace (JESUS Christ Physics: proper "sexual desire", at least as much as legal not sex slavery, not torture, not death)](see above text on "masturbates"...for sites cited).

Now the Word And Will Agree In One JESUS Christ. Similar is the general secular word and will. Therefore if to look at sex or to look at drugs or to look at torture (maturely sufficiently, civilized) then not the same as to participate nor to lust to participate. JESUS Christ Physics apply similarly to all addictions (save the Straight And Narrow [and if a special JESUS Christ Mission applies such as going to the people Evangelizing])

as related to the inverse square formula of radiation physicists (suffice it for now, not trying to oversimplify as there are other conditions). Time, distance, and shielding; are as frequency of an addiction such as sex addiction (time duration levels), distance is an intensity factor such as whether a poison kills instantly or causes permanent damage or other levels toward less and toward not addicted, and shielding is as laws against addictions though

in the Name JESUS Christ with continuing, so enabling, to ascend would function in higher Grace to supplant former ways of former laws (see Mother Mary defense at JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon

(note to look at torture a little can be very big intensity concern [conditions apply])(see below "bacteria" "intensity" and "sizes").

Witness how when Your computer visits Christian websites Your computer typically functions properly (aside from ads, and drawings often don't appear until after refreshing the page [such as click the circle with arrow indicator]), and for instance many secular business sites function properly (aside from tracking and related infestations often), as do many sex sites for instance, but for instance many sickly disturbed websites such as with sex torture or hate crime sites have often had very dangerous viruses that have crashed many computers in the worldwide system.

So if to see what a virus does to a computer or a plant or animal, then as JESUS Christ said to Be Wise to better distinguish their fruits. This does not mean look for viral sites to recognize evil (that would mean a person follows evil ways [word to enforcers]), rather Be Wise From Above from the Highest Level. JESUS Christ Gives You now this Victory key over higher level Anew interpretation of verse Matthew 6.33 NAS:

So this JESUS Christ Anew Living key is that "all these things" from this verse, becomes not viruses from lower "sickly" "evil" added to You rather the Best JESUS Christ One Distinguishing In Highest Purpose added to You (concerning same level and lower levels generally). Concerning higher levels the JESUS Christ Good Guidance is "added to you" and needs not that "Distinguishing" effort.

So the Christian is with two aspects tied to invested time and work efforts, the Christian is with "'Distinguishing' effort", and with Grace.

The sinner is with the same "two aspects" though both are "invested time and work efforts".

Christians have said JESUS Christ stretches the dollar or similar (see JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon "Human Rights with United Nations link" at Also of the previous "Living key" the sinner has been twice as risky, at least; while having struggled to work twice as hard but while having wasted twice as much time, and caused risks half the time (often blamed on innocent others per se [so often making to better workers to be fired]);

so the sinner failures are risks against the little they do accomplish goodly albeit merely in the lower secular levels [hardly in the higher secular levels].

To read a law about illegal sex is not the same as to lawbreakers.

If a person blows a Holy Kiss, or if a person kisses another, or does other sexually (within law), then if the visitor to this Sermon site is offended consider the higher purpose of the following even though creepy (according to definition and see e.g. below text on "bacteria"):

"After the mohel cuts off the foreskin, he uses his mouth – oral suction, rather than say a sponge - to effectively clear the wound ("")(also note Matthew 15.11 [conditions can apply (example a person can become injured then heal: in pertinence see on "bacteria" and such as reference pre-existing dental problems if any]).

Important is to Be Wise In JESUS Christ Precepting, such as to be aware many have been harmed by "LGBT" (see above "more than twice as likely" "illicit drug" users effecting families [invited "violence" or more likely and at least counted as if such], employment, nations, faiths, and other. That applies to other addictions such as gambling addiction and such as obeseity.

Yes there is a "social stigma", much has been inappropriate, though some is Wise In JESUS Christ.

For the sakes of other faiths, such as faiths in addictions, do not stray far from the Straight And Narrow if to stray at all. Precision is at times a life or death matter [said in secular wisdom to help victims even if the pertinent victims have self made such (though many have been slaves)]: so practice the source of it: JESUS Christ Precision.

If straying too far (if beyond "elbow room" per Mission assigned by JESUS Christ), then sexual matters such as disease or other problems. Bacteria for instance (such as on food) is a typical high priority concern according to type (see above text on "census"), and often a concern (conditions apply) according to intensity (see above text on "valuations")(Matthew 9.29) or amount of bacteria spots and sizes of bacteria colonies.

If to Prophesy Righteously, JESUS Christ Precision is key, so with proper ascending: appropriate precept fitting on appropriate precept, therefore first in the Name JESUS Christ properly, and then therefore appropriate Praying fitting on appropriate Praying (and Christian Bible reading mainly the Words JESUS Christ Gave), so then putting into action the Will appropriately citing verses on appropriately citing verses.

Some secular sites have shown comparisons, such as "more than 43,000 died due to HIV/AIDS during that epidemic's peak in 1995"...and "more than 52,000 deaths were linked to overdoses" (,

and over the years a sharp increase to National Drug Overdose Deaths [graph (].

Sexual purity (as if without the Tree Of Knowledge per se (so innocently)) in [former] secular grace [considering, writing, and illustrating] (e.g. medical journals per se, and e.g. dolls,...) and writing laws and people prior to carnal knowledge,

has been [hardly horizontally lying in bed nor on the ground, rather] as two standing, male and female, heads at top, feet at bottom (hence vertical levels);

now the sex organs are at a vertical of fire below and light above (Ezekiel 8.7). This is a key, if utilized properly in the Name Of JESUS Christ Gracefully: this is a purity parameter key for above stated "elbow room" for properly ascending yet along the Straight And Narrow. In other words this is a

JESUS Christ Vertical Firmament key (Ezekiel 8.8&9).

So from this, from Heaven, if to face a Firmament Wall

(or a JESUS Christ Straight Cylinder, or if on a [perhaps as though atypical] JESUS Christ Mission then a Tube or Funnel,...per se)

then to Be able if proper to change that "Firmament Wall" (ibid.), so this is Good Worthiness In The Name JESUS Christ

as included in the following site page with "the Lord God" (JESUS Christ All Seeing Lord formed humans and fed them and saw them), though also the not properly ascending sinfully as naysayers have said such as "the ancients of the house of Israel do in the dark, every man in the chambers of his imagery? for they say, The Lord seeth us not; the Lord hath forsaken the earth" (reference

Concerning Christianity and Emma Watson, if not already properly Baptized [or Baptised] in a Christian Church

(in a Christian building or like unto the Way Of John The Baptist outdoors)

it is strongly recommended Emma Watson fully repent and Be Baptized (for Soul and Peace)


as top and immediate priority, then a Church might schedule such, or counsel first (concerning fully repentant) or (ibid.) act immediately.

If not accomplished then HeForShe should have a Christian Leader of the group officially make it in name: JESUS Christ HeForShe.

Then the JESUS Christ HeForShe Grace would lead within law though according to JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Through Grace. Many lower level functionings would continue [likely], some briefly and other longer (as all aspects head toward higher value(s).

This is similar for instance to how a bus driver is the legal aspect such as so obeying road signs while following the Grace of the higher purpose such as to go here or there.

[Christian (conditions may apply: see previous 5 sentences)] Emma Watson and Christian President Don Trump should Initiate and Be with JESUS Christ HeForShe and JESUS Christ USA to Conquer the 4 steps below (the last greater than the first) for JESUS Christ Victories

(example steps for a person right to left: Higher Position / New Member / Saved / JESUS Christ Baptism / Fully Repentant)

(note for a group the ibid. steps are of JESUS Christ Grace as reminder of Highest Purpose Including The Best Rate Of Benefits For All,

in other words to remind any that there is a Straight And Narrow Faith Path that can be found in JESUS Christ Exemplar One, and pertinent toward Best Strategy for all)

for this glorifying for JESUS Christ key: JESUS Christ is already Highest, yet also from lower perspective(s) that when Your Group Ascends it seems increasingly clear that there is JESUS Christ Oneness Victory [In Grace] and it is True (JESUS Christ Physics), yet in this counted as though "increasingly clear" (so also for Victory over John 9.41) is the Learning The Faith Path and not from lower Miracles rather of Grace Above And Highest.

Step 1. from already having been in [or toward (see above concerning Emma Watson and Christian Baptism)] the lowest, that is, Emma Watson and Christian President Don Trump each served many, so (save if "toward" / ibid.): "at the last place" and "the lowest place" (from Luke 14.10 NAS & NIV) is already victory (as much as JESUS Christ Faith as evidenced [or faiths]) so Worthy per se and so ready for so Doing (like unto a gift ready to be unwrapped).

Step 2. and if You Do this (each per se or both) then You Will Gain (JESUS Christ Will Add Unto Your Benefit Victory over "whoever loses their life will preserve it" (Luke 17.33 NAS): this Will Prophetically Be One Of The Victories

(like unto ascending from Christian Baptism and New Member and yet going up into Christian Priestly Heavenly Levels)

Step 3. "exacting [person], taking up what I did not lay down and reaping what I did not sow"

(from Luke 19.22)("person" per se referring to the "census" aspect) therefore this JESUS Christ triad right to left:

"preserve it" (Luke 17.33) / "lowest" (Luke 14.10) / Holy source "reaping" (lifting: Luke 19.22)(Be Thanking JESUS Christ in each Victory Acts 12.23, see explanation below)(Behold Step 3 is the greater than Step 1 [and 2] though is the source of Step 1 victory already [though see above on Baptism], though unclaimed, and victory over each step for JESUS Christ to be properly cited).

Step 4. the greater farther reaching values is this subset "Step": with accomplishing the JESUS Christ Leadership Steps For One Highest Purpose, then is yielded the greater fruits of Your (Emma Watson and Christian President Don Trump as examples and for greatest purpose) efforts, and these fruits are Your Personal Chief Concerns as much as stated above (be clear about for their Best Interests [so Best Victory Rate and] lest 2 Corinthians 6.14 apply)

so after Steps 1, 2, and 3, Step 4 more for many [at times emphasizing for the benefiting the less faithful (having been less aware of the Straight And Narrow Ascending Path)] than obviously specifically for the Christian Group Leader [to (so be and) decide] so Step 4 is as to the Group In The Name JESUS Christ like unto how the 4th Commandment is like unto the first 3 of the 10 Commandments, the 4th being that some Christians have called it the "first Commandment with a promise" (even Commandments As Much As Living And Proper Ascend In JESUS Christ)(a lower level entity for ascending is of value, though every Command And Precept In JESUS Christ Is With Greater Prophetic Promise [properly unravel]).

So after Step 1 Victory, Step 2 Victory, and Step 3 Victory, is the greater victory more clearly becoming known for the people of JESUS Christ HeForShe (if so opted) and for JESUS Christ USA as Prophesied.

"Thanking JESUS Christ Acts 12.23" is another Victory for Your JESUS Christ Group Vessel: since already in the Name JESUS Christ (JESUS Christ HeForShe and JESUS Christ USA) then Acts 12.23 has no more hold over Your Group since already in the "Name" is already stating that JESUS Christ Credit Victory each and every time to state the JESUS Christ Name.

Power in the JESUS Christ Name Is A Prophetic Eternal Powerful Truth.

And far greater is being enabled and much Good can be added, "Thanking JESUS Christ" enters into the greater better Living In JESUS Christ.

Here is a personal note from the writer of this Sermon for other Sermon Preparers [and others]. Yesterday Christian Faith continued but this "writer" faced a Firmament

(as if in secular terms writers block, but not the same since as stated the "Christian Faith continued" and plenty of JESUS Christ Words were available in the Bible)

though JESUS Christ Precepting continues the Faith talents [to organize the "Words" (the Precepts)] to fit into the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose within this Sermon (greater than fonts, page size, and such) is per se for the toward Best Guiding Help And Healing Nations And Sex Matters..., so in plain language not the topic of another former Sermon precisely Save the Words Of JESUS Christ. So

yesterday there was hardly anything added physically to this Sermon. Yet today May 16, 2019AD the relative complexity of the above stated 4 steps with their values at each step listed and cited, relatively flowed. In other words often a newbie Sermon Writer might write Sermon after Sermon with such as during and/or after the fact even finding others already wrote such, and perhaps better. Though

such is learning the the Faith Path, so rather than feel defeated Behold You as if Independently came to the same Holy Conclusions, yet the greater is continuing that when appropriate JESUS Christ Lifts You into the Anew (at least in Your Perspective [though greater]): You would hardly be walking in Faith as previously, rather Leaping and Soaring.

This morning May 17, 2019AD JESUS Christ enabled the hearing again of naysayer spirits

(such as a person said long ago something about you hear bad things [from not the path of true faith] so were motivated to do better [beware of such excuses that wrongly have tripped and trapped]),

though this morning was witnessed a Spirit Ascending The True Path Of Christian Faith though passing through a Firmament level, something atypical amidst many "naysayer spirits", that rather than reactions as the secular have done after Miracles [or in secular words after situations], that rather was the more excellent in JESUS Christ With Ascending Faith On Faith properly. It is pertinent to this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon Series as a whole.

JESUS Christ Offers Specifics of precepts (Christian Faith Path properly growing and leaping greater and more lively, on Christian Faith Path) also for this particular Sermon: so like unto precept on precept, and like unto steps and levels, is set with subset with subsubset (or from Highest Perspective [concerning Edifying over the created] reading right to left: subsubset / subset / set).

Put another way for Edifying: from the Eternal was the Creation Plan and then the Created and then accordingly obeying yet Faithfully Ascending as much Good as the created yet with proper ascending continuing Faithfully opted. Note Faith is followed by subset Miracles though many conditions apply to how such Miracles appear in the sense of in the minds of many perceiving.

So the Miracles are for their sakes, yet the greater is unseen Faith to Highest Faith. USA is over HeForShe in the USA (conditions of USA laws apply for instance). In the United Nations HeForShe is over USA (ibid. similarly) as much as typical (as in the above JESUS Christ Drawing upper right moment). Such continues to be the situation: JESUS Christ USA and perhaps JESUS Christ HeForShe.

Though as the former fades as much as toward obsolescence, while JESUS Christ Grace Guides, there would predictably be the general shift, toward JESUS Christ USA Benefiting the more, since Anew Grace if JESUS Christ USA is with JESUS Christ HeForShe in whole (or in part / previous two sentences though the JESUS Christ Grace aspect). In other words, with properly ascending females and over half the population JESUS Christ USA would Benefit.

Though such "Grace" as in JESUS Christ HeForShe might not see the immediate value from JESUS Christ USA since the JESUS Christ Wisdom is that Faithfully Ascending is a cross to bear [though the burden is light] such as "Women's rights" [better, though] with having to do things males do (and many females already do such) in the sense of physical labors, for example some women find they are promoted [as hardly previously] and then find they are supposed to lift heavy boxes for instance when previously the men did it.

Being promoted is not always better, save in JESUS Christ and not other.

Let the "Women" gain the "rights" and Give Mercy if the "Women" want to later be conditional: in the Name JESUS Christ Wisely Strategize over group vessels and system vessels for such contingencies, yet for One Highest Purpose and hardly because of carelessness of any party, and not for sin.

JESUS Christ Gave proof of this "Wisely" precepting, a proof for instance is that on TV and the Internet often during crimes the lawbreaker man typically overpowers the woman. This is plain knowledge and people know it. If plain and known in the secular leadership sense, then of JESUS Christ Given Wise Grace prepare (for Highest Purpose, prepare for all agreeing).

So while for all to be One, all are not all "census" alone but with "valuations".

Emma Watson is right about "Women's rights" far more than women have been respected formerly, but as JESUS Christ Work is for uplifting women and men properly (not just about sex, in uplifting each vessel Best and the whole of people the Best, including medically atypical people). So it is not all about the "census" aspect it is also the JESUS Christ Anew Higher Wisdom aspect know as "valuations"

but hardly as excuse to treat any unfairly as has long been the situation against women. Let this be stated another way not to blame but to Edify, and to put it gently for the sakes of females so say let's pretend females unfairly wanted what the male has had (ibid.).

In other words, it is sin to gain rights by taking away the rights of others. JESUS Christ Gives the Best and proper solving: such are not "Women's rights" save the extent properly [Distinguished In JESUS Christ, in secular words] delineated such as in speeches and in laws and in higher Grace.

A parent tells their ten year old "all that I have is thine", and the ten year old immediately asks for the car keys. Women, make free machines that lift heavy boxes that only males typically lift, then ask for the keys and greater. JESUS Christ is kinder than the previous sentence. JESUS Christ offers better, easier, solutions, though seek to pick up your cross also concerning the "free machines" and even make them perpetual.

Note: do not sacrifice virgins, and Christian Churches are not places for sexual activities (if a person conducts Christian Churches at home then not to mix the sexual activities with the conducting Christian Services.

JESUS Christ would like to now Help Emma Watson to answer that United Nations speech concern "tits" are associated with typically less ability to lift heavy boxes and with greater ability to type quickly for instance. This is a JESUS Christ Wisdom key [example] for reasoning to be with "valuations", yet "valuations" change.

Secular reference: "Apr 2, 2017 - Emma Watson" [said or inquired] "'I don't know what my tits have to do with it.'... United Nations speech on gender equality in 2014, Emma Watson ..." (

So concerning "census" the "tits" don't count, in lower level more plain language the number of "tits" don't count. What does count is JESUS Christ and the Highest Purpose including properly ascend and "valuations" Will Be Given You as much as not stealing...and as much as for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose. Be aware it is not just the physical, there is also a female mindset (not just male mindset) about the "tits", and not merely mindset, also emotional set and learning rates apply and [such as or also a set:] speed and accuracy (set), also mechanical reasoning (reference scholastic differential exams), and there are favored types of discussions.

For example not always though at times fast talkers (associated with "speed and accuracy" and females) have interrupted males so missed the greater gift giving (it is easy when in a rut and used to trouble makers and problematic situations of the past experiences, yet JESUS Christ and others were often amidst naysayers). In fairness males have often ignored females and female word gifts.

In fairness for JESUS Christ Evaluations both males and females often have prefered specific voices in situations (reference e.g. deep low voices of some announcers [in this sense meaning speaking with authority]. This has changed from the sixties to the more recent decades with more women announcers.

JESUS Christ explained to properly ascend so enabling that "all these [Good] things shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6.33).

The "valuations" change. As stated in the text above in the large font "Old Testament valuations and families can be likened unto today's insurance companies".

So this is a JESUS Christ Given key. The "insurance companies" have opted to weigh various values ("valuations") such as about census, females, males, smokers or nonsmokers, art values, house values, employment types of jobs, odds of winning, and far more.

So this key is about census, though more about evaluating (actually more about ascending properly in the JESUS Christ Name for greater than "be added unto you").

Note insurance companies have also evaluated nations as key to prime rate, monetary policy, and census and so forth. Each member of a body is a key at least as long as of that body.

The foot hardly leads the body even though the foot goes first [fastest]. Be the JESUS Christ Heart to lead the JESUS Christ Body Head One Highest. The brightest secular candle burns out the fastest, save with Anewing In The Name JESUS Christ: it is JESUS Christ Physics And The Original Plan Word With Living Will.

Women's rights is a valuable ("valuations") concern at this time. In the Old Testament valuations changed as a person gained years (able to live longer to maturity, then lessening as offspring go through it with maturing [also reference secular though more crass meaning in cliche "grow up" often stated without properly explaining how: (JESUS Christ)]).

The secular wants infinite details specified (as if to be God), but those sinners failed according to "secular" (they have not given JESUS Christ due credit sufficiently).

If to create from Eternal Spirit Highest, then to create equal until if the created sins.

Insurance companies have overcome both "census" and "valuations" (see previous note "evaluated nations as key"): goodly in a sense.

Pray for to be overcoming and victorious, yet pray for their so being, yet Pray First In The Name JESUS Christ lest to pray in vain.

Who is the Best speech writer and editor in chief?, JESUS Christ.

Who can put into a person the convincing power?, JESUS Christ. As written in Luke 4.36 NAS:

With proper Best Precepting is the proper Best Sermon produced: the fruits of JESUS Christ (Word With Works preparing the Sermon)(other Christians have at times been toward other Good Work(s) as of JESUS Christ Faith Healing and as of JESUS Christ Charity.

So these are other keys for females to be with greater rights, such as to heal the minds of men and others, and such as to arrange monies such as insurance companies have done, so now such as if proper and fair and goodly to arrange insurance evaluations to better favor females as much as appropriate (in the secular sense, instead far better in the JESUS Christ Name e.g. JESUS Christ HeForShe or JESUS Christ USA or JESUS Christ United Nations or JESUS Christ [name of insurance company] or even JESUS Christ.

Be the copilot for JESUS Christ The Pilot, for all, so including for "Women's rights". Solve a little thing first, rather seek the solutions JESUS Christ already Gave: know the JESUS Christ Faith Path: conditionally nothing else needs be known (the condition includes according to a person's faith, so to learn the JESUS Christ Faith Path)(another condition is for instance JESUS Christ Agreeing)(another condition is for instance JESUS Christ Worthiness)(another condition is for instance not only with a key yet to enter the higher JESUS Christ Firmament).

Above is written for instance to say the words JESUS Christ said: therefore to be Conquering the above stated condition of JESUS Christ Agreeing. In so Doing then toward or in JESUS Christ Worthiness.

Some people have opted to have male or female children (such as medically or adoption), so that is another way to overcome the "Women's rights" problem, but to rear the child into what kind of world?, rather seek the Kingdom Of Heaven to Best "overcome" for all

(this is not to say prefer not male nor female preferences, rather seek the greatest importance rather than smaller temporary concerns that distract)(be fruitful and multiply applies to Faith and Evangelism though also to generations). Your Christian Holy Marriage In The Name JESUS Christ (hence with proper yoking Christian female with male Christian Head) is far more important than many lower level matters.

Let the Christian Head Be male unless otherwise appropriate (see above on conditions: e.g. on JESUS Christ Agreeing and e.g. JESUS Christ Worthiness).

There have been many couples that have broken apart, marriages too, not just in Hollywood, and Christians too. This "Christians too" aspect is a key such as for Christian President Don Trump to be "Signing" JESUS Christ USA, to Give (to Give the self [the Signer]: Charity) toward overcoming such "Christians too" problem and more the greater problem, even toward Best solving all as high a level as able. And this is certainly a concern for each and for all, even if exhausted

(Matthew 26.45 yet Luke 21.36/ value added per se at JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon at or otherwise unawares, for each to be Worthy and to be with Eternal Highest Joy.

Note "Women's rights" is also covered (though not specified)(yet with itemizing, see above text "The secular wants infinite details specified") in part, see: JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon "Human Rights with United Nations link" at

The above JESUS Christ Drawing Timeline adjacent to the vertical line of [ascending, symbolically] busses are as to behold symbolic of Christian Busses Of (Prophets) or Christians toward becoming Prophets ascending Best yet with the Christian President Don Trump "Signing" catalyst in the: ascending levels as a timeline sense, starting with 2017AD.

While the impact would be immediate, near future years are specified along the timeline. Specifics includes some of the [secular wisdom (Christian Leadership projecting into the future reasonably)] impacting specifics not in the former secular sense of miracles or events after-the-facts but rather of JESUS Christ Grace with things to Do to accomplish such as like unto "Signing" Faithfully is the Faithful Praying In The Name JESUS Christ.

So the Christian Leadership likely sequence is shown according to the previous sentence the "Faithful" on the "Faithfully": precept properly fitting on precept, Faith properly on Faith; rather than lower level tactics after seeing miracles, or in other words rather than secular witnesses of how things turned out per date in time after the events which the secular had little to do with or in secular cliche "had nothing to do with".

The vertically ascending JESUS Christ Timeline for this generation even for these few coming future years, is a Charity Path. JESUS Christ now Gives this key: if to fully extend Charity, that is if a JESUS Christ Vessel gives Charity in the traditional sense, then the vessel comes to realize generally speaking if to give 10% and then gain greater money and so then further motivated if to give 20% and then with greater money and then give 30% and so forth, then to come to realize to give Thyself as JESUS Christ Exemplified.

Even so, the traditional Charity money gifts are key and needful

(at least until empowered from above such as a special JESUS Christ Mission otherwise [greater in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose is not detailed here so as not to overly tempt wrongly such as toward laziness, though otherwise some aspects have been specified at length in previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series)].

So from the "Signing", the timeline shows predictions for JESUS Christ Leadership to consider freely [or rather of JESUS Christ Grace so at liberty (conditionally, precept on precept: according to such Signer Faith)], as to opt to Do. Previous "Signer Faith" may apply to a person, a group (such as Congress), and/or other as much as appropriate in law and Grace.


Some civilizations ascend at faster rates than others. HeForShe can grow quickly, Hopefully as JESUS Christ HeForShe lest to gain value then lose then gain and lose (see "two jobs" below). HeForShe is already with a great value [cause]. A HeForShe competitor for instance has been the United Nations (upholding civilized values mostly in laws since not yet in the Name JESUS Christ).

Government is not supposed to compete against it's own people. Many civilizations have failed due to such.

In this generation many nations have treated their own governing bodies as if corporations: they competed against any and all. Such has been sin (except in JESUS Christ for all One, which has often not been the situation).

The United Nations has been busy about many things, such as handling international disputes in it's court system (an after-the-victimization-fact system: in other words largely too late [e.g. a case in which people died then the court found the dead innocent] so ineffective).

The United Nations did not break the law in the previous sentence sense, though did fail. That failure was people died since the United Nations is not properly Prophetic in JESUS Christ to overcome problems before-the-fact.

The moss on the ground ascends properly according to the evolution rate and according to the adaptation rate (secular rates [though all rates are under JESUS Christ Original Plan Physics). The moss is a great example for Edifying as it's progress is pertinent symbolically. Moss has opted to ascend laterally more than higher in terms of faith [and more than higher physically vertically, symbolically].

The moss lateral expansion gathers more sunlight than a clump (like unto the lower sucker branches of a tree). So the moss is better than the trees according to having ascended properly in a talents sense, so moss grows places trees failed. Trees grow vertically where moss sometimes fails. So each ascended in the Pure Physics sense as much as Given time and talent thus far from agreeing with JESUS Christ even though hardly aware such as to explain about a person such as JESUS Christ (so You are with this symbolizing as yet another description of Heaven).

Promote Christian President Don Trump to be "Signing".

The following is from [no legal affiliation] THE BOOK OF MORMON Another Testament of Jesus Christ page 78 spanning from 2,000 years ago to "America" 200 years ago, to the current time now with Christian President Don Trump to be "Signing" including to legally enable Highest "Grace".

Jews shall crucify their God-They

shall be scattered until they begin to

believe in him-America shall be a

land of liberty where no king shall

rule-Be reconciled to God and gain

salvation through his grace.

Grace starting now these months / America 200 years ago / Crucified circa 2,000 years ago.

JESUS Christ Gives the Gift of Covenants and Gifts of Covenant keys such as the Gift of Awareness of the Holy Spirit. JESUS Christ Gives the Holy Spirit.

JESUS Christ Original Physics Plan is over slower secular physics in terms of both secular rates and secular results. This agrees with a person that works two jobs but is only paid for one of the jobs (the other not paid job might be a ripoff fake job as often has happened, or it might be fully aware work for a charity in which situation there is a reward according to the amount of faith of the worker though also concerning the amount of faith of the charity).

JESUS Christ has Given talents, such as the "two jobs". A person might be a high level in one job while perhaps a low level in another.

In JESUS Christ Oneness the previous sentence is not the greater range of a person. A sinner is up to their highest level. A Christian is up to their highest level, and as much as JESUS Christ Faith Guides them higher (so unseen by the "sinner").

In the secular past (including Christians as much as in the secular [though also note as with John The Baptist in the wilderness Baptizing])

defensive spirits have been below the law Firmament, similar to how law breakers have been under a lower than such "defensive spirits" Firmament level. Yet with signing the Grace above the "law Firmament" Will be opened. Note there Will also be greater lower level Grace

and so this JESUS Christ key, while not Given yet, is Your Anew Victory (Matthew 24.13 Prophetically)

over previous "according to your faith" (Matthew 9.29) though continuing to be applicable.

It is like having a car and a Anew plane: the car continues to be important, and to some it is a Firmament.

Jokes have often been ways of naysaying, unless the jokes are also toward solving for the greater good and redeeming social value. Be Merciful on the Christian that tells a joke as Christian Faith is not always immediately seen, so this JESUS Christ Given redeeming social value key: the trend of higher value Miracles Help in Edifying concerning the True Faith Path toward better distinguishing faiths so better able to forecast, even though secular level (save with higher level Christian Faith per se)(referenced Affiliated JESUS Christ GodMath Testament for Highest specifics per se).

Jews were against jokes, and were right in part. Often a person can expertly discuss certain things, but if things being discussed become too complex for them they might joke. Some days ago a Christian on television said something about sex, toward no porn, toward puritan (and the "Christian" did not indicate torture, but the line of knowledge otherwise has continued toward the inquisition)("no porn" is also tied to dating criteria: reference laws and Christian Church criteria and family criteria).

But after the "Christian on television" said that, the "Christian" made a joke, perhaps Faithfully though the other Christians with that "Christian" appeared uncomfortable and concerned until it was further explained to a limited extent (without verses cited). Porn and/or drugs and/or music are not the same as: smart or stupid, sane or crazy, and so forth. That "Christian" was born in the flesh according to sexual Wisdom above (at least as a youth the "Christian" was for the "pure mercies of God" Moroni 8.19 and evidently much continuing), and according to sexual knowledge.

Note the "Wisdom above" is to Help a female live for instance, so in Wisdom of JESUS Christ, including knowledge that some females have died giving birth, clearly a rape case is not reason to further victimize a female (note many such as females have wrongly claimed things that were not true due to not knowing the law, also many rightly claimed with knowing the law). Also note many have felt upset after abortion. A range of judgements would rightly apply.

Some rapes are clearly known, such as videoed and such as repeated events and multiple female cases of some systems: such impregnation is similar to infecting to some interpretations, and similar to goodly in other interpretations but conditions apply over such "goodly" aspects (including the proper parenting if the rapist is gone [perhaps in prison according to former laws though: (see above text on "supplant", and a check on the mental health of the impregnated if pleased [and if mentally healthy then a check on the mental health of that person's social form could help guide toward more perfectly solving, whether for a tribe, cult, slave system, or colony,...])].

Consider if a person is stabbing You with a knife. Would You offer them some coffee and candy?, or would You move out of reach and/or try to stop them: JESUS Christ would that You move out of reach and/or try to stop them (Matthew 12.28&29).

Some Christians have said that the entertainment industry causes youth in the industry to become promiscuous (risky). While often true evidently, also consider the reasons for having joined the entertainment industry, often evidently for sexual promiscuity (and fame and fortune) as to hook up with (in the secular industry vernacular) a famed star, though often due to a parent having pushed a child into that industry (proper motives or improper).

The above center italic text speaks of a new Grace of America. It is Wisdom in JESUS Christ that a greater JESUS Christ Quality Assurance system gain better feedback from the people. The Census was a value, and in JESUS Christ Grace a greater can be wrought (Numbers 23.23 ASV, ESV).

If to know (from JESUS Christ Highest Purpose) the Good Way, then to know when the other is involved. So while the Good Way is with levels, then to be aware when "other" such as naysayer spirits and so to know the level of the naysayer spirits per se. So to know according to that talent system and venue at least lower than that level may be at risk (infected, altered, shifted from plan such as a short cut or other).

JESUS Christ told them but they refused to listen, the spirits of USA refused to listen and refused to proper ascend to say and do and be "Signing", so I had to straighten them out, I; what have I to do with it: it is JESUS Christ and nothing to do with I, but I did as JESUS Christ Gave to Do precept on precept (JESUS Christ adding Good along the Faith Way)(minutes ago hearing spirits struggling with "problem"s, May 20, 2019AD between 4AM & 5AM)

the glory is supposed to be for JESUS Christ, their fear is supposed to be JESUS the True Christ In The Father Spirit Eternal,

so for this reason JESUS Christ now Gives You this Wisdom key that You Christian Leader One if in the Name JESUS Christ are Given to be Powerful in their lower level eyes as if for Your sake though for their failings sakes, so to Edify such words for their sakes plainly.

Crazy people want to kill people that are not of the same type of "Crazy", very similar is if the mob finds a person is not of the same ivory tower, or political party, or smiling at the same instant.

Abortion is mentioned above, a thrill for pro-abortionists: it is sin, they are sin. They are my friends. In JESUS Christ I am able to conquer enemies and Convert problems to friends and values and with and through JESUS Christ One Highest Father Spirit as are You and as are them able to Do as much as properly Faithfully ascending as JESUS Christ Edified And Did.

The above USA spirit is not yet JESUS Christ USA so that spirit remains it's own "problem".

The above abortionist spirit is not yet JESUS Christ Abortion (Edifying) so that spirit remains it's own "problem"

that is JESUS Christ Killing is not precept on precept in JESUS Christ, so "JESUS Christ Abortion" and "JESUS Christ Killing" are not viable options: they failed.

JESUS Christ Living is viable, JESUS Christ Good is viable, JESUS Christ Female is viable, and so on.

JESUS Christ laid down His Pure Body Life to take it up again. Concerning America, HeForShe, "moss", and other spiritual matters, and other [ascending to positions, and] things JESUS Christ Gives a Gift for You Christian Leader, this Gift is that You may opt to lay down His One Pure Body Life to take it up again.

JESUS Christ Ascended from the tomb. The "tomb" is hardly any key per se. There were three days, so when the time was Prophetically Right; otherwise also with the timing of a Holy Event is for the JESUS Christ One Doing The Highest Purpose.

So with the JESUS Christ Prophetic Timing key is the JESUS Christ "to take it up again" key as written "Take up the ark of the covenant" (from Joshua 6.6 NAS)

Abortion makes the problem worse or at best is a secular level stop gap measure (save a High JESUS Christ Firmament level: conditionally [I hardly understand so far though Faith In JESUS Christ along the Straight Path solves or if in need of correction Guides]).

If a secular government doesn't know an answer that a person presents, then perhaps censor and put that person into prison (2 Corinthians 11.24-27). Today JESUS Christ God Gave Me (Christian) Righteous Power over those lower spirits that bite the hand that feeds them: that they used to fuel their imprisoning flames against Me. But Giving You This from JESUS Christ so Empowers You, that is as You Best Ascend For JESUS Christ.

Woman Power, female power, Women's rights, and Women's Empowerment, this is It as much as the previous sentence.

This government, United Nations, USA,...kills.

This government must become JESUS Christ's Government lest it kill itself [all] or cast itself all into prison even the last person self locking and casting the key away. This government must become JESUS Christ One or fails in secular stupidity cliche history repeats itself. No. Sinners repeat themselves. Backsliders might be with valid Salvation Distinguishing In JESUS Christ for hardly ascending Best such as if exhausted [JESUS Christ Holy Exhaustion if any, is Given From JESUS Christ above (e.g. the timing is not yet appropriate John 2.4)].

In this secular world abortion is legal, so a person is currently allowed, and let such continue unless otherwise Given from JESUS Christ Highest.

So such continues at least for now (a female can be glad to not have to care for the perp and/or the disease and/or lower ideas concerning impregnation).

But if rape continues, then the system is wrong (it is not wrong: JESUS Christ Spirit Father Highest Purpose): the HeForShe system is wrong, the United Nations system is wrong, the USA system is wrong, the secular has been wrong (normally, save the Christian element which has been wrong at times).

JESUS Christ USA is immediately needful that the JESUS Christ Grace become [and later with JESUS Christ Charity (Charity in the Name JESUS Christ)] Enabled

in order to properly Best thwart abortion, that is, in order to solve the problem rather than stop gap with patches repeatedly to pertinent symptoms that would increase if not for this JESUS Christ USA "Signing" Prophecy.

But the previous sentence only mainly applies for USA. If England or others want solving, to stop the rapist before the crime, to stop the rapist before becoming a rapist, to have each and all people be Best Leaders then start in the Name JESUS Christ at least per se (for JESUS Christ [Your Group Name] until all the secular be JESUS Christ [as if secular] One).

Currently it is sin to promote rapists' sinful desires. So JESUS Christ HeForShe can bring such to Overcome and Solve.

JESUS Christ Protected Immaculate Mother Mary. Unborn JESUS Christ Protected His Mommy.

Behold females including HeForShe: it is Old Testament Valuations that through JESUS Christ Precepting

Will Save You from rape and unwanted pregnancies (

Behold the link, Their Old Testament Valuations Site. It glimmers and shines enlightening unto liberty once and for all [including for HeForShe in pertinence (thus far: become JESUS Christ HeForShe)] according to as much heart faithfully given to cite that site and JESUS Christ The Source [including of the new found female liberty].

Leviticus Chapter 27 contains valuations, male more valuable then female, so many females lacked faith and questioned and insulted males, males already heard your faithless complaints.

Let the males hear Your JESUS Christ Solvings, that is let JESUS Christ be referenced as Your One And Only Source for Solving

(note: abstaining from marriage and/or sexual relations has little to do with it as Emma Watson said (about "tits"))

(therefore, ibid., this JESUS Christ key that Nuns may opt whether to Wed).

JESUS Christ explained to not be unevenly yoked together (if to date properly, then date a Christian)(if a person is not Christian, in the Name JESUS Christ Counsel for to Convert or not date: update Christian Church criteria if needful).

James 2.10 applies so the rapist and/or the secular seed is not invited higher, similar to not being Christian Preacher until first fully repentant properly Baptized Christian then to properly ascend in the Name And Will Faithfully Opted In The Living JESUS Christ

(note personally knowing JESUS Christ is largely contingent upon the Words He Gave In The Christian Bible And With So Saying And Doing Matthew 9.12 rather than merely as Followers in pews in Christian level and in Heavenly level cliche Matthew 18.10 [therefore this is a key for current Christian Leaders with JESUS Christ One Victory over Matthew 18.10 (so You can say Matthew 18.10 with JESUS Christ Anew Authority And Power)]).

JESUS Christ Gives these great female empowerment guides (so become more faithful):

  • that the female valuation shall be thirty shekels
  • a female a month old shall be three shekels
  • but a female -7 months old for instance is not mentioned.
  • JESUS Christ Gives wisdom (including here now to secular) to beware: the previous sentence does not say freely abort, nor the unborn is worthless nor anti-shekel value.

    A woman has given her self toward childbirth, JESUS Christ Gave His Holy Body Once For All, and yet JESUS Christ Gives His body to be crucified or counted as though, by each with imperfect faith until End Time.

    With Elias came the Christians, with the Christians came Christian Marriage (two Christians, Man and Woman): so JESUS Christ Precepting is with the value of Matthew 19.6.

    Rape is not Matthew 19.6: the Christian is able to opt JESUS Christ Victory Already Over Matthew 19.6.

    Similar is former law(s) but conditions apply (interpretations opted, reference sinners that entered various positions and offices).

    Concerning the previous "Rape" aspect, the rapist is sinner even if Christian (some Christians have not fully repented, though such "some Christians" are better off than sinners not caring about Christianity as much: the JESUS Christ Physics are such that a Christian including "some Christians" are with rates of ascending better than sinner rates generally speaking, many conditions apply such as: not while sinning nor so lusting after (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on proper lower level Missions) as written in 2 Peter 1.2&3 NAS:

    Some females at the time of rape are not suitable for bearing children and/or opt otherwise, while other females might want a child with less concern about "rape" [and such as can afford, and] may [respect that life form and may] want to bear a child and rear the child. The "less concern" aspect for instance might include subsets such as amount of forcefulness (some females like "forcefulness" others don't [such as rather for Heart]), or such as other priorities such as Hope of eventually providing more Joy in Heaven (Luke 15.7).

    Prior to End Time the Second Coming Of JESUS Christ is already available for as many as properly fully repentant, Immersion Baptized, and Faithfully Ascending Greatly, and for all the world coming soon and so not many years from now (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series on "already available" [many yellow triangles with purple lines are shown], and on Prophecies, and on "not many years from now").

    Concerning the above JESUS Christ Drawing vertical timeline, a personal relationship with JESUS Christ is as to be a Baptized Christian driving Their own car [or rocket] as though up to Heaven (and into the Heavens, the Heavenly levels). Of Grace such as JESUS Christ HeForShe and/or JESUS Christ USA and/or JESUS Christ United Nations and/or JESUS Christ Christian Church(es), is as hardly anymore personal though of Grace rather positional as to drive a bus for others onboard into Heavenly levels.

    Your hearts need show JESUS Christ Authority and/or JESUS Christ Power and/or JESUS Christ Name and/or JESUS Christ Will in a moment's notice such as to be ready to leap in Faith Best (as JESUS Christ Taught And Did). In the secular for instance (for Edifying) sometimes in an instant JESUS Christ showed His Glory [yet properly (e.g. Matthew 21.8 / Leviticus 23.40)]. Other times JESUS Christ showed not much of His Glory (e.g. Luke 7.38) until later (John 13.10-14).

    So while not required by law, is Grace to Give the self to: JESUS Christ One Say And Do: so from personal Christian Pure Body Life to Christian Pure Body One Living (this is not excuse to merely say ambiguously "In God We Trust" nor such as "Christian HeForShe" when of Grace to rather say "JESUS Christ HeForShe").

    Is HeForShe not "JESUS Christ HeForShe"?, look on this page, there is no demand for your sinfulness group to be arrested. To find "your sinfulness group" is similar to the rapists, sinfully against JESUS Christ, and sinfully against JESUS Christ One.

    Gain wisdom in JESUS Christ that all other faiths and things are lower (subsets and ancillary, or sin).

    It is no good to buy slaves. It is goodly to buy legal things typically if to first in the Name JESUS Christ Give Charity (amount?, see above link to valuations and "estimations")(though the self and group in the Name JESUS Christ is far more important).

    If an embryo is diseased and dying and the disease spreading, then in the Name JESUS Christ before-the-fact Pray JESUS Christ and after such if "disease" is so found Pray immediate Healing (Be Strong In Faith To Be With JESUS Christ Healing) lest toward aborting toward sin.

    Be Strong In Faith To Be With JESUS Christ Healing is a JESUS Christ Wisdom key such as to be JESUS Christ HeForShe so as to be as an above shown ascending "bus" group rather than a full car: that is if to "Be Strong" with sufficient "Faith" for two or more, then see recent Sermons in this Series on Double Charity for instance, and Best Ascend.

    Aborting is sin or conditionally toward aborting toward sin (sin if others of less Faith and insufficent might witness beyond their temptation physics limits). A rocket aborts a mission that went afoul, a female might jettison a dead fetus, some largely secular vids have shown a person giving their life for other people: Pray JESUS Christ first, consider JESUS Christ precepts first, consider the secular cliche "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater";

    but if the house is burning and only half the children can be taken to safety then seek to save the most Holy first (Matthew 7.19) innocently.

    Likewise if to save the innocent pregnant from agony, Pray JESUS Christ First And Best Ascend First.

    Let the decision not be Yours (Matthew 7.1): the JESUS Christ Physics are Best already, They are They that solved already (including for Your sake and for Your interests and Your group. If with an interest in sin then JESUS Christ Physics Will Best Solve in You, or if with an interest not in sinful desires but in Best Ascending then JESUS Christ Physics Will Best Solve in the Even More Excellent Way For You (within, from Your Heart [Soul]: You Will Be Empowered).

    Proclaim the Kingdom Of Heaven, Preach JESUS Christ. You have secrets (typically for instance people conceal their groins): if to reveal secrets then first "Pray JESUS Christ First And Best Ascend"; in other words Be with Wise Precepting.

    In order to "Be with Wise Precepting" You first (of Grace) need Be In The Name JESUS Christ and furthermore You likewise need Be with JESUS Christ Victory In You Already, pertinent to the topic of concern (in secular words similarly: expert in the field of interest).

    The United States Of America Nightmare Firmament 1 Corinthians 13.8:

    Law Abiding Christian Men And Women Must Be More Than Allowed

    To Love JESUS Christ And To Know His Wisdom:

    after properly ascending to be Loving JESUS Christ As Christians Do With Continuing Properly, let no lower level enforcement entity stand in the Way to forbid nor to even naysay.

    If USA federal government is to continue it must become better than Christian Churches, or it must put Christian Churches in charge of the mints and economic system, in charge of the weapons and specifications, in charge of the veto and in charge of the signings into laws and higher Grace matters, and so on.

    If USA federal government is to continue it must recognize Christians and Christian Churches as the Graceful Leader In The Name Of JESUS Christ, and so the source of the Legislative Branch (not merely after-the-fact nor ignored), similar to how the Legislative Branch introduced Bills and the [Senate and] President opted to sign.

    Christian President Don Trump "Signing" JESUS Christ USA must be with authority and power and not merely a storefront for concealing other. The word "concealing" similar to: censorship, forbidding, anti-, outlawing, gated communities, bans against out on the streets after dark, forced labor, coercion, law breakers, and so forth are all very negative and very low level things toward crime and sin and social stigma.

    The United States Of America now these months faces a real and serious ["Nightmare", an enormous] problem specified in 1 Corinthians 13.8: Prophecy ("Signing") can fail: this means the United States Of America "can fail" now, after "these months", if to opt such by not "Signing".

    This is a Holy Land (see above center italic words), it is not fitting to be more about those above stated "negative" things than about JESUS Christ. This likewise applies to Zion as Christian President Don Trump "declared" (see above Drawing timeline).

    Is USA to do greater for Israel than for USA citizens?, Heaven forbid; is USA to give anew life for Israel and not for the "Lord" of the USA Declaration Of Independence for the founding of this nation and the Constitution and even case laws, Heaven forbid;

    instead JESUS Christ USA is to set the example that all nations would want to so be and not according to military terrors, but according to the higher Righteous leadership aspect of Grace fairly for all.

    If a person in the land USA needs money due to thieves or other, then be ready immediately to [in former sense have money printed (today a ledger entry is no significant cost per se)] with ascertaining why and doing something about it (such as if to opt to continue with law enforcement per se) and with accordingly within minutes giving "money" to the victim (if a true victim as much as investigated)

    or now empower the Christian Churches over such.

    If any government cannot figure out how to solve something, they must [fund and (as long as economics continues)] empower the Christian Churches over such.

    The Christian Churches have been the victims even prior to JESUS Christ 2,000 years ago (including Christian Churches as victims of the Inquisition times and not the perps, the perps were sinners and not the True Christian Church and not the JESUS Christ Teachings).

    Because the Christians and the Christian Churches have been the victims, others have become victims similar to removal of farms so people eventually run out of food (Faithfully True Christian Preachers have been saying corporate laws have been [hindering and] against the Christian Leadership Faith (see above "negative" things)).

    Women's rights, food, and USA itself; each and all hinge on the Graceful Benefits Of Christian Churches and Graceful Guidance from JESUS Christ above, are those secular things relatively toward negativity and naysaying and worse are to be ancillary to Christian Churches. God does not see it any other way.

    For fair and Best Women's rights, food, and USA, and for fair and Best greater: JESUS Christ USA or God Will present another solving with the same opted clout or same opted Grace (Matthew 5.17).

    So understand this JESUS Christ fulfillment (ibid.) key: if You don't be with "Signing" then surely coming quickly God Will

    (in the sense of the great though often secular movie Forrest Gump when Tom Hanks and Gary Sinise [Lieutenant Dan Taylor] were out on the boat). There Will be no mistake about it, if a person lives they Will see ( Is this a threat?, no. This is precept on precept. This is not a threat any more than a weather forecast, or a road sign for future goodly driving.

    Christian President Don Trump "Signing" is of Prophecy in JESUS Christ likewise, though one is a Prophecy, while the other is not even though evidently identical in a sense (reference overlapping sets, and in this "God Will present another solving" sense Prophetic whether according to opted faiths: if not to believe the first Prophecy, then hardly the second save perhaps of miracles if given time).

    Note the previous sentence did not say any would be harmed nor there would be any losses. How is this possible?, people for instance have felt earthquakes and there were no problems in their opinions so they continued their lives, though in the moment of the feeling of the quaking it does impact lives (even duration: see above "Time, distance, and shielding").

    God can be nice, even though sinners might interpret wrongly so that the sinner self feels terrorized. Similar applies generally to lawbreakers.

    Now the "Signing" is about Doing something (Good), though the balance of this sentence is not about "Doing" per se, rather the balance of this sentence is merely to point out a situation (though "Signing" would tie it to solving): if ignorance of the law is no excuse, then if to conceal any secrets then to illegally segregate the aware from the victims (the other people).

    Proper Best Guidance is not merely a suggestion, it saves lives, it saves civilizations. Law enforcement is with clout, formerly in the secular mainly through torture (penalties, guilty sentences) and enslavement (prisoners), aside from innocent people not arrested: so there is a greater goodly aspect value of law, yet there is a higher aspect.

    JESUS Christ Oneness / Grace / Signing / Law / People.

    There are higher things over people. People see lower things, such as lower creatures and their images and hearing their sounds and smells and such. The higher are hardly seen, or the people would opt to so be ("higher", more goodly, better for themselves).

    JESUS Christ offers (ibid.) Good Grace though for all so hardly for "themselves" each. So Grace over "all" so hardly "each", save if over "all".

    This is a key to how creation is made from Spirit.

    So this is a key to JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Physics parameters over the Straight And Narrow, often similar to a tube around the nominal Straight And Narrow axis line (see recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on "elbow room", on "re-entry", and on "ascending").

    Other than Prophecy and/or Charity what is meant by the above statement "Law Abiding Christian Men And Women Must Be More Than Allowed To Love JESUS Christ And To Know His Wisdom?: a key is that if Christian Churches are to exist and if Christianity is to exist, then properly (see above "fulfillment" [is]"key" [Heaven or lower things such as pains, destructions, and inequality (reference rather laws / Christian Bible including "census" and "Evaluations")]).

    USA federal government is for Christian Ethics or not.

    USA federal government has had more than enough time to decide. You today USA federal government are with more wisdom than the Founding Fathers, if nothing else at least trial-and-error awareness in the sense that if a person flips a coin 1,000 times and every time it comes up heads for instance, then unless foul play the wise bet in the secular sense is to bet that tails will come up: sympathizing with USA federal government it is known Christians have often been found imperfect,

    nonetheless the path for USA appears clear. If to walk into a shopping center or into a Christian Church, no weapon is typically needed, but some religions have obviously been far less than peaceful. Other religions brought idols to worship into USA: decide. To be with an item is not the same as to worship an item. If to worship an elephant or any other than JESUS Christ then not only just cause would be appropriate yet also the greater good, the more perfect, and so on, often it means whether to worship toward wars and lower things or JESUS Christ, though personal faiths also apply (so both positional and personal).

    So for instance the spirit of the Senate matters (such as the spirit of the law) yet also the personal faith of each Senator faith. The vote is JESUS Christ is on track, or other. The "elephant" is on track or other. "There are higher things over people", does the President want the "elephant" to lead or JESUS Christ?, will the "elephant" tell HeForShe whether to abort or not, or will JESUS Christ Precepting Grace?, will the "elephant" deliver out of bondage and establish the True Living Bible In Highest Purpose or will it be of the Word And Will Of JESUS Christ One?, the answer is already known: "There are higher things over people".

    Who Will Lead Higher, a Senator, or a Senator "One"?, "the answer is already known".

    Often it is the case that a student can be absent. But if the teacher is absent then often it is the case that anarchy is imminent.

    Friends, this is not merely about people (of great value). If the Teacher "is absent" according to opted in free choice, then the greatest systems fail.

    The "greatest" in the previous sentence is in the sense of at least the systems people maintain, though far more important is the new to be at least innovated in future years (according to: as stated above "with more wisdom"):

    there are certain things that Will become needful even though unseen currently: the Proper Best Higher is with "the answer is already known" (Proverbs 3.5).

    JESUS Christ said be as this child [obey (One Apostleship Hebrews 13.16&17)].

    Women's rights is more important than the former ways of describing aspects such as the rights over one's own body, the right to be a leader, and the Marriage Vows: obey.

    JESUS Christ One In The New Beginning.

    Even though others were there, when Christian Neil Armstrong stepped onto the Moon He said "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind," with two key components in point for this Sermon aspect, the words "one" and the words "one giant leap for mankind,"

    (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon on Neil Armstrong preferring walking where JESUS Christ walked over walking on the Moon at

    The Christian Bible starts "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1.1 NAS).

    Likewise the Preamble starts "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union".

    These are powerful new beginning statements.

    These are "powerful" because of what they describe, yet also because these greatly address future generations and their anew path ahead.

    In other words the hope is gone: JESUS Christ Edified that when the great Miracles come, the True Prophetic Faith becomes known so the former is no longer Faith

    (Hebrews 11.1). This is not such as a change-of-life for a female in the former sense, this is to change all future lives and how they live.

    This is not merely a right such as to be head of a corporation: from now on try to change everything the most: for better for all.

    Note: and if a woman doesn't want to obey her male husband let her opt beforehand to not become Married (Lexicon at to change "everything" (not merely a personal position) "such as to be [a] head", is no longer former ways toward self-centeredness (including: exclusively the rights of women, or counted as if such [friends]) but instead is rather the JESUS Christ Heart Of Grace [such as the higher Wisdom leading to ibid. (].

    Prepare for Victory in JESUS Christ "Women's rights", that is via JESUS Christ HeForShe (or another would do your job for you such as JESUS Christ USA: and then where hardly would be found your worthiness?, yea), even so Good continues to ascend if Good ascends properly.

    Prepare to JESUS Christ Best ascend alway.

    Prepare now before-the-fact for JESUS Christ Victory so like unto the above stated Preamble and such as Oneness for all humankind and Creating Better Heaven (as much as allowed, obeying: hence Creating Heaven On Earth):

    be JESUS Christ Praying Thankfully and form Your Victory Speech if Given time to Righteously Prepare.

    What value is it to be able to be Prophesying?, to be able to win at the race track, hardly, JESUS Christ Gives to and for the Properly Ascending already; let Your Acceptance Speech be for Highest Purpose and so for their sakes: for the future!

    In other words through JESUS Christ (Matthew 9.29 applies), the Righteous Preamble for the future, helps guide yourself [group vessel] now.

    When You, as much as if a Christian Leader, Properly Ascend in JESUS Christ Precepting for their sakes in the future so for as much as unseen (Luke 14.14 is key [see following note]) then this Prophesying Hope Aspect In You [as much as Perfect] becomes JESUS Christ Empowering You And Yours Currently (even like unto an electrical flow, and as a mountain stream bringing much needed fresh water to the rescue for a sad depleted civilization [yet help those of other places too and simultaneously]).

    Note, the "future" people can be counted as value without being counted as though sinners (Romans 5.13), and more specifically [so subset to the "elbow room"] is the idea (though toward former "idea") that they will not be able to repay (until the Resurrection in One JESUS Christ [They repay according to becoming part of the Ressurection]) is a former Way since time travel is with the Eternal (example the JESUS Christ Transfiguration With Moses And Elijah The Prophet)(ibid. is not of the dead but of the living).

    Prepare Your Proufound Acceptance Speech. "I want to thank my mother and my producer, and" secular cliche won't do (said plainly for Your sake friend).

    "I want to thank the hard working people of HeForShe"..."won't do", this is not about patting each other on the back: "We the people"..."won't do".

    For "mankind" similarly will no longer "do".

    Even the former "In the beginning God" of God Given Grace to rather say (see above text "hope is gone"..."Faith becomes known so the former is no longer Faith")

    JESUS Christ One Victory Is This New Beginning [for all to become JESUS Christ Highest Purpose One and/or likewise JESUS Christ (words of ongoing and Eternal Better and/or Eternal Good, perhaps likely with specifics in pertinence per se such as to describe the Victory and why JESUS Christ was able to see it through for Exemplar for their future sake(s))].

    Your Acceptance Victory Speech is therefore for JESUS Christ (from "In the beginning God" so from "God" Faith to now better Knowing the JESUS Christ Name)

    and hardly about the end as if a death which is not "Victory", so it is not over-and-done in secular cliche of former obsolete ways per se;

    rather Your Christian Acceptance Speech is to set the Anewing Victorying establishing properly motivating in them (in them now and in the future them)

    and along the JESUS Christ Straight And Narrow for Highest Purpose and for their sakes that they Be And Do as You Have Led.

    That they become with Heavenly Joy, yet more importantly is that they become JESUS Christ One Highest Purpose Leading, from new to better New.

    So it is not for You to do and them to quit doing and relax and play and become careless (Matthew 12.43-45)(relaxation and play are with values, see above stated "elbow room", and careless too is with value such as to lead in the entertainment industry, and best supporting is with value as are such as background set preparing works).

    Enoch walked off the face of the Earth with God. Though the greater than Enoch (Continuing as a Great Example in JESUS Christ) is come already as written at,36?lang=eng&clang=eng#p11 ascending from 3 Nephi Chapter 28 verse 2 to verse 3.

    So likewise while Given time, tarry ye here awhile yet be in Christianity With Best Ascending. In so Doing, You Prophetically Will not fall short of the Kingdom Of God and all the Victorying so within.

    HeForShe wants "Women's rights", yet behold it is told to also gain JESUS Christ Victory now in this generation over the poor (Matthew 26.11 according to Matthew 28.20 Victory as much as to Give), and over the thoughts of wars

    (in the sinful lust sense, while otherwise it is alright to think about wars: see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on Maintenance and automating so minimizing),

    and be with JESUS Christ Victory over famine, and over human trafficking, and over all reasons for all sins.

    Do not be deceived ["All warfare is based on deception" (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon at].

    A great cause can be quickly snuffed out. A great civilization can explode itself and be gone.

    Proper JESUS Christ Marriage is that each Be Christian

    (Christian Man, Christian Woman, Christian JESUS Christ Yet Pure Flesh Therefore JESUS Christ Spirit One Christian Family);

    but if not Christian For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, and so if sin, such as to turn to war as if a solution, or such as if to turn to torture and enslavement, or such as if a female is raped, then

    hope is gone.

    May 23, 2019AD.

    Coming soon:

    Planned for the next JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon:

    JESUS Christ Gyroscope Physics Unraveled

    Click for JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Site.

    tags: JESUS Christ USA Christian President Don Trump Prophecy Senate Signing HeForShe Emma Watson United Nations new hope in JESUS Christ Victory Plan For Empowerment of Women Gender Equality Valuations Of Old Testament Precepting Greater with nude swim parties porn per Original Grace Plan masturbating sexual desire Marriage elbow room lesbian Baptized America land of liberty where a female is worth three shekels mainstream television news reported UFO type aliens performing mind control on humans rape victims rapist friends secular Jews stuck in a rut where the money is coming from God Prophetically showing up movie Forrest Gump Tom Hanks Gary Sinise Lieutenant Dan Taylor on the boat hope is gone 2019 2020